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Friday, September 3, 2004
yeah its been kind of a long week & for some reason the computer wasn't going to myOtaku so I couldn't post sorry
pluss now I'm sure its because my brothers keep exparimenting whith things they have no idea what to in they keep meesing up the computer now the moniter won't turn on just makes some wierd noise
not that I could get on before my parents never realized when some one was on they would just try to call some one & the line would be busy because some on was always on!
Oh well now that I got that out we got progress reports yesterday
I have A's in Vet 2&3,Ap sculpture,& of course band. I have a B in Economics, a C in English, & an F in Mareine Biology but because of the way he does grades on reoport card it would have been an A (its weird, good but weird)
Band practice was changed to 3-6 for last night because of colage night so we had to march from 3-5 It was so Hot compared to tipical Florida humidity dry but still really hot. I thought for sure for a while I'd pass out & eared a new aprciation for air conditioning.
Also the hurricane in the east nemed Fransis or somthing was suposed to hit us & be worse than Charlie so we din't have school to day (even though now it looks like it changed dirction) & the football game was cancled (corse that means will have to make it up on a Monday but hey I get on last free friday)
unfortunatly we were supposed to go to my grandmothers this weekend & I was looking forward to waching Inu-yasha & Wolf's Rain & Yu Yu Hakasho & Gundam Seed &&&&& yeah so that disoponting (it was supposed to hit them first)
but I guess thats life (stupid life)
![Loneliness is sadness...]( You are a loner...not that you don't like people, it's just that you like to spend time with yourself or you are an outsider...don't like talking too much and even going out...loneliness isn't healthy, but you like it...what can say?! Just live the way you want...u_u
What kind of friend are you?(anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, August 29, 2004
I have internet I have internet
well sort of the friend of my moms
(Mark) that I mentiond yester gave us his old modem which some how has internet access yeah *throws conftee* unfortunatly it ties up our phone line so will probably have like hour time limets any ways so I'll still probaly go to the library like a dork but I might be able to update now a little more!
anyways our youth group had a bake sale today wich felt long & boring
& I still haven't started on my Beowulf esay quitions but in theroy since I had to answer 4 of those types of questions last year in 45min. it shouldn't be that hard
Oh & Number 5 kind of pointed somthing out for me
if you come to my site after the day I updated (because despite my new internet acess still probally won't be allot) I really don't mind you commenting then actually I'd still be very happy for it so you shoud *grabs short soward* *evil grin* it would probaly be in your best health to do so anyways :)
so I shall leave you with a quize
![sfdtdjf]( You're Element is Night. You're a loner who is very creative but never show your work to anyone. You may smile a little but sadness or loneliness surround you and other can feel it when they're near you. You have a dark or unusual beauty that makes you mysterious and you probably have a lot of secrets that you've never told anyone. You're beauty is intriging and unorthidox but the real thing that makes you special is your eyes. Something in them makes them like Diamonds in the Rough.
What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES) brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, August 28, 2004
Well I'm almost done whith Mostly Harmless.
& finnaly finnished the ending of Beowulf so now all I have to do is answer the essay questions.
Also though theres now the 15th Dragon Knights book at the library so I'll probaly read that when after I've been to everyones sites
One of my moms friends though is comming over to eat tonight & she hasn't seen him in a long time so she been frantic to get the house clean.
but thats about all for now I might come back later & post a quize or somthing.
Number 5 sorry I forgot to tell you in my comment Vet is short for Vetrinain Assistant basicaly the 1st year & 1/2 you learn about differnt animals in general then in the folwing years about the differnt systems & midical terminogy
(Yeah I know that was a little more than you asked for but just in case you were curiose
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Friday, August 27, 2004
Another week gone!
Okay I'd like to just say first of please leave comments *gets down on knees*please please please the last post was ther for a week & I only got 1 comment I feel so unloved ;_;. just kidding but they really would be aprciated.
anyways Monday I really did end up catching a really bad cold so I didn't go to Teakwondo(I think I spelt it right this time!) Tuesday morning I only went to school because of band the plan was (& we succed in) puting 10 pages of drill on the feild in addition to the 3 we learned last thursday thats our intire oppening soung yeay *throws confty* 1 down 3 to go!
Neddless to say affter all that I took my mom up on the offer of not going school on Wendsday partly to catch up on all the work I didn't do in class!
Thursday I was much better! Plus We started cleaning opener which is somthing we usually don't get to doing until Oct.
Were soposed to put our second peice on tuesday.
Then of course today which has ben rather uneventfull
I had a Ferret test in Vet2 & a digstive system on in Vet3 (which I got a 94% on I mixed up the defintion of the processes of rumination & mastication)
In English we started whachin the 13th worrier because its loosly based off of Grendel which w just finnised & I have to finnist an essay Test on it for Monday when will start Grendel wich is the "bad guys" version of the story
& thats pretty much it.
(comment please if you don't I have less to read!)
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Monday, August 23, 2004
I'm back again kind of
So how did I get here I'm sure your wondering (yeah right)
well as it turns out I had to look somthing up for economics on the internet but I got what I needed so I figured I'd go ahead and post unfortunatly somthings happend & my dads mad at me right now so I don't think I'll be able to sneak in engough time to stop by all of your site sorry.
The condo wasn't to bad this weekend except I got a sunburn on the top of my arms. On the bright side though the annoing guy whose usually there & has the adicitcy (sp wrong sorry) to call me a prep wasn't there this year so I was very happy.
