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College freshman hoping to survive the day.
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Something like, "uhhhhh..."
Somehow managed to graduate high school and be accepted to college. Odd.
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Always and forever, Azumanga Daioh
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Writing, mad Photoshop skillz, terrorizing people...
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Kuso man, kuso
>.< Dammit! I've been exremely lazy and haven't hade much to actually type about recently that I haven't done anything...recently.
Well, I still see I have some faithfuls. XD I went to the backroom one day, guessing I was at 182 - but nope, still 175. =^.^= Uhhh...yeah.
Revival was turned in without a hitch...all fourty-six pages of it. >.> It's HUGE - size 10 Tahome font, around 120,000 characters without spaces...I hade to make up a fake ending for it, because I want the book to be like a chapter book, somewhere near one hundred fourty-eight pages or sommin'. Why so precise? Dunno. XD
Ah, let's see. *Opens Revival on MS Word* Right now, with some of chappie 5 tacked on, there's:
Pages: 48
Words: 27,996
Characters (No spaces): 126,714
Characters (With spaces: 153,962
I rock. XD
Welllll, let's seeee...I got an A+ on my algebra quiz, with a 26/25. ^^ I started a new story...and that kinda stuff. >.>
Oh yeah. Did any of you guys see Avatar: The Last Airbender on Nick yesterday? That show rocks. It was like Golden Sun! I mean, you can't get much cooler than that! The beginning was the best, because Sokka kept getting freaked out and traumatized. It's great to see Nick have some sort of anime-like show...FINALLY.
What was really awesome was Katara. At first, I mis-heared her name and perked up, thinking her name was Katana. XD That would've been awesome.
Katara ->>> Waterbender
Katana ->>> Water Adept
I'm a little disappointed, because the show takes the usual approach of girl=weak, boy=strong, hero=master of everything. I'm hoping Katara gets really strong with her water powers and can kick Aang's ass some day. XD
What was REALLY awesome was when she got pissed at Sokka in the beginning. The water was parting and foaming, and she cracked an iceberg. A friggin' iceberg! Also...
Sokka: "Trust a girl to screw things up..."
Katana: Ehhh...?
Katara: "You - IMMATURE - SEXIST - PIG!"
Katana: O_O! Two inappropriate-for-a Y7-rating-words-within-twenty-seconds!
And uhhhh...I need to go...take a shower. XD Later!
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Saturday, February 5, 2005
Day 9 of 15
Kuso. >< Only six days left. I'm hoping to get a lot, and I mean a LOT, done on Revival this weekend.
Well, I haven't been posting because: A) Too much homework, B)Too much afterschool stuff, C) Being at a friend's house until pretty late D)Bunch of other crap.
Today was honors testing at the high school. And of course, I went. I tested in both biology and English, but I don't think I'll get into biology. An example of a question was sorta like: "What is the p habazelynte reflute against?" Really craptacular.
Ugggggggggggh...*bangs head on chair* I can't think. Uh...UHHH...Well, I went to the Geneva Commons today for some window browsing. While my mom was in DSW, I went to CompUSA and JoAnn Fabrics. At JF, I bought some candy-making stuff and a mold to make some chocolate to give to my boy friend for Valentine's Day. *blush* Who knew Kat was capable of such emotions...?
*is shown eating the cocoa chips from the bag* Hmmm-MFFF!!!
I'm leavin' now. Buh-bye...
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
Wooooh...(Young Authors Day 3 of 15)
Sorry, I did lie. Didn't post yesterday. BUT, I did get Azumanga Daioh number three yesterday! ^^ And today, I got a lot of done on Revival. So I'm happy.
Right now, I'm watching "Pompei: The Last Day" on Discovery, and talking to my friend Ben on AIM:
CursorAngel85: you see the gladiator laying down?
Otakunumber6: yeah
Otakunumber6: when the guy gave him water, he went all bug eyed
CursorAngel85: it was funny how he got hurt
Otakunumber6: how so?
Otakunumber6: I mean, how'd he get hurt?
CursorAngel85: when the rocks were raining down the guy said "we are gladiators rocks can not hurt us" the a rock fell on his head and knocked him out
Otakunumber6: XD
Otakunumber6: We are GLADIATORS! Nothing can stop us!
Otakunumber6: *stands erect with sword*
Otakunumber6: *rock falls on head* oomph...
CursorAngel85: lol
Otakunumber6: yeah, that's my mental image...
CursorAngel85: *lethal injections*
CursorAngel85: there's mine
Otakunumber6: XD
Otakunumber6: but how does that connect...?
