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Sunday, May 21, 2006
Lessons Of The Day
Some things I learned today:
1.) Ctrl+Alt+Del is actually funny once you get past the first ten comics or so. Happy late Winter-een-mas!
2.) Today is bellpickle's birthday. Happy 16th birthday bell! (Creepy, I'm not even fifteen yet. o.o;; )
3.) A dilly bar at DairyQueen only costs a dollar.
5.) Barnes & Noble will never beat Borders's manga section. Ever.
6.) Out of fifteen DVDs I saw at Borders, not one of The Producers is in the non-widescreen format.
7.) There is a very exact reason why you workout in shorts, sweatpants, and loose clothes: Crunches are exhausting and hardwork in a jean jacket, long sleeve shirt, and jeans. The clothes are stiff, so you have to push like 50% harder. So in my usual routine of 100 crunches, found myself tired by forty. At my 95th one, I couldn't keep my hands on my head anymore. =_=;;
8.) Viz still releases $7.99 manga. Mine came in the form of D.gray-man. It's the third manga I read in "fansub" mode. (First Yotsubato!, then Kingdom Hearts).
9.) Viz is relasing FMA novels like crazy. I picked up the third one today. Yay for my cuddly Alphonse and his raging hormones!
10.) If you cannot find anything to soothe an itch or a warm spot, then clear, acne liquid-gel-liquid serves that perpose quite nicely.
11.) My liquid metallic-blue eyliner works like paint, since I put four arrrows and a d-pad on my fingers today. My mom wondered what the hell was on my hands this evening when we were checking out at Borders.
12.) At Kinkos today, I got a free 11x14 color copy of my commerical art project, even after my crappy second semester art teacher said not to go there. Huh.
13.) I have eight school days left.
Good Lord.
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Thursday, May 18, 2006
Five More Days Until Finals
Five more days - three more A days, two more B days. Three more classes of Personal Fitness, Honors English, Art, and Honors Biology. Two more classes of German, Algbera, World History, and Band.
Holy friggin' crap.
It's been a helluva year, my friends, but I think I'll manage to pull through. As finals loom ahead of me in the epitome of darkness, I will not reflect on the year. It'll take too much time. XD
Last night was the spring band concert at the high school - my last one of freshman year, or something like that. It went quite well, but SOMEBODY *coughtrumpetscoughhack* kept SPEEDING UP and therefore SCREWING UP the songs. Otherwise, it would have been, to quote Struyker, "super fun and fantastic loving it".
My senior oboist Analise is leaving for a college downstate in a small town...THAT I KNOW OF AND HAVE VISITED. The two of us enjoyed a nice sobfest last night, and she did something totally unexpected - invited me to her graduation party. XD
"I feel special and I don't think that I should be."
"You're the only freshman that's coming. Invite a friend."
"...Agh, I'm gonna be around the EMO SENIORS!"
"Yes, for I am FULL of EMONESS!"
It'll be fun.
Last night, they also held a raffle for people in the band. Each boy was given a red ticket, each girl a yellow, and Struyker and one of the suck-up helper moms drew them. I didn't win (of course, but I was close xD), but Ryu-chan did win one of them for the boys.
The prizes were wrapped in wrapping paper, and the people couldn't open them until everybody who won was up there. So then, they're told to open them.
The prizes were shirts.
The audience kinda goes, "Huh?"
...And the band all screams, "TURN AROUND AND SHOW US!!!", ruining any seriousness the moment held.
The shirts were, you know, actual real shirts (not iron-ons XD), and read: "New York".
Breaths are drawn. "What...?"
All bandies look at one another for about a second.
And Sturyker takes the mic, and says, slowly and strongly, "We've been invited - out of all the high school bands in this state - to represent Illinois in the nationally-televised Veteran's Day parade in New York City."
Complete, total, stunned silence.
For about a milisecond.
The entire band starts to "woot", whistle, clap, and scream in joy. The audience cheers. But as we (bandies) clap, we just had to keep wondering...
"Why us? The dinky little farmer's high school with not even one-hundred kids in the program...Why?"
