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Sunday, July 25, 2004
I'm back home
yep I'm no longer at my aunts house so I have to go to the library again for internet access
plus band camp starts tomorow *groans*
(don't leave any 1 time at band camp comments I will kill)
but it doesn't start till 3 so I can come her first not to mintion sleep in
I didn't get to see anything last nigh (back to no cable) what happend on Inu-Yasha & Wolf's Rain?
Well I now have a nice long book to read again The Dolphins of Pern
I saw Along Came Polly last night, I'll see Butterfly effect tomorow
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Sunday, July 18, 2004
I hate being right!
I was forced to whach bayeblades last night it was horible
anime creators realy need to stop with the game themes there pointless enough (even though for some reason I do enjoy some)
& to top it of there tops dum stupid to
okay now that thats out of my system
inu-yasha was halourse *looks wrly at the spelling* okay really really funny
Wolf's Rain was alsome
Kulabars not dead in Yu YU hakasho
okay why'd I say all that I don't know I'm just really dored & have to go
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Saturday, July 17, 2004
good news it sounds like sessh has gaind controle of the t.vv so I don't have to worry abvout my uncles control*jumps up & down happily*
the only unfortunate thing is I think he'll make us wach Bladebades instead of Gudam Seed :(
*exitement dims*
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hi I'm back again
sorry I disapared for so long my brothers have been on a lot more than before and I couldn't seem to get them off with out geting in troble so uh...yeah...
anyways not much has happend expet my dad came over & we were going to play disc golf but the guy wasn't there so we went boling & as usual I played a sucky game (I could barly break 60) but my dad was beary breaking 100 so I felt a little better!
but thats about it
next week though is band camp (makes face) so I pretty much ony have 1 week of summer left
speaking of band camp I'm really beging to hate the phrase "one time at band camp"!
I have to hear it all the time!
okay now that thats over once school starts up again I'll probaly just be on during the weekends again
& if a fail to get on before then I'm sorry!
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Thursday, July 8, 2004
sorry I'm not on muuch
I have been finding it increasinly difficult to get online so if I don't come by I'm really sorry. :(
anyways my brother sessh's birthday was Saturday we went over to the Anime Pavilion which (I didn't even know *exicted jumps up & down very happy*)
anyways lucky us accidently walked in on a day they had some specail thing going on it was a lot of fun! plus we got a lot of new manga we got 4-7 of Samuri Depper Kyo, 4 of Kenshin,& 1 of Chrono Crusades.
plus the Chobit sound track (Chi voice is so pretty!) & a Kenshin Sound track. & a D.N.Angel calender that my brothers will probably turn into posters.
Then on Sunday (I hope everyone I a good 4 of July) my aunt took me to this all day concert thing where unfortunatly at first the concerts were like an hour apart until nightfall (they had those blow-up things & face painting but it was mostly for younger kids) & it was really really hot! my aunt bought $10 worth of water before she discoverd where there was free water & most of it end up on us instead of in us Unfortunatlythe waterevaprated right after contact!
but after 5 it really cooled off
& was a lot of fun. I mean Mark Shultz was there it was great.
Plus I found out night of Joy is now 3 nights which would be good but why Thursday why not Sunday stupid band practice & fotball games always geting in my way
I told 2 people at my aunts church last night I couldn't do somthing because I had band camp & each time I had to hear "One time at band camp" if I hear that phrase 1 more time someones going to get it!
anyways (wow I'm saying that alot)
on Tuesday Sessh & nathan (they probably want to tell you themselfs but I'm going to any ways because I can! *laghs evily*) got their eyes checked & now they both have to wear glasses
Also on Tuesday I found out why Brett can't be choked we had to do these neck excusizse & man they hurt *rubs neck*
& just for the sake of it yesterday I found out I lost 10 pounds I din't even know I had 10 pounds to lose!
oh well thats about all for now!
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Wednesday, June 30, 2004
no no no noooooooooooooooooooooooo how could they!!!!
Anime Unleashed took off Last Exile off before it was over I wanted to see what happend! I mean Gatekepper 21 (thats what they replaced it whith) is cool & everthing but LE was so much cooler! *weeps & winds a little longer*
Oh well on a brighter note I got to see Spiderman 2 today it was so great!
My brother told me later that he had got into a converstion about anime whith a guy working consition stand because the guy saw the manga he brought whith
so natuarly hes in a great deal of pain right now for not draging me over!
