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Sunday, March 19, 2006

The last day is upon me... blah blah blah... I can't think of anything funny
Ignore the first paragraph if you don't really care about Tales of Symphonia.

Well I played about 30 hours of Tales of Symphonia this week. And I finally got Kratos instead of Zelos! This is my sixth time through, so I suppose it's about time I did it right. Although I don't like Zelos very much, the fight with him sure was sad. And when he died, gah, I really felt sorry for him. And now half of the side quests aren't available! It sucks! Oh well, at least I got Kratos. Oh, and I finally finished the monster book thingy. I was only missing Zelos.

My Lechers article is still at a halt. I haven't started writing it yet, as I'm getting ready for school tomorrow. Bleh, I still have to finish my homework. I did some of it yesterday, but not all. Oh well...

This new portfolio thing sure is cool! I really like it!. It sure is nice to be able to look at all the things that someone has submitted! And I really like the posts counter! Neat idea.

Looking at mine, I feel kind of empty. While I do have three different areas, I kind of want to expand. I've been thinking of making some quizzes, but haven't yet because of one minor problem: I don't like them. I just find most people's quizzes to be too obvious. When I take them, I'm like, ok this answer will put me more towards this character, this one to this character; it just seems too obvious, like it's not quizzing me, just testing me if I know what each character is like! I don't know, it's just my opinion. And the reason I haven't made a quiz is because I don't want to make mine like that. But I couldn't figure out how else it would work! But just a few days ago, I think I figured it out! It'll make it REALLY hard to make them, but if it works, it'll make it quite a bit harder to know which character you'll get in the end! Just as a hint, my idea involves a LOT of psychology (good thing I did really well in that class! Actually I got the highest mark in my class, lol). Don't expect to see any quizzes by me soon though (although I doubt anyone really cares). I still want to write my Lechers article, which may take me another week or so.


Quote of the Post: "Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." - Sir Winston Churchill

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Friday, March 17, 2006

And a Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all!
Happy St. Paddy's Day! I went snowblading today. Quite fun.

Anyways, onto important things. lol

My Lechers article is going ok. I'm actually planning this one out so that I can do it really well. Although, the problem is that I've already thought of another idea for an article. lol. So I just wrote it down, and now I'm trying to shove it out of my head until I finished this one. I just need to buckle down and write. But I have to go back to school on Monday since my Spring Break is over. And I still haven't done my homework so I guess I'll do it tomorrow so I don't have to worry about it on Sunday.


Quote of the Post: "Some are born mad. Some remain so." - Samuel Beckett

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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Researching = good at, Writing = horrible at
Well my 17th article is up. You can check it out here. It's on the only writing-related thing I'm good at: researching. It's called "Research Made Easy In 15 Tips". I really like doing research on stuff, if interesting and fun. And I'm good at it, unlike writing. I don't know, I just don't think I'm very good at writing normal articles. Like I'll have a good idea, but I just can't get it out right. And yes, bellpickle, in reference to your comment you put on my post yesterday, I do seem to have one talent: the talent of quantity. I seem to be able to write very fast when I have an idea. I only wish I had the talent of writing well, lol.


I've completely given up on my old article that I started a few days ago. I'll probably get back to it eventually. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if I don't. I have quite a few unfinished articles sitting on my computer, lol.

But I've already started a new article (see what I mean by fast, yet not good?). I just thought of the idea last night while watching Zelos (Tales of Symphonia) make funny jokes about Sheena. I won't say much, just in case I never actually finish it, but it has to do with Lechers. This one is going to be a humorous one, so I'm going to work a lot on making it funny the whole way through, not just at some parts.

Well if you'll excuse me, I've got to go eat lunch! I really like Spring Break! Too bad it's already Wednesday...

Quote of the Post: "In certain kinds of writing, particularly in art criticism and literary criticism, it is normal to come across long passages which are almost completely lacking in meaning." - George Orwell

*EDIT* And by the way. It has just come to my atttention that there are in fact 16 tips in my article, not 15. I didn't notice because when I was organizing them, I sometimes added in new ones, and then renumbered the ones after. So there are in fact two TIP #4's! lol. My bad.

