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College freshman hoping to survive the day.
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Something like, "uhhhhh..."
Somehow managed to graduate high school and be accepted to college. Odd.
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Always and forever, Azumanga Daioh
Live, laugh, love
Scaring pedestrians, hanging with friends, writing, drawing, etc.
Writing, mad Photoshop skillz, terrorizing people...
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
*insert evil sadistic grin* of now...Katana is...FOURTEEN!

That should explain how I feel. XD
So, now...I had band camp yesterday. And today, tomorrow, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. God dammit. I'm on cymbals, since oboes don't march (we'd smash our reeds every step of the way - ask Celtic Rune for verifiance ^_~), and god, I can't do it.
Okay, maybe I'm jumping to conclusions too soon. But I've never actually played a percussion instrument before - like, you know, actually playing it, not banging - and everyone else in the drumline has. I think. But there's only one other freshman with me, and he's a regular drummer - a really, really good drummer, and he's one I actually like. So I'm feeling kinda...useless.
When one plays the cymbals in a high-hat fashion, you have the left on the bottom and the right on the top. Your left arm is supposed to kinda stand on it's own, and, supposedly, most of the weight of the cymbals is supposed to go into your stomach. Therefore, you open it and "close" it like a lid. I kept pinching myself on my left arm, 'cause I'm a newbie - *points to five blobs of red/purple marks*. Then, my left arm just suddenly collapsed on me. I couldn't lift it at all. Previously during the break, my arm couldn't survive gravity.
Then, at 6, we went to the auditorium to practice some music. The guy and my teacher let me clap my part, which made me feel really guilty. But then again, they all had their shoulders supported the weight, not their arms. Which do you think has longer endurance?
So...practice kinda proeceeded like this:

