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Tuesday, June 8, 2004
I hate pictures!
I hade my senior pics today & I hated every second of it first I had to wate in the entrce for a hour then I had to get in some stupid black shirt like thing & sit in another room with people I ethier didn't know or didn't like for anothe half hour then I had to take a milion pictures kept moving me to much touching *crings whith the tought*
plain & with fuzy things & flowers &...*...I felt like a prep I& I'm positive they'll come out prepy
If I made the zoo thing sound bad its not really that horrible exept you have to take classes to work with the animals & most of them are during the school year so right now all I can do is landscaping, greeting, giftshop, & membership sign up table thing. but soon I should be able to work in the bat avery which should be fun but for schoolarships next year I need the servce hours because I have next to none!
I finnaly got to see Van Hellsing last week & to my supprise Harry Potter up untill Saturday when my aunt told me could I thought I'd have to wait at least a month but hey it was so cool fortunatly its been a few years sinces I've read the book so I didn't have the thats not soppose to happen like that problem but it was still realy cool!
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Monday, June 7, 2004
Well I've been at my aunt's house & she's been trying to get me in the Zoo volentear program there & martial arts (I can't spell it corectly enough for it to be reconizible so...yeah)
I now can come on every day if I get the chance but only an hour at a time so if I don't come by your site for awile I'm sorry!
saturday I missed all of Tonomi but I did get to see all of Adult Swim so thats good expcaily since the started Which Hunter Robin on it this week it was great!
instead of Big O I whached Beterman on Anime Unleashed but I've seen so little of It I realy didn't understand it at all. (can anybody explain it for me?)
I've also saw some Duel & Case Closed during the rest during the week day which is prety cool. (I love cable!)
I had to come home for Senoir pictures though but I get to go back tomorrow unfortunatly my brothers will be there!
I did get to see Last Samuri again last night & Paycheck today
I also got to see X it was sooooo cool
my moms making me leave now by
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Saturday, June 5, 2004
sorry I haven't posted latly I've been at my aunts so I can come on an hour a day but I've been real busy. Its past 10:30 though & my uncle stole the remote so I can't whach TV. its so sad anime at my fingertips yet its so far away
Oh well I should still be able to catch Inuyasha & Wolfs Rain & my borthers can tell me about the rest(they're at my grandmother)
I'll explain more later see ya!
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Sunday, May 23, 2004
Okay so last night I whached Pumi Pumi Poemy that was the stragest anime ever. The main charcter talked about a milion miles a minute you could hardly understand a word of it. Basically you had to follow it by what you saw & the verry little bit you could understand but over all it was pretty funny.
Latter my brother called up his friend John & since all 3 of our phones are on the same line I was bored so I got on the other phone & listened to them talk (John did tend to compain that I never talke expcailly after he figured out how to three way plus since iwas there he said it was 4 way but it was pointless if I didn't talk or somthing like that I can't help it I don't talk much can't you tell :) )
anyways today I finnised reading the 3rd Demon Diarys (now all I have to do is read the first to so I can acctually under stand it) & I read the 24 (I think) Ranma book & I'll read Suki if I have time (arn't librarys great!)
Also awhile ago my brother borrowed from one of his friends XXXHolic it was great I can't wait for the next one!
I do have to go home soon & finnish my stupid Adgebra 2 exam reviw (& I'm not even taking the exam its pointless!)
oh well
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Saturday, May 22, 2004
Okay every thing since I was out
The weekend off my last real post
I got to see Wolf's Rain & FLCL &
Inu-yasha & a few other things I
can't think of right now!
Schools almost over Monday we have
our frist exam & then a regualer
day after that is half days for
exams & since I exmpted my 2 & 5
period exams on Tusday I get to
come late & on Wendsday I get to
leave earler (ain't life great)
unfortuantly Wendsday is also
graduation so I have to play
Pomp&Curcumcatnce a billion times
while the walk down 1 inch an hour
then theres all the boring
speaches *shacks head sadly*
We got our yearbooks last Friday &
seniors left tuesday.
Today though I finnaly got to read
the first Fruit Baskets it was
great! I'm now starting on Demon Diary.
Pluss I finnished Life the Univese
& Everything it was great in this
one part Arther encouters this
thing that as it turns out every
time it get recanated Arther
killed it including this one time
in the 1st book where 2 missiles
turn into a whale & a pot of
Patunias which explains why its
only thought was oh no not again.
Also I went to my first Hoot which
is when a bunch of people from
past chrsilises get together it
was on the beach & a lot of fun
I some how ended up with a bunch
of people that were playing gatar
but I got to sing a long so it was fun :)
okay I think thats all for now
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Friday, May 21, 2004
hey look
yeah my post are back
I'm so happy oh so happy (yeah I'll leave it at that)
I gues some how I put to much in my intro because after I earsed somthing they came back -_- :)
It would be nice though if you would read my post before all of this happend its a little aut of date now but its kind of funny I think I'll have to reread it myself har har har
well thats all I'll wright now tomorow or sunday I'll give you a real update.
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Friday, May 7, 2004
hhhhhhhhheeeeeeelllllllllloooooooooo okay this is getting very annoying my post keep disapearing
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very intersting week
okay well first off when I said
there was a talking sofa in my
book I lied
there was a sofa being minipulated
by edies in the time/space contiume
It was a talking mattres though
she (well at least I think its a
she) was attempting to strike up a
conversation whith Mavin (the
depresed robot)
Tuesday we had our band concert
but it was on the night of Tiff's
funeral so we held it back till
7:30 so some band members could go
but by the time it was our (the
synphonic band's) turn to go on we
were still missing a lot of people
including our only 2 1st trumpets
so we had an extermely long
intermision whith intertainmet
Garret got up & started sing New
York New York (at least I think
thats what its called) & Greg
started dancing & a bunch of stuff
like that it was really funny.
Yesterday we had a bomb threat &
on my way down from the stadium
after words I twisted my ankle &
man that hurts
Also in english were reading
Catcher in the Rye which would be
okay exept it cusses every other
frilling word its crazy
My band banquets tonight but I never got the money to pay for a tiket & it just doesn't seem worth it to go & not eat so....
The CornerStone concerts sarts
tonight in Orlando though & I
really want to go theres going to
be 80 christion rock bands 80! but
my mom wont let me go its horibale
& were going to my grandmother house again & she only lives an hour from Orlando it so depresing *shakes head bitterly*
Oh well I'll be back next week
Oh real quick I almost forgot we dicided to name our kittens Fraya & Chi
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Monday, May 3, 2004
beware its sad
I found out to day that 2 girls at
my school died in a car crash
(there were even news people at
our school in the morning)
& I was suprised to find out i
knew them both they hung out at my
amrican history teacher MR.vance
during luch & I'd go in there some
times & I knew a lot of people it
efected so...uh...yeah *crys a
little* we pretty much did nothing
during history because of it
I'm may not get to too emotion but
I guess waching every one else
that realy gets to me
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Sunday, May 2, 2004
Ijust tried changing 1 thing & I end up having to take off mast of my intro *shakes head sadly* & I had a good picture of Alucard when it sowed up *crys thinking of the waste of the picture*
also I was wondering if any one knows what happened to Overlord Inuyasha he seems to have disapeard
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