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Upside down somewhere
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College freshman hoping to survive the day.
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Something like, "uhhhhh..."
Somehow managed to graduate high school and be accepted to college. Odd.
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Always and forever, Azumanga Daioh
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Scaring pedestrians, hanging with friends, writing, drawing, etc.
Writing, mad Photoshop skillz, terrorizing people...
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Woah, it's been awhile
It's Monday night, almost Tuesday morning. There's no one to talk to and I've really got nothing to do.
YouTube to the rescue.
I started off by watching some of YGO: The Abridged Series before deciding to spend the night watching episodes of animes I haven't seen but would've liked to.
The first one was "season 0" of Yu-Gi-Oh. DON'T YOU LAUGH AT MEH. D: As opposed to the seasons actually dubbed by 4Kids, season 0 was animated by a different company and focuses on non merchandise-whoreable elements.
There is one thing I can say, though - it is rather...well, "violent", especially if you're used to the whole 'card games' aspect. I totally see why a company such as 4Kids wouldn't want to dub it. But I the main reason is probably still the "we can't make any money" aspect.
Second anime I watched was...uh, well, I found the first dubbed episode of Digimon on there as well, so I watched that. ^^; But I've just finished watching the first episode of Digimon Savers.
The reason I probably didn't like seasons 3 and 4 were because...well, varying reasons. But one and two were cool because of the whole "other world" aspect. Three was decent, but four just sucked.
But will I continue watching? I honestly can't say. As of right now, it's totally up in the air...but the episodes are there to watch. >>;;
After watching 'Savers', I thought I should go and amuse myself by going to Google and typing in "Digimon" and seeing what came up. I typed in various phrases, in a vain hope to come across a fansite that I would go to when I was younger.
But you years is a long time.
What is up with this? I mean, I honestly can't decipher why I'm such a spaz for Digimon even after all these years. Perhaps it lies in the fact that Digimon was my first real fandom, in which I went crazy. Digimon led me into the world of fan things - from fics to art to sites. And really, it was my door into the world of anime.
Ah geez...this is so bizarre.
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Saturday, March 24, 2007
*insert fangirl squee*
Yasuhiro Nightow is coming to ACen.
Freakin' sweet.
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Dear sweet childhood
(Why am I so obsessed with the word 'childhood'...? o_o;;)
With a TV in my room, I get satellite TV. With satellite TV, I get Toon Disney. And with Toon Disney, I get the original Digimon series.
Hell yes.
I was freakin' obsessed with that series back when it came out in 1999. But it's more amusing to watch it and be able to remember everything. The plot-twists, the stages, the personalities...woah. It's kinda sad. XD;
That also means I get to revive my OC. She was the first OC I had ever made, and her still-decent picture took me hours to make. xD;;
Oh please shoot me...
Also, Pucca. It's so adorable. =3
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Reliving a childhood
I blame Sangome for getting me to do this...

Trainer card, lawl. 8D
If you want to make one (and yes, they're fun), then this is the place to do it. (Tip: Whenever they say "click here", just scroll down. All the templates (except sprites) are on the same page.)
My card is strictly old-school. Okay, fine, maybe not totally, but I only believe in the first 251 Pokemon. >_>;
The 'mons shown are pretty much my party...I'm a water person if you can't tell. ><; But in the end, I have all of the six shown in some game or another.
I also forgot how much I enjoyed spriting. I was into it for a while, but then simply fell out. So this was the original trainer sprite...

...and I morphed it into this...

And finally - I won the eBay auction for the Ouran-ish jacket. All I need now is the patch. ...And get my hair cut. XD;;
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Sunday, March 18, 2007
On Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!
For the past week (and...more), YouTube's been threatening my beloved series of Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series. They took off the first two episodes, and people freak out. But at least LittleKuriboh hasn't abandoned YouTube. He added three episodes yesterday. 8D
I've fallen into a pit of luck concerning the Ouran blazer. I found one on eBay and I just have to wait about four more hours until the auction is over. Whats more, the measurements seem to be fit perfectly. Woot.
