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Friday, June 2, 2006

8 Days to Otakuthon!
Cool. I'm now a "Senior Otaku". And I can tell you that I'm positive that part of the reason for this is because of The Mask. Check out his site to see his arguments on the whole promotion issue.

After reading The Mask's comments and post, I can tell you that I sure feel different. I always thought that no one other than a few close friends on this site knew who I was.

Well now I'm going to stop talking about that before I get an inflated head.

Except for one last thing. I'm almost an "Otaku Legend"! All I need to do is comment a few more times, and be a member for another 4 months!

Anyways on to other things. Otherwise I might need a pin.

Otakuthon is getting closer!! Next Saturday!! And I just found out yesterday. I CAN'T bring my wooden katana. Oh well. I could make one, but I think I'm just going to go without any weapon. Yes, yes, I know, that's no fun, but oh well. It's not like I'm cosplaying as a specific character and I need to follow their costume design.

Well I've got three articles in the making right now. I've both "Underdogs" in the works, as well as my Genders article. I excpect to finish both Underdogs this weekend, and I'm thinking that my Genders article will be done in about two weeks. There's a few things I need to research, before I continue writing it, and even that's going to take me a LONG time. Oh well, it'll be worth it. I REALLY like the idea I have behind it, and I'm positive that it won't cause a mass riot from either gender.

And that's always a good thing.

Quote of the Post: "Too much of a good thing is wonderful." - Mae West

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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

10 Days to Otakuthon!
Phew. My brain hurts. I just got back from a "Reach for the Top" game with my teachers.

What is "Reach for the Top" you ask? Well, it's basically "Jeopardy", with some slight changes, but still the same basic idea of a quiz game.

Anyways, today was our team's annual game against any teachers that wanted to play against us. We lost of course. I don't think our team has ever won against in the teacher game. But, like, come on! We may be smart people (at least I am, I don't know about Backlash Wave... lol! He's going to attack me for that one! lol), but really! Do you think we have a chance when we're playing against a team of teachers, one for almost every department?! It's impossible!! I think the final score was somehting like 850 (teachers) to 550 (us students). Still, it's hilariously fun. Can't wait for the next season of Reach next year. It'll be my last though...

Did everyone see the poll for the new ideas for theotaku? Well, I guess that's a pretty dumb question. I actually saw a lot of you (people in my friend's list) comment. Personally, I REALLY want there to be a fan manga section! That would be SO cool! Backlash Wave and I would make a manga! It would be T.W.I.T., except with pics! Can you just imagine it? Seeing me insulting BW, then him beating me with something. lol. It would be so much fun! True, we could do a more real-type manga that actually has a story and stuff. But I don't know about that. Well, I suppose we could. Whatever the case, I REALLY think there should be a fan manga section. It would be so awsome...

Quote of the Post: "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you place the blame."

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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

11 Days to Otakuthon!
Wow. This article I'm writing is just getting WAY too massive. I started out with one idea that would've been big enough in itself, but now I keep thinking of related things to add, and now it's just insane.

I'd still prefer to keep the topic under wraps, but I will say this: it's based COMPLETELY around genders. I know it sounds like a risky idea, but it makes sense, as it has very little to do with stereotyping or generalization, so I'm pretty sure it'll be ok.

Gah, this is annoying. I finally found a post saying what kind of fake weapons are allowed at Otakuthon. It says everything that isn't allowed, etc., etc., and I didn't see wooden weapons mentioned, so I just thought to myself, "Ok, I guess wooden weapons are allowed." Then at the very bottom, it says, "Security is still unsure about wooden weapons." ............ GAH!!! That's the ONE thing I wanted to know! That's ALL I needed to know, but NOOOO, they decide that they don't know!!! GAH!!

Phew... sorry about that. Anyways, I guess I'll just bring my wooden katana, and hope for the best. It's all taped up, and it's going to be in a sheath, so I'm hoping they'll allow it. Oh well...

I've thought up a few more ideas for my costume, but now they're getting a little difficult. Namely, I want a good, red, mini-vest but I have no idea how to make one, and I highly doubt I'd be able to buy anything like that. I also thought of getting some really baggy red shorts overtop my pants. Gah, I've got too many ideas. Maybe I'll go work on some of the smaller ones...