"How did we beat out everyone us? St. Charles - Geneva - Sycamore -
De Kalb? How did THAT happen?"
It's just weird. De Kalb, Sycamore, and others kicked our asses at the pumpkin parade in Sycamore last October.
But either way...come November, I'm going to New York.
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Saturday, May 13, 2006
For the Goats/Sheep/Rams of 1991
For the Zodiac: Daydreaming all afternoon sounds heavenly to the Goat. This creative, esoteric Sign needs plenty of time alone in which to feed its Muse. Goats are generally most comfortable in their own minds (which other, more linear-thinking Signs may have trouble deciphering). This Sign makes a great craftsperson or artisan, or perhaps a teacher of New Age studies -- any occupation that allows its mind the full range of freedom. Goats tend not to be very well-organized, precluding many more dry business endeavors. In fact, Goats tend not to be very materialistic in general, finding plenty of riches in their own imagination. However, especially when in love, the Goat can be quite a lavish gift-giver.
Perhaps it's that artistic temperament that so often causes Goats to feel insecure, but the result is that these high-strung creatures need to feel loved and admired lest they start worrying incessantly. For this reason, Goats tend to have a hard time with romance; anyone who couples up with a Goat must know, this Sign has a sensitive streak a mile wide and can be subject to bouts of anxiety over seemingly inconsequential things. Goats need plenty of love, support and open reassurance from their lovers. If a relationship is marked by conflict, the Goat will often pull away -- either physically or simply by retreating into the safe haven of its imagination.
If the romance is going well, however, Goats won't hesitate to tell their partner what they need -- and they can be quite insistent about it! This Sign will definitely return the favor, however; the Goat has a luxurious side that delights in indulging a lover's every wish. Appearances are also important to the Goat, which may explain why these folks can spend hours primping and posing.
Goats would be well-served by learning to relax and let others run the show from time to time. Once they can be certain that their friends and lovers won't be gone when the Goat returns from its daydreams, life will be a field of daisies.
Our 1991 Element: Those of you born under the influence of the Chinese Astrology element of Metal are determined, self-reliant and forceful. You enjoy the good life and all it has to offer -- luxury, comfort and freedom, especially. You're like a reclusive film star: You want the acclaim, but you also want to be left alone. You create your own success, building your desired destiny with single-minded focus. Others look up to you in awe of your commanding, confident presence.
While you Metal individuals are strong and virtuous, you can be a bit set in your ways. No arm-wrestling with the metallic ones, either; they might break that appendage in two! You can be a stern taskmasters as well, demanding the most from yourself and those you love.
Power of the Metal:
The West
Respiratory system
*cackles* I found the topic of my Furuba article.
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Sunday, May 7, 2006
I Survived ACen and All I Got Was - Well, Stuff
It's been three years since I first dreamed of going to a con, and yesterday, that dream finally came true. AnimeCentral 2006 was proudly my first convention, and will continue being "my home" con for years to come.
The day started off with "Treats or Goblins" blasting from my mini-stereo. I groggily woke up, and it wasn't until my dad yelled at me to get up did things actually click. Of course! Today was ACen!
I shoveled everything I needed into my guitar case and pockets, which, really, wasn't much. I arrived at Haku's house at 8:00am, and amused myself by watching him and his sister (going as Sasuke) get ready for the con. After a bumpy start (we got about two minutes away from the house before we remembered we had forgotten the IPass), we rode to the con, amusing ourselves with random people giving us the "evil eye" upon seeing our costumes and/or wigs.
Random Moment #1: We (me, Haku, Sasuke, and their father) pulled into an Elgin Shell station a little before 9:00am. While the father was loading up gas, a man in a truck next to our pumping station looked over and gave us "the evil eye" upon seeing Sasuke in the front seat (headband and spiked (natural) hair), then me and Haku in the back (black wig, headband, and pink wig).
As we got further into Rosemont, the odd stares just increased. We got stuck in a construction site at one point, and this group of carpoolers behind us raised their eyebrows when Haku and I turned around.
