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Ontario, Canada
Member Since
University Student
Real Name
Tom (actually Tomas, but I now prefer Tom)
I'm great at games, and I've written the most articles on theotaku (I'm also the third most popular writer, and I have a 98% rating).
Anime Fan Since
Somewhere around 1999. But I only REALLY got into anime in about 2003-ish.
Favorite Anime
Princess Mononoke. Easily the best movie ever created. However, Rave Master, Love Hina, and Rurouni Kenshin (can't pick between them) are my favorite series of animes.
Gah! What do I put here?! Anime-related goals? Real goals? GAH!
Video Games (Nintendo all the way!!!), Snowblading, Swimming, Soccer, Breakdancing, Juggling, Swordfighting, Writing.
Smart, becoming obsessed with anime and video games, writing, and a few other things.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, March 6, 2006
Well I Guess I'm Back
By the title, I'm betting you know what this post is about. lol
Yes, I guess I'm back. After about two weeks of not really doing much (by my standards), I've started to get drawn back into the world of theotaku.
As you may have noticed, I've done a little changing around on my site. First is the background. I didn't really like the old one, as it was too cutty. I don't know, it just wasn't smooth enough in the tiling. The next thing did was change my avatar. Though it is still Elie from Rave Master. And finally, I've made a banner for my wallpapers. I'm starting to make more, and I was starting to get annoyed copying those links into my posts every time. Soon there's going to be an E-Card banner, as I've just submitted my first E-Card. I'm kind of branching out into the other areas now.
That's not to say I'm not still writing. I'm a lot better at writing then graphics (which probably isn't saying much, lol). I'm almost done an article on Spirited Away. I wouldn't be surprised if I finished it tonight in fact.
But I have been making wallpapers, and I've submitted two of them so far. All of the ones I'm making right now are of Rave Master.
The E-Card I made is also of Rave Master and I'm also almost done another (once again, Rave Master).
My break from this site really made me realize how much I like this site. It's really nice to be able to write and create. I'm staying here for a lot longer, that's for sure. And it'll take a LOT longer for me to really become bored with this site. lol
Quote of the Post: "There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered." - Nelson Mandela
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Monday, February 27, 2006
My Goodbye... for a while...
Well, I haven't done anything, even posted here for a while. It's because I've lost my obsession for it. Just for a little background explanation of me, you should know that I'm VERY obsessive, in that I find something I like, concentrate almost solely on that for a while (sometimes days, weeks, even months), and then forget about it for a while as I find something else. And this is what has happened with this site. I had been doing stuff and posting things for almost every day for about three months. And now, I've lost my interest in it. So I'm just saying goodbye for a while, since I know I will come back, and will probably do things every once in a while, but until I become obsessed with it again, I probably won't be here very much.
So as a parting, I have written another article. It'll probably be the last one I submit for a while. While I have many more ideas, I just don't have the feeling for writing them now. I'll get to them eventually, but that may not be for a long time.
So anyways, I'd just like to say goodbye for a while! I'm sure I'll see whomever cares to read this again, but it may not be for a while, so don't expect any comments from me, lol.
What a wierd post.
Quote of the Post: "We so called 'wierd' and 'crazy' people are just making up for you 'normal' people's boringness."
You can check out my articles here.
And my wallpapers here.
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Another article... maybe...
I wrote another article last night. It was so random, that I was completely surprised when I finished it, and it turned out to be something submittable. But now that I read it again, I'm starting to think that I should work on it a bit more. I think I could make it longer and more interesting. Maybe I will, or maybe I'll just submit it tonight. Whatever the case, I'd better decide soon. I've got two tests to study for that I have tomorrow! lol
You may have noticed the fact that I took out the .hack blurb. It's because I've kinda given up on it for now. I'll probably go back to it eventually, but I'm just too busy right now to continue the commitment.
As for my depression problems, well I figured it out! Really stupid actually. It turns out I just wasn't eating enough and getting enough sleep. Since most of you don't know what I'm like, I'll just tell you that I'm a person that hates sleep and eating, as I find it a complete waste of my time. I could be doing something fun and interesting if I didn't have to do those things! lol. Ahhh, whatever.
Quote of the Post: "Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep." - Fran Lebowitz
You can check out my articles here.
And my wallpapers here.
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Feeling better... slightly... lol...
Episode 9.5 of the .hack//SIGN project (see January 23, 2006 post if you don't know what this is).