Quote of the Post: "The best ideas come as jokes. Make your thinking as funny as possible." - David Ogilvy

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Sunday, May 28, 2006

13 Days to Otakuthon!
Well two of my articles are up. Well that's not ENTIRELY true, as one of them is a T.W.I.T. article, so it's really both mine and Backlash Wave's. You can check out our T.W.I.T. article here. It's on Nintendo and Sony, but it's NOT a debate over which one is better. That's just dumb.

My other article is on The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, where I discuss the underratedness (yes that's a word! I invented it. Go away!) of the game. You can check it out here.

I found that with both of these articles, I had a basically good idea going, but I'm not overly happy with the presentation. They're not bad, but I beleive I could've written them better. I don't know how, but I think I could've. Oh well.

I got boots! Boots boots boots! I made brown medival-style traveling boots for my costume today! They look awsome! I also made some really neat gloves. My costume is basically ready, but I'm still adding on more and more things. I still have 13 days to Otakuthon, so that's still plenty of time to add/change things.

Hehe, since I'm a cat now, I guess you could say that with my boots, I'm now "Puss-in-Boots"!

lol. I'm stupid with too much time on my hands (or paws).

Quote of the Post: "There's folks 'ud stand on their heads and then say the fault was i' their boots." - George Eliot

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Saturday, May 27, 2006

14 Days to Otakuthon!
Well that sucks. Backlash Wave can't come to Otakuthon, so it looks like I'm going all by me lonesome self.

Oh well, more girls for me! I'm sure I'll be able to pick up a whole bunch of girls, what with me being so likeable and all!

*beats lecherous side*

Sorry about that. I sometimes get out of hand.

Anyways, my costume is coming along nicely. I really like the fact that I'm not cosplaying as anyone specific. This way I can just be like, "Hey! This would look neat!" And then I add it on. I need more belts though. You can never have enough belts when it comes to anime (most of the time). I already have my chest belt (for my sword, the belt goes diagonally across my chest and back), a normal belt, and a belt attached to that belt. But I'm running low on belts. Although, if worse comes to worse, I have a few other ideas for what I could use instead to strap things to my legs and arms (like random pieces of cloth and packs).

I still need to get some body paint for the design I'm going to be making on the whole left half of my body. Otherwise, I think my costume is good enough, though I would still like to add some more things. Anyone got any cool ideas that they think would look neat on a fantasy-style anime costume? Just give me any idea, like, "Get gloves like (whoever)!" Thanks.

Oh yeah, before I forget, thanks to everyone that gave me tips. Special thanks to bellpickle for telling me what exactly a panel is! lol.

And NO Pleiades Rising, there's NO way I'm going as Plue! I'd just look like a snowman! lol.

Quote of the Post: "If you look good and dress well, you don't need a purpose in life." - Robert Pante

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Friday, May 26, 2006

15 days to Otakuthon!!
I'm going to my first anime convention!! I'm going to the Otakuthon on June 10th!! It's going to be so awsome!!

Backlash Wave MIGHT be coming, which would be good, since it'd be more fun if I wasn't going by myself.

So does anyone have any tips for me? I know NOTHING about cons. I think I have a basic idea of what a panel is (but could someone please explain? like I said, I know NOTHING about ANYTHING to do with cons), I want to go in some of the video game competitions, and basically I want to get the most out of it. Anyone that can, give me tips please!!

I'm going to be cosplaying, but not as any character. I'm going to be going as myself. Basically, I'm going to dress up as what I'd be like if I was in an anime. My hair is already quite good, as it already basically is anime, but I'm still going to gel it to make it extremely anime. I'm also going to die it red. My costume is going to be rather simple. I'm going to get a red long-sleeved shirt, cut off the left sleeve, and get red pants, and cut off part of the left pant leg. Theb, I'm going to paint a design up the whole left side of my body (including my face).

Does anyone know what the restrictions for wepaons are? I want to bring swords, but I'm assuming I can't bring my wooden practice ones, so I'm thinking of making some. I might use cardboard or styrafoam, but I don't really know.

Anyone have any suggestions, tips, or comments?

Quote of the Post: "Another belief of mine: that everyone else my age is an adult, whereas I am merely in disguise." - Margaret Atwood

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Thursday, May 25, 2006

Well I finished Rurouni Kenshin. That was an amazing series. It definitely ties as my favorite. It was so good, and so well done. If you haven't read/seen it, I highly suggest you do. It is simply amazing.

