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Upside down somewhere
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College freshman hoping to survive the day.
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Something like, "uhhhhh..."
Somehow managed to graduate high school and be accepted to college. Odd.
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Always and forever, Azumanga Daioh
Live, laugh, love
Scaring pedestrians, hanging with friends, writing, drawing, etc.
Writing, mad Photoshop skillz, terrorizing people...
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, January 31, 2008
Dear Adam,
Last week's podcast had the OPB complaining about the lack of news after Gia's departure. I thought they were being whiny. One week later, however, I am seeing the truth.
To put it bluntly: Where the hell is the anime news? Since the podcast, we've witnessed the Otaku Attraction, DVD reviews, new quizzes, the Caption Battle, a Version Vibrant feature, the convention schedule, and the Otaku Opinion Poll. Notice the lack of actual news.
Is it lack of members? Lack of interest? Lack of initiative?
Well, either re-hire Sangome, hire someone like myself, who is more than willing to contribute, or in the very least, ask SomeGuy to do some things.
With love,
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Monday, January 28, 2008
AGH! Shin, quickly!
The ACen-Hyatt block is open! Go go go go go!
I'm done. 8D;
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Thursday, January 24, 2008
It made me giggle

My newest wallpaper seems to be doing quite well for itself. [As of writing this, it's been bumped to the first spot in the featured box.] All I need now is for it to get to the main page and I'll be a happy panda.
Shin, don't you dare skip ACen. ;___;
More of life and stuff. Sometime soon, I'll actually tell you folks the story, but that time is not now, because I have homework to do. 8D;
I did finish making this Chinese New Year-themed necklace/choker combo yesterday. I'm pleased with how it turned out, and am thinking about making it into a gift for one of you folks. [Though I'm going to take pictures to show...and maybe sell...]
Also, Shin got a Zune based off of my recommendation. Or spazzing. Whichever works best.
And finally, "Godzilla Eats Las Vegas" is quite possibly the most bizarrely awesome song we've ever played in band. Seriously. Just look at the title. That's awesomeness.
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Sunday, January 20, 2008
Minor update
Hotel room for ACen has been booked, so I have a place to crash. FTW!
Need to harass friend to make costumes.
Need to harass Squeenix to tell us what Lady XIV looks like.
I'm contemplating skipping school the Friday of the convention [May 16th]. It's a B-day, which means I'd be missing sociology, algebra, AP English, and AP government. In retrospect, they're not that devestating to miss, but my other concern is that ACen is less than two weeks before finals. P:
Meh. It all comes down to what my parents say. XD;
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Saturday, January 12, 2008
ACen '08
With the news of Sangome going, I decided to further investigate in my plans for the con.
What plans?
Well, HALCALI has been announced as the musical guest, so there's a start, as I'm listening to various songs of theirs on Imeem. I really liked "giri giri surfrider". :3
Another thing I'm hunting down is hotel rates. I looked up what they would normally be on the Hyatt website, and let me say that I don't have $600. [I punched in two adults and a kid(since I'll still be 16, and anyone below 17 is apparently a "child" >>;) because I'd be with my friend and her boyfriend]. So even though I'm waiting for the con block to open up, I'm still wary at this point.
Then I looked up the school schedule and found out that the Friday is a B-day. Gah. I have my hardest classes on that one, too. And because this year's con is relatively close to finals, it looks like I'll go to school, come home, fight rush-hour traffic [though I'd be coming instead of going, so...], and maybe have dinner with myO peeps. :3 I dunno, I dunno. It all honestly depends on what my parents say. x_X
On the subject of me being poor, I may have a job at a restaurant in a small town around here. I'll be a buss girl, but hey, I won't have to carry around plates of food, right? Plus, I wouldn't work more than the weekends. And in the end, it's money I didn't have before.
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Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Merph, I'm tired
My friend's off with her mom to check out something at work, so I'm temporarily alone and such. Until she gets her computer, I'm probably not going to be on a ton. Well, that, and/or until she's...settled in more.
I can't believe how...messy this is. No, it's not that. It's more like, how are people so f***ed up? I also wish one of you guys was a lawyer. I keep thinking of Shinkiro before going, "she's a nurse, dumbass". >>;
Anyways, beyond that debacle, things have been going alright. Second semester started yesterday, and oh the annoyances it brought. I had signed up for Drawing II, but instead had another independent art study slapped to me. Going to the guidance office revealed a huuuuge line, all for my counselor, of course, and for some reason, the other two counselors didn't feel like doing anything [even though they could]. I stayed past the bell ringing for the passing period, and decided to leave since it didn't affect me until my B-day.
So I started Earth Science II, continued on in multimedia, began another semester of walking [with the pregnant teacher, wooh XD], and trekked forth in band.
This morning, I went back to the guidance office, but lo and behold! my counselor was convinently not going to be in today. Snap. And the best part is that one of the other counselors, who couldn't help yesterday, straightened it out today. Go figure.
But since Drawing II was only offered A1 [since not a lot of kids take it], I had to switch and in the end drop Earth Science II. Gah, there goes science, pushed off for next year. >>; There was the gap of zomg, what to do for B1? There were four choices - sociology, theater, music appreciation, and chorus. With two of them not in the least bit appealing to me, I took sociology, since two of my friends were in it. Hey, I get my social sciences credits done, yay. =D
With that, today started off with sociology, shifted to a backtrack in algebra because of transfers, then phased over to AP English [where we kinda lazed around the entire time] before finishing off with AP government. The most hilarious part? Only nine kids in the class.