There is one thing I've forgotten, though, and that's the fact that neither myself nor my mom have used her eBay account in over two years. x_x; Whats more, we've only ever thing. *facepalm*
What's amusing this time around is that, while the Ouran costume looks as if it would cost a lot more than Haruko's, it's not. Whereas last year I had to buy fabric, pants, boots, and the wig, all I have to do this year is buy a blazer and a patch. Last year's total was around $50, this year should be around $25. 8D Yay.
The third quarter is over - it ended Friday. I have four days this week, and then, spring break. *heavens burst open* I have two plans - go to Erin's house to finally experience the Wii (and see if it's worth experiencing) and go see a movie on the Sunday before we go back. >_>; The latter also started with Erin, because apparently, her two devil cousins are coming, and once they arrive, she's leaving. XD;;
I'm looking forward to vegging out and staying up during the break. I could really use enjoy it. >>;
One last thing before I leave - this. It's a review of Ouran High School Host Club by a "badass manly man reviewer". Warning, language. This is one of the milder lines:
"This dude is like Honey's bodyguard or something. He doesn't talk because he's got this look on his face like 'just try something bitch i'll break yo legs'."
How can you NOT like that? =O
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Saturday, March 10, 2007
I can't decide whether this person was being sarcastic...or not...
ok...dont diss inuyasha, it rox!!and y the hek does every1 in ur manga hav the same darn hair??!!i cant tell any1 apart ^_^
(Concerning WaKD #3)
...AGH MOTHERLAND! (No, I'm not Russian.) The person even gave that whole "thumbs-up" thingie and everything! People are confusing. Dx
The same hair...hmm...Well, it's because hair is something that is a pretty general thing in real life. You look at an entire character to identify who they are, right? In that case, you really shouldn't get confused.
Unless they're talking about me and Waffles, which would mean they don't get the fact that we show up in every comic...
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Ich habe geschafft...
I've got a week left of third quarter, two weeks 'til spring break, two months until ACen, some hate going on, grades to salvage, music to practice, and a party to attend tonight. Oi.
The weekend is one of those times where it's most certainly not long enough. Two days doesn't outweigh five days, that much is for sure.
Waffles's birthday was on Thursday, but the celebration isn't until, like...who knows. xD With so much going on, the beginning of spring is a time that one must carefully plan.
I've been hunting around for a jacket I could use in my cosplay of Haruhi for ACen. After my mom stoutly refused on being able to make one ("It's one star!" "I'm not a seamstress!" "One star! Labeled easy!"), it's up to the glory of the internet in my locating one. Or Goodwill. Whichever works.
A problem with cosplaying nowadays is that you can pretty much order any costume you want. I mean, I like that for getting parts that are uberly difficult to make, but buying your whole costume is just kinda lame. Part of the spirit of cosplay is making it...I mean, I guess I can't speak much, seeing as how I have to have somebody else sew, but at least I can assemble parts.
And stuff.
Speaking of which, I submitted my registration on Thursday. XD;; Why do I always wait until the last minute...?
...My fingers are cold.
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Saturday, March 3, 2007
Me shouldn't be alive!
(Check out Discovery Channel's spoofs if you don't get it. >_>; )
Okay, so the title should really be more like, "You should be happy I'm alive!" but that's not true either. Anyways, on with the story!
Yesterday we had some pretty insane weather. The wind was blowing around like crazy, drifting the snow around. The roads were patchy and there were some deep deposits, but otherwise it wasn't that bad.
In the morning, at least.
The first sign that things were bad was the dramatic three-minute early dismissal. >_>; After school, there was a writer's club meeting, but only me and Waffles showed up. We bummed around for a few minutes, browsing the internet alongside our sponsor before the three of us decided to head out. Waffles was like, "I need to hang on to you to make sure you don't blow away..." So we hobbled to the car and puttered off to the open road.
We were fine for the first three minutes of our drive, which only lead us about a (normal) minute away from school. But then there came a white-out and we couldn't see. The next thing we knew, we were going down a slight slope and seeing the back of a truck about fifteen feet ahead. Waffles puts on the brakes, but when we're still going and mere feet away, things aren't good. Waffles jerked us out of the way, off the road, and up into a snowmound.