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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Another Random Article
Well I just finished and submitted another article. Although, this isn't the one I've been working on for a while. I kind of gave up on it (I have the attention span of a very small insect) and wrote a completely random idea that popped in my head while I was trying to write my original one.

I'm playing Tales of Symphonia again! This is my sixth time through! lol. It's the best game ever! I'll probably finish it by the end of this week, since it is my Spring Break. This time I've got to get Kratos instead of Zelos! That's the ONLY thing I haven't done in the entire game!

Oh yes, before I forget. Happy White Day!

Quote of the Post: "If all the year were playing holidays; To sport would be as tedious as to work." - William Shakespeare

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Monday, March 13, 2006

To Clear Your Head, Take One Miyazaki Movie As Needed
I just finished watching Laputa: Castle in the Sky. That movie will never lose its greatness. I can't even remember how many times I've seen it (at the very LEAST thirty, and I got it around two years ago or maybe less, can't quite recall) and I still love it! It's quite different from many of Miyazaki's other movies in that it's so much more light-hearted. Actually, now that I think about it, it really isn't that light-hearted. Gah! I don't know what it is, but there's something about it that sets it apart from the rest of Miyazaki's movies. I know that Princess Mononoke is my favorite of his movies, yet I don't know if Spirited Away, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, or Laputa: Castle in the Sky is my second favorite. It's too hard to tell. lol

In reference to the title, I was trying to finish off my latest article (I'm having a lot of trouble with it, in that I don't know if the idea is good enough to be published), and I just couldn't think. So I was just like, "I've been meaning to watch Laputa: Castle in the Sky for a while. Why not now?" And now I feel great! I'm full of inspiration! But the inspiration is kind of spliting itself, as I want to both write and draw now. lol

I of course watched it in Japanese (I have Japanese copies of most of Miyazaki's movies). I can't stand the english voice acting in the english version. Actually, it's not too bad compared to others (look at Princess Mononoke. The first time I saw it in english I thought I'd puke from disgust). The only voice actor I don't like in the english version is Anna Paquin as Sheeta. She doesn't express emotions nearly well enough as the Japanese voice actor. Like when Pazu (or Potsu in the english version) is knocked put by a man that hits him over the head with a gun. In the Japanese version, Sheeta is screaming like crazy, and crying and just basically acting like what would really happen. In the english version, Sheeta is just calm and like, "Are you ok? Potsu, you have to get up. Come one Potsu." Ugh. Just horrible.

But that's just my opinion. If you don't agree with me, I respect your opinion. It's just what I think.


Quote of the Post: "Unless I grip the sword, I cannot protect you. While gripping the sword, I cannot embrace you." - Bleach, Volume 5

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Saturday, March 11, 2006

Long Day... but a good one at least...
Man it sure is nice to be able to sleep in! I usually ever do, but on holidays, I make a special point of sleeping in until around 8:00 am.

I've started another article. I'm just making points for it right now, so I should be done it sometime within the next few days.

It's wierd. This is the first time that I've actually thought out my article by actually writing out points. Usually I just make it up as I go along, with only a rough idea of what I want in my head. Then I just edit it afterwards.

I'm really tired. I was practicing a whole bunch of acrobatics today, since it's starting to get really warm (stupid Spring), and all the snow is melting. Since it's warm, I don't need to use a jacket, which really weighs me down so that I can't do anything properly. I do flips and such all-year round, but when the snow is soft and it's warm is the best, as I don't need to worry about how I land, because it's just into wet snow, which is pretty soft. I landed badly a few times though, so I do hurt a little, lol. I'm mainly practicing flips (both front and back), as well as no handed cartwheels. I'm really good at things like handstands and such other things that use my hands, so I really want to get better at the things that don't use my hands.

But now I've completely bored the few people that didn't already stop reading after the first few sentances. lol


I read the first three volumes of Bleach, as well as the third to fifth volumes of Naruto. Bleach is really good. Can't wait to read more. Naruto really is interesting. But I don't know if I'd ever want to watch the series, it seems too kidish compared to the manga. I don't know for sure, but that's just what I've gathered.

