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Ontario, Canada
Member Since
University Student
Real Name
Tom (actually Tomas, but I now prefer Tom)
I'm great at games, and I've written the most articles on theotaku (I'm also the third most popular writer, and I have a 98% rating).
Anime Fan Since
Somewhere around 1999. But I only REALLY got into anime in about 2003-ish.
Favorite Anime
Princess Mononoke. Easily the best movie ever created. However, Rave Master, Love Hina, and Rurouni Kenshin (can't pick between them) are my favorite series of animes.
Gah! What do I put here?! Anime-related goals? Real goals? GAH!
Video Games (Nintendo all the way!!!), Snowblading, Swimming, Soccer, Breakdancing, Juggling, Swordfighting, Writing.
Smart, becoming obsessed with anime and video games, writing, and a few other things.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Now what should I use for a title?
Well I want to talk some more about Otakuthon, since there is in fact quite a bit I didn't mention, and now remember.
First of all, the OTHER cosplayers. There were some pretty good cosplayers. But the one that stood out the most was probably one of the Cloud cosplayers. His costume was really well done (at least it that's what it looked like to ME. I've never played Final Fantasy 7 (that's the one with Cloud, right?)). Anyways, he had made the Buster sword, and it was really well done! It looked awsome. Next convention I go to, I'm DEFINITELY making some sort of sword, lol.
Other than that, there were only a few people that stuck out, like the girls that had maid costumes (kinda creepy), and the guys cosplaying as Ichigo and the store owner guy (can't remember his name) from Bleach.
I have to say that I still think that my costume was one of the best ones there, lol, but that's just my opinion. Ha!
Kinda funny random thing. I went to Otakuthon's forums, and I found some girls talking about me. They kept refering to me as "the hot red guy" or "the cute red guy". lol.
Well Backlash Wave will most likely come to whatever Anime convention I go to next (which probably Otakuthon 2007, lol), and another friend of ours will also come. So that'll be better, as I won't be by myself next time, lol! And I've managed to convince Wave (my new nickname for BW) to cosplay as well, so that'll be fun (although he doesn't know who he would go as). And our other friend wants to go as Leon from Resident Evil 4. lol. As for me, I might go as my original character again, or I might make up a new character, OR I might try going as Kratos from Tales of Symphonia. I don't know if I'd be able to pull it off though. Even if I make the costume completely right (which would be DIFFICULT), I still don't know if it'd work. But I think I do have the right hair, so that's one thing, lol.
The reason I thought of Kratos was because of the drive back from the convention. I trying to think of a funny possibly skit to do next year, and I came up with (what I think to be) a pretty funny Tales of Symphonia one.
So here's how it goes:
I'd be Kratos. Wave would be Lloyd. And our other friend (now called N) would be Genis. And the skit would be called, "Lloyd Irving's Bad Day".
It'd start off with Lloyd and Kratos. It'd be like they just finished a battle, and Lloyd would be like, "Look at this trick I can do!" And then he'd do the battle ending where he throws up one of his swords, sheaths the other one, and catches and sheaths the first one. Except he'd fail miserably and drop the swords. Then Kratos would say, "Don't die Lloyd." (in his serious voice).
Lloyd "Why does he ALWAYS say that?!"
Then Genis and Sheena (don't know any girl that likes anime that looks like her, so I don't know what we'd do for her. Maybe I'd see if I could convince another one of my male friends to dress up as her, lol) would walk on, and Sheena would be in her swim suit costume.
Kratos "That's a little revealing Sheena. I think you should change. Don't you think so Lloyd?"
Lloyd *drooling and laughing like an idiot*
Kratos "Gah! What about you Genis?"
Genis "...I think I just went through puberty!"
Kratos *slaps forehead and groans*
Then Sheena and Genis would walk off.
It'd just randomly be the scene where Kratos' truth comes known.
Lloyd "Kratos can't be, my Dad!"
Then N would walk on with a Darth Vader mask.
Darth Vader "No Luke, I AM YOUR FATHER!"
Lloyd "NO!"
Then N puts on a Mufasa (The Lion King) mask.
Mufasa "No. You are MY son, and the one true king!"
Lloyd "NOOO!"
Then Sheena enters, normal clothes on.
Sheena "Yeah, I threw away that swim suit. I don't like it."
Lloyd "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" *falls to the ground*
And that's the end. I know, a few kinks need to be worked out, but in theory, what do you think? lol.
Quote of the Post: "OOOO I THINKI SAW HIM!!! HE WERE AWSOMELY CUTE BIF THATS WHO I SAWW!! >.<" - one of the girls on the Otakuthon forums talking about me. Very coherent, isn't she?
P.S. I don't think I should've gone to the convention. Some of this sudden (and very odd) popularity is going to my head. lol. Excuse me while I go beat it out of me...
P.P.S. Wow, another REALLY long post. Oh well.
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