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Friday, May 19, 2006

Rurouni Kenshin is an AWSOME series. I think it just might tie for what would be a three-way tie for my favorite anime...

Well Backlash Wave is coming over on Monday and we're going to play Phantasy Star, but more importantly, we're going to be writing another T.W.I.T. article. This one is going to be on Nintendo and Playstation. Not which one is better or anything though, that's just dumb. Ours makes a lot of sense, and shouldn't cause a general riot. lol. Anyways, look for that sometime early next week probably.

I like long weekends. I don't know about anywhere else, but here it's Victoria Day weekend. So I've got Monday off!! Yay!

I might also get around to writing my Naruto article, but I'm not putting hopes on it. I've written about a page of it so far, but I just can't seem to really get myself into it, so I just might scrap the whole thing.

Well that's about it. I'm off to get some food. I'm hungry...

Quote of the Post: "Well, I'm back, again. You thought you got rid of me! I talk to much and all I care about is me!" - Jagoff, Zebrahead (an awsome song by the best english band ever)

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Grammer Crisis Room
Well I started reading Rurouni Kenshin yesterday. It's awsome! I can see why it's so popular! Although I must say that I feel a bit nehind the times reading it now. It seems like EVERYONE has read it or seen it...

Ah, funny. I was on Engrish.com for the whole period of my Computer Science class today and yesterday, and man, some of those are just HILARIOUS! I'd seen quite a bit before this, but this site is has some absoulutly hilarious ones! I had my whole Comp Science class (including my teacher) laughing as they gathered around my computer and going through the various groups of pics. Some of those are hilarious...

I want my Tales of Symphonia necklace...

Well I'm off to read some more Rurouni Kenshin. Then I've got to study for a Biology test. Crap. I'm really worried about it. Bio is my lowest mark right now, so I need to do really well on this test...

Quote of the Post: "The world only goes round by misunderstanding." - Charles Baudelaire

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Monday, May 15, 2006

Gah, titles... the scourge of my existance on the internet...
Well my Kindaichi Files article is up. You can check it out here. It's on The Kindaichi Files, in part of what I hope will be a series of articles that other writers will contribute to, known as the "Underdog" series. Basically I'm hoping other people will write about their favorite lesser-known, or" underdog", anime series.

I guess I should've been a bit more specific about what it was that I'm getting from ebay. So here's a pic of it:

Now I'm sure all of you people that have even seen the title of ToS will recognize it. I know it doesn't really have anything else to do with the game, except for the obvious symbolism, but I still think it's cool. I'm getting a necklace with this symbol on it in silver.

I just remembered something. Does anyone actually know what it is? The symbol? Has anyone seen it anywhere else, or is it some sort of real thing, or is it just a symbol that was created for ToS? I really want to know exactly what it means. I know there's the symbolism with the two worlds thing, but I wonder if that's truly all it means... does anyone know, or have any other ideas?

Well I think I'll go play Resident Evil 4 on Proffesional. See how much harder than normal it is.

Quote of the Post: "Language is the source of misunderstandings." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Sunday, May 14, 2006

I won! At two things...
Three main things happened to me today.

One: I beat Resident Evil 4. One weekend, not bad, lol. Took me 19 hours. It's a really good game, although I suppose I would've got the story more had I played the previous ones. Oh well, it was still an awsome game. Awsome graphics, great gameplay, great story. Overall, one of the best games I've ever played. But I just wish they'd done one thing with it: made a co-op mode. That would make it the best story multiplayer game ever.

Two: I got the thing from ebay. Well, I still have to pay for it and get it, but I own the auction (or whatever the heck you want to call it). So now I can finally say what it is. It's a Tales of Symphonia necklace (is it just me, or does that sound kind of girly...?). It has the symbol of the game (the two worlds compass thingy) in silver on the end. I suppose only those of you that have played ToS would truly appreciate it, but I can tell you, I can't wait to get it!

Three: I submitted an article today. It's on "The Kindaichi Files", if anyone has ever heard of it. If you haven't, then you're in luck, as that's basically the point of my article: to introduce it to others. I'm calling the series the "Underdogs" and I'm hoping others will write articles on their favorite lesser-known animes.

And that's about it. I think I'll go start a new game of RE4 on "Pro". See if I can beat it without dieing to many times, lol. My first game I died something like 41 times. But, hey! It's a hard game! Actually, it's one of the hardest new games (I'm not including classic games like the original Megaman series, because those are a whole different calibur) I've played. It actually required me to try hard! lol. Don't mind me, I'm just slightly arrogant in my game-talent... lol...

Quote of the Post: "If winning isn't everything, why do they keep score?" - Vince Lombardi

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Saturday, May 13, 2006

They're not really walking dead...
Pleiades Rising: Nice guesses about what I'm getting from Ebay, lol. Those would be some pretty funny things to have. Although the Naru figure might be kind of disturbing... lol...

Bellpickle: The Merchant is WIERD!! He's pretty funny though. He always says "stranger" in a funny way. Like, "What do you want to buy, stranger?" And he really emphasizes the "stranger". It's hilarious.

I'm still playing RE4. I played 6.5 hours yesterday! lol. I played from 3 to 9:30, then I decided that I'd better eat dinner. I played another 2.5 hours this morning. At this rate, I think I might beat the game. But I don't actually know, as I don't know how long the game actually is.

It's a really good game. I'm getting some pretty cool weapons. It's kind of funny running around with a shotgun and trying to survive by blasting off the heads of Ganados (the baddies), only to have their severed necks grow into wierd new heads that take a long time to destroy.