We were lost for about five minutes.
Random Moment #2: We turned a corner and a guy sitting on the corner waiting to cross watched our car. ...And continued watching the car until we were out of sight.
As we got closer to the con center, cosplay began to bleed through. When we saw a person with blue hair, all three of us said, "Cosplay!" We laughed hysterically at the police guy/security guy who watched the garage.
So finally, after a very quick pre-reg (thank the gods for PRE-REG!), we were in. We laughd numerous times at the suckers in the registration line (evil!). After two seconds, we were asked to do a photo shoot (so somebody out there has a picture of Haku, Haruko, and Sasuke XD), and then we did one in return.
...And within three seconds, Sasuke had decided to run off with her other eighth-grade friends, which left me and Haku together for the entire freakin' day.
We first explored Artist's Alley, which didn't have much going on since it was still fairly early. Me and a girl in an Azumanga Daioh school uniform received a spoof comic that took Hogwarts and put it in the AzuDai style. ^^;; Haku and I shuffled off to an original-drawing print booth, where I made my first purchase: an (photocopied) inked drawing of Haruko for three bucks.
...And then we headed to the dealer's room. That's one fantastic highlight of the con - the artist's alley and the dealer's room flow right together.
Random Moment #3: Whenever I lost track of Haku, I would scream, "WHERE'S MY NINJA?!" Since there was a Naruto cosplayer at pretty much every booth, I'd get several head turns.
We wandered the dealer's room the vast majority of the day. I'd say we walked by every table about thirty times (seriously), because every time we'd make a new discovery. My second purchase came in the form of a Fruits Basket "lucky" bag, for sixteen dollars.
I stopped quickly at a very small booth, and made my third purchase, a Shippo keychain. Two bucks!
While looking at a katana booth ("You must be 18 or older to buy"), somebody called out "Haruko!". Since I only saw three (or four) other people cosplaying some form of Haruko, I knew this girl meant me. And since I didn't have a guitar, I was told to put Haku in a headlock and give him a noogie. XD The "older person" with them laughed, "Seesh, so particular."
We arrived at a large booth run by two Asians. ^^;; LOTS of merchandise, LOTS of imports. T-shirts, hoodies, watches, action figures, keychains, patches - everything but CDs, mangas, and DVDs. That gave me the reassurance that these people weren't bootleggers (and I know there were some there, Asian and not).
Fourth purchase came in the form of a chibi Hiei keychain for Aiyanna - $5.50 I said I would get it for her, since she wants Hiei merchandise. And she turns 16 this August. And she couldn't come to ACen because she's moving (still in district ^^).
More exploring. The most annoying part of the con, though, was a dealer at a yaoi/yuri/hentai booth. He was the only frickin' person there doing the whole barker thing. After he said, "Come and see Harry and Draco wave their 'wands' around, eh eh? HAHAHA!" I completly tuned him out and refused to even make eye contact on that booth.
Lots of people with the paddles, by the way. Lots of girls between the ages of 10 and 12 holding them. o_o I began to worry about the perviness of the youngsters. There was also a few screaming matches between these pre-teen girls between "yaoi" and "anti-yaoi". It was...yeah.
Random Moment #4: While on my way to another booth, two girls stopped me and asked about the sign I had taped to my guitar case. It read "Ich habe kein Gitarre", which means "I have no guitar". They thought it was hilarious that somebody knew German (besides them), and asked to take a picture of it. So someone out there has a picture of my sign. XD
My fifth purchase came in the form of a Naruto headband. I asked Haku which one I should get - Mist or Sound. He said Sound, and I bought it for eight bucks. YAY! If you shop around enough, you get a good deal. Afterall, Haruko would be a Sound ninja, meh? Though...I'd be a Mist ninja.
We finally made the rounds to the front of the Dealer's Room, and that is where I found and met Fred Gallagher - aka, Piro, the person behind MegaTokyo. I waited in line for about a half hour while he draw characters for people. Haku went off "to boost my manga collection", so I read the MT book I had brought along for Piro to sign.
