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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
as promised the emo gundam pilot interview...
Kashin: Hello, my names is Kashin and today I shall be interviewing Lunnaei, here, about the emo-ness in Gundam Wing. So Lunnaei how exactly is Gundam Wing “emo”?
Lunnaei: Well, Kashin, Gundam Wing seems to be the epitome of Emo. Let's take Wufei as our first example. "I'm too weak! Disown me Nataku!" Emo!!
Kashin: well uh...I guess I can kind of see what your saying...but isn't emo all whinny....everyone is against me....cutting your self....and wearing your little sisters jeans.......
Lunnaei: *snickers* That's what most people think of, yes, but Emo is essentially, overly emotional. Take Quatre's Emo fit (partly assisted by Wing Zero's cockpit system) after the colony turns on his father...
Kashin: hmmmm I think I do understand your point so then any reaction due to an abundance of emotion is considered emo? Who would you consider the most emo character in the series?
Lunnaei: The over abundance of emotional reaction, that flaws one's Emo....As for most Emo....Wufei seems a consistent Emo, though Zechs has the most devastating Emo fit throughout the series...
Kashin: okay so there are two...well lets see you already kind of mentioned one of Wufei's fits...but would you care to elaborate and give some more examples for those who may not remember it?
Lunnaei: Of course. Well, let's see...I've mentioned the "I'm so weak! Disown me Nataku!" all because Treiz beat him, and then there's the "Because my master blew up himself and the colony to allow me to fight unimpeded I'm gonna kill everyone that wants to fight in space!" Emo!!
Kashin: okay...I suppose you have a point what about Zechs I mean sure he has a weird way at getting to peace...but emo?
Lunnaei: Oh, of course it's emo! "I can't believe my little sis gave into the evil foundation people so I'm going to go into space and destroy the Earth so little sis don't have to give in to the evil people there!" Emo!!
Kashin: but what about the fact that when she was no longer queen and he still wanted to destroy the earth?
Lunnaei: Sometimes it's hard to get over Emo fits...first little sis gives in, then it's a "Space hates Earth, so I'm gonna destroy it and I don't really have a legitimate reason anymore!" Emo!
Kashin: *cough/laugh try to stay impartial* Well what about the other pilots I mean you can't call a series emo just because of two characters.
Lunnaei: about Heero? He's had at least one emo fit. "OMG some stranger saw my face so now I have to destroy my mobile suit and kill myself!" Emo! Like.../really/ Emo!! Sorry...let me revise that statement... "OMG some stranger saw my face so now I have to destroy my mobile suit and kill myself, and kill the one that saw....and not in that order!" Emo!
Kashin: *dies laughing inside…doing well to hide it outside. ^,^;;* Okay...well was it just that one?
Lunnaei: Oh no! Not at all! Let’s see here…Heero’s next Emo fit was…well…guess you could say his next serious one was when he ended up using the Emo Suit. Wing Zero that is. *nodnod* “Everyone’s my enemy, the world is out to get me, kill, kill, KILL!!” Emo!!
Kashin: *snerk* don't you think you've gone a bit far....a suit is a thing and it doesn't have any how can you call it emo?
Lunnaei: Okay, so the suit isn’t Emo, but it sure makes the pilot go off the deep end Emo. Duo, Quatre, Zechs, Heero. At least /part/ of their emo fits were due to the Zero system messing with their heads and causing hallucinations.
Kashin: hold on Quatre? but he's so sweet even with the "emo" suit how could you ever say he went on to an emo rampage?
Lunnaei: Of course Quatre! He destroyed whole colonies!! “The colony turned on my father and killed him so I’m gonna destroy the colonies!!” Emo!! But again…only /part/ of that was the Emo Suit. He went all Emo over the colony people turning on his father, and the Zero’s Emo System just made it worse…took Trowa about dieing for him to snap out of his emo fit…
Kashin: Okay, okay...I think I am becoming rather convinced but just incase others have doubts would you like to go ahead and talk about the other wonderful emo fits?
Lunnaei: Like to? I’d love to. XD Let’s see...Zechs! “I don’t have anyone left to protect so I’m gonna go hide away then join some crazy rebel group just so I feel like I have something to live for again!” Emo! Duo! “Ah! Everything’s out to get me and Zero is showing me all my enemies, so I’m going to shoot randomly!” Emo! >,< Okay…so that one has a /little/ bit of an excuse… Heero! “I’m so weak! I’m don’t deserve to live! So I’m gonna kill you Zechs, ‘cause you’re even more emo than me!” Emo!! Zechs!! “I’m so weak, and I’m weaker then you, so I’m gonna fight you, but you can’t die, ‘cause you’re so much better than me!” Emo! And then Heero again! And I quote!!!! “Life is a cheap thing, especially my life.” …Need I say anything to that one? Didn’t think so…but I will…EMO! And Wufei...*shakes head* He’s emo for more than half the episodes he’s in! It’s either the “I’m too weak” or the “we’re all weak”. ~,~;; *shrugs* What can I say Kashin? Gundam Wing equals Emo. *sage nod*
Kashin: well yes clearly one last question though...maybe....what about Trowa you never mentioned him was he saved from the emoness?
Lunnaei: For the most part…he had his little spells but I’ll not hold those to him, poor kid ended up with amnesia and flashbacks…that’s a medical condition…not an emo fit. *nods* Four out of five Emo Gundam Pilots (or five out of six if you consider Zechs) makes for an Emo Show, eh?
Kashin: that it does my friend that it does well I hope you have all learned the valuable lesson to beware of emo Gundam pilots please. Join us next time as we move on in this Gundam Wing series to discuss Quatre=Yugi and Season 0 Yami.
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