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Ontario, Canada
Member Since
University Student
Real Name
Tom (actually Tomas, but I now prefer Tom)
I'm great at games, and I've written the most articles on theotaku (I'm also the third most popular writer, and I have a 98% rating).
Anime Fan Since
Somewhere around 1999. But I only REALLY got into anime in about 2003-ish.
Favorite Anime
Princess Mononoke. Easily the best movie ever created. However, Rave Master, Love Hina, and Rurouni Kenshin (can't pick between them) are my favorite series of animes.
Gah! What do I put here?! Anime-related goals? Real goals? GAH!
Video Games (Nintendo all the way!!!), Snowblading, Swimming, Soccer, Breakdancing, Juggling, Swordfighting, Writing.
Smart, becoming obsessed with anime and video games, writing, and a few other things.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, February 13, 2006
Another article done... although I doubt anyone cares...
Episode 9.5 of the .hack//SIGN project (see January 23, 2006 post if you don't know what this is).
Well, my new article is up. You can check it out here. It's on Princess Mononoke. And if you have never seen the movie, SEE IT!! BEST MOVIE EVER CREATED!!
I just finished and submitted my next article in my Princess Mononoke series. I was REALLY happy with this one. Mainly because of the question that I ask at the end, as well as the whole comparison I do at the end.
There's still one more in the series. I'm about halfway through writing it, so it should be up in a few more days.
Quote of the Post: "Shine and hold up the sky. Young boy, become a legend." - Evangelion, Intro Theme
You can check out my articles here.
And my wallpapers here.
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
Another article series?!?! Yeah...
Episode 9.5 of the .hack//SIGN project (see January 23, 2006 post if you don't know what this is).
Well I wrote and submitted another article. This ones is on Princess Mononoke. In fact, I've already almost finished the second one in this series! Yeah, I'm doind another series of articles, this time on Princess Mononoke. I think there are going to be three this time.
Well I finished Prince of Persia: Two Thrones last night. It had a very cool ending that tied to the first. All in all, it was a good series (this one was the last, I'm positive).
I'm making a banner for my site. I'm almost done, and it looks really awsome! I'll probably finish tonight or tomorrow.
I changed my avatar again!! This time it's of Elie, from Rave Master. She's the best. Well, maybe. Actually, she and Sheena are tied. Yeah, that's it... man I'm lonely... I feel very pathetic... lol... *sigh*...
Quote of the Post: "Even one who masters the sword must bow to the power of magic." - Sieg Hart, Rave Master
You can check out my articles here.
And my wallpapers here.
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Saturday, February 11, 2006
Suprise Suprise!!
Episode 9.5 of the .hack//SIGN project (see January 23, 2006 post if you don't know what this is).
Well it turns out that both of my articles were accepted! You can check the first one here, and the other one here. Please vote and comment! I really like hearing feedback!
Rave Master is the BEST!!! I read the next two mangas (after the first 5), and wow. It's the best series EVER!!! I HAVE to read more!! Man I'm obsessive...
I watched Princess Mononoke last night (in Japanese of course, the English voice acting is HORRIBLE). That movie never loses it's greatness. Kind of funny, I thought of a few ideas for articles on the movie. Do I have to many ideas? Do I talk too much? Do I express my opinion too much? lol. And do I say "lol" too much?
Oh, and in reference to my last post, I figured it out!! I know that many of you probably already know this, but I didn't! The thing I keep seeing is the Sephirothic Tree (aka The Tree of Life)!! I've seen it in Fullmetal Alchemist, Evangelion, and I think a few more. I've been wanting to know what it is, and now I know!! Yahh!! Hmmm... that just gave me an idea for an article... AGAIN... lol...
Quote of the Post: "If peace can only come through killing someone, then I don't want it." - Haru Glory, Rave Master
You can check out my articles here.
And my wallpapers here.
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Friday, February 10, 2006
And then I said...
Episode 9.5 of the .hack//SIGN project (see January 23, 2006 post if you don't know what this is).
I started watching Evangelion the other day. It seems quite good so far. I've heard so much about it that I decided that I might as well check it out.
I just submitted another article. I guess they didn't like my last one. I'm not surprised. It was a bit to much like me on a rant, lol. I wonder if they'll accept this one...
Now if you'll excuse me, there's something that I HAVE to fidure out. I keep seeing this thing in animes, and it is imperative that I find out what it is!!!
Quote of the Post: "I got soul, but I'm not a soldier." - All These Things That I've Done, The Killers
You can check out my articles here.
And my wallpapers here.
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Thursday, February 9, 2006
(Insert Title Here)
Episode 9 of the .hack//SIGN project (see January 23, 2006 post if you don't know what this is).
Nothing much happening to me.
Quote of the Post: "A pipe gives a wise man time to think and a fool something to stick in his mouth."
You can check out my articles here.
And my wallpapers here.
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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
I feel quite happy!!!
Episode 9 of the .hack//SIGN project (see January 23, 2006 post if you don't know what this is).
I was planning on watching another episode today, but something happened when I got home that changed my mind...
I got a new dog!!! My Mom has been looking for a new dog for the past two weeks, and she finally found one that is prefect!! He's so cool! He's a lab/collie mix, black short hair, and his name is Bear. I took him out side and he is really fast at running!!! I'm a really fast runner, and he was pulling me around!! Now I know that dogs are faster, but still, he was going really fast!!