Otakunumber6: ....
CursorAngel85: I don't know...
Otakunumber6: >.>
Yeah. That's how one part of the conversation went.
And other than those, I have nothing else to say! >< I updated Nocturne Mix, if that interests anybody. Now I have to go and watch as people in ancient Pompei suffer. Buh-bye...
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Friday, January 28, 2005
Young Authors Cramming (Day 1 of 15)
I have approximately fifteen days (including today) to create a make-shift ending to "Revival" and send it in for Young Authors. What rally sucks about my school's YA is that it isn't apart of the Scholastic one, so the chance of getting published is gone.
Now, many of you are probably wondering why the hell I'm doing this. My answer? "How the hell should I know?"
Right after sixth grade, it seems rather childish to do something like this, but last year, I met the poetry winner, who was also an anime fan and had some awesome pictures in her book. ^_^ There really is no point in entering this contest; however, wining makes ya feel speical. XD
On a related note, my friend Lorenza (aka, Tani) and I have teamed up and are going to create a website featuring our stories.
TRANSLATION: I make the coding, I teach her where and how to update, I update more because I have more time to write, etc.
The two of us are healthy competition for each other. What's strange is that I say her writing is better while she says my writing is better.
KAT'S STRONG POINTS: Huge bouts of dialouge, strongly interacting characters
TANI'S STRONG POINTS: Incredibly detailed descriptions, professional-quality material
It's almost rather obvious about how and why I think her writing is better. For example, here are the beginnings to both of our stories, mine being "Revival" and hers being "Keepers of the Thirteen Seals" (Kotts for short. XD)
Keepers of the Thirteen Seals:
Sitting with legs crossed, hands folded in lap, and shoulders parallel to the floor, I, Ciara Ayame’Liluye was forced to suppress a large yawn of boredom. The yawn was an effort due to the fact that the bodice I was wearing underneath the dress was restricting my air. My hand momentarily twitched on the pale lavender skirts of the lacey dress, but I forced myself not to fiddle. I was sitting at one of the walls of a large ballroom, watching as the adults danced and talked, waiting until that time when a suitor would come to ask my hand to dance, and I would be forced to oblige out of proper conduct.
I flipped up the board with my right foot, catching it nimbly in my left. The claw-like fingernails scratched against the sandpaper grip.
“Hey Kat,” said a familiar voice, and my ears twitched as Eowyn, my friend, appeared behind me in a soft glow of lavender light.
“Yo,” I replied, turning around with a smile on my face. Seeing Eowyn there, being her normal, cheerful self, always made me feel good. “Is there a reason you wanted to see me?”
“Yeah, like always.” She searched her pockets; her hands looking like mice were scrambling around in there, and finally pulled out a stone fragment.
“No…no way…” I managed to say on a breath. Pinched between Eowyn’s thumb and forefinger was the most valuable object between us at the moment – a fragment from the Stone of Sages.
So you can, again, see why her writing is a lot better than mine. -___-
My goal is to update this place everday until the day of finally submitting "Revival" to YA. Then, I'll never post again.
...Sorry. I lied.
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
People get more retarded as the years go on
Wow. I went and read the comments for the recent reviews (mine included). At first, they were all people going "I luv teh inu move!11!!!" and stuff...But now, it's quite interesting. So here, my friends, are some of the comments, and my remark. I won't put names, for the sake of the safety of my Otaku account. -__-;;
I've only watched one episode and it's okay- it could be better. (Commenting on Inuyasha)
Err...yeah. This is exactly why you don't like it too much. You've only watched ONE figgin' episode!
Why do you go on a site that half of it is full of Inuyasha, Majosha, and the worst thing you can do is say it's a bad show so now everyone here can sit there and call you bad names and stuff, that was a really stupid move,I love inuyasha, so screw u
...This one puzzled me to no end. What the hell's Majosha? What the HELL is he even TALKING about?!
Wow, so there were five reviews posted, and all of them were 9/10 and over. This is why no one actually listens to reviews on this site. There is major grade inflation. Nice job Adam.
...Bitch. I graded Fushigi Yugi on what I've known - which is a lot. Every episode of the anime, almost all of the manga, and even read up on some of the OVA.
It's not that great. And all these reviews aren't based on the actual show, its based on its fanbase. and that my friends is not what a review is, thats a fangirl/boy making themselves seem like reviewers, but no their not. dont go by reviews here
Oh. Now I know who/what Majosha is. *cackles evilly* And I HAD to be a fan in order to give it a grade, moron. But I'm a bigger fan of Azumanga Daioh, but I didn't give it a perfect score now, did I?
wow these guys are really articulate. But yeah, I don't like the reviews on here either, I use THEM for that stuff.