And then, finals. Only four of my eight classes are year-round, and I know all the grades [sans band, but I can take a guess >>;]. In multimedia, the teacher was going over the final verbally, and I noticed that the final she had in her hands...was mine. Multimedia is regarded as a blow-off class, but when these kids who go "there's no way we would've known that!/well, I failed" start complaining, the teacher just has to fire back, "Well, a few people only got two wrong". And I was one of those. ...Maybe the only one.
Got a 103% in algebra due to a curve, though I was one of three original A's in the class. I ended up with an 84% in AP English, and for the semester, I got an 87%. [First quarter? 87%. Second quarter? 87%. Something weird's going on.]
So in the very least, my grades have been great, and I'm 99% sure I didn't get any finals below a B this time around. First time, woot!
...................My brain just fried out. Later!
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Sunday, January 6, 2008
Temporary absence or something
As some of you may know, my best friend is currently living at my house due to...complications. Comprende? -_-
So I'm probably not going to be online alot until she gets settled in here and school starts back up [ugh, tomorrow].
That also means '12 days' will be held up for a little bit. I meant to have it finished by today, but that was before all this came about.
See ya guys later. :3
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Tuesday, January 1, 2008
And with that, it's a new year
So, happy freakin' New Year's, everyone. Mine was spent watching 'Scrubs' and 'Harry Potter' while playing 'Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles' and 'Guitar Hero III'. Drank some sparkling juice, ate cookies and pretzels, and had a great time with my friend, her brother, and their mom.
Then I had to plow out of being snowed in and then attempt to get up my buried driveway at 12:30. I was lucky to be in my neighborhood the whole time.
It's 2008, meaning just six months left with all my senior friends. I is sad. In the very least, there's internet, but it's still a depressing prospect.
But that also means five months until ACen. Good times.
And now, for a special announcement.
As many of you regulars know, I've been whining complaining frustrated at my lack of not being able to get a job. I've come to a point in my life where I want to help with my expenses, save for college, and have my own spending money. However, traditional work has never quite appealed to me, and the places that I want to work at don't seem to want to get off their butts and look at applications.
So then, one day, I was at Von Maur, looking at the jewelry counter. I was shocked to see bracelets and earrings that looked extremely similar to stuff I've made retailing for $38 and beyond. Now, while this comes to no surprise for those with common sense, I was astonished because I knew of the actual cost of the materials.
And that's when I decided.
I'm going to start a business. Now.
As some of you know, my real name is Ginger. [Whoops, spoiler, sorry.] Since it's a name commonly associated with artistry and being creative, I'm going to use it to its full extent. Therefore, the name of the business is "Gems by Ginger". Tagline still pending. XD
Price? Cost of materials times two. What does that mean? You'll probably never pay more than 25% of what that same piece would cost you at the store.
Best part? Everything is custom made, exactly how you want it. Sorta like Cold Stone ice cream that way. Start with the piece you want, then say what material, and add in any type of beads you wish.
I'm also opening the shop to cosplay accessories, seeing as how I'm working on the things for my ACen cosplay right now.
Luckily, there's connections in this family, as the shop that me and my mom get our hair done is owned by our hairdressor. It's a spa-ish kinda place, with a lobby kind of area for patrons to wait. She and my mom were going to partner up to sell knitted things my mom makes, so I'm going to pitch in as well. And, of course, there's going to be a website.
Well, all talk and no show? Nah. Here is a sampling of the stuff I've made. Excuse my shoddy cameraing.
So, that's that. Thoughts and advice welcome.
And once more, with feeling -
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Monday, December 31, 2007
T'was the night before 2008
It's the end of the year
And woah holy crap
Where did it all go
In a fingerly snap?
It seems like only yesterday
I was posting those "six things"
The categories reflecting on the year
While the bells began to ring.
Oh dear, something has gone wrong
'cause even though I'm only two stanzas in
My brain has gone flat
Okay okay, that's it. I can't write poetry at the moment, so sorry for ruining your New Year's Eve. >>;
Anyways, what I thought was funny was when I came back after a day of shopping [I got Nintendogs!] and loaded up my backroom, only to see the blue highlights implode with postings all over. I'm rather amused by it all.
Brain still fried.
And still.
I'm not sure what to post. It's been a cracktastic year, eh? From cons to cage matches, it's been full of weird and fun happenings, not to mention the ever-enjoyable group of friends that I've gained. From podcast comment spamming to conspiracy planning, I've had quite the fun time.
Here we are! Including this post, I have posted on myOtaku 91 times. That's up from 83 last year, and averages to be 1.75 a week and 7.5 a month. Not too much of a dramatic increase from last year, but it did go up. Hey! =D
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Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Frohliche Weinachten!
Ah Christmas. Such a festive time of the year. And stuff.
While I could't get to sleep last night, I had no problem being woken up and then going back to sleep. We weren't going to open gifts until after breakfast anyway, which would be at 9am when my brother and sister-in-law came over.
Pancakes omnomnom.
Then we opened gifts. And I got what I've been wanting: a red, 8GB Zune.
I named it Kurama.
It is the most stylish and slick piece of technology I've ever seen, nevermind owned. I'm currently synching my music collection and random videos [AMV Hell and Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged >>;] to it. Plus I signed up for theOtaku podcasts, so if I have the wi-fi on, I'll be able to listen to the podcasts while on the bus Friday mornings. Yay! 8D
But here's one awesome feature they don't advertise: Charm loop. Score!
'12 days' is going to be a little delayed today, but it'll be up before the day is over. XD;
Merry Christmas!
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