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a billion miles from sanity
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Kashin is all you need to know
I graduated!!!!!!! yeah thats about it
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Ruroni Kenshin, and while just about everything I've seen with a few exceptions
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Thursday, April 12, 2007
sooo full
I had country fried steak for breakfast today...that was really good...
well lets see...yesterday...I put up my cloths cleaned my rabbit cage and found some pants I'm actually confortable in...
went to church which was allright...I don't know maybe its just me but it seems like most there just...lake that fire you know...I miss it...
anyways...whatched Lost...everything is building...I have a feeling they arn't going to be very trusting of Jack soon...
hmmmmm what else what else...
well there isn't really much else to say so...I'll just post Lunnaei's part of the iceburg
Lunnaei (11-3-06): Her brain was still processing what just happened. The pain registered first, and a soft groan escaped her. She waited for something else to click in her mind, but nothing came, just more pain. It intensified and spread from the dart in her stomach. Her body began to quake. Finally her knees gave out and she crumpled to the floor. The arms that caught her did not register in her agony numbed mind. She frowned…how had she gotten on the floor? Oh how she hurt. A voice broke through the lethargy that wrapped her head in gauze and threatened to take her to sweet, painless darkness. “Miina.” She was sure he sounded like he was crying. “Miina. You have to stay awake. You’ll be okay. Just stay awake!” “Why…why did she?” It was another voice, another man. That was right. She remembered now. Marikus, her father, had found out that she was harboring a fugitive. Her father had been furious, and was going to kill the renegade, but she had gotten in the way. Miina managed to open her eyes a little and look at the face of the one that held her. “Tzein…” She was not sure she had actually managed to say his name. Tears streamed down the young man’s face as he rocked her gently. “Miina, you’ll be alright. Just hang on, okay?” Tzein was a nice young man. Miina had found him hiding in the shed about a month ago. He had scared her at first, but once she learned he was injured she no longer cared who he was or who he was running from, she wanted to help him. It took a while for him to trust her, but once he did they had spent a lot of time together. Tzein was a deserter from the Shefram Imperial Forces. He had come to the conclusion that he could not help the Shefram Empire, and so had left, but not before being arrested for treason. He had managed to escape, and found his way out into the back woods, where Miina found him. Blood drowned her throat, and she coughed and sputtered trying to breathe again. She hurt so much… ~^*^~^*^~^*^~^*^~^*^~^*^~^*^~^*^~^*^~^*^~^*^~^*^~^*^~^*^~ Marikus stared in shock. He had not expected his daughter to protect a Shefram Soldier, but he could not deny that she had. His throat closed with fear and disbelief. The soldier cradled his daughter in his arms, silent tears streaming down the boy’s face as he reassured his dieing child. “Get her up, boy, and to the house,” Marikus managed to choke out. He needed help if he was going to keep Miina alive, even if that help had to come from the enemy. Tzein glanced up at him, but did as he was told. Marikus would kill him later, and he would not let this slime forget it. “Don’t get comfortable boy. If you have any heart in you you’ll help me save her. But don’t think I’ll warm up to scum like you.” The soldier said nothing, Marikus was fine with that. He did not care what the Shefram filth might say. All Marikus wanted right now was to save his daughter. ~^*^~^*^~^*^~^*^~^*^~^*^~^*^~^*^~^*^~^*^~^*^~^*^~^*^~^*^~ Tzein carried Miina into the house and laid her down. *Please be okay Miina. Please. I’m so sorry.* He was sure this was his fault. Had he not stayed, her father would not have discovered him, and she would not be hurt right now. He did not respond when the man told him to not get comfortable, there was no point in responding. Tzein knew that Miina’s father would never believe he was a deserter, an outcast from his own family, and a fugitive wanted for betraying the Shefram Empire. That was not important right now though, saving Miina was. He tried to stop the tears, but could not. It did not matter; he could still do what was needed. He worked on treating Miina, the young woman’s father behind him, crossbow aimed at the back of his head. Tzein made himself ignore the looming threat and pull all of his soldiers training into saving Miina’s life. Hours passed, but finally she was stable, and he was certain she would live. Though he was sure /he/ would not be when she finally woke. “On your feet boy,” the man ordered. Tzein slowly stood. He tried to think of what he could say to convince this man, but nothing came to mind. “You’ll upset her more…” “I’ll do what’s best for her, boy, and getting you out of here is best. Now move.” Tzein swallowed the growing lump in his throat and went as directed, hands up and out to the side where Miina’s father could see them. He was taken to the shed he had originally been found in and shoved against the wall. So, he was going to die execution style? He took a calming breath and braced himself for death… ((Woo! ^,^;; Sorry I wrote so much, just wanted to give it a good start. ^,^;; *hands it to Kibou* Ah-hehhehhehheh. Have fun. ^,^;; *is never going to be able to think of Tzein and Marikus the same now* ~,~;; ))
okay...see ya..
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