Who the hell's "THEM"? And why don't ya like the reviews?
Master Adam Speaking: Some of the commenters here can't be this dense. A review is far me than a score--why not read the actual body--and all five titles reviewed are among the most popular American anime ever released. What, you want to give Kenshin a 3/10? Gosh...
Hmm. I wasn't in the era of people giving RK a 3/10...
Adam knows this, and while I do agree that some of the scores were too high, everything will equilibrate at sometime.
Hahaha, if this person wasn't such a respected memember...
That's what I think.
Report card time! ^^
Multimedia: A+! YAYS!
History: A!
Math: A!
Science: B+ -___-
PE/Health: A+! BUWAHAHAA!!!
English: A!
Literature: A-!
Band: A!
MUWAHAHAAA!!! After I saw the two A+'s, I went into a cackling fit, and my teacher wondered what I was cackling about. I told her I was after world domination, and she told me to right ahead. XD
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
Here I am, posting at the library because my mom is working the coffee bar. Actually, I've done most of the work while she's been nosing around the mystery books. >.>
Well, I discovered the winners of the T-shirt contest, and I'm qutie surprised.Kat's Rule of Thumb: If they don't have the decensy to capitol their name/come up with a REAL name, they're not too great.
And that's true.
I'm in complete agreeance with Sobaku. just2kaiwaii really did just list an item and won, which makes me very, VERY curious. Did the judges just pick at random? Because the three that won weren't really that good.
I'm not too surprised that I didn't win. If I did, Adam would probably be harassed about being biased because I won the article contest. But I did put a lot of thought into my post. I also realized that I was the ONLY person to not list a specific item (ie, Shippo plushie). The rules were that you could state ANY reason you liked anime, so I put down that I love the music. And trust me, I sat at the computer for five minutes, trying to think of some better word choice and form. Yes, I am crazy. -.-;;
Moving on to school (and what I should have posted last week), I discovered just how well/bad I did on my finals. Here's the chart, with the final grade listed first and the quarters grade listed second:
History: 98% | 96%
Math: A | 95%
Science: B+ | No clue ><
English: B | A
Literature: B | A-
So overall, I did pretty damn well. I'm expecting to get another B in science class, which'll average out to me being on the gold honor roll again, ten quarters straight. Muwahaha, I'm a psychopath.
History: One question wrong! ^^
Math: I was only one of ten A's in the three classes combined. I rock.
Science: Can't believe I got a B+. I was shocked. But then I was pissed, because one more point and I would've gotten an A-. >_<
English: Really long, and really confusing. It was vocab, and grammar, and towards the middle, I felt like I was just circling things.
Literature: This one really pissed me off. The final was based on a story we read, and then we had to answer questions about it. One section was vocab. So I memorized all these huge words, and guess what? None were on the test.
So yeah, I'm pissed about the contest and slightly pissed on some of my finals.
And guess what? Next week is I-SATS. >.>
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
It's actually kinda funny to go up there and see what people have submitted as their anime passion. I think I went a little off-track on my entry. -.- I wrote it like Shakesphere. ><;;
Do you guys hate me because I entered? And I also won the last contest for writing a review on Azumanga Daioh? *avoids bullets of doom*
Oh yeah, speaking of which, I submitted a Fushigi Yugi review Sunday evening, and I hope it got accepted. Probably not. >.< I dunno, it was thought-out enough from my point of view, but my point of view is usually pretty scary. T_T;;
You know what? I still haven't received the DBZ board game for winning the review conest way back - *counts fingers* - nearly three months ago. -___- Anyways...
Just wanted to make sure you're still with me, because I'm leaving now. >.>
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Sunday, January 16, 2005

I win! 2000 hits baby! I come on to check the status, and it was an even 2000! Thanks guys. ^^
On a different note, I made Chinese food today. XD It was quite deliscious, depsite the fact that I had limited ingredients.
Katana's Chinese Food
Vegetable oil | 1 egg
Rice | Soy sauce
3/4 Cup Water | Salt
10" frying pan
Makes one serving
In frying pan, pour in oil so outer ring has three or four streams of oil. Set on HIGH heat.
When oil begins to sizzle, add in rice so that it coats the bottom of the pan. Do not worry when some rice cooks with the oil. After twenty or so seconds, stir all the rice together so oil spreads.
