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College freshman hoping to survive the day.
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Something like, "uhhhhh..."
Somehow managed to graduate high school and be accepted to college. Odd.
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Always and forever, Azumanga Daioh
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Scaring pedestrians, hanging with friends, writing, drawing, etc.
Writing, mad Photoshop skillz, terrorizing people...
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
So today was the first day back for, as I said previously, me, Haya, Ryu, and Aiyanna. Lunches today were organized by grade, so our posse got to sit and laugh around for a half hour.
It was an interesting day, to say the least. There was construction going on the in the front, so we couldn't enter from the commons doors like usual. Freshman had no clue about hallway etiqute (IE, it's bad to glob together in the center of the walkay), and lockers either weren't available or didn't work. Aiyanna and Brian were carrying around bookpacks because theirs wouldn't open.
First hour, geometry with Aiyanna. =) The teacher is the kind of guy that just talks loudly, understands teenagers ADD, and seems to like joking and having fun. Problem with him is that one doesn't know when he's telling a joke until he laughs. Though I managed to take a good dig at him.
Second hour, Honors American Literature. It was a blow-off time, where me and Brian just talked about how cheesy "The Scarlet Letter" was. We had a good time making fun of the characters.
Katana: "The guys name is Chillingworth. How much more obvious could you get?"
Brian: "And then there was Arthur Dimmesdale. And I first thought of -"
Both: "Fairly Odd Parents!"
Katana: "Either that or he was stupid."
Brian: "Yeah."
Katana: "And what was with that part when he emerges from the forest, 'a new man'?!"
Brian: "Oh, and he saw those people and that 'innocent young virgin'?"
Katana: "Yeah! And the book say she gave her a 'wicked' grin, and I was sitting there going, 'Oh my god he's going to rape her!'"
Third hour we went to our B1 class, which for me was AP U.S. History. Haya got nicknamed 'Sage', and Aiyanna went with a guy who was in the wrong class.
Katana: "Aiya, don't rape him!"
Haya: "Kat!" *slap*
Teacher: *behind us* "...What did you say?"
Katana: "OH, nothing!"
Haya: "Yeah, nothing!"
Katana: "It's just a joke from the previous class, that's all."
Fourth hour, drawing. Nothing much there.
Then we had our two hour lunch-info rotation time. Nothing much their either.
Fifth hour, German. It's going to be a loooong year.
Sixth hour, band. That's the class with practically all my friends - Haya, Ryu, Aiyanna, Meghan, Diane, plus my juniors friends Erin, Marissa, Rochelle, and Logan. =)
Struyk: "I mean, it's been FOREVER since I last saw you guys!"
Random Person: "Yes, twelve hours!"
Struyk: "Yeah man, it's forever! Good times!"
Seventh hour, chemistry.
Katana: "I feel terrified!"
Teacher: "...Why?"
Katana: "'cause I'm in a class full of juniors because I was lazy and dropped from the honors science track and yeah...I know I'm not the only one...Uh..."
Teacher: "...You'll be fine!"
Eighth hour, health. I have that with Haya, so it's all good.
We're in a mobile due to the construction and the like, so it was an experince for many of us. Had I stayed in my old school district one more year I would've experinces mobiles, but I didn't.
Katana: "What does it smell like in here?"
Haya: ""
Katana: "Yeah, I'm saying a Steak 'n Shake that's been frozens to sixty degrees."
Haya: "Hmm, Steak 'n Shake..."
Teacher: "You like your seats?"
Class: "Yeah!"
Teacher: "Too bad, you're getting new ones~! Everbody up!"
Then we went home. Waffles can drive now, so I hitched a ride with her. Out in the parking lot, we enocountered some of our friends.
Katana: "Why is there soda in your back seat?"
Rochelle: "'s just...there."
Waffles: "Yeah, I was going to ask if I could have one...then I realized that they've been sitting there, baking, and would probably burn my mouth."
Soooooooo...tomorrow is our first full A day. And there's just one thing I'm terrified about:
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Swan song to summer's the end of summer vacation for myself, Haya, Ryu, and Aiyanna.
Wow, I'm tired.
