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Ontario, Canada
Member Since
University Student
Real Name
Tom (actually Tomas, but I now prefer Tom)
I'm great at games, and I've written the most articles on theotaku (I'm also the third most popular writer, and I have a 98% rating).
Anime Fan Since
Somewhere around 1999. But I only REALLY got into anime in about 2003-ish.
Favorite Anime
Princess Mononoke. Easily the best movie ever created. However, Rave Master, Love Hina, and Rurouni Kenshin (can't pick between them) are my favorite series of animes.
Gah! What do I put here?! Anime-related goals? Real goals? GAH!
Video Games (Nintendo all the way!!!), Snowblading, Swimming, Soccer, Breakdancing, Juggling, Swordfighting, Writing.
Smart, becoming obsessed with anime and video games, writing, and a few other things.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Otakuthon was... AWSOME
Wow. That was an awsome day.
Ok, before I get started, I want to say a few things. First of all, this is probably going to end up being a rather long post, so just bear that in mind. If you can't read a lot right now, wait and do it later, lol. But really, it may look long, but it doesn't really take to long to read. And if you don't read it, you might miss some of the funny things and some of the pics. Speaking of pics, I have links to some pics (obviously) of me in my costume, and at Otakuthon. If you don't want to see what I look like (I don't know about anyone else, but I find it kind of wierd knowing what a person looks like when you've never actually met them, but that's just me. Even so, I still look at pics of people when they post them, lol), then don't look at any of the pics. Oh, and just to let you know, I don't look very happy in any of the pics for some reason. lol. Normally I'm always laughing, so maybe I was just caught at bad times, lol.
Anyways, on with the story of today.
Well, I woke up at 5:00 AM, as planned. I had a shower, then died my hair (red), and dressed up in my costume. By this time, it was 6:00 AM, so I ate, grabbed my stuff, and was out the door by 7:15 AM (later then I planned).
And so began the three (3) hour drive from my house to Montreal. Fun, fun. Here's a pic of me in the car. I must've listened to "Zips" by T.M. Revolution at least 30 times (including both ways)! It's my favorite Japanese song right now, lol.
Oh, funny side story. I stopped for a bathroom break and for a bite to eat, and when I went inside the fast food place, there is of course tons of little kids because it just HAPPENS to be some sort of Camp Day for some little kid organization. So I went inside, and all the little kids began poitning and talking about my red hair (most of my costume was not put on at this point).
Anyways, I finally got to the Convention at about 10:15 AM, 15 minutes after it opened. I went inside the building, and found a mass of people in what appeared to be several disorganized lines. There were quite a few people cosplaying, but most just had a moogle hat or a Naruto headband or something else small like that. There were only a few "true" cosplayers (people that had completely dressed up). So anyways, I went to a bathroom and changed into my costume, and went to stand in one of the lines. Luckily an organizer of some sort came over to me and asked me if I had pre-registered (which I had), and told me that the line I was in was for those that hadn't. She directed me over to a much smaller line, and I was into the convention by 11:15 AM.
First thing I did was go to look at the shops (well, tables that had stuff on them, lol). There turned out to be a LOT less than I had expected. There were only about five or six vendors, so there wasn't nearly as much selection as I was hoping for. Still, after looking around a bit, I found an awsome table filled with great things like FMA watches, Final Fantasy rings and necklaces, and a whole lot more. There was even a Death Note notebook! I wanted to buy it just to freak out my friends. Anyways, I ended up buying only two things. One: an FMA pocketwatch. It's a replica of Ed's! It's really nice, and even has the etching of "Don't forget 3. Oct. 1111"! It's so awsome! I also bought a really cool ring, even though I have no idea what the thing on it is from. Whatever, though, it looks cool. I was planning on buying some shirts, but there was abysmal selection (like three different shirts in the whole vendor area). One was of Sasuke, another was Nana, and I don't know what the other was. I was thinking of buying the Sasuke one, but decided against it, as I'm not really that crazy about Naruto.
There was some other pretty cool things for sale though. Like all the dolls, and the replica of Ed's coat. There were tons of DVDs and mangas, but nothing really good. There were also a whole bunch of models and figurines, but I decided not to buy any, as I was pretty sure the novelty of them would wear off rather fast (that, and I didn't really like any of them, lol, none of my favorite characters from any of my favorite animes).
I then went around the other places, like the games room, and the panels, for several hours. Nothing was amazingly interesting, but some of the things were pretty neat, like the panel of "How to Create, Organize, and Not be Driven Insane by Your Own Cosplay Group".
Other than that nothing really interesting happened. Except for one thing. That kept happening. A LOT.
People kept asking me if they could take my picture! The first time I was completely confused, but said ok anyways. But by the end of the day, I was completely used to it. I swear, I must've had my picture taken at LEAST 20 times. Heck, one time there was a veritable LINE of people that wanted to take my picture! One girl asked me, then just before she did, another one came, and another one!
I'm just wondering, as this was my first time going to an anime convention, is this normal? Is it normal for people to take pictures of cosplayers? And this MUCH?
Anyways, everyone seemed to be really impressed with my costume, especially the fact that I made up the idea myself. I had a LOT of people (almost solely girls it seemed) commenting on how they just LOOOOVED my costume. And then there were the girls that said they loved me. There were quite a few of those now that I think about it. And there were also quite a few girls that said I was "hot".
I swear, I think I made myself a fanbase while I was there. Wherever I went, there were girls giggling, squeeling, pointing, and eventually coming up to me.
And then there was that one group of girls that basically attacked me as got off an escalator. I was going down one of the escalators, and at the bottom, a group of three girls came up to me (giggling of course), and asked me if they could hug me.
I'm not joking! They seriously did!
So, I was just like, "Umm... why?"
They giggled, and answered "Because!"
I was confused, so I just replied, "Ok, whatever."
So then the three of them hugged me (all at once), giggled, then ran away, but not before yelling, "You're hot!"
Yeah, I was VERY confused by this point.
Oh, and just to let everyone know, the girls were only a year or two younger than me, so it wasn't wierd or anything.
But I can tell you, the WIERDEST thing was this:
This one girl came up to me and asked if she could take my picture. By now, I was numbed and used the wierdness of this idea, so I just said ok, posed, and she took a picture. Then she began to walk away with her friends, all whom began talking and giggling, then the girl that took my picture turned around, and yelled, "You're sexy!" Then she and her friends ran off into a crowd.
Well, I must say that I was rather stunned by this. I'd already been called "hot" several times, and have been before this, but to my recollection, I've never been called "sexy". What a wierd convention filled with half-crazed people.
Anyways, that's about it. Pretty fun and eventful day I must say!
Oh, here's some better pics I took of myself when I got home (I don't look like I'm 16, almost 17, do I?, lol.):
I don't know what it is about this one, but I like it a lot, even though it is from the back, lol.
And this one is just scary. It looks like I'm going to kill someone. lol.
Quote of the Post: "Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed." - Alexander Pope
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