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Sunday, February 11, 2007
Just ugh.
I can't think right now. x_x;
Last night was the Valentine's Day dinner dance at the middle school, and I chipped in my time to help out. At first, I helped out the food table, then after people stopped coming in, I hung out in the gym where the music, dancing, desserts, and auction tables were. So for a while, I had some fun.
Then I got roped into hall monitor duty.
So there's this hallway that goes from the gym/cafeteria area that connects to the main hallway, which leads to the band room. We were to not allow anybody except band and chorus members to pass due to past vandalism events. Okay, cool.
But...I'm doing this alone.
Haya and my friend Meghan needed a break, so I said I'd take over. However, I thought somebody would be helping me. But, alas, no. Anyways, I have Haya get me a Diet Coke to sip at while I monitor.
Time goes by, and the middle school jazz band does their performance. They all go back down to pack up their instruments and change, etc. There are kids along with them that want to go with, and I say, "Sorry, you cannot go down unless you're in band or chorus."
Cue obnoxious middle school brat mode.
"But he's in the band!"
"Yes, but you're not."
"I've never been to this school; can he just show me around?"
"Why not?!"
"Why do you even care? You're not in band or chorus, and trust me, there's nothing to see."
This argument continues on for a good ten minutes. Eventually, the band kid passes to go change, but the other one just stays there bothering me.
There were two groups of kids that bothered me. Above was the band-group of one band kid and his friend. Then the next were two seventh-grade chorus girls.
God, they were...
To recap their idiocy would kill braincells. But essentially, they would talk to me in Australian accents, say "G'day mate!" over and over and over, not go down to the gym when I told them to "please do so", etc.
Eventually, they were arguing with me while I was sitting. They said, "You're mean!"
I just flinch to get up, and they jump away. When I actually, stand up, I'm just angry, and rather imposing (sans the Diet Coke can). But in a calm voice, I say, "You keep harassing me. I'm just doing my job. I was told to not allow anybody down this hallway unless they have a completely legitimate reason - and going down to to your locker doesn't count. I've asked you countless times to go to the gym, but you haven't done that. So, who's the mean one?"
Which, you know, goes completely over their heads.
I was eventually rescued by Meghan, and then other joined up, so we had a barricade going.
But still...ugh. Just ugh with a side of ugh and ugh on top. >>;
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Sunday, February 4, 2007
Da Bears for Da Win

*Answer: Grizzly bears do
My temporary Dev ID that I just made. Bears for the win! 8D
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Thursday, February 1, 2007
It's up!
Online registration for AnimeCentral is up! Don't make the same stupid mistake as I did: The text things are links. x___x;;;
I've just finished up my registration. Now all I've got to do is see how many minions we have going so that we can get a group discount. xD
In other news, I've finished my class sign-up for next year. Well, almost. I just gotta get a verification that I can do independent 2D art study, and then I'm good to go. ;D
So the courses are:
AP Literature and Composition
Algebra 2
Earth Science 2
AP American Government and Politics
Fine Arts
Independent Study for 2D Art
Career/Life Skills
Consumer Education
Multimedia 1
Psychology 1
Physical Education
Health 2/First Aid
Walking and Wellness
Total 'em up, it's eight. Coolios. 8D
In other other news...How 'bout that publicity stunt by the Aqua Teen Hunger Force guys, eh? Quite interesting. The most hilarious analysis/composite of the various news clips is here. Watch it, I dare you.
But really. They didn't just plant the Lite-Brite boxes in Boston - they were in several other cities nationwide. Most people/cops were just like 'meh', but Boston totally freaked out.
Granted, the time we live in is one that is very cautious and touchy. But really...when you see a Lite-Brite thing...
My favorite quote from the clip is (something like) "It had all the components of a bomb...except the bomb." Oh blantancy...XD
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Thursday, January 25, 2007
ALRIGHT! My musical seppuku thingie is OVER!
Songs: 566
Hours: 34.2
Average Songs Per Day: 81
Average Hours Per Day: 5
This experiment started last Friday at around 7:00pm and ended about two minutes ago, at 9:44pm on Thursday.
Numbers are kinda off due to how much I listened on the weekend x_x
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Saturday, January 20, 2007
Just some random (and long) randomosity
So I've decided to launch into the suicide mission that is listening to my entire library of music. Furthermore, I'm listening to it while shuffle is off. Now, this wouldn't be so bad...if I didn't have five different versions of "Change the World", "I Am", etc. So far, the worst I've pushed through are the three versions I have of "Want It All Back". My goal for today is to get through my "S" section (I started from the back and am working my way up to the top; aka, "*~Asterisk~").
And the "S" section is 66 songs long. x___x
But considering I managed to get through 47 songs last night is a good sign. ;D
To make things not-so-suicidal, I've instigated some rules:
1.) Repeats may be skipped through. Repeats are not the same as remixes.