It's been a long summer, I think, but I've got so much done. Various websites, the revival of the OtakuBoards Graphic Worm, the construction of two SOAP places, and well, band stuff. I've stayed up late, slept in late...
And I'm staying up again tonight, at least to watch FMA. =)
See ya tomorrow...
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Saturday, August 19, 2006
I pwn j00
Because now I've had two comment readings on theOtaku's anime podcasts. That is what we call pure awesomeness people.
And because I'm in one of the moods, I'm going to go off with the podcast quote, because...I...can.
Ichigo: But I think one of my favorites is from Katana, who is one of my favorite commenters 'cause she's very articulate. ...I think it's a woman. *laughs*
Batou: Let's go with it. She's got a Chiyo - er, they - have a Chiyo avatar.
Had a band car wash today...we raised roughly over $, it's money. It's half a person's money to New York. =3
While I didn't get burned, my cheeks got a little red, and I re-newed the awesome tanline of my X-shaped sandels. =) I kept crashing in Haku's car. >.O
Haku drove me, Meghan, Ryu, and his senior friend Laura back to the high school. Of course, we made two pitstops - first at a GameStop, then at a Borders. I picked up D.Gray-man volume two. :3 Therefore, we were the last ones to arrive at the high school. Even our director was leaving. -_-;;
Though we did blast out some anime music during our car ride. Songs included "Thank You!!" from Bleach, "Come" from Inuyasha, and..."Must Be Dreaming" by frou frou. XD Then a buncha random stuff in-between. Laura when CD-track-clicking-changing crazy. >_>
Three days 'til school starts.
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
Planning and Action
Yesterday, I listened to the entire Avenue Q soundtrack four bloody times in a row. If you count the restart between music programs, then four-and-a-half.
And I'm listening to it again. >.O
So the articles are done and over with here, which means bellpickle and I have been at work making article stops. =) So now, we can call the website the only anime article stop "written by people like you". XD We ain't paid nothing!
The community is up and working over at LJ, and be visited here. We've already got over twenty watchers. =)
The SOAP site has just undergone a facelift so that it makes much more sense for articles to be there. It's still at this location, but the navigation needs to be gutted and re-made.
Which means, I need a committee or something of SOAP people/people who want to submit articles. I run a fairly big fansite - Numbnuts Unite - but I want to make sure I get this right so people are happy. =)
Edit: I've now listened to the Avenue Q soundtrack ten times in three days. Oi. ;_;
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Monday, August 14, 2006
If It Were Anime: The Closing of the Articles
Take a look at this! We found this DVD in the bottom of the deep discount bin, and when we watched it, we realized it was one of the rarest animes ever! Produced by a company that went under after this single production, the series was sent into obscurity due to poor advertising.
Here's a scene in which we thought you would enjoy:
A group of high school students walk out of the classroom, laughing, talking, and having a good time. It's well after school hours; they had stayed for writer's club activities.
A petite girl suddenly comes dashing from the other end of the hallway, her black hair trailing behind.
"Hey! Hey guys! Wait, stop!"
"What is it, Bell?" asks a tall, lanky-ish boy, his midnighit hair falling in his face.
"Bell-chan, is something wrong?" wonders a rather short girl with even shorter brown hair.
"It''s the articles and reviews! Principal Adam has just said that they're no longer going to be printed in the school newspaper!"
The group of writers, stunned, stays frozen in silence. Suddenly, a tall girl steps forth and stares out the window across the grounds, landing eyes on the Principal's office.
"Adam...what have you done?!" she screams, tears welling up in her eyes.
We feel that this is an amazing series, and even though the creators and actors aren't known nowadays, we feel that they deserve credit for their work.
Original Concept: TimberWolf
Writer: Katana
Bell: bellpickle
Male Student: SomeGuy
Female Student A: Katana
Female Student B: TimberWolf
Edit: And now, my friends, the links are gone.
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Sunday, August 13, 2006
So, like...
First off, happy sixteenth birthday to my best friend, Aiyanna. =)
Secondly, I was over at bellpickle's myOtaku, and she had this whole "ten-step plan for when zombies attack". And 'cause I'm bored, I'm gonna do my own version.
If Zombies Were To Attack...