Woke up this morning to "Happy Birthday"'s and sore as hell elbow joints and a left shoulder. God I hurt. I think I need an icy-hot patch. =_=;; Or at least, lotsa ice.
Hmm, there was something else I wanted to say...
Oh. That was it. XD
Hey wait, no it wasn't. >.>
The front page has the Time thingie with anime:
Posted Yesterday by Adam
Katana, one of our friendly myO members, notified me that Time Magazine's latest issue features their opinion on the top 5 anime DVDs. Their picks: Perfect Blue, Spirited Away, Steamboy, Akira, and Barefoot Gen. Interesting choices, I guess...
Haha, I'm friendly. Guess I am...I like to randomly do stuff.
Oap! You know those new staff positions? I has kinda interested in be a news poster...but you have to be 16? What? C'mon! I write better than someone twice my age! Sheesh.
Edit: Oi, folks, people twice my age, not half. Meaning, someone 28 or so, I typically write better than them. I hope I write better than someone seven. =_=;;
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
Hehe, freaks - oooh, Battlecry!
Yo. It's 10:37 am, and no, I don't have my hot little hands on the sixth Harry Potter book. My friend Aiyanna does. She did that whole midnight thingie. >.> Geeks. At midnight I was happily on the internet, browsing through sites and checking updates. XD
Once my mom's ready, we're going to go get it...yeah. I read the fifth book in four days. There's pudding stains on the pages to prove it. XD No kidding. For some reason, I ate a lot of pudding during that period. ^^;;
Man, the last episode of Paranoia Agent was w-e-i-r-d. That spells 'weird' for those of you that...Yeah. But duuuude, I never saw that happening, and I definetly got freaked out when the blood was dripping from the bat. *cringes* But the poor detective man! He was getting really freaked out and stressed. He needed a hug. ^^;;
Well, I'm off to get HP and a manga. Yup.
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Holy crap that's me...
That's me on the front page...
That's me...
I go on this afternoon just to check up on the site. You never know, maybe there's been a new article published (even though I usually smite the writer o.O;; ), or maybe a new quiz, or maybe some news I could really use.
But no - I see a picture - my picture - of me in my Azumanga Daioh costume, plastered to the front page. Of all the - why me?
Adam must like my costume. XD
So I see myself and start laughing hysterically, also halfway out of embarassment. I'm still kinda giddy feeling...kinda like when I won the review contest way back when (still haven't received my prize, by the way). Almost. This is more on the level of when my Full Metal Alchemist article, which is a real hit (^^), and I was complimented.
But still, I'm at a loss for words, even though I can type up all this crap.
So, let's see, that's...(one, two, three...five...), I think around seven times or so. Something like that. Seven times I've been somehow featured in the news. o_O
Guess I'm good at cosplaying and writing.
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
It's summer? Oh.
Waghu, I've been extremely lazy and just kinda...Yeah, screw you, I don't wanna post. It's 12:06 AM and my brain's kinda mashed in. I'm watching Full Metal Alchemist, RPing with Lorenza, and also typing this. Hey, I can triple-task.
I've been watchin' the new anime on AdultSwim, and it's been pretty good. I'm really likin' Samurai Champloo, and well as Paranoia Agent. s-CRY-ed is growing on me, though I can't say I'm addicted to it.
*rubs temples* I seriously can't think.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Seven days...
...until school lets out for me. XD Okay, in all reality, it's eight, but Friday the eighth grade gets to go see Star Wars III. T_T Joy...
You should know I despise Star say it kindly...
Weeeh! Adult Swim has been airing anime movies! The first Inuyasha movie was okay - the beginning was funny. XD But it came to the point where I was drawing my Lit assignment and merely listening. >.>
Metropolis was actually a lot better than I thought...I'm thinking of writing a review about it, if somebody already hasn't. o.O;; But I'm pissed - my recorder got screwed up and didn't get the end of it! WAHH!!! What happened...I got to the part where there in that room, and the Duke dude tells Tima that she's a "super-human" 'n stuff.
New Inuyasha eps Saturday at ten!
Man, I can't believe I'm gonna be a freshman in just three short months. =_= I mean, I just don't seem high school-ish. I kinda doubt my ability to adapt, especially with new teachers.
Lorenza and I were discussing this way back during spring break. (My mom was working at her yarn shop, and the two of us went around, drooling at all the cool music stuff in this one store and having lattes and a three-dollar-loaf-of-bread for lunch. XD) We ended up talking to some old lady (around 60 or so) about school referendums and how ours didn't pass (yet again, and to no suprise). I like whining about how, until the district threatens the football program, referendums won't pass. *groans* I don't play sports, if you can't tell.
But the lady thought we were high schoolers, which we thought was hilarious. But she said that her grandson was much more that's where that comes from.
However, I have been mistaken for a seventh grader before. Reason 1, I'm short (>.<) and Reason 2, I'm really young - and look it. There are some kids in seventh grade almost fourteen, and I'm still thirteen. And then there are kids in sixth grade that are barely a year (or less!) younger than I am. O_O;; The little chums always go bug-eyed when I say I'm still thirteen and won't be fourteen until August 2nd.
And when kids in my grade wonder why I'm in eighth grade and not in seventh...I just say I was ready. And I proved it - I'm way smarter than 98% of them.
*hums randomly*
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
Go West!
Ha. Haha. Hahaha. HA!
Today I will prove to you folks that I am not only good at writing stories and aritcles (=.=;;), but that I'm on my way to becoming a master photographer!
Okay, well, there's this club called 4H, which seems to be pretty well known since it's nationwide (=.=;;), that I'm in. Every year, you get the chance to enter the county fair with a whole bunch of stuff - they have a lot of farm animal crap. >.> But I entered Photography and Visual Arts, which translates to the fact that I'm entering a picture and a drawing.
The drawing I have no problem with...except choosing which one to enter. Both of the ones I'm thinking of are based off the same boy...Mark, who's also my love interest (*blush*). Tehe! XD
Anyways, back on topic. The first one is about a 3/4 body drawing, with a mix between full and 3/4 view. It was made with ebony pencil, so it's all smooth 'n stuff. ^^;;
The second one was made with mechanical pencil and chalk pastel (those things ROCK!). It's half of the body, and is askew on the page. The boy is flying with newly discovered angel wings, and is totally happy and enthused. Brown hair whipping behind, the forest-green T-shirt billowing wildly in the wind. A pendent resembling Flamel's cross hovers on its cord around his neck, it's gold matching the four earrings (one loop, three normal) on his left ear. Bright red eyes are open wide in amazement.
Yeah, it's fun to describe drawings.
Anyways, onto my pride and joy: the photos. ^_^ I took this one outside, in my front lawn. Our cherry tree just blossomed about two weeks ago with sakura flowers. Unfortunately, due to two reallly bad storms, they're all gone. *sobs* But I managed to take the pic. It's a close-up shot of three flowers, and in the background is the rest of the branch. They're blurry because I had the lense focused on the three in front of me.
BUT! It seems 4H rules state that a picture taken with a digital camera isn't elligible for entrance in the normal photo categories, only the Digital Photography one. (I was pissed.) Bur for that you had to use techniques that "go beyond cropping and red-eye reduction".
But instead of mope, I decided to go full blown on the picture. I mean, FEH! I can do it! I am Katana, the Queen of PaintShop Pro! ^_^ (I had that title way back on the OB) So, my pretties...I need to know, for the sake of GOD...what you really think of the modified photo.

