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myOtaku.com: Kasuka

Thursday, July 12, 2007

   Geneva Convention
Whoots for Gencon! =D I'm so looking forward to it. (Aug. 16th to 20th) For those of you who don't know what it is....YOU HAVE BEEN MISSING OUT! Picture in your mind stands and stands of all kinds of anime wall scrolls, key chains, plushies, pens, figures, DVDs, soundtracks, ect... And they have lots of card games and RPG stuff, an cosplay contests, an actuall Gladiator Arena where guys in armor face off (with foam weapons of course). XD Not to mention the anime rooms where they play new anime all four days all day long. This is my third year going there and I haven't really seen most of it still. It's in the Indianapolis convention center and 3 of the surrounding hotels. I mean, it *is* one of the biggest gaming conventions in the world. haha

If there is anyway you can make it, you really should go! A convention this fantabulous is not to be passed up! XD I'll probably be wearing my yukata and maybe my ninja outfit the next day....*ponders* =P

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