1.) Fill a backpack with cleaning chemicals, knives, and baseball bats. Grab the pointiest gardening object from the garage. Take all the money I can find around the house.
2.) Call all my friends and tell them to meet at the Geneva Commons. More specifically, to meet at the sporting goods store. Tell them to go as fast as they can and go on the non-crowded roads.
3.) Everyone gets a backpack and we raid the second floor hunting section. Knives, bows, and arrows are taken, as well as whatever guns they may have.
Aiyanna and Haku reveal that they brought along their decorative katanas. I sulk for a little bit.
4.) Go the next door Lowes, get whatever we need. Go the next door Meijer and stock up on food.
5.) Hotwire a van or bus or something and get the hell out. Haku drives, he's the oldest.
6.) As zombies attack, people stationed at windows fire off the guns. If a zombie gets within ten feet of the vehice, the shooter pulls back into the car and shoots from there. If a zombie lands on the vehicle, it's hack-and-slash time.
7.) Make our way to the most desolate place within reasonable vacinity - Missouri.
8.) Stop somewhere to buy gasoline for the vehicle and for ourselves. Buy lighters, matches, etc.
9.) Establish the base camp that's near a Super Target or something.
10.) Fend off the zombies with any means possible.
General rules to follow:
- Always travel in a group of three or more. Triangles, etc., are better than two lines.
- If you find a dead body, cremate it and perform a prayer. Make sure they don't come back to haunt us or come back as the living dead.
- If nobody is facilitating a store, then you raid raid raid. Cheap stuff is good, free stuff is better.
- Always remember that zombies aren't vampires. If you get bitten, you won't turn into one.
- Don't touch the katanas. Ever. Make sure you've designated to be on katana duty.
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Thursday, August 10, 2006
And it comes to an end
After analyzing the current status and situation, I am ready to make this announcement:
I just submitted my final article to theOtaku. What garnered up many visitors and friends to this site is now being taken away.
I'm not leaving, because I have much more to stay for than just that. After my new piece is posted, though, my enthusiasm may decrease.
Which is why there's the soon-to-be SOAP site.
I'm glad that I have the friends I have in SOAP. We're all angry and frustrated, but we're also moving on, solving the problem, and making things better.
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Tuesday, August 8, 2006
The human body (read: blood) can be fascinating...
Sunday was our band's first parade. It all went well, except for the fact that I had (and still have) the sickness. My throat was slightly tight on Friday and Saturday, I had a bad cough, and my nose was stuffy. :3
Anyways, I popped in some aspirin before we left for the parade, since my body was just weak and sore. It was raining, and my dad snagged a picture of the sort of 'umbrella city' that formed. Our band was stationed right in front of the church for about half an hour, more than that.
Joey, a senior who plays the giant bass drum, kept quoting Avenue Q. He must've said the line, "Lucy...the Slut!" about three times.
So we marched, and for the last minute, my left arm just totally breaks down. I gritted my teeth to continue playing the cadence, but my arm was shot. The cymbal was flopping all around, and I managed to pinch myself three times on my left arm. That's such a n00bish thing. Meh.
When I went to take my shower last night, I noticed there was this sort of red welt in line with my belly button. What the hell was THAT? Turns out I slammed the cymbal down a bit too hard and a bit too close to my skin. Ka-boom, injury.
Though I crashed on my left boob - twice - before even getting on the main route. That's for another time. (Read: never). =P
Currently in my novel-thingie-ma-bobber, one of the character just passed out because they lost a bit too much blood in a knife fight. So I went on and hunted around for things about blood loss, just to make sure I was actually getting things right and not making up a load of crap.
I also learned some that solves a mystery for me.
When I was seven years old, my mom was buying juice bottles in six packs, connected by the plastic rings. You had to cut them open; you couldn't just slip one out.
I still remember the exact set up:
Both of my parents were watching TV in the family room. The kitchen, where I was, was right behind the family room, so their backs were to me. Me, being the idiot little kid, had out a cutting knife - one that we still have - to open the rings. Nope, no scissors for me! (Read: couldn't fine them.)
Well, I managed to cut open the ring, but I had so much force on there that the knife swept down and cut right into my left middle finger.
