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myOtaku.com: Kastom

Sunday, May 28, 2006

13 Days to Otakuthon!
Well two of my articles are up. Well that's not ENTIRELY true, as one of them is a T.W.I.T. article, so it's really both mine and Backlash Wave's. You can check out our T.W.I.T. article here. It's on Nintendo and Sony, but it's NOT a debate over which one is better. That's just dumb.

My other article is on The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, where I discuss the underratedness (yes that's a word! I invented it. Go away!) of the game. You can check it out here.

I found that with both of these articles, I had a basically good idea going, but I'm not overly happy with the presentation. They're not bad, but I beleive I could've written them better. I don't know how, but I think I could've. Oh well.

I got boots! Boots boots boots! I made brown medival-style traveling boots for my costume today! They look awsome! I also made some really neat gloves. My costume is basically ready, but I'm still adding on more and more things. I still have 13 days to Otakuthon, so that's still plenty of time to add/change things.

Hehe, since I'm a cat now, I guess you could say that with my boots, I'm now "Puss-in-Boots"!

lol. I'm stupid with too much time on my hands (or paws).

Quote of the Post: "There's folks 'ud stand on their heads and then say the fault was i' their boots." - George Eliot

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