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myOtaku.com: kasuchan

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Heyyo everyone! This is Kasu-chan (as if you people don't know that; most of you are smart enough to figure that out... right?), resident evil GM, sheep mage and all that jazz. Oro... what to say? I like video games (even work at a game shop!), role playing, drawing, music, and whatnot. Bleh, dun know what else to say. Oh well. x.x

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

YAY! Angel boy!
Heyyo everyone! I have a thing for sweet, caring guys (I don't like macho men). These quizzes show that. You should try them; they're a lot of fun. At least I think so.

Anei the kind angel
Anei-Aww! You got the sweet angel guy! ^_^
He's very caring and will always be there to
help someone in need, like you when you were in
the forest! He is very concerned about your
safety and that's why he took you home to look
after you until you healed. His attempt at
tying up your arm wasn't very good though...
Rate good and find out more in the next part!

Demon, Angel or Vampire? (Part1 with pics!) (Girls please!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Anei the kind angel
Anei really wants you, even if he didn't appear too
much in this part. Now that you know the story
of his brother, he fears you will turn from him
but he will still risk his life to keep you

Demon, Angel or Vampire? (Part2 with pics!) (Girls please!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Yay, angel boy! ^_^

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   Guess who's back!
Heyyo everyone! Well, if you can't tell, all of the previous posts are gone, and that means one thing; Kasu's back! ^_^ I guess I should update you on a few things.

I'm not working right now (I'm trying to get a job), and yes, my arm is still bothering me. Apparently I have some kind of nerve problem thingy-thing, which sucks bad because I can't do much of anything for long periods of time.

I've graduated high school and I'm preparing to start college in the fall as a music student. I've also been recruited for a few projects; art and voices for an online video game (I finally got pencils, Rasseru-san!) and for a person's pet project. Not sure how those are going to go, but its nice. Oh yeah, I might possibly be doing music for an online anime called "Makenai", and I'm really excited about that.

I have a new romance in my life. The thing with Lazzaro thankfully ended a long time ago. That was a mistake--never date someone that comes into your shop with bizzare hair. Bad boys like that really aren't worth their weight in pennies.

But Ricky is a wonderful, wonderful guy! We've been together for almost three months (got together a few weeks after my birthday). I met him through a play that I did, and we hit it off really well. It's already lasted longer than my last relationship, and we have yet to have a really serious fight; we have our bumps, but nothing too serious because we're both mature enough to talk about it. ^_^

I'm still trying to work on Keserei--my manga--but not as consistantly. I've been a little busy; I'm currently running/preparing to run three RPGs online, and one table-top, not to mention desolving one to write it out in book form (it's not working out; people aren't as dedicated as they should be). So obviously Kasu doesn't get a lot of time to herself. She's still a homebody though, but not by choice. I'm in the process of getting an appointment for my driver's test, but my mom keeps pushing it back. Grr, pisses me off. I WANT TO DRIVE!! XO


Anyway, can't think of what else. I'll update this journal when I update my other two journals ( ). Feel free to visit those as you please. Oyasumi.

--The sheep mage

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