I had to draw a picture this weekend to represn't a scene from Beowulf but they all really sucked bad! fortunatly there was 1 (oddly enough the 1 I thought was the worst 1) that my partner managed to salvage & spare us some dignaty
in the end it wasn't half bad!
On the topic of drawing I now have 3 pic. 1 of Kenshin, 1 of Karou, & 1 oranginal that I wouldn't mind posting if only I had a scaner! I'm scanerless its horible & this time the pics. are actually half way decent!
the last thursday I think it was we had our wonderful beging of the year assibly & of course it was verry boring so me ad my friend Dot started writing & drawing radom stuff back & forth in which I put my take on life:
Life stinks you got to school for 12 years just to get out thinking the worst is over to go to college for 4+ years & if you think you can now do what ever you want you'd be wrong because now your broke & have to get a high paing job to pay for all those things & in the end have no time left to do all the things you want to do.Then you die.
& I'm an optimist!
Yep that pretty much as well as I can some up life
I think I'm geting a cold *snezzes*
yeah that all for now by
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Friday, August 20, 2004
& another week goes by
Yep its Friday again
Heres the highligts for the week
Gymnastics was great if you missed it & for some reason want to know what happened (& havn't heard from any one else) just ask & I'll tell you but I'm to lazy to write about all that right now.
In band we tracked Hook Ovature on Tueday & started setting drill yesterday, but unfortuantly only got 3 pages done!
also today we finally got Presenting the Hook which is pretty much the Hook/Smea theme (if you don't know what I'm talking about wach Hook (whith Robin Willams playing Peter Pan))
Brett finaly remebered to bring Mostly Harmless which is the 5 & finnal book in the Hichicers GuideTriogy (yes I know but it says its that on the book)
the beging 4pages before the 1st chapter says this:
anything that happens, happens.
Anything that, in happening, causes somthing else to happen, causes somthing else to happen.
Anything that, in happening, causes itself to happen again, happens again.
It doesn't naecessarily doit in chronological order, though.
Then this is what the back ofthe book says:
It's easy to get disheartedned when your planet has been blown up, the woman you love has vanished in a misunderstanding about space/time, the spaceship you are on crashes on a remote and Bob-fearing planet, and all you have to fall back on is a few simple sandwich macking skills. However, instead of being disheartedned, Arthur Dnt makes the terrible mistake of starting to enjoy life abit and, immediately, all hell breaks loose.
Hell takes a number of forms: there is the usual Ford Prefect form of hell, fresh hell in the form of an all-new version of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and a totally unexpected hell in the form of a teenage girl who startles Arthur dent by being his daughter when he didn't even know he had one.
Can Arthur save the Earth from total multidimensional obliteration? Can he save the Guide from a hostile alien takeover? Can he save his daughter, Random, frome herself?
Of course not. He never works out wht is going on exactly. Will you?
Why did I tell you all this I don't know I forgot sorry -_-'
but anyways you really sould read the series its halarious!
Jessica the same day brought me Brothers in Arms from the Raistlin Chronicles volume 2 form the Dragon Lance series I'll save you the details in that but If you like Fanisy I know its not manga but you should still read it its great!
Plus in English were reading Beowulf so I have a lot of reading to do!
In sculpture my teacher talked me into going form 2 to AP so will see how that works out but right now I'm sill trying to finish this projuct of radom thing the only requirment is that we inquporate the 7 mini asgniments we had before. I love random! :)
Yep that pretty much it for so far this week, but tonight were going to this condo my grandma rents out for like a week every year & we get to use it for a weekend so I won't be around but I think I'll find an exuse to be here Monday in the mean time I'll do my best to get to your sites
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Sunday, August 15, 2004
Okay I think I got around to every ones site but I didn't really feel like doing the math so if you updated in the beging of the week I probably missed you sorry
![]( What Azumanga Daioh Character Are You
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this is more than a little annoing
I know I've heard other people complian about the same thing & it irritates me just as much them
some one delited a GB intery & I would really like to know why I haven't had a chance to look but....its kind of obvious when the # drops so whover did it please till me why exptialy if its somthing I did
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Okay lets try this again
I keep trying to post & things keep iterupting me & I have to keep starting over!
the Anime convintion was a lot of fun but I'm to lazy to wright about it again so if you really want to know just comment & I'll leave it in my next post!
The week was pretty much a normal school week on tuesday in band we did just forward marching again trying to make that perfictly clean
on thursday we only had picturs & practiced our music just a little till 6 & thin he let us go so we could prepare for Friday a wonderful day with no School!
why no school? we were soposed to get hit whith hiricane Charilie at the time it was only a high 2 probaly 3 when it was going to to hit at about 11 that night imagine my suprise when it was almost a 5!
fortunatly it change dirictions & missed us but I do fell real sorry for those it hit! anyways the point being Friday & Saturday the Library was closed there for dening me access
up that about all for now its 2 so I only have 3 hours left so I'm sorry if I don't get to your site today (I read kind of slowly)
same if you recently signed my GB. I'm sorry but I may have to get to you friday or saturday soo... yeah by
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Friday, August 6, 2004
some things I forgot
Brett finnaly brought me The next book (#4) in the increasnly miss named "Hitihikers Guide Trilogy" So Long & Thanks For All the Fish
I can't wait to read it.
also my Parents anvisery is today for what ever thats worth & I had my first Teaquondo (I'm never going to get the spelling) class since I came back from my aunts house & dicided I didn't like them as much but I guess thats the breaks.
did I mention I get to go to an Anime Convention *grins widly* (if you cant tell I'm really happy about that) I'll leave you with quiz
(okay abvously thats not my username but the other ones were sick & pervertive so I got frustrated....& yeah
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