I swear, when that one thing happened (those of you that have read the sereis know what I'm refering to; I don't want to ruin the story for anyone), I thought I was going to cry. I may not seem like it, but I'm very emotional when it comes to stories of any sort, whether they be novels, games, or anime.

That sounded very girlish, didn't it?

Quote of the Post: "Eventually each will walk their own path. Each will live their own lives."

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Articles Galore...
Yes, I changed my avatar back to my old one. The whole cat thing was funny, but since it's more of an inside joke, I felt like changing it back.

Well Backlash Wave and I wrote another T.W.I.T. article yesterday. So hopefully it'll be posted sometime soon. It's on Nintendo and Sony, but it's NOT a debate over which one it better. That'd just be stupid.

Overall I liked the article, but I just kind of felt that we were a little too random about our points. I just hope our basic idea gets across. I feel like we were all over the map on that one...

Randomly (as seems to be usual for me), I started a new article that I hadn't thought about before. I just thought of the idea, then wrote almost the whole thing. It'll take a while for me to finish it and smooth out a few things with it, but I plan on finishing it before the end of the week.

And then there's my Naruto article. Bleah. I REALLY just want to finish it, but I just can't get myself into it (yes, still), so I'm just going to leave it for a while. Probably.

I thought up a few more article ideas yesterday. One: another article in the Underdogs series. But I won't say what anime! Two: a possible article idea on something I only just recently noticed. But once again, I don't want to say anything! There's nothing I can say without giving away a lot of it! lol. Three: another possible article idea that somewhat relates to the last one. In fact, I might just condense them together. Yet then again, they don't have THAT much to do with each other... (trails off mumbling)

Quote of the Post: "One doesn't have a sense of humor. It has you." - Larry Gelbart

EDIT: I changed my avatar again. Just thought I'd mention that part of my first paragraph is now false.

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Monday, May 22, 2006

I am now a cat...
Some of you have already seen my new avatar, and a certain few already know why. It's actually a funny story, how I turned into a cat.

It's all because of SOAP.

So here's what happened. This week's update was posted (I believe it was by Shinkiro. If I'm wrong, just tell me I'm a stupid cat), and I noticed that my name was spelt wrong. It was spelt "Katsom" instead of "Kastom". The thing is, it happened last week too. So this week, I got kind of annoyed, and pointed it out rather loudly (ok, not LOUDLY per se, but it was all capitals). Sangome Wilder, laughing as she usually seems to be, commented that "Katsom" sounded like a new cat species, and started calling me "Kitty". Then Katana decided that I have cat ears. And now I'm a cat.

It's actually not that bad.

*washes face with paw*

Check out the SOAP site, and look at the comments if you want to see the whole story (the one I told is kind of shorter then everything that happened), it's pretty funny.

So what does everyone think of my new avatar? I quickly made it, so it's not as good as I could've made it, and I'm probably going to make a better one soon. I've got a few ideas for cat-related avatars, so I'm going to start making them.

lol. Maybe I'm taking this cat thing too far... nah!

Quote of the Post: "Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a function." - Unknown

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Sunday, May 21, 2006

Just like I thought...
Well I read more than 10 volumes of Rurouni Kenshin yesterday. It took me about 4 hours. But I can tell you, that was time VERY well spent! RK has now tied with Rave Master and Love Hina as my favorite series of animes! It really is an amazing series...

Yeah, that Naruto article of mine seems like it's going to drain into a gutter. I just can't get myself into it. I've got a few more ideas for it, and what I basically want it to say overall, but I just can't get myself to write it. Oh well, maybe I'll just leave it and come back to it later. Or maybe I'll just bully myself into writing it today...

I've got a few more ideas for articles that I just can't seem to get myself into. Maybe it's just my mood or something. Lately I just don't feel like writing. I like thinking up ideas, but I don't like writing them. Gah, it's annoying...

Well, whatever. I'll just deal with it, and go play some games... or maybe I should do my physics homework... nah... lol...

Quote of the Post: "You know the old quote, "Friends bail you out of jail. A good friend sits beside you saying, 'Well that didn't work!'" I completely disagree with that. A GOOD friend would've stopped you from doing whatever stupidity you were about to do!" - Me

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