My aunt lost my TB shot thing so now I can't work whith the anmials at the zoo unless she finds it & I have no idea what the form looks like so I'm helpless its so sad.
oh & for what ever its worth my aunt did finaly buy us shirts to wear in our Tae Kwondo (okay that is difantly not spelled right get over it!) class which is good because the top of my uniform kept sliding down when ever we did jumping jacks!
Last Sunday at church was a little wierd because there was no actual sermon you could propbaly call it old fashion penecostal I gues because the whole time people were just praying some move kind of weird, many fell & there was a lot of speaking in tounges. Even though I know it was God it doen't change how freaky it is expcaily I gues the first time you see it!
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Sunday, June 27, 2004
belive it or not I love camp!
yes camp was fun once you get over waking up at 6 in the morning to motercyles, drums, anoing hipitch whicles that should die, & over all yell only to run an opstical course (that was actualy easair this year) Plus my borthers didn't go! thats always great
I was on team 1 which was the creative ministies team where basicaly we song idiotic songs preformed scits & did puppet stuf for kids which meant being in air conditioning which definatly beats working like I usualy do!
now for highlighst of that wonderful week!
first on Saturday 1 of the tents colapsed twice then later a new tent for the same girls flooded!
I got major rug burn doing 1 of the skits but it was kind of funny because no one noticed for 2 days
on tuesday 2 people gave there testomonis & everyone ended up crying (well almost)
it took every thing I had to comfort people & hold back on my first reaction of running aways as fast as posible but we all got through it.
plus I forgot to tell you in my last post but my birthday was wendsday & every body had to sing happy birthday not once but twice & considering the fact that I don't like a lot of atention this was horble!
thats all for now on that but I'll probably write radom things in other post about it.
I now have a lot of aunt bites & the 3 around my ankle
Hurt realy bad
The pain is driving me mad
Robert Lee
I'm sorry I had to get that out of my sestum if you don't understand it don't worry about it I would be very suprised if you did
anyways friday night a 10 year odd beat me at chess (to give you some idea of how much I suck)
beds are so nice though
so was all the wonderfull anime last night! but it sounds like AS may be taking alot of it off & thats just wrong!
okay yeah
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Saturday, June 19, 2004
by by by
well in about 2min. I'm leaving for my church camp in South Carolina which is fun
but I'm going to miss all my shows tell next Saturday!
So if yall could just pray for me
& tell me what everything was about that would be great!
see ya
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Thursday, June 17, 2004
yes yes yes!
Okay my weeks been okay I pulled weeds tuesday at the zoo because I coldn't find the landscaping guy so they just pointed and said weed
also I got my first strip on my belt so I was very happy! I struggled on the verbel part (counting to 10 in Keorean) but they gave it to me anyways
then on wendsday I was at the zoo again working in the giftshop which was easy & kind of fun
my other aunt's car got a flat tire though so I missed youth group
also yesterday they took off Duel (I couldn't tell if it was the end it seemed like there should still be more but hey) from Anime Unleashe & now Last Exiles on & I've been dying to see that for ages
I read about it once in one of our Newtypes & after that had to see it & now its on
its frustrating because I'll miss a whole week when I'm in South Carolina next week but at least I get to see some!
also I descoverd 11 is a good time to come on so I should be on more!
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Monday, June 14, 2004
All but one of my brothers are gone for this next week so geeting on should be eseair (their not soposed to know I can).
Of course once their back deficulty starts because my uncle caught sessh looking for random computer filles so he started unpluging the computer when he leaves exept for when sesh isn't here (like this intire week yea!)
anyways Thursday I had some weird zoo volentear meeting or somthing what I didn't realize is that manly people who've been there a long time go to those so unlike at my classes every one was old so I felt just a little aquward.
Friday I was dragged of to this Dr Golddsby (or somting like that) who does this weird arm thing when he hovers on hand above a spot in your body and then he pushes your arm down & he counts it and some how tells you whats wrong.
LIke for instance last time there was somthing wrong whith my heart so I got a cardopack of vitamains
this time its everything else (I'm running off of adreanline according to my aunt)& aparntly my bodys not absorbing any thing so I have to take B12 & somthing else. The creepy thing is it works!
okay now that I have compltly bored you nothing hapend on Saturday exept I missed Yu Yu Hackasho again! My uncle keeps taking over the tv. even though he was waching CBS (which he could wach in his room) he still refused!
Sunday after chrh I did my first job at the zoo I was sopposed to be doing the mebership table but the guy wasn't there to help me so I inded up sherding paper for 2 horus which as you can imagine was tons of fun *rolls eyes*
& know today I woke checked my email & got online before my brother wakes up
I went to bed at 12:30 instead of 2 & now I disided to sleep in to 11. *shurgs oh well
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