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myOtaku.com: Kastom

Monday, March 27, 2006

Wow... I'm scared... sarcastically of course... but still...
Well my 19th article is up. You can check it out here. It's on girl gamers, and my defense of them.

It seems to be quite popular. I guess I was kind of excpecting that, but, wow. I'm just surprised I guess. I guess a lot of girls are happy that there ARE some guys that accept them as gamers, or something like that. It kind of seems like not many people are even paying attention to my article, but just my basic idea instead, lol.

Has anyone else read some of those comments? Some of them have kind of scared me. lol. Ah, I'm just joking, just as I know those people are. But still, I can only hear "I love you!" and related things so many times... oh, and Bishieluver01, I don't have a girlfriend. I don't know where you got that from. lol.

It also seems that most (almost all) of the people commenting are in fact girls. There don't seem to be many males at all (but I did notice both Pleiades Rising and SonicPrime, don't think I forgot you guys!). Maybe that shows something about some of the guys on this site... or maybe they just think my article sucks a lot...

And now, as a closing, I must apologize to everyone. I personally feel like I've been bragging this whole post, so I am sorry if you are now annoyed and hating me because I sound so arrogant. lol. Sorry.

Final note: I'm ahead of Adam! I have now written the MOST articles on theotaku!

Note on the final note: I'm sorry I sounded arrogant again. lol.

Quote of the Post: "To knock a thing down, especially if it is cocked at an arrogant angle, is a deep delight of the blood." - George Santayana

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