I silently dropped the knife, clenched my right hand around the finger as tightly as I could, and rushed to the lower bathroom, closing the door. I opened my hand, and the tip of my middle finger is white. The wound was deep, and cut at an angle. Had I tried to lift up the skin, I couldn't, it was so sharp of an angle.
The area around the cut was purple. The blood gushing out was a dark red, if not purple, color. I freaked out, but didn't tell my parents, because they wouldn've killed me. ><
I ran my hand under water for a while before dashing upstairs and wrapping three bandages around the rather small wound. Of course, it healed, the area when I cut myself healed over in the shape of the cut (a blunt triangle), but I was always confused. A few times, I would bring up the incident, but nobody ever believed/knew of the "purple blood". "All blood is red" was what I was told by my biology teacher this past year. :P
Apparently not.
I learned earlier that what I had indeed done was cause venous bleeding, which can be showed in this sciency chart of science (which Shinkiro could probably disprove in an instant):

The red line indicates the cut. Or something.
OR IN OTHER WORDS, I basically cut deep down, going through my vein. That's not something every seven-year-old can say.
And now, I'm tired. (Read: Stop reading these things.)
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Wednesday, August 2, 2006
Zum Geburstag Viel Gluck...

So. I'm fifteen.
Hory crap. x.x
So...err...what's gone on in my life as a fourteen-year old? A lot. I've made so many friends, both online and in real-life, and have tried so many things. I have dozens of experinces and hundreds of jokes. It's been a helluva year.
- Finished freshman year
- Successfully finished Honors Bio and English (X3)
- Bought the domain of randomthunk(dot)net
- Went to ACen, my first convention
- Bought my oboe
- Made senior friends (whom I still talk to via AIM :3)
- Gained about twenty pounds of muscle from personal fitness class
- Made the covers for the fall play and spring musical
- Gained some fans through my stories
- Got fanboys - one in California and Boo from the Netherlands
- Finished collecting Azumanga Daioh *squee*
And the such.
...I just had to edit my intro thing. That's...weird...
It's band camp time right now, and today's the third day. I'm on cymbals again,'s not really as bad as it was last year. Of course it still sucks, but I'm going with it, since we are going to New York in November. =D
I was able to design the band website for the high school, right? Well, the new middle school director called out to me last night as to how she wanted me to make an identical one for that band. o.o Oi.
I dunno what to do or what to say. In fact, I need to get ready for band camp, since it's 8:00am and I'm leaving in half an hour.
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Sunday, July 30, 2006
Take THAT!
To Sangome and bellpickle: I was on the podcast before you. Heh heh heh. *shot* x.x
My birthday par-tay was yesterday, and damn, I got some pretty awesome gifts. XD
- Aiyanna gave me the soundtrack to Avenue Q, along with a shinai. It went from Haku to her to me. The rule is, whenenver you get a katana, you pass the shinai on to somebody else.
- Haya spewed out a coolios music-themed picture frame and another weird card. We have a tradition in our posse where at least one person has to draw a chibi card for the birthday person.
- Diane gave me Starburst, some weird dog-bowl-kibble candy, and this really awesome shirt with a dragon on it. Like, a Chinese dragon. =3 And her card was weird (and hand-drawn) too. XD
- Meg-chan's present was this really weird, computer-drawn card and a Target gift card. Yay! =D
- Brian (also the first one to arrive), braved the bookstore and gave me a Barnes and Noble giftcard.
- Jenna was lazy as well, giving me another Target giftcard. XD
- Brogan gave me four bags of popcorn, the first Scary Movie on DVD, artist-grade-thingie colored pencils, pencils, a sketchbook, and "Junior Artist" oil pastels. X3 And one of those kiddie art sets - the ones that come in a box that folds open. And a giant felt poster of a wizard to color in. ¬_¬;;
- Justin was also lazy. He got me a sketchbook. =3
- Waffles gave me a Shigure plushie. SQUEE! She also gave me this blue T-shirt with an iron-on of 24 Hunny avatars and a single Haruhi avatar in the center. =D
Aiyanna also made a chocolate peanut butter cheesecake pie for us to enjoy, since I'm bringing a cake to band camp on Wednesday. Agh. It was too good. ><
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