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Ontario, Canada
Member Since
University Student
Real Name
Tom (actually Tomas, but I now prefer Tom)
I'm great at games, and I've written the most articles on theotaku (I'm also the third most popular writer, and I have a 98% rating).
Anime Fan Since
Somewhere around 1999. But I only REALLY got into anime in about 2003-ish.
Favorite Anime
Princess Mononoke. Easily the best movie ever created. However, Rave Master, Love Hina, and Rurouni Kenshin (can't pick between them) are my favorite series of animes.
Gah! What do I put here?! Anime-related goals? Real goals? GAH!
Video Games (Nintendo all the way!!!), Snowblading, Swimming, Soccer, Breakdancing, Juggling, Swordfighting, Writing.
Smart, becoming obsessed with anime and video games, writing, and a few other things.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, April 2, 2006
Neat. But gah! Oh well. Another!
Well my first ever quiz is up. You can check it out here. It's on Inuyasha.
I'm kind of annoyed that there isn't a comment section for quizes. I don't know why people don't like my quiz! lol. I just kind of want to know because I must say that I do like mine because of the fact that it is so different and not as incredibly obvious as I find others to be. But oh well. Can't sound arrogant. Sorry about that. I'm just annoyed that I can't find out for sure. Do any of you have any comments on it?
I think I'll make another. This one will be on either Tales of Symphonia, .hack//SIGN, Witch Hunter Robin, or maybe something else if I can think of it.
Oh, by the way, according to my quiz, I'm Inuyasha. If you took it, who are you?
Quote of the Post: "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." - Mark Twain
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Saturday, April 1, 2006
I'm not dead... just busy... or so is my excuse...
My title says it all. These past few days I haven't done anything even remotely concerning theotaku. School is actually taking up quite a bit of time, and so are a few other random things. So I haven't got around to writing any of my article ideas (I thought up two more a few days ago, lol). I might get around to writing something this weekend, but it's more likely that I won't, lol.
I think the main reason that I'm not is because I'm just not in the right mood. My mood effects what I do to a great degree. And for a while I just haven't felt like writing articles.
I'm re-reading the Rave Master volumes that I have (1 - 10). I HAVE to get more! GAH!! It's consuming my mind! lol. Rave Master is the BEST anime EVER. I NEED MORE! GAH!
lol. Funny thing yesterday (or was it the day before?). I was talking to Backlash Wave and a few of my other friends at school, and I was saying how I got the tenth volume of Rave Master. Anyways, I somehow eventually said, "I have a new life goal. Get a huge poster of Elie!"
Backlash Wave laughed and said that that was a very stupid life goal, and that I was an idiot. Anyways, it was funny. Hahaha (no emotion here). Funny.
Gah. I'm tired.
Quote of the Post: "Life is something that happens when you're not sleeping."
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
I'll lead the anime side!!
I have to tell you about a funny conversation a few of my friends and I had today.
Ok, we were just talking about how our school librarian just told us that he just bought another $400 worth of manga, when one of my friends mentioned something about how there should be a foreign minister in the government that deals solely with getting manga imported and translated. Then one of my other friends that doesn't like anime (doesn't hate it or anything though), said how he would actually fight it, as in raise an army to stop that if it happened since it was such a stupid idea. Then I said that I'd oppose him and raise an army of my own. So, laughing a lot by now, I elaborated and said that most of us would be dressed up as anime characters, and that there would be at least twenty Inuyashas. Then Backlash Wave said that he wouldn't help me just because he doesn't like cosplayers, and that he'd be sitting on the sidelines laughing. Then my friend that wanted to fight, said that he'd get a whole bunch of jedi (he likes Star Wars quite a bit) to help him, and make a clone army. Then he said that all of Middle Earth (Lord of the Rings) would join him. I rebutted by saying that he could have Star Wars, but Lord of the Rings was mine. Then, another one of my friends that was agreeing with me (all of this was a huge joke of course) said that we'd also get Star Trek.
And that went on for a while longer. Are we complete nerds or what? lol.
Really we're not, but sometimes we do make jokes like that, lol.
Anyways, back to theotaku, I'm ranked 8th most popular writer now! I just passed Dagger IX1. And I only need about twenty more votes to reach 7th! I've already reached my goal of writing the most, so I guess I should now try becoming the most popular! lol. I guess that'll be my new goal.