Well I'm feeling better. Maybe I just bullied myself out of my slight depression, or something. I don't know, and I just don't care. I just want it to go away.
It's wierd, earlier today, I was feeling great. Then a little later I felt sad, for no apparent reason. Oh well... maybe I'm at least starting to break out of it...
I read the first volume of Love Hina today. I've already seen the first few episodes, and skimmed through the mangas before, but this is the first time I've actually read it seriously. At first I thought it was merely hilarious, but now that I'm reading it, I see the really interesting, serious story of Keitaro. I really like it. But that's not saying I don't like the hilarious situations and nudity that's in it, lol (by the way, I'm NOT a pervert, lol! I'm just a letcher, lol).
Well, I guess I'll go. I think I'll play Neverwinter Nights...
Quote of the Post: "To be sad is to live."
You can check out my articles here.
And my wallpapers here.
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Monday, February 20, 2006
Uhg uhg uhg... depressed...
Episode 9.5 of the .hack//SIGN project (see January 23, 2006 post if you don't know what this is).
I don't know. I just feel kind of depressed. I've been like this for the past few weeks. I just don't know why. I think I like my classes in school (I'm not entirely sure), so I dodn't know if that's it. Maybe it's the season. Maybe I'm not getting enough exercise. I just don't know. I think to myself, "Why am I feeling depressed?" And then I just reply, "Because." lol. I just don't know.
But I'm really starting to get annoyed! I KNOW that I'm depressed, and I KNOW that I don't want to be, so why can't I get myself out of it?! It's so annoying, and such a waste of my time!! Oh well...
My new article is up. You can check it out here. I'm quite happy with this one. The idea just kind of popped into my head one day, and I was like, "Wow! That's interesting! I never thought of it that way before!" Which seems to be what many people are saying about it, lol.
Well, as you may have noticed, I've been fiddling with my site. I took out my banner because it was kind of out of place, and it just didn't look right. I put up the articles link at the top, so that it'll b easier to go to my articles (although I'm betting that I'll be the only one using it, lol). I also made a new background. I made this in Photoshop, just like my other ones. I'm quite happy with it. So what do you think of my changes?
Quote of the Post: "Concern should drive us into action and not into depression." - Anonymous
You can check out my articles here.
And my wallpapers here.
Comments (4) |
Saturday, February 18, 2006
To reflect upon one's self is a good thing... too bad I'm not a mirror...
Episode 9.5 of the .hack//SIGN project (see January 23, 2006 post if you don't know what this is).
I was puttering around my site, and theotaku in general, when I noticed a few things about my being here. First of all, I noticed (actually I noticed a few days ago) that I've written the second most amount of articles, next only to Adam himself. I'm not trying to brag, I just find that hard to believe. Next thing is that I've posted on my blog everyday for the past few months (give or take a few days here and there). The really wierd thing is that because of these two things, it would sound like I must spend a LOT of time on this site, or doing things for it. But the truth is, I don't. It's really wierd...
I made another banner. This time it's for my articles. If you click on it, it'll send you to my articles. What do you think of it? I made it from scratch using Adobe Photoshop. Man that program is good! I really like the lighting effects you can do, as well as the awsome things you can do to text, like making it look shiny and 3D. And I'm just a amateur with it! Imagine what a pro can do! Anyways, what do you think of it?
Well I submitted another article, but it's not the third part in my Princess Mononoke series. I just couldn't bring the article together, and I gave up on it. Maybe some day I'll think of how to finish it, but until then, it'll just sit in my computer and collect dust (lol).
I watched Spirited Away last night, and I've really got a good idea for an article or two. I don't know, but ever since I started writing articles for theotaku, I've seen animes in a different way, because I'm so much more perceptive now, and I see things that I didn't notice before. Like this idea that I have for Spirited Away, I never thought of it until last night! All the other times I've seen it (and beleive me, I've seen it MANY times! When I first saw it, I bought it the next day, and then watched it every night for two weeks!), this idea never occured to me! It's really neat that I'm able to notice these new things now because I write for theotaku, and I'm always looking for connections and ideas for articles. Hmmm... that rant sounds like an article in the making... lol
Well, this post is a LOT longer then I'd originally anticipated, so I'm just going to cut it off here.
Quote of the Post: "The heart is something you can't control. You either choose to follow or be left on your own." - Voices Off Camera, Rise Against
You can check out my articles here.
And my wallpapers here.
Comments (2) |
Friday, February 17, 2006
I like snow and ice!!!
