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Thursday, June 28, 2007

   Another fun quiz to try...
What Do the Naruto Characters Think of You? (This Also Includes Your "Life" As a Naruto Character) by Guinevere
Star sign:
Your Name:Merro Madame
Naruto:She's pretty, I like her a lot.
Sasuke:She's okay, I guess... (Really deep down he thinks he's falling for you)
Sakura:I don't care if she likes Sasuke or not, I still want to be her friend, because she's just so amazing! *Sigh* I hope she'll give me a few pointers during training...
Kakashi:She's too overactive...kind of like Naruto...kind of scary sometimes...
Hinata:She's so kind, and so understanding, I don't even stutter when I'm around her...
Shino:I don't see what every see in her, she's just like any other ordinary shinobi.
Kiba and Akamaru:Akamaru seems to like her a lot, but, I thinks there's something suspicious about her... I wish I knew what though...
Kurenai:She's a good friend, I enjoy her company very much, and I think she'd be a good match for a certain someone...
Shikamaru:She called me pinapplehead...for that, I shall never forgive her...
Chouji:I'd give up my food for her... (NOW THAT'S SAYING SOMETHING!)
AsumaI wish I knew her better, but, now it's too late...
Lee:She's nice, I enjoy talking to her, I like her smile a lot... (Could this be saying somehting?)
Neji:She such a bitch, I wish she'd shut up every now and then...
Gai:She's so...unyouthful! A terrible disgrace, and she's so hip just like that Kakashi...
Gaara:He stares at you from afar but whenever you catch him he denies ever doing so.
Temari:She's nice, but she makes Gaara act a little...different...
Kankuro:She's so mean...she called me a prune...
Jaraiya:Ow...my head...she packs a punch. And I seem to be favored as her favorite punching bag...so cruel, so cruel...
Tsunade:I admire her courage and skilles, though, I'll admit I'm very jealous...
Shizune:She's okay, though, she could really work on keeping her mouth shut.
Orochimaru:She's so powerful, I wouldn't mind having her as my next container...
Kabuto:(Asked Orochimaru if he'd share you but he said no way...-_-;')
Who secretly loves you the most:

lol, i found this interisting^^ but what i can't figure out is who the heck "secretly admires me" (at the bottom) who are they? and how am i 27?! lol

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