Being careful not to crack the frying pan, add in 3/4 cup water. There will probably be more water than rice, so add more rice until pan is evenly coated.
Let rice cook for roughly one minute. Stir to mix everyting together. Then add some squirts of soy sauce for some flavor.
In seperate bowl, beat together egg (no shell, moron) and cream/milk/half-and-half until you get a canary-yellow egg.
Push rice to one side of the frying pan and pour in the egg mixture. After egg has cooked for ten seconds, combine the rice and egg together. Mix this all up so that the egg isn't in one section of the rice.
(At this point, if you have any COOKED beef/chicken/pork/bacon/deer, put them in with the mixture. I did not, so your results may vary after this point. If the meat is cooked but cold, then add it in anyways, because it'll cook up.)
Lightly (LIGHTLY! Save your arteries!) coat the top of the rice mixture with vegetable oil, stir toegether. This'll give the authentic greesiness of Chinese food. ><;;
Stir the enitre mess together, then turn off the heat. Let pan sit for a couple minutes while you clean the egg dish. >.>
Pour in cereal bowl. Top with salt and mix together (optional). Eat with chopsticks and enjoy. ^^
I was (still am) home alone with the dog when I made this, and it turned out pretty good. Made a nice meal. Although it turned out pretty mild, so I'm thinking of adding a couple drops of lemon juice next time.
DDG: ...Lemon juice?
Uh-huh. It'll spark the flavor. *erupts in flames* GYAA! HOT HOT!
DDG: You can also add vegetables. *turns to flaming Katana* Kat? You okay?
DDG was used because she visits alot. XD
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
*strikes a pose and falls flat on her face*
*stuggles to get back up* Ooo...oomph. *pops up* HELLOOO!!! *giggles uncontrollably*
*hiccups* CRAP! I don't *hic* need hiccups! *holds her breath and drinks some coffee*
WOOH! I feel better! ^^;;
I now have five wallpapers up, but only four of them are good...I really don't like the FLCL one. I think I was high. ><;; But isn't it nice to know that Katana hasn't ditched fandom, and that she has another anime interest besides Azumanga Daioh? -.- That other anime interest would be Yu Yu Hakusho, as you can tell by the newest wallpapers.
Why the sudden urge to create them? Well, my favorite humor site, The Yu Yu Hakusho Anything-Goes Dojo of Mayhem!, now has a wallpapers section. Since I was bored one night, I made two YYH desktops - one Kurama, one Hiei - and sent them to the webmistress, Grace-chan. XD She loved them, and asked for more. Hence Koenma.
Alright dudes! Just seven more hits and I'm at the big 2 K! I've also realized that at least five people come to visit everyday. =^.^= Knowing that people actually take an interest in my numbnut life is great.
*hums March Caprice*
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Friday, January 14, 2005
Finals - Almost 2000! - Wallpapers
Hey guys. Sorry I've ditched you for the past week, but I couldn't think of much to say, and all week, I've been cramming for finals. In fact, I haven't really been on the computer much at all.
I just finished my finals in history, science, math, English, and lit...Actually, only English and Lit were today, and I had the other three yesterday. But still, my brain hurts. ><;;
Wedsnesday night, I drew a picture froma scene in Imadoki vol. 2, which had chibis of Tsuki and Aoi, right before Aoi goes "I just lost my memory! Mommy, who am I?" (XD) I had to improvise for half their bodies, but it turned out pretty neat. I colored it during school the next day, and wrote "Good Luck on Finals!" at the bottom.
Chibi Tsuki: "What the..."
Chibi Aoi: "Already?"
Bottom: "Good Luck on Finals!"
And that's how the poster went. XD My history teacher let me hang it up on this glass display case that every eighth grader sees, so it got lots of publicity.
I've got 1,987 hits. XD I always crack up at that, because it says 1987. ...*crickets* C'MON! LAUGH DAMMIT! Um...
Yeah. Almost 2,000. Which means more than three peoplecome and read my life everyday. Wow. That's kinda creepy. T_T;;
Wallpapers! I've submitted two of them, with one featuring Kurama and one featuring Hiei, both from Yu Yu Hakusho. I'm working on a Koenma one right now, but my program's so frickin' screwy...
I submitted an article last Thursday called "Alchemy and the Four Elements". It was meant to be an info blast of the history and meaning of alchemy and the elements from the video game Golden Sun. But apparently, they're either backed up or hate my article, because six others have been published. Hmmm.
Well, see ya guys later. *wink*
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