2.) theOtaku podcasts may be skipped, but some part must be listened to.
3.) If Yuki Kajiura's music gets too depressing, then skip it.
4.) Music may continue playing if going for a bathroom/food break.
In other news, I've pretty much decided to go as Haruhi for ACen. Waffles has said that, if her aunt can help out with the costume, she'll go as a random customer. XD;; (It was her that decided to do this...I had no part in it. >.>;) Seeing as how I look a lot like Haruhi, it's an easy fit. No wig or hair dye either! 8D
While researching the costume, I came upon a problem...the badge on the left breast pocket. After a bit of searching, I found a patch on a couple of anime stores - for nineteen dollars. A major "Wtf?!" action ensues.
But I hunted around some more, and found an eBay store that's selling 'em for $4.50. 8D This is the version I'm going to buy. There are two others, but the "anime" version has this ugly yellow-orange background. It also doesn't look to elegant. The second version is the same as the linked picture, but also with a funky yellow-ish background.
...Checklist time! XD
+ Pants: Horray for band concert attire!
+ Shoes: Same thing!
+ Uniform coat: Sewing or something is required.
+ Tie: Just buy a black one. There's not a chance in hell I'm buying a black tie with a purple stripe for twenty bucks. =P
+ Dress shirt: I have something that could work, though I could probably raid my mom's closet. XD
+ Badge: Resource found. :3
I'm doing quite well. xD But the jacket's going to be the definite hardest to make.
But it's fuuuun. D:
While talking to Sangome last night, we got on the subject of the fact that she would have to get a hotel room if she were to attend ACen. This came about due to the fact that I had read a thing about "room parties" in the FAQ. XD; But that also brings up the point that Shinkiro's attending. This is why me and bell are lucky - we live in the area. +D
This year, I'm almost garunteed to meet somebody. Why is this year different? I have...a CELL PHONE! *jumpsorz* Even though I know this is way too far in advanced, if any of you are attending...and I trust you (>_>;)...then a number swap is in order. XD
Which thus prompted a play-out of events between me and 'gome:
Sangome: "Katana, I think I've encountered a yaoi booth...Oh God, the fangirllllssss...!"
Katana: "'gome? 'GOME?! SANGOME! Answer meee!"
Sangome: "AGH! *cackle fzzz* ...LLLLSSS!!!"
Fangirls: "OMG HOW CAN U NT LIK IT LAWLZ?!?!11!?!!?1!"
One last point - we're getting satellite TV this coming Friday. 8D After extremely little debate, the not-battle between me and my brother as to who gets the hookup for their room was given to me. +D
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Thursday, January 18, 2007
It's con season again...
The website for AnimeCentral 2007 is finally up. (They say it's been up since the 14th, but I think they're lying...)
There's just one problem I have thus far (like, an "I don't like this" problem). The musical guest, "Voices For Peace", is apparently this group of voice actors that sing...anti-war songs. I'm now worried about the government/political crap that could be thrown at us.
We shall see how this develops. ;3
But I do have a "dilemma". I cannot decide who to cosplay. o_o; It used to be a decision between Hinata (Naruto) or Larxene (Kingdom Hearts), but now...Haruhi (Ouran) has been thrown into the mix. x_x;
112 days until ACen. XD;;
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Monday, January 15, 2007
And thus, second semester
*yawn* I am so tired right now, and I'm...not really sure why. o.O I am so thankful we had a three-day weekend. I really needed the break. x_x
Over on DeviantArt, I'm doing this sort of "three-character-uniform" project for my new devID. The first one (Ouran alias) is up, and I'm currently fixing up the FMA one. I just have one more to do. At first, it was going to be Azumanga Daioh...and then I realized I don't have a real character for that. >_>; So I need one more series to draw from...and it has to be a series with a uniform. Oh, and of course, one that I have a character for.
I logged on today and received a lovely guestbook signing from Vivane, the artist of the fanmanga Gott Gauss. (Read it, it's shiney. 8D And there's GERMAN!) That made me really happy...and also broke my two week dry spell of keine guestbook signings. XD;;
Today I went to the bookstore in search of Fullmetal Alchemist volume 11. Well, they didn't have that...but they did have volume 3 of "Buso Renkin" and volume 2 of Viz's release of the Train Man series. It's really addicting. ^^;
Papillon Mask in BR really...and I mean really...disturbs me. He's so...err...queer? I dunno. But he dresses in this weird, Shakespeare-ish thing, and shoves things into his butterfly thong. x_x; He (used to) hide his mask in there, and now he's shoveling Buso Renkins in there. (I know that's not what they're called, but I don't have the manga with me right now.) There arises two questions from that, though:
1.) How much room do you have in those panties?