I told him I was a Boo fangirl. XD So he drew Boo for me! I talked to him about the vibrating sheep of death and about the German strips. He thought it was cool that I had printed out the German translation of the sheep of death comic and put it in my German binder. ^^;;
Haku returned, and now we were hungry, so we scarfed down pizza and drinks. My lunch cost seven dollars. While waiting in line, I scampered off to take a picture of Sesshomaru and Jakotsu, then they took a picture of me screaming in return. ^^;;
We were getting bored with the Dealer's Room, so after sitting on the cement and after Haku got another picture of him taken, we went off to the Hyatt. The walk was very freakin' long, and by now, my boots hurt. While on the skywalk, a guy asked me where my guitar was - in German. We had a short German conversation, leaving others VERY confused. XD
Random Moment #5: Haku and I got lost. VERY lost. So we flipped a coin to see what direction we would be going in. Heads was "to the parking garage", tails was "to the other direction we could've taken from the skywalk". Thank God tails won.
At the Hyatt, we lounged around for a bit, mainly relazing and resting out feet. We went to the first level and sat against the wall for a while, studying the map. I was the first one to notice that there was a projection of "AnimeCentral 2006" and the female spy-ish logo at the middle of the elevator area. XD Wish I had taken a picture.
Now, Haku asked me that if we met bellpickle, could he hit on her. X3 I strangely said yes for the mere fact that it would be hilarious. Sorry bell. XD
But next came the most disappointing and heartbreaking part of the day. Bellpickle and I agreed to meet at "the free snack area" between 2 to 2:30. This is where I think I (we) went wrong. For me, I don't know if that was the official time. I just assumed it was. Plus, I later found out (when I got home) that the "free snack area" probably didn't apply to The Forum, which is Haku thought was the "free snack area".
In the end, I think of it like this: I blame it partly on myself, partly on bellpickle, and partly on ACen. ;_; Oi.
Better planning next time around.
So, having done nothing for an hour and a half, we went back to the Dealer's Room. We went in hyped and screaming, "SHOPPING TIME!" I had around fifty-five bucks left, and went off to buy what I've wanted for a while - a Haruko T-shirt. She's eating ramen and says, "Yo!". That was 18 dollars, and my sixth purchase.
The money still burning a hole in my pocket, I made my seventh purchase: I had finally managed to find a FMA pocketwatch for - ta da! - twenty bucks! I knew if I searched hard enough, I could find it.
While walking (some more), a cute little girl (probably twelve or so), asked me to take a picture with her. She was dressed up as Li from Card Captors. And aw! she was just so damn cute! Once we finished, she said, "Thanks! Haruko rocks."
She was really cute. ^.^
Then I went to another large booth and bought my eighth and ninth items - my last ones as well. The eighth was a chibi Alphonse keychain with him sitting and holding a chibi-snowman-Al in his hands. AWW! ^.^ The ninth was a Shigure keychain (one of the more usual rubber ones. Shigure cost either four or five, and Alphonse cost either two or three. Either way, I paid seven dollars for both, and when I gave the man exactly seven dollars, he called me "such a fine young woman". XD
I had nothing left to spend my money on, and kept ten of my ninety-eight dollars.
Now we went to the Hyatt, and to the video game room. After a while, we sat on a very cushiony bench outside of the VG room, where I found a crumpled dollar on the ground. XD I was now one dollar richer, and kept wondering if anybody was going to pull a string when I tried to pick up the buck. ^^;;
At five, we went to a Para Para panel, where I dropped out within ten minutes. :3
Random Moment #6: At six, it was time to leave, so me, Haku, and Sasuke went out to the garage where we had been. I forgot to mention earlier than there were two or three proms that were to go on in the ballrooms. So when we went out at six, there were limos and teenagers in tuxes and dresses. And here there were bunches of people dressed up as fictional characters mixed in with them. XD It was the most hilarious part of the day, for sure.