Episode 9.5 of the .hack//SIGN project (see January 23, 2006 post if you don't know what this is).
Well today WAS a snow day!! Yah!! I've been just playing Phantasy Star Online, as well as trying to figure out my last article on Princess Mononoke, but to no avail. I have an idea, it just won't work though. Too bad... I'm just going to move on and watch Spirited Away tonight; I can't wait any longer!! lol
I'm thinking of making some Rave Master wallpapers. I don't know... maybe...
I already have another article done. This one I started writing a few weeks ago, then I forgot about it. I think I'll put the finishing touches on it then submit it. It's on a more general anime type of stuff. I'm really happy with it.
Well, that's about it I think. Maybe I'll go get some homework done...
Quote of the Post: "Responsibility? What's that?"
You can check out my articles here.
And my wallpapers here.
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
Episode 9.5 of the .hack//SIGN project (see January 23, 2006 post if you don't know what this is).
Well I finally got around to read the post about hentai article by the my Government. Man did that article ever make me mad! I immediatly wrote a letter to the site, telling them (in a very polite, yet firm manner) that they were badly misinformed, and that the article was obviously written by an uneducated, biased person that did no research. It made me fell quite a bit better. lol
Well my second Princess Mononoke article is up. You can check it out articles here.
I'm having some problems with my third article on Princess Mononoke. For a while, I thought there wasn't even going to be one because I couldn't link my idea well enough. But then I got to thinking and I think it still might work, it just may take some more time, which I don't have a lot of because I've lately been getting tons of homework. =( Oh well, it might be another snow day tomorrow, as the weather is calling for freezing rain tonight. *crosses fingers* So I can only hope! Then I could get tons of stuff done! One thing being finishing the article, then watching Spirited Away, so that I can refresh my memory on some of the more specific things in the movie. I already have a few ideas for articles on it, but I don't know if they're going to work.
I read up to volume 9 of Rave Master a few days ago. It's the best series EVER!! I've heard people say that it's childish, but they din't know what they're talking about! It's the best anime EVER!! I can't wait to read more...
By the way... ELIE IS THE BEST!!
Quote of the Post: "On a scale of one to ten, I'd give that a C+!" - Launchpad McQuack, Duck Tales
You can check out my articles here.
And my wallpapers here.
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
To be and to live and to see and to... what am I even saying?!
Episode 9.5 of the .hack//SIGN project (see January 23, 2006 post if you don't know what this is).
Well I made a banner for my site. It has (as described) my favorite female characters from my favorite anime series (Elie, Rave Master), movie (San, Princess Mononoke), and game (Sheena, Tales of Symphonia). I originally had a few others in it, but it got too crowded among other things, such as Haru (Rave Master) becoming slightly see-through, so Ashitaka's (Princess Mononoke) body could be seen through Haru's head, so I just scratched it and started over and made it really simple. What do you think? Oh, and by the way, I made my name on it myself using Adobe Photoshop, what do you think? I'm pretty proud of it, since I was just goofing around with it and it actually came out looking good!
I'm almost done my third article in my Princess Mononoke series. It'll be the last. Then I'm probably going to move onto either Laputa:Castle in the Sky, or Spirited Away. I'm just going through all of Miyazaki's movies.
Well, I gotta go. I've got tons of homework to do. Cya!
Quote of the Post: "Well I never say quite what I mean, I never mean quite what I say. And how did that get outta me? And what the hell did I mean to say?" - OK Go
You can check out my articles here.
And my wallpapers here.
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Oh no... Pink... Hearts... Pink... Cards... Pink... Candy... NOOO!!!
Episode 9.5 of the .hack//SIGN project (see January 23, 2006 post if you don't know what this is).
Another Valentine's Day is upon us, and that is something that I truly hate. I HATE this day. Reason? Long story short, a few years ago on this horrible day I found out my first girlfriend (we'd been going out for about a year) was cheating on me and going out with my best friend. Yeah... it sucked. Turns out all my friends knew and were trying to hide it from me. Really sucked. And since then bad things happen to me on Valentine's Day every year. Oh well, today seems to be going not too badly...
And to those of you that like this day, happy Valentine's Day. I wouldn't really want to spoil your happy days while I dudge around in mine... lol
Quote of the Post: "Well you know what they say, when the going gets tough, the harder they fall!" - Launchpad McQuack, Duck Tales
You can check out my articles here.
And my wallpapers here.
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