2.) What else do you keep in there? Money?
Okay, I'm done. >_>
So, second semester starts tomorrow. I really don't change any classes - six of my eight are year-round, and they didn't budge. My two semester classes hardly change either - I go from Drawing to Painting (same room) and Health to Walking (same area). That entails that my lunches remain the same, and I hope I have others with me too. I'm pretty sure my B-day crowd isn't changing too much (Waffuru, can you verify this? x_x; ), but my A-day group may be shifting a bit. Who knows.
But lastly: Where's the effing podcast?! D: Trust that the one time I want to simply listen to it, it's not here. ;_;
Blugh. I'm really tired. -_-; I'm going to go see if I can find a caffeine source...
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Saturday, January 6, 2007
Life or something like that
So first semester is almost over. Mid-terms are this week (or whatever). Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are my dates of utter doom, though Wednesday is by far looking the most-deadliest.
The day tests are taken depends on what the day is. This year, the first day of mid-terms falls on a would-be B-day, so B-day mid-terms are first. Ugh. It's like this:
Tuesday: My band final. We started yesterday because we couldn't have everybody being tested on one day. We have to play a random scale, play some measures of "Etudes", and sight read.
Wednesday: This day is going to suck. First up is AP U.S. History, which, somewhat fortunately for me, involves no essays or DBQs. It's over the first fifteen chapters, which means from the early civilation of America up to the Civil War. Second is Drawing, which has become a take-home final. The project is to create a two-point perspective view of a building/etc. from two pictures you combined together. And then third is Chemistry, which I'm absolutely dreading. I'll study as much as I can, and hopefully it'll turn out like both of my biology finals last year - in other words, I hope I get a C.
Thursday: This is hopefuly going to be a less stressful day. First is Geometry, where all I really need to do is brush up on terms and two formulas. Secondly is Honors American Literature, which will be about two essays of your choosing from the book "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn". We took the test for the book before winter break, and the essays were cut off because the test was long enough as it is. It should be easy enough. Then third is German 2, in which I need to brush up on my vocabulary. I always forget that 'gegen' means 'against' and stuff like that. But I'm also very good in German this year, so a study session over my notebook should be fine.
Friday: The leftover classes - in other words, A4 and B4. A4 is Band for me, but we still have playing tests going on, so unlike last year, there's no written test. Although first semester's test royally sucked, second semster's was really amusing, since it included questions like "how do you spell my (director's) name?" and "name three clarinetists". My last test is Health, which means I need to look over our notes. I'm sure after a bit, it'll all come back to me. I'm getting, like, a 99% in that class anyways. >_>;
Yesterday, I went to my counseler for the first time and had one class adjusted for me. If I want to be in AP Art, I had to take Painting next semster. It was a totally simple swap of Computer Applications for Painting, and nothing else was changed; lucky for me.
I'm excited but nervous at the same time when it comes to the prospect of AP Art. Only me and three other sophomores - friends of mine - were invited to the meeting. However, we need to pass a portfolio review in order to get in. Of course, the four of us freak out, since we don't have that many pieces of art - but we're not accountable for the amount of pieces. Okay, whatever.
So after I swapped out Computer App., I get one of those "your impending doom of a future" talks. The counseler lists off all these classes I have to take and such. She automatically signed me up for Algebra 2 double-block, which I immediately spat out a no. There's not a chance in hell I'm taking a double-block class, especially a double-block math class...especially a double-block algebra class. Okay, fine.
Let's tell the story of me and Computer Applications: It's a required class, so you have to take it to graduate. Let me also point out it's the most useless class if you know some things about the computer, because all you learn is Word and Excel. That's it.
I want to test out of it, because I know that, if you talk to the teacher about a required class, you can. My friend wanted to test out of Earth Science so he could cram in more art classes, but after looking at all the materials he'd have to learn, he just dropped the idea.
I tell this to my counseler, and she says no. So I'm like, why the hell can't I? She goes on to explain that she's "met kids who can take apart computers and program them for people" but that still have to take the class. I sit there while thinking "then doesn't that tell you it's pointless?". Then she tells me that starting next year, it won't be a required class for the incoming freshman. I just balk.
I accidentally left my art portfolio at school, so while my dad drove me there, we had a talk about the class and stuff. He then made the comment of "my daughter has her own novel going, you think she needs to learn things about Word?", which made me smile. We discussed the prospect that, if I were to talk to the multimedia teacher and maybe pass a test or something, that perhaps she could help me waiver out of computer app.
I don't know anymore. >_>;
PS: This is why Shinkiro effing rocks:
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Monday, January 1, 2007
Haha, it's 2007. That's pretty gnarly.