I'm being cheap and only givin' ya a thumbnail. Go and look at it, dammit! XD
So..wha-cha think?
Oh yeah, I *finally* changed my picture and muic. The picture is the little fox demon again, and she's riding a huge paper airplane. O_? Yeah, I know. XD But it's kaiwaii.
The song is Liminality from .hack//Liminality. It sounds prettier with three flutes; I'll try and get that version up...
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Monday, May 9, 2005
The Second Play Post
Wow, it's weird to think that I've gone through two school plays while have a myOtaku account...
Anyways, Thursday and Friday were the play presentations of "Murder's In The Heir". Unlike all other times, this one had very little romance, and hardly any that intertwined with the plot. I got to play the cook, Minerva Walker. The tempermental cook, while you're at that. XD It was so much fun. I got to yell at two sixth graders - one in a lecture to stay away from the playboy, and the other at the butler. XD
It felt weird to come home on the bus today after more than a month of staying afterschool and rehearsing. Everybody in my posse misses it because everybody in my posse was in it. ^_^;;
We get a poster of various photos people took...once I get that, maybe I'll scan it. I got my picture taken a lot...
Anyways, onto my favorite part: Quotes!
(Nurse) Withers: "Mrs. Starkweather, what are you doing on the floor? With...Bensonhurst..."
Mrs. Starkweather (Fiona): "Ooh, picking up spilled pills. Please watch where you put your feet - both of them, my dear."
Jordan: "I came down to snack on Nancy."
Minerva (Me): "I bet! That boy better stay away from you!" *starts waving kitchen knife like a sword* "If he tries anything funny, I'll cut him down to size!"
Nancy: "Minerva, NO! ...You and a knife really freaks me out."
Me: (OOC) "Hey hey, c'mon! The last - and first - time I cut myself open was way back in second grade. I'm good now!"
Simon III: "It's okay Nancy." *tries to comfort her and ends up rubbing her leg*
Everyone backstage: T_T "...stop hitting on the maid, Simon.
Jean: *interrupts for the final time* "Excuse me, uh, again. You see, it would've been so easy for anyone to sneak into Mr. Starkweather's bedroom and..."
Me: *slowly gets up from chair and takes out knife, crawling up to Jean. She keeps on jabbering*
*waves knife/twirls knife in fingers/pretends the knife is a throwing star*
Jean: *turns her head back, I shoot to be innocent* "And, uh...It would've been very easy for some to frighten Mr. Starkweather to death - FOR EXAMPLE, Minerva with her knife..."
Me: *hisses* "Killjoy! Bensonhurst comes before me!"
Nancy: *drags me back to my seat* "C'mon ma'am, c'mon, we gotta sit down..."
During a long period in the dark, attemtping to light candles... We start to improvise. =_=;;
Janet: "Um, could we please move it, uh, a little faster?"
Me: *snide* "Sorry Miss Davis, we're going as fast as we can."
Fiona: *lighting candles* "Ooh, sorry dear, oooh..."
Withers: T_T "The man's a multi-bilionaire and can only afford two lighters."
Me: "Mrs. Starkweather, are you alright?"
Fiona: "Yes dear, I'm fine...ooh dear...Ooh, this wick is too low..."
Rufus: "Ah, sorry ma'am..."
(XD That was fun)
Final Curtain Call:
Me: *comes out and swings out knife to point tip at audience*
Trent: *whaps me with the pillow*
Me: T_T *disgruntled*
Nancy: *dusts my head*
Almost home...
Ryu-chan (the Usher XD): "HEY! WAIT! Miz Culpepper! Miz Culpepper!"
Jean: "Good grief man, what is it?"
Ryu: "It's - it's a telegram! From - St. John!"
Jean: "Mr. St. John?" *snatches telegram*
Cast: "Hmm?" *crowds around Jean in semi-circle behind her*
Jean: " seems Mr. St. John had a stroke of brilliance! Oh yes, it seems like he's come up with the perfect solution for the play!"
Cast: "Whaaaaat?" *looks at each other*
Jean: "Oh, I see there's some clues that we have to put into the first act, so it looks like we have to do the whole thing over again!"
Cast: "WHAT?!"
Jean: "C'mon, you guys can do it!"
Bensonhurst: "No we can't! Are you kidding?"
Jean: *laughs* "Oh...oh...this - this is brilliant! Better than anything I could've possibly come up with!"
Cast: *has slowly brought out their murder weapons or hands to stangle Jean*
Jean: "Oh...oh wow! Uh-huh...neat...this is amazing! Oh wow..."
Cast: *suddenly lunges*
Jean: "Huh - AHHH!!!"
*Lights go out. Curtain closes*
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
Let's Begin
I now know the importance of doing stuff here on theOtaku network. I mean, I've dropped to 189! But what also hurts is that they don't have those little myOtaku lists out front anymore...
Well, this Thursday is opening night for the play. O.= *twitches* I'm fine; I'm ready; I'm steady; I'm all for go. (Baaaad pun there).
The play is called "Murder's In The Heir", and it's like a stage version of Clue. You have the butler, the maid, the cook, the housekeeper, but there's also the relatives - a playboy, a spacey middle-aged woman (think Osaka), a Soutern belle, and a calm and collected guy. Then there's the nurse, the lawyer, the secretary, the detective, the handyman, the old man who kicks the bucket, AND, to top it all off, the student director inserted for narroration 'n stuff. It's a comedy, like usual, but unusually, it involves hardly any romance in it. The maid falls for the playboy, but that's it, and it's not a major part of the plot.
Well, what's different about this play is that there's no set murderer. During intermission, the audience gets to vote on who they think did it, and then we act out the ending on how they voted. Our three highest ranking suspects are the playboy, the Southern belle, and the nurse - the first two because they're greedy and the third because she had close access to the victim.
Me? No worries. I'm the friggin' cook. Sure I get pissed, but I want mah money! And the only time I blow my head is after the audience votes. T_T
We're ready to go!
But there are three - no four - no five people that are worrying me. They are...
Chris, an idiot, who plays the old man and gets killed by the end of act one
Liz - my friend - who has the detective part and doesn't have them memorized
Naglich (first name, Brian) who plays the grandson Simon III. He has the same amount of lines as a normal character and he's still using his flippin' book!
Ryan - an important male role and a prime suspect. If he doesn't know his basic lines, how does he expect to receit the murderer's confession?
Jeff - yeah, he was gone for three days, but that doesn't mean a thing to me. He's had just as long as everyone else to practice, and he stumbles over simple lines.
Moving on...
WOOOT! I now have 100 votes on my alchemy article! AND I STILL HAVE 100%!!! YAAAY! ^_^ That's awesome! I am da SHIZ, mah man!
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Monday, April 18, 2005
I need a constant thingie!
Alright, go mincing words!
I need something constant! Something to get you folks in OtakuLand! Something, like, uh, a story, or, uh, something...
Wow I'm good at with words. >.>
Hey hey! I know! I will show you folks something that I never thought anybody online would see. ^_^ To give some better images of my friends, I'll post pictures of myself and them that I took during our first play practice. :3
Kat: Thumbnails appear a lot fuzzier than the actual picture. ><;;
This is Meg-chan, looking really different from how she usually appears:

