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Favorite Anime
Yami No Matsuei, Naruto, Case Closed, Azumanga Daioh, Fruit Baskets, Dragon Ball Z, Inuyasha, Yu-gi-oh, Pokemon, Yu Yu Hakusho, Tri Gun, DN Angle,Full Metal Alchemist, Chobits, Bleach, Fushigi Yugi, Happy Leason, Gundam Seed/Wing, Cowboy Bebop, Host Club,
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 03/15/06:
In other words WEIRD!!! YAY!
 Your a half catgirl
If not for the tail and ears your COMPLETEALLY
normal. But hey, theres nothing wrong with
that! So your not as catlike as most but you
still have those cute ears right ^-~!
What Anime Cat-girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/15/06:
SO True!!!!!
are Yugi Moto! You are a freind to all, and
everyone is your friend. Then why do you have
enemys?? Yugi believes in the heart of the
cards and is a very good duelist. You respect
other people, and treat them like you would
yourself! People admire your happy and
courageous spirit, and your ability to never
lose hope!
Fav. Food: Hamburgers!
Fav. card: Dark Magician
Quote: True strength of heart cannot be gained
alone,the power to trust your friend, that is
the true stregth of heart.
Which Yugioh Character are you most like? *With pictures and music results!* brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/15/06:
You think just like Naruto!
Origin:Hidden leaf, Fire country
You have high spirits and always look at the bright
side. Naruto has big dreams and with is
spirits he could just make them come true.
But sometimes you probably feel unsure about
your abilities and don't know which way to
turn. Naruto is such a charming character
because most of the time he looks happy and
content. You probably are easy to get along
with and have quite a few good freinds.
People come to you for advice because they
know you'll be able to come up with
something. So keep on smiling!
Which Naruto character thinks just like you do?*pics, music, and detailed results* brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/15/06:
I'll keep going!
" loop=infinite>
The love you share is or will be hard. All your
life people will hurt you because of the one
you chose and he will need your help to carry
on. You two will satnd togher agianest the
world and lean on each other for support. You
will never give up hope and always believe in
your loved ones abilities. And he will always
believe in yours. Someday you will probably
break up, but until then its just nice to
hang on to each other while it lasts! Just
never forget how strong love is and never
stop loving him. In return you will learn
valuable lessons that will help you in your
future, if you don't destroy it while you try
to stay together. You parents don't approve
of him and your friends say your crazy, but
none of that matters....
What is the love you long for?*For gurlz, anime pics and music wit results* brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/15/06:
I got this 'cause my fav. colour is black... didn't I....
 Your anime girl is dark. She doesn't have any
friends because she doesn't want any! You are
very smart and misunderstood. People hate you
for who you are, but maybe if they didn't
spend so much time hating you they'd see you
were just like them. Something in your past
really hurt you, it changed your life and
made you see a side of the world you'd never
thought exsisted. You could be alot nicer and
happier, if people only gave you the
What Anime girl resides in your soul? *with anime pics* brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/15/06:
*Dances to the beat*
Your song is Feel Good Inc. By Gorillaz. src=""
Whats your theme song?*With Music!* brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/15/06:
the inside you are caring! You care deeply
about other people and would rather die
trying to save a person then watch them die
with no one to help them1 You are very
sincere and are kind to everyone, especially
your friends and family! You are the kind of
person who helps old ladys cross the street,
and carries peoples grocery bags to their car
for them. But you don't do these tasks for
money, no, you simply do them because you
can. If there were more people like you, the
world would be a better place!
Who are you on the inside?*Anime pics and music with results!* brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/15/06:
Awwww! I hope thats true!
 People see you as a lovable person. Everybody likes
you! You are kind to everybody, except the
ones you bring other people down. You love
animals and nature. But sometimes you get
stuck in your own world a little too much.
You are not very glamorous, but people like
you just the way you are! You have a
beautiful smile that melts the hearts of
people around you.
Who do people see you as? *awesome Anime pics and songs inculded with results!*__Updated__ brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/15/06:
God, I got over that a long time ago!

You suffer from rejection. You don't like talking
to people because you are afraid you'll get
judged or they'll make fun of you. Maybe
you're just shy, but for what ever the
reason, you hate asking questions becuase
you're afraid of the answer. People probably
don't like you too much, and they probably
treat you like an outcast, especailly at
school. You might have a few good friends and
a secret crush who is making alot of bad
desicions because he thinks no one cares, but
you do!
Your song is: She hates me by: Puddle of mudd
What emotion is making you hurt the most?*anime pics, music, and very deep results* brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/15/06:
 You are happy!! ^_^ You are always smiling,
everyone loves you! You are very cute and fun
and people love to be with you. At times you
might not be too happy. When someone dies or
you lose something special. if you do
something many see as horrble.. making
mistakes but thats life - no one is perfect!
What is your anime picture? (girls) brought to you by Quizilla
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