...I want a crunchy peanut butter sandwich now. o_o;
Last year, I had my checklist of things I had wanted to accomplish during 2005, and then the status. Here we will go into what I didn't accomplish and see if I did, finally:
+Azumanga Daioh DVDs 5 and 6: Yes, finally, thanks to a sale from ADV
+Monty Python and the Holy Grail: I got it for my birthday 8D
+Get Revival finished by Christmas: Let's quote last year Damn, I wish. >_>;
+Return the first Wheel of Time book back to Aiya, completly read: Haha, I actually just found that underneath my coffee table/work table while cleaning it out XD
+Learn to make Winamp skins: I tried, and ultimately decided that I don't like XML
+Spend more time practicing my oboe: Yes, actually, due to the fact that I have competition from the freshman...though not so much anymore. *phew*
So, err, did I have goals for 2006? I look back at the post I made for my goals of 2005, and ultimately decided that I was way more free-flow this year. I had no ultimate goal, which, I guess, is a good thing. I never really focused on an outside goal; I was too busy keeping my grades, my friends, my health, and myself, happy.
I'm not sure what to think now that it's 2007. All these things suddenly seem closer - mid-terms, ACen, the due date for Young Authors, TV airings, and the end of the year. Okay, so, the 'end of the year' being close is almost a total lie, but hey.
Random Facts:
-First food of the New Year = Chocolate Pocky. First drink = Sparkling red grape juice.
-Wearing: Blue slippers, blue jeans, red shirt, jean waist jacket
-First thing we did after screaming 'Happy New Years' = Call up friends with the speakerphone on my cell phone. Yes Ryu, that was us. You were our second victim. xD
Edit: I went and counted how many times I posted on myO.
That's 1.5 per week and almost seven per month. ^^;
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Friday, December 29, 2006
Six Things, Six Categories
This is something I'm ganking from my newspaper, and I encourage whoever reads this to do the same. Six things in each of the categories that happened during the course of 2006, and your reaction to it.
Most of the thing I'm listing will have to do with myOtaku/theOtaku, etc., or events that I have posted about. I don't want you guys to be confused. XD
Six things that made me...
-The podcast team's poking fun at Adam. "Hurmph hurmph hurmph!"
-The brith of the Otaku Attack Force, and, moreso, our taking up over 50% of episode 22's comments.
-The fangirl wars. >_>;
-bellpickle's guide to writing mediaminer-worthy fanfiction.
-The Inuyasha parodies and "Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series".
-The start and somewhat populartiy of the WaKD comics.
-SOAP's huge uprising against the closing of the articles. Plus, the humongous wave of comments that came on the news article about the writing sections closing.
-Receiving a Judge's Award and an Honorable Mention in Lelola's fifth splash image contest.
-Passing freshman year.
-Learning the band had been selected to go to New York City.
-My oldest brother's awesome girlfriend and how I may have a sister-in-law before I graduate high school. ^^ (My oldest brother is 22, by the way.)
-Becoming the second-most popular article writer. I think Adam closed the section because I was catching up. *shot* >.O;
-The death of Steve Irwin.
-Finally reazling that the writing sections were really gone, and that fanart had become the focus of theOtaku.
-Azumanga Daioh's ending (after I, you know, finally got the sixth DVD)
-Watching "The Gift of Ages" on DeviantArt.
-Realizing how little time I have left with my junior friends.
-Finding out - wait, I can't share. I made a promise that I wouldn't tell anyone.
-The blatant stupidity of people completly ignoring the impact the closing of the articles had on us.
-Losing ANN's holiday banner contest - furthermore, losing to the thing that won.
-How the podcast boys rip into anybody who likes dubs and think fansubs are "wrong". (To an extent.)
-Seeing advertisements for yaoi manga in Anime Insider. *shot by fangirls*
-Getting a B+ in art first quarter. Excuse me?
-The pink and small banner, and how Adam just ingores the 150+ comments plus the podcast boys revolting against it.
-The direction theOtaku is heading in becoming a DeviantArt clone. Why?
-The PLAN test. Am I really ready for college?
-The credit wars I have in my schedule for next year. After the three humanities classes, can I fit everything I need in?
-AP U.S. History. Wait, why am I in this class?
-Immigration debates. Why do they think the way they do?
-Being a sophomore. I'm stuck in a boring part of school. What can I do to make an impact?
-Reaching 1mb for Revival's file size. Sa-weet.
-Having blunt and non-tactful Ryu read Revival and really like it. There's hope for publishing after all.
-Almost winning Lelola's splash contest.
-Going to New York City and performing in the Nation's Day parade.
-WaKD's popularity and the people who enjoy them. I can be funny afterall!
-Having the chance to be in AP Art for two years with only three other people - all of them friends of mine.
2006's been an interesting year. Let's see how 2007 pans out.
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