Here's Liz on the plush lion in Mrs. Perry's (one of the directors) classrom:

Lorenza, or Renza-chan, giving an unexpected smile in the LMC (^^):

And finally, Diane/Die-Die/Die-chan, trying her hardest not to laugh:

Those are my friends. ^_^
Random Person: HEY! WHAT ABOUT YOU?!
Kat: Curses...
But I got don't see my face: XD
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Sunday, April 17, 2005
The verdict?
Paint markers are a no-go on school projects. >.>
We had a math assignment that was meant to stress area and volume and all that crap...we've had it for about two weeks, and I didn't do the actual thing until tonight. It's due tomorrow.
So yeah, I outlined it with this blue-colored paint marker - the kind you would use on model cars. Now my right wrist looks like it has Flamel's cross on it. O_< Yarr!
Yesterday was the band's Solo and Ensemble Competition. Me and two of my friends, Liz and Meg-chan, were doing an ensemble called "Scherzino"'s a flute trio but it turned into a two-flutes-and-an-oboe trio. I'm the oboe, and I got the third part...because it went into the lower the notes - the ones that flutes struggle with. It's hilarious to hear a flute struggle. ^_^
Well, anyways, I screwed it up RIGHT AWAY. My VERY FIRST note, I played a B flat instead of a G. >< The beginning has a three-step entrance thingie. It went like this:
1.) Meg-chan: Two eighth notes (stop stop)
2.) Liz: (stop) Two eighth notes(stop)
3.) Me: (stop stop) Two eighth notes
Sorta like we each show ourselves for two eighth notes and then vanish. >.> But my first note was a G, and I played a B mentioned...and I winced. (I had the time to - didn't come in for another measure XD).
Surprisingly, when we were finished, the judge had absolutely no complaints. The flute girl that had been running around the entire day collecting judge sheets said that was the first time it had happened. All the judge lady told us was to try and do a U-shape formation so that we have eye-contact with each other.
When we got the sheet back, the "areas of improvement" were two sets of two measures - and those were we just played two half notes (2/4 time). O_O
But the best of all? We got a perfect score. =^.^= We couldn't believe was amazing. We rushed to the office, which had become the "Festival Office" (thanks to a sign that I had put up the previous day XD) to tell Mr. V. He was amazed as well - and we were the first perfect scores of the day (and we had at least thirty groups before us). Beside our names on the chart hung up in the hallway, we had "Rank I*". The * for the perfect score. XD And as far as I'm concerned, we were the only ones to get it that day. ^_^
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