As we drove away from the convention center, we saw many cosplayers holding giant plushies, wallscrolls, action figures, bags and bags of stuff, and just the plain normality of a con purchase. Even as we went under a bridge, we still saw people from ACen. And in fact, it wasn't until we were on the highway did we not see any more. ^^;;
Can't wait until next year.
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Friday, May 5, 2006
Katana: *goes to investigate her boots a bit further*
Jarrod: lol, goood idea
Katana: *clears throat* see - exhibit A! *holds gym shoe* A Dr. Scholl's shoe!
Katana: and now - exhibit B! *holds gel insert padding stuff* gel comfort!
Jarrod: lmao
Jarrod: good idea
Katana: and - exhibit C! *shoves the padding in boots*
Jarrod: ah, the pre-con hype
Jarrod: the first time is always unbearable
Katana: ah...
Katana: gel inserts
Katana: *squishy squishy*
Katana: ^^
At the con, I will be Haruko, donning a sign on my guitar case that says "Ich habe kein Gitarre."
Ph34r me and my camera.
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Thursday, May 4, 2006
Personal Fitness, English, Art, Bio
...Are all that stand in my way (school-wise) before ACen.
The anxiety meter is on the rise. I'm excited, and due to my over-active imagination, I kept thinking of random scenarios today during math...since that's a daydream class anyway.
Bellpickle keeps on taking various shapes and forms, though I still can't shake the whole "Asian-Chii" look from my mind. X3 I'm estatic, I tell you~!
As it turns out, the carpool is arriving at my house at around 8:00am on Saturday. XD Jarrod, my Haku-Junior-friend, is being my transportation. ^^;; He asked me yesterday (during writer's club, after school) what time I would be ready. Jumping up and down, I jibbered excitedly, "Anytime! ANYTIME! I'll be so excited I probably won't sleep anyways."
"Okay, so ready at eight. I'll call you before we come. We want to get there early so we can zoom through check-in."
I managed to snag up an additional cool 20 bucks in spending cash for the con by the mowing the lawn. XD (I live on nearly an acre, with a buncha nooks and crannies X3).
Time for another rant.
Anyone who's been watching TV lately has probably seen Apple's new ads to try and get people to go into computer oblivion. to buy their stuff. Personally, I find it difficult to find even stupid amusement in the commericals.
For those of you who haven't seen them, it's sorta like this: There's a white screen with two (men) in the center. One's about forty and wearing a suit and is balding, and the other is about twenty and is all relaxed and yeah. The suit guy is a PC, the "cool" guy is a Mac. They swap comments back and forth (for like, six seconds) until the PC guy indirectly admits his "inferiority" to Macs.
I personally call the commercials, "Apple's attempt to be funny."
I'm a bit different from the rest of the computer market, mainly because I've actually tried both computers. I've always found Macs to be a pain in the ass to find junk (you hover over icons while the bulge and destroy the screen until a little screen pops up telling you what the program is called). If anyone remembers my Thanksgiving post, where I rambled for a while on the awkwardness that is Mac, than you know my side of situation.
On a sort of related not, I recently discovered how ugly the iPod is. =_=;; I was staring at the back cover of an electronics magazine, and staring long and hard at the iPods. Suddenly, (outloud), I muttered, "...You're ugly."
Anyways, back to my rant.
I've never quite been able to figure out the "superiority" of the Mac, and apparently, the commericals are trying to prove what's wrong with my thinking. The first one I saw is when the Mac guy is going "I got reviewed by [so and so], one of the most respected electronics reviewers." (Can't remember his name right now, but it's right on my mind...)
To which I scream, "He's only the biggest Mac freak on the damn planet!"
Or the virus one.
My response? "You don't have superior defense. You're just too unimportant for anyone to give a damn about infecting you."
Or the "iPrograms" synching thingie.
"Wow, must be living in the age of 98. There's Word, and Movie Maker, and Media Player, and Messenger, and Office..."
Mainly what aggrivates me, though, is the portrayal of the people in the ad. The majority of Mac users are definitly not "hip". The majority of Windows users are definitly not "old". Windows emcompasses every age group, from adults to children, elders to teens.