One really funny thing happened. Ashley (the person you're supposed to rescue) had to get onto this platform (I couldn't since she jumps on your shoulders then jumps up, so I was still on the ground) to turn this crank to raise a bridge. Then some baddies starting going to attack her, so I just start sniping them off. Then all of a sudden a guy attacks me on the ground. I quickly shotgunned him down, but another guy had grabbed Ashley, and had begun taking her away. I quickly pulled out my rifle to snipe him, yet in my haste I ended up hitting Ashley. And she died. So I had to do that whole part over again. lol.

Only another day until the thing I'm buying on Ebay is over! Then I can have it!! MWHAHAHA!!!

...ahem...sorry about that...

Quote of the Post: "Oh, come on. If you can't laugh at the walking dead, who can you laugh at?" - Unknown

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Friday, May 12, 2006

Well my weekend is booked!
A friend of mine lent me Resident Evil 4, so I've basically got my weekend completely planned out, lol. I may get around to writing one of two articles that I've been meaning to write since Wednesday, but then again, I may not. I've also got some homework, so that may interfere too... hmm... it's looking less and less likely that I'm going to write. Oh well.

This game is really good. At first it was REALLY hard, and I kept dieing, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. Man, it's freaky though. All the villagers walking up, and calling to each other, and attacking, gah, totally freaks me out. I'm going to have nightmares tonight. That is if I can get to sleep, lol.

This is so AWSOME!! I'm getting an awsome thing off of Ebay right now. But I won't say what it is, or else one of you may try to outbid me (looks accusingly at everyone)! lol. Don't take it personally, I'm just paranoid in a wierd way. lol.

Well I'm off to go play some more Resident Evil 4!

Quote of the Post: "One reason I don't drink is that I want to know when I am having a good time." - Nancy Astor

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

It's all over!! *sob sob sob*
I finished Love Hina. I finished reading the whole series. And I have to say, it is one of the best (if not the best) animes EVER.

*crying* AND NOW IT'S ALL OVER!!! *crying*

It was such a good series. If you've never read\seen it, then I highly suggest that you do. It has such an amazing story. Nothing can even be compared to it, since it is so insanely different (and I emphasize insane) from any other anime I've ever seen, read, or even heard about. The way it's serious, stupid, funny, insane, and just plain disturbing sometimes, all at once, makes it something completely different from anything else.

And yes, I know that it is rated 16+ because of the partial nudity that is ravenous in the series. But that is NOT the reason I like it so much (so get your mind out of the gutter if that's what you were thinking). True, it does make it more funny, and more realistic, yet not at the same time, that... I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. lol.

Anyways, look for another T.W.I.T. article on it. Backlash Wave and I are probably going to be writing an article on it in a week or two (whenever we can get together to write it).

Anyways, other stuff...

I finally got the Naruto volumes I've been waiting for (4 to 7). The person that takes manga out of my school library and keeps them for weeks on end finally returned them. So I'm probably going to try to write that article sometime soon. And I've got another idea for an article that I may get around to pretty soon.

Well I gotta go. I'm hungry.

Quote of the Post: "A good book has no ending." - R. D. Cumming

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Tuesday, May 9, 2006


EDIT: I've calmed down a bit. Now I can explain. Yesterday at E3, Sony released their "new" controller idea which has the "innovative" idea of using motion detection. WHICH IS WHAT THE NINTENDO REVOLUTION'S (or Wii, i suppose) CONTROLLER IS SO FAMOUS FOR!!! GAH!!!

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Sunday, May 7, 2006

We've GOT to do more!
Well our (Backlash Wave's and mine) article is up. You can check it out here.

I've got to say that I really like it. BW and I HAVE to do more of them!

Oh yeah, you may have noticed the new banner on my site. If you're wondering what "T.W.I.T." is, just read the paragraph below it.

And yes, I do realize that our name is an insult. That was the point. I originally thought up "T.W.R.P." (can't even remember what it stood for), but then I thought up "T.W.I.T.", and ran it past Backlash Wave, whom also liked it.

These articles are going to be so fun to write. Basically they are just real conversations of ours, written down. True, there are a few edits, but they really are more or less our real, fun conversations. Now everyone gets to see how great I am in person! HA! A bit of my sarcastic arrogance! You'll find a LOT of that in our upcoming articles! lol. It's just one of my many well-liked qualities! lol.

So anyways, what does everyone think of our new idea? Do you like it? Do you think it's stupid? Just tell me!

Quote of the Post: "The human mind treats a new idea the same way the body treats a strange protein; it rejects it." - P. B. Medawar

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Saturday, May 6, 2006

My eyes hurt from all the screens...
Well today was pretty fun.

Backlash Wave came over and we played a lot of Phantasy Star Online (a pretty good hack n' slash RPG). And we also wrote our article idea!!

It turned out really well! And it's really funny! I don't think anyone else has ever done this idea that we did!

But I can't say anything else. I don't want to ruin the surprise. I hope everyone reads it! It's hilarious (at least we found so)! The only problem is that it's on Gundam SEED, so if you haven't seen it, it won't really make much sense. But don't worry! If we get good feedback from it, we're going to be doing another one (actually a lot of them!). We've got quite a few ideas planned out (that is to say, I do, I don't know about BW, lol).

Well, I should probably get going. I've got to study for some tests that I have on Monday. Gah...

Quote of the Post: "I'm an idealist. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way." - Carl Sandburg

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