My female gamers article is now my most popular article (actually it has been for about ten votes, lol). I'm still really surprised by some of those comments! With that one article I really seemed to have become a very popular guy! lol. Ah, I'm just joking. But I'm kind of annoyed at some of the comments, as there are some girls that are just like, "Yeah, you're right! Girls are better then stupid guys!" Because now they're the ones being predjudiced, in saying that they're better then all guys (I'm not trying to be arrogant here, but I've yet to find anyone, male of female, that can beat me at most games. I don't want to brag, but I'm a GREAT gamer.) and that guys are stupid. Gah! You like my article telling an understanding guy's point of view, and then you go and generalize about all guys sucking at games and being stupid! Gah!
But I digress...
I've got a few ideas for some more articles. I think I should still finish that one I started about two weeks ago, as the idea is pretty good, I just need to think a bit more about it to make it a real article. I have another not bad idea about a semi-popular idea to do with video games. I might write about that.
Quote of the Post: "If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?" - Scott Adams
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Monday, March 27, 2006
Wow... I'm scared... sarcastically of course... but still...
Well my 19th article is up. You can check it out here. It's on girl gamers, and my defense of them.
It seems to be quite popular. I guess I was kind of excpecting that, but, wow. I'm just surprised I guess. I guess a lot of girls are happy that there ARE some guys that accept them as gamers, or something like that. It kind of seems like not many people are even paying attention to my article, but just my basic idea instead, lol.
Has anyone else read some of those comments? Some of them have kind of scared me. lol. Ah, I'm just joking, just as I know those people are. But still, I can only hear "I love you!" and related things so many times... oh, and Bishieluver01, I don't have a girlfriend. I don't know where you got that from. lol.
It also seems that most (almost all) of the people commenting are in fact girls. There don't seem to be many males at all (but I did notice both Pleiades Rising and SonicPrime, don't think I forgot you guys!). Maybe that shows something about some of the guys on this site... or maybe they just think my article sucks a lot...
And now, as a closing, I must apologize to everyone. I personally feel like I've been bragging this whole post, so I am sorry if you are now annoyed and hating me because I sound so arrogant. lol. Sorry.
Final note: I'm ahead of Adam! I have now written the MOST articles on theotaku!
Note on the final note: I'm sorry I sounded arrogant again. lol.
Quote of the Post: "To knock a thing down, especially if it is cocked at an arrogant angle, is a deep delight of the blood." - George Santayana
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Sunday, March 26, 2006
Food is a waste of time... most of the time...
I just got back from having Dim-Sum for lunch! Everytime I have it I try something new, since there is so much choice. Man that stuff is so good... anyone else ever had it?
Well I buckled down and finished my quiz last night. I just used pics I already had. I didn't want to use them before because I knew it would take some editing to get them exactly right (which was something I felt to lazy to do before). But I finally did it, and I must say that I was quite happy with the result. I submitted it, so now all I have to do is wait.
I'm worried about one thing though. It's on Inuyasha (I thought I'd start with something easy), and which main character you are. So I'm worried that when the title is seen, it'll just be thrown away without actually seeing how it's different. If it's seen and not liked, then I don't care, but if it's just thrown away because the quiz subject has already been done, then I'll be annoyed. Although, there is no way to know for sure, lol. Well if it's not accepted, then I'll try another, except for an anime that hasn't been done yet. Then if THAT isn't accepted, then I'll give up. lol. I suppose all I have to do is wait now...
Quote of the Post: "You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." - Jack London
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Saturday, March 25, 2006
Another Random Article... AGAIN
Well I just submitted my 19th article.
And yes, bellpickle, the article is on female gamers. But it's not because of your post or anything. I actually started writing it in January sometime, but then I realised that someone had already written an article on the subject. But since then, I've heard a LOT of comments and random other things on the subject, like your post (she had a link to a post about guys that didn't like girl gamers). And all seemed to be only by girls. And everytime it seemed that these girls were bashing ALL guys, which got me annoyed, as I too think females should play video games. So after your post I'd had enough, and decided to tweak my old article to fit my view, instead of a more general idea. So yes, it IS on girl gamers. But NO, it is not just because of your post. Your post was more of the final strike that really got me wanting to write this article.
Yay! I'm on the Most Popular Writers list! Currently (when I wrote this) I'm tenth, but I only need three more votes to pass SomeGuy! Oh, and thanks TimberWolf! I too noticed it, but it was nice to hear you point that out!
But I still don't overly care about that list. I'm still more interested in just writing, so I care most about the number of articles I've written. And with this one I'll have finally surpased Adam! I find that pretty cool.
Man do I sound like a complete nerd...