I dread when I go to NIU to become a graphic designer. All they use are Macs. -_-;;
(At which point, I'll start screaming, "I can't see a damn thing, lemme go get my laptop!")
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Monday, May 1, 2006
Glancing Behind, Looking Ahead
It's 11:17 am here in Illinois, and I'm typing this in the library. It's third period now, and I'm supposed to be in art class, but because the teacher is gone, some of us went to the library.
And because I know what I'm doing for the commercial art project (chibi comic strip!), I'm not really resarching anything.
I like pudding.
So today is the day of that "illegal immigrant strike". I can't help but laugh at it all.
I don't know everything about it, but from what I've learned, the basic premise is sorta like this: "I'm an illegal immigrant who works in the fields. I don't pay you taxes, but I expect you to provide me free health care and stuff."
Oi. I'm not racist (I'm not dammit, I'm not!), but I don't like illegal aliens. Although I openly welcome anybody who is trying to become a citizen LEGALLY, I get pissed off when illegals just pop in here for jobs. Yeah yeah, I understand how they do all the things Americans don't want to do - but that's not my real point.
Next subject...
School is almost over. o.o It's May 1st, you know, and people in my area are getting out on Friday, June 2nd. So tomorrow, it will be one month until I leave my freshman year.
I find it extremely creepy, and yet neat. In my mood of the present, I think that the year has gone by fast.
When I look back, though, I realize all the stuff I've learned, the classes I've gone through, all the lunches eaten, homework done, and - biology. XD
And when I think of the future, I have two reactions: 1.) "Holy crap, just like ten more classes each!" (I have an A Day, B Day schedule). 2.) "...Finals. ......BIOLOGY final."
ACen is four days away. FOUR DAYS! That's just creepy! Technically, it's five days for me, but I'm just happy that the con is merely seventeen classes away. (Ugh)
Bellpickle e-mailed me the schedule, but I went on past ten last night. I thought I heard some noise upstairs, so I ran like hell to get back to my room. XD Unfortunately, the school is psychopathic about web filtering, and though I can log in to my e-mail account, I can't actually read or compose anything. Sheesh.
To bellpickle: I have my heart set on seeing Fred Gallagher and Monica Rial, and maybe the musical guest (I dunno). Other people, I have no clue. The majority of the day, I'll be in the merchandise area. XD
I'm excited to meet a person from online, not to mention someone so close to me in age. ^^;;
I can't wait.
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Vow of silence?
WARNING: The following post *might* offend people who have, uh, touchy views. I am not meaning to offend anyone, but as a human being, I DO have a right to express my opinion.
So tomorrow is apparently some day to be silent in honor of...or support people.
I've been asked to do this, but I'm not. Why? Because. I need to talk to function, especially in my classes - IE, German.
But also - why should I? Really, what good can come out of being silent? People will wonder just why the hell you're not speaking, and you can't tell them why because, you know, you can't speak.
The vast majority of people don't know about this day, and I didn't either until last year, and even then, I didn't care.
And again - I really don't want to.
Here are my views, and this applies to MANY things:
"Fine, be (blank). Just don't make me do things or shove it down my throat."
That blank encompasses a LOT of things. Be religious, be gay, be artistic, be smart, be atheltic, be whatever the hell you want. But don't force your views on me, and don't ask me to do something I don't want to do.
I'm contradicting myself a bit here...
You know what? In the end, I don't give a damn who or what you are. If we just all shut up and not force others to do these things, then we probably wouldn't have all these fights and arguments. I'm not saying that these things can be obtained - I guess really, they can't, unless this was a perfect world.
But it's not. And we still all have the hate and the fights and the unacceptance of any and everybody.
So a vow of silence? I don't think so. Heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual - I don't care. I don't give a damn. I'm not racist.
Being silent won't help.
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006
"We do quite well on our charcoal-rich diet."