Yet this day is also a sad one for me. Today is exactly four weeks since my old dog passed away. Although, I'm ok talking about it, and while I do miss him, I'm fine with having a new dog. My family and I knew that our old dog probably wouldn't make it through winter, since he was getting old (14, and he was a BIG, BIG dog), and his back legs just couldn't support him anymore. So, in a way, it was almost a relief when we put him down. He could barely get up, and he developed a breathing problem.
Still, I'm happy I have my new dog!! He's so cool. Well, I think I'll go take him outside again!! Bye!!
Quote of the Post: "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man." - Mark Twain
You can check out my articles here.
And my wallpapers here.
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
I'm in a tired sarcastic mood right now...
Episode 9 of the .hack//SIGN project (see January 23, 2006 post if you don't know what this is).
I just looked at my site counter thing. Looks like I've just reached 300 visits. Wow (I'm being sarcastic, I could care less). Just thought I'd mention since I've seen other people do the same sort of thing.
Well I just submitted another article. I don't know if it'll be good enough to make it through though. It was kind of short, and I did sort of just sit down and write it after thinking up the idea. Whatever...
I've decided that I actually will take my Computer Science course (see yesterday's post for explanation, although I highly doubt whoever's reading this actually cares). I'm not going to drop it. I thought everything through and decided to keep it. I don't know why I thought I wouldn't enjoy it, it is pretty interesting and fun. Maybe I was just in a bad mood yesterday. Whatever...
I got Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones yesterday. Since I've beat the first two (I beat the second one a few days ago), I decided to get the next one. I think I'll go play it now...
Quote of the Post: "Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate."
You can check out my articles here.
And my wallpapers here.
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Monday, February 6, 2006
I hate having to sleep... it's such a waste of my time...
Episode 9 of the .hack//SIGN project (see January 23, 2006 post if you don't know what this is).
Lately I've been having thoughts about stopping my project with .hack//SIGN. I just don't know if all the work I'm doing (I've already got about 30 pages worth of notes) is going to give me enough new ideas for articles. It seems most of the ideas I can think of are too obvious to be interesting. I don't know. I might continue, or I might just stop, and start watching without taking notes. I'll think about it a bit more.
My last Tales of Symphonia article is up! You can check it out here. And that's the end of it. I sure did spend a long time on it! Each article took me at least two hours to research and write, the first one about two and a half, and the last one about three!! But it was fun. I sure learned a lot, like what Kusanagi means, some things about Buddhism, and basically the whole mythology of Norse! But I have to say that I find it so interesting that I would love to do it again if I could find another anime or game to do it on. I guess I'll keep a look out for one.
Well today was my first day of my new semester. I've decided to drop one of my courses for a spare. I've decided to not take Computer Science. All it basically is is programming, most of which I can already do. And while it would be an easy high mark to boost my average, I just don't know if I would enjoy the class. I just don't find it interesting anymore. And besides, I'll probably be very happy if I do have a spare. My other three subjects are science, so I'll have a lot of homework.
Man, I've not been getting enough sleep lately; I just can't turn off my brain as well as I used to. I've forgotten almost all of the Buddhist techniques that I learned. My brain just keeps racing when I try to sleep! For instance, last night I thought of two more article ideas! I'm almost done one of them, and the other will take me a bit longer. But I digress...
Quote of the Post: "The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them." - Albert Einstein
You can check out my articles here.
And my wallpapers here.
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Sunday, February 5, 2006
The Tales of Symphonia Series is Finished (my articles I mean)
Episode 9 of the .hack//SIGN project (see January 23, 2006 post if you don't know what this is).
Well, I just finished my last article on Tales of Symphonia. I'd have to say that I like this one the best. It's the longest, as well as having some of the more well known things such as Masamune, and Kusanagi.
My other two articles in the series are now up, you can check out Part II here, and Part III here.
Well, it's back to school for me tomorrow. Guess I'd better get all my stuff ready. My new semester is starting, so I've got to get all my old stuff out of my binders.
I watched The Cat Returns last night. Man that movie is good! This is my third time seeing it since I bought it, and it's still so fun and interesting. It's a Studio Ghibli film, so you know it's good, lol. It's pretty short (only an hour and 15 minutes), and it's quite kiddish, but it really is quite good. If you're ever looking for a short, light-hearted, fun diversion of a movie, I HIGHLY suggest this one. It's nothing heavy (unlike many other Studio Ghibli films), it's just a nice fun story.
Quote of the Post: "Be as careful of the books you read, as of the company you keep; for your habits and character will be as much influenced by the former as by the latter." - Paxton Hood
You can check out my articles here.
And my wallpapers here.
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Saturday, February 4, 2006
Well, Part III is submitted...
Episode 8 of the .hack//SIGN project (see January 23, 2006 post if you don't know what this is).
I just finished Part III of my Tales of Symphonia research. Looks like there IS going to be a Part IV. Part IV will be on equipment and items, while Part III was on monsters.
Not much else happening right now. I'm just playing games, writing my articles, and getting ready to go back to school (my new semester starts on Monday). I'm both looking forward and not looking forward to my new semester. The reason? Well, I have all the possible Science courses I can have in the one semester. I have Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, and Physics. While Computer Science is INCREDIBLY easy, the other three are interesting, yet are going to be hard, as I'll have labs and projects constantly, lol. Oh well, I like the courses, so it should be fun, just a lot of work.
Quote of the Post: "Am I intelligent, insightful, or simply insane?"
You can check out my articles here.
And my wallpapers here.
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