My quiz is really starting to get annoying. I can't find any suitable pictures to use!! GAH!! You'd think it'd be easy, but NOOOO, everthing I find sucks! GAH!! And this is all I need to submit it! GAH!
Quote of the Post: "A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." - Herm Albright
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Thursday, March 23, 2006
With a fork and a knife!
Well my eighteenth article is up. You can check it out here. It's on lechers, and my defense of them.
And with this I have tied Adam for the most articles written! Yay! Now I just need one more...
...which I have already almost finished. lol. It's on a huge controversy in the video gaming world and my take on it. I've been hearing about it so often from everywhere that I've decided to get my thoughts out on it (which seem to be quite different from many others).
My quiz is actually finished. All I need are the pictures and I'll submit it. I know it won't be accepted since it is such a completely different idea from other quizzes (it's based on real personality tests), and that it is 49 questions long. But it doesn't really take to long since they're all short yes or no questions. Oh well, I'll see what happens...
Quote of the Post: "The future will be better tomorrow." - Dan Quayle
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
You're an awful Theta!
Well my article still isn't up. I'm worried it might not be accepted...
Well I think I just might be beginning my first forray into the quizzes section! I finished my first quiz last night (it's on Inuyasha). But I did it VERY differently from anyone else's I've ever seen, in that #1 - I have 49 questions (I'm going to try to put that down, lol) #2 - they're all yes and no questions and #3 - the questions are based off of the Jung typology test. So I'm actually using real personality quiz questions. It might not be accepted because of the fact that it's so radically different, but oh well, I tried. Does anybody like my idea?
I think I know what I'm going to write about next. I know I said I have that other article in the making, but I might just push that aside (again) for a while and do this new idea. Well not really new, but just from a different angle. I won't say anything more other then that it's a VERY popular issue concerning video games, and that I've been thinking about this for years, so I might actually put out my say. I've been hearing about this so much for the longest time that I really think it's time that I put out my say which is from a different angle.
And that about wraps it up!
Quote of the Post: "A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read." - Mark Twain
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
My goal just may have been reached!
I just finished my lechers article! Yahh!
For a while there I didn't know if I'd actually finish it. Then I completely changed it (that happens a lot with my articles it seems), and it actually turned out to be not too bad! It's not one of my better written ones, but I'm still happy with it because it's about something that I like to defend: lechers. That's basically what it is. The first half is actually serious, and I put a lot of thought into it, while the second part of it is a lot more of a humour piece.
Does anyone remember that article I was talking about last week? The one I abandonded? Of course not. I'm not that important so why would you remember? lol. Anyways, I was writing an article that I kind of gave up on. But last night I went back to it and (once again) changed the idea slightly, and then realized that it just might work! So my ninteenth article just may be already in the making!
If my lechers article is accepted, then I'll have reached my long-term goal as an otaku writer: I'll have finally written as many articles as Adam! *raises hands and cheers* Yahh! lol.
Quote of the Post: "Humor is also a way of saying something serious." - T. S. Eliot
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Monday, March 20, 2006
Avi... sounds like Navi... or someone trying to say
I made a new avatar. I know it kind of clashes with the rest of my site, it being blue and all, but I like it. I do have an orange one that looks almost the same, but I like the blue one the best. The green one isn't too bad either. I'll just shuffle through them once in a while.
The reason I changed was mainly one reason: my old one was not something original. I don't know, I just kind of want everything about my site and me (as a user on this site) to be mine. You know, original. It's not that I don't like using REAL artwork and anime, it's just that I kind of feel like using all original stuff for me (as a user).
This kind of leads me into something I've been thinking about for a while. What do you use theotaku for? Do you use it as a place to share your feelings? You creativity? Your whole life? I find I use this site as #1: a way to find out stuff about anime #2: a place to find interesting ideas and artwork about anime #3: a place for me to use my creativity as well as my opinions and voice them. Personally I don't like talking about my real life here. Sure, I do mention some things, but I generally don't like talking about my life. It's not that I'm paranoid (although I am in certain situations), it's just that I find that on the Internet I'm not really interested in people's lives; but more about what they do pertaining to whatever subject the site relates to. But that doesn't mean that I don't find some things interesting about people's lives. There's only really one thing that I REALLY can't stand. And that's when people talk about their relationships. Funny things that happened in your life recently? Cool. Another rant about how your boyfriend (I've found mainly girls do this, I'm not being biased) and your friends pissing you off? I really could care less.
But that's just my opinion. What about all of you? What do you use this site for?
Quote of the Post: "Life is just one damned thing after another." - Elbert Hubbard
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