Well this turned out to be a rather long post. And I've still got things to say! =( lol. Oh well, I'll just talk about them tomorrow.

Quote of the Post: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein

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Friday, March 10, 2006

March Break (aka: Spring Break) is finally upon me! ... it's really heavy...
Well I had my Bio test today. No idea how well I did. I did get back a Chem test today. I got a 98% on it, so that cheered me up quite a bit. But come on! I missed 100% by ONE measly mark, which I lost because I didn't mark a chemical as being a solid after creating and balancing an equation from a word equation. Oh well. lol

I'm happy it's March Break (aka Spring Break)! Now I'll be able to write a few more articles, and maybe some other things for this site. Luckily I don't have much homework; just some Physics.

I've been wondering something for a while. Is there a title of "Senior Writer"? You know, like "Senior Artist"? Because if there is I've never seen someone that has it. I don't know how the title system works, but I think it'd be pretty cool if there was a "Senior Writer" title.


Quote of the Post: "It is not a bad idea to get in the habit of writing down one's thoughts. It saves one having to bother anyone else with them." - Isabel Colegate

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Thursday, March 9, 2006

One day to March Break! Yahhhh!!
At least for me it is. I don't know about anywhere else, but next week I'm off! That means I can write a whole bunch more! And maybe make some more wallpapers.

But unluckily, I've got a huge Biology test tomorrow. And I REALLY suck at Biology. Well actually, I think I'm good at it, it's just my teacher SUCKS. He doesn't explain anything and always assumes that the class knows what he's talking about. Of course we ask questions, but he barely helps. And then on assignments, he'll ask a question, and I'll answer, and then I get it back and he tells me that Iwas supposed to explain all of these other things about it that he just assumed I'd talk about. It makes me so mad! And now that class is lowering my 92% average!

But I digress...

I've got to buy Howl's Moving Castle!! It's finally out and I need to get it!! I think I'll go to Amazon right now and order it!

(Tom's *smart* side pops in) Actually I won't. I'm going to go study for about three hours so I won't get some horrible mark on the test.


Quote of the Post: "If it doesn't work - force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyways."

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Wednesday, March 8, 2006

This is a Title
Well my Spirited Away article is up. You can check it out here. I've had some nice comments on it that really made me think. Thanks to all of you that voted and commented!

And with this article, I'm up to 16. Wow. That's a lot. I only started last November, and I've already written that many. I'm only two behind Adam!

Man do I sound arrogant. My bad. Sorry about that, I really don't like it when other people are arrogant, so I make a special point of trying to not sound so. Except when I'm being sarcastic. Then it's funny. lol. Anyways, sorry for sounding arrogant.

Still, I WOULD like it if I could write more articles then Adam. It would be pretty cool to have written the most. I've long given up getting the highest rated or most popular, since many of my articles are on animes/video games that many people have never seen/played. That, but even more so because I'm not nearly as good of a writer as some of the people here. Heck, I'm a Math person! I hate English class! Everybody says that my articles and my site are very "straight to the point", which I suppose makes sense. I'm more of an analytical Math person than a metaphorical language person.


Quote of the Post: "I have hardly ever known a mathematician who was capable of reasoning." - Plato

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Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Heh, it really is good to be back!
I know I was only gone for a few weeks, but it did seem like a long time to me.

Well I submitted my Spirited Away article. I'm really quite happy with it. I kind of went on a tangent at one point, but it did make sense. Whatever, lol.

I submitted another wallpaper (yes, of Rave Master). This one is of Elie (she's my avatar if you want to know). Man that series is the best. I NEED to get the next volumes. That or the anime had better come to Canada! I've read up to volume nine, and I really want to see what happens next! lol

If anyone looks at my wallpapers, please comment on them, or comment on my site! I'd really like to hear what other people think of them. Although, I suppose it would only really work if you've seen Rave Master, or played Tales of Symphonia, lol.

Well, I think that's it for me today. See ya!

Quote of the Post: "If everything seems to be going fine, you obviously don't know what the hell is going on."

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