Oh God, my friend Waffles has recruited about fivemore of us into the Fruits Basket craze. X3
Well, it's more like this: Waffles buys seven volumes of Furuba at a time, and gets the boxset for her birthday. So she shares all of this stuff with us. *points to the TV at left which is playing episode 5*
Which means that, in the end, the following people of our group have been sucked into Furuba: Me, Aiyanna, my friends Meghan and Marissa, and Waffles.
...That also means fanclubs for Yuki and Kyo have sprouted up.
Yuki Fangirl: Meghan. Waffles. Marissa. Me.
Kyo Fangirl: Aiyanna.
Underground Shigure Fangirl: Me.
I'm a Yuki and Shigure fangirl! Wheee!
*swwaaaaay* I'm still sick. Today was a B day, which meant the classes I missed Monday made a comeback. German wasn't bad. Algebra was horrible. World History was nothing. Band was hell.
Struyker is at home now, with his innards healing. X3 As Haya put it, "He's not sick enough if he can still assign us homework." It was a packet/workpacket on the key signatures, and little notes on how to identify them.
That's not bad. The work was fine. I was done within fifteen minutes, since I'm a concert instrument and used to the defaults. (X3) But the last just plain sucked.
"On the following pages, write out all the scales in eighth notes." Fine, not bad at all. "Include fingerings for each. Any alternate fingerings should be included, especially for woodwinds."
Especially for woodwinds.
After about my third scale, I wanted to rip the the packet to shreds. About half the people just skipped on doing the fingerings part, and the other half worked furiously at it. I didn't even finish, and neither did anybody who actually tried on it.
Meghan and I am on this joint effort to kill Struyker once he gets back. =_=;;
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Monday, April 17, 2006
Show me your moves!

No, I'm not joking. Okay, halfway.
I'm in band, you know? And since our district is as small as it is, everbody in band participates in both the marching season and the concert season(s). AND because I'm a double-reed instrument, I have to be shipped off to either the flag team or percussion.
If you think Katana is a flag girl, then let me proceed to kill you.
Yes, so, I'm a percussionist, I guess you could say, for about 1/4 of the band year. I'm a cymbal player, the lowest of them all, because I don't do percussion full time. And as lame as it sounds, I'm pretty much "head cymbalist" since I was the only cymbal person on the first day of band camp last year.
Speaking of band camp, it runs through my birthday again (no surprises there, though). Oh joy. T.T
ALRIGHTY, so the above image MUST be explained before the entire human race DIES. (Geezus) Mr. Struyk, my band director (also referred to as Stryuker or Struykinator) has already dubbed the marching show for the upcoming season. It's entitlted "Brass Revolution", and focuses on pieces that...are...brassy, jazzy, funky, etc. When he said that, though, some of us stirred in our seats, giggling.
Those people would be myself, Aiyanna, Haya, our friends Meghan and Diane, and (I think) Ryu. I turned to face Aiyanna and we both giggled out, "Brass Brass Revolution!"
Hence the above picture. I'm gonna print it out tonight and slap it on the doors to the band room without telling Struykinator. XD
Oh yes, I was sick today. I call it my hybrid cough-and-stomach-flu, since it seemed to be more than a cold but less than the stomach flu. X3 Sore throat, sour stomach. But I'm feeling better, so yeah.
This week is another four day week! YAY!
Haruko costume is alomost done! I give all the composing credit to my mother. ;_; I love you Mom~!
18 days until ACen! O_O I can't believe it either. Last Friday (the 14th), I realized that there was only three weeks, and that come next Friday it would be two weeks, and two weeks away on the 28th it would be one week. I was freaking out. XD Can't wait! *swoon*
And since I have absolutely no idea about the exact layout of the convention center (I managed to look at a horrible .jpg layout), we're gonna need experince before meeting. *war face* We need to find out where is most convinent and set up an exact spot! Is that clear?!
Well, I think I'll be holding up a sign that says "I need SOAPers" or something. :3
Oh yeah, and, before I forget: Shameless Plug. It seems to be doing quite well.
AND NO, "forum" is not a result, so don't ear rape me if you run one and don't get that, because, well, nobody else has gotten it either.
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