It was kinda scary (not really), albeit cool to see the snow explode over us on impact. After a moment, I kick the door open to try and push, but we were stuck. A senior drives by, calling out how we'll need to call somebody. But we keep trying.
After a few more second of that, Mrs. Davis, our sponsor, drives by and calls out to me. Waffles pops out of the car and we rush to Mrs. Davis's car, ditching our items and things. The road we were going down had been closed due to accidents and white-outs, but we just got lucky that she saw me in the futile attempt to get the car out of the mound. The wind was constantly blowing and getting worse, so we drove back to the school.
On the way, both of us called our homes. I talked to my mom, who was more worried/upset that I had left my cell phone in the car. Waffles talked to her sister, who asked why she drove off the road.
"It was either hit a truck or go into the snow mound!" she replied, wondering how her sister didn't understand the concept.
We were driven to our friend Rochelle's house (she was mentioned in WaKD 7, by the way) who lives mere seconds away from the school. Waffles and I once again clung on to each other while going to the front door, but I slipped and fell on my back via an ice patch. Second time this week, too.
So we were unexpected guests to Rochelle, of whom we bummed soda, chocolate, and mixed nuts from. (The last is my doing.) For an hour and a half we hung out there until Waffles's dad picked us up and took us home.
School lets out at 2:30. We left at around 2:45. I didn't get home 'til 5:00. Yessir folks, it was a long day.
...And was kinda fun
As I told her, I have lost no faith in Waffles's driving skills. I may have actually gained some since she opted to for a snow impact ran than that of a truck. But yeah, that was my adventure...I've decided to lay down for the weekend. >_>;
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Sunday, February 25, 2007
And then, stuff
I just finished a marathon of Yotsuba&! chapters. Since ADV hasn't released anything since - get this - October of 2005, I found a site with downloads. So , I read volumes four, five, six, and the two from seven. Eeee, Yotsuba's so cute. xD
Anyways, this Thursday is my "spring" band concert. (Also the 'spring' concert for Haya...and Ryu...and Aiyanna.) I hate the song "Puszta" with a passion. Damn you Jan Van der Roost and your obsession with 7-uplets, gypsies, clarinet solos, trills, awkward key signatures, and bizarre fingerings!
But between "Puszta" and "The Solitary Dancer", I have ten occurrences of which I play by myself, including two solos. 'Dancer' wouldn't be so bad if it didn't have weird entrances and stuff.
On Friday, we had band. And on Friday, I got yelled at by the director. ('Yelled' is used freely, it's more like I got 'severely scolded'.) First off, my second oboe distracted me by asking "why is there a mirror in here?" right before my entrance and solo in 'Dancer'. We also used her music for the day (we share a stand), and she has nothing marked in music. I missed sharps and flats and naturals and everything.
Ugh. Freshman.
But besides that, I also have to finish a pain-in-the-ass self-portrait for painting class. It's due Wednesday, but with my track record, I need to really get working on it. It's also in acrylic, so the paint doesn't spread that much. And it's also in a monochromatic color scheme, the biggest pain to paint with. This piece also marks my fifth self-portrait of the year. No wonder I'm not that into it.
I've discovered that oil paint is really cool because it lasts forever and spreads wonderfully. We painted a still-life of fruit, and I finished Thursday. I think it turned out well because we got to use the actual colors we saw - no converting. :\
*sigh* I hate this time of the year...
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Monday, February 19, 2007
ACen Project, Go!
So up in my intro, I have a new, sort of project going on. It's all for the sake of ACen. ;D
It's just an idea, but I kinda amused myself with it. Anyways, I was hoping to try and get a list of people on myOtaku who are going to ACen. First off, it would be kinda neat to see people in person. Secondly, if there are enough people, we can scare management have a photoshoot or something.
God only knows. But it's an idea.
(And bell, Shin: I hope you guys aren't, uh, angry at me for putting your names on. xD;;)
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