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Thursday, January 6, 2005
Katana's Laws of School
A little more than an hour later, I'm back with my laws of school. This was a freewrite from English class (which I made last night at around 10:30, when it was due today). The entire report turned out to be an even 2,500 characters. XD So here it is.
Don’t Expect Less – Law of Equivalent Exchange
You will never not get homework. And for every class that doesn’t have homework, there is at least one that’ll slam a new project or an essay on you. You will always be sitting at that homework station, trying to figure out just what the teacher wants you to do.
Things Will Always Come Up – Law of Bandism
Whenever you have a concert, you will also have a mountain of homework to do. No matter how much you beg or plead at your teacher, they will not reprieve the work for the night. Which leads me to…
Majority Rules – Law of Bandie Punishment
Not even fifteen percent of the people in your class are in band (with the exception of band itself). Therefore, whenever you have an event that involves band, the teacher doesn’t really care, since they’re losing a maximum of about five people. So while most are relaxed about the six hours of time they have to do homework, the rest of us are panicking to try and finish that science assignment.
Popularity Matters – Law of Chance
Unless you are popular (which means everybody knowing who are you), never get your hopes up for winning something. It doesn’t happen very often.
Good Things Come Afterwards – Law of Graduation
Once you leave that school, a good thing will happen, such as getting new equipment, hiring better teachers, or expanding a certain department. The area you suffered in for lack of supplies will suddenly flourish, making that hard-earned A an easy thing.
Fitness Comes First – Law of Pro-Sports, Anti-Arts
Sports (especially football) will always get more funding/hype than the art department does. So while those jocks are out there, losing on the field and wearing brand spankin’ new uniforms, the school play crew will be struggling to make the set look realistic.
The Short People – Law of Sixth Grade Calcium Defects
Steadily, the average height of a sixth grader will drop from 4’10’’ to 4’4’’ due to lack of calcium intakes by sixth graders. This is why you should listen to your elders and drink your milk.
Wasting Away – Law of Unnoticed Talent
If you have a talent such as writing, drawing, performing, or anything like that, your skills shall never matter in the eyes of the school. Even if you do win some sort of contest, your talents won’t be recognized for more than a day by people who aren’t your friends.
Creepy Teachers – Law of SCARY!
You will more than likely have at lest one creepy teacher throughout your school year, let it be core or encore. They are typically male specimens, who either seem to have a fond interest in the girls, or are sexist and choose only boys.
I think my favorite is "The Short People - Law of Sixth Grade Calcium Defects". XD
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Snoooow Day~!
Alright guys, it's 5 frickin' 49 in the morning on Thursday, and where is Katana? Posting on her myOtaku, of course.
WE HAVE A SNOW DAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! This, of course, means we'll have to make it up in June, but I really don't care right now.
I woke up at what I thought was 6:30 because my dad came into my room to use the computer. Yeah, I have a comp in my room, but I'm on the downstairs one right now because I couldn't get the wireless connection to work. Is the snow really that bad? I don't think so, since this is an in-home connnection.
So I go into my parents' room, which has Fox News Chicago babbling away, and I'm focusing on the schools at the bottom. My main concerns were:
1.) Are these in alphabetical order?
2.) Are these grouped by city?
3.) Haven't I seen that one before...?
So I saw mine (Burlington District 301) and cracked a smile. I'm not tired at all, but none of my friends live around me, so we really couldn't do anything.
Then I was shocked to learn that it was only 5:34, not 6:34. ><;;
I'm not tired at 5:54 AM, huh? I got home and slept for an hour and a half, ate dinner, then slept for four more hours. So that's six and a half right there. I stayed up and watched Inuyasha, then fell asleep at roughly 12:30. I got approximately eleven and a half hours of sleep. O_O That's the most I've gotten on a school night. Which also means I was doing my science homework at 9:30, and then was told by my mom at ten to go to bed. I needed a shower. >.<
It's Janurary 6th! Which means it's my doggy's birthday! ^_^ Chelsea, my little (five pounds) Maltese puppy is now four years old. =^.^=
Anyways, my fellow myOtakuians, I now have 1962 hits, and I'm 176. Just a little more until I reach 2000, then I'll be satisfied with this. XD But I shallith always keepith posting...ith.
Soon to Come: Katana's Laws of School
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Sunday, January 2, 2005
Back to school tomorrow, dammit
*looks at her TV, which is playing the New Years Dream Special of Azumanga Daioh* Mow. Ahoy folks, as Katana returns for the third day in a row. Creepy. ><;;
Well, tomorrow is going-back-to-school day for about 90% of the school population. Which, for me, means thinking about how much of a lunatic Hitler was, drooling in Algebra 'cause it's too easy, cower in fear of my insane science teacher, enjoy the zaniness that is lunch, stray away from the child-molestor gym teacher, thriving in English class, running rampent in the library, and annoying my band teacher. However, I have band lessons tomorrow...which might mean I'm getting Hikari! YAY! *dances* When I get it, I'll scan it for you guys...that play oboe. XD
And I, err, having nothing more to say, except that Revival has reached 27 pages. I was hoping to get to page 25 during the break, but even I doubted that...so, what good luck! *hums Raspberry Heaven*
Looks like I failed my goal of taking all of theOtaku.com's quizzes. XD It just got boring after a while...
Oh...my gym teacher isn't a child molestor. But he damn as well LOOKS like one!
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
Happy New Years, pepole of theOtaku network! I am proud to say that Katana is one of the first people to post in the year 2005! Then again, most people aren't on their myOtaku, which proves how lame I am. -__-;;
Anyways, I had three of my friends over, and in the spirit of New Years, we made a chain story, which turned out really, really weird. We (meaning myself, Liz-chan, Renza-chan, and Waffle-chan) made it three sentences at a time. So here it is. ><;;
They didn’t do anything wrong…so why were they there? Ehhhh…that’s one hard thing to deceiver…But one thing that keeps the sanity of these few is a particular thingie.
What that thingie is, no one is for certain. Some roumors are possibly a cute little plushie that oddly resembles one of the poor innocent souls in that dark and dingy dungeon. She is called Maya and is proud of growing out her beloved uni-brow that pulsates when danger is near.
Or perhaps a large pepsi cola. A pepsi cola with a hint of “HOLIDAY SPICE!” Ahhh, that’s the life, Pepsi Cola…Holiday Spice…ahhh, did I just get off track here…DAMN!
Erm…It could also be GREEN PILLOW! The pillow of…uh…uh…SYDNEY! Uh…uh…SYDNEY!
The last thingie of thingieness is a jar of VICKS VapoRub, which can revive anybodies nose! *points at jar to the left* IT’S awesome and smells like menthol! Cause it is menthol you moron! ON TO THE NEXT PERSON!
Um…um… SYDNEY! Supercalafragilisticexpialadoucs!!! *ahem* the only means of entertainment that the four peeps had was their companyosity. *shakes head sympathetically*
Any way onto the strange story that this is turning out to be…you FREAKS. One of the girls was short and stumpy whit a mullet for hair, another hyper active…and just more hyper. Another likes to pretend she’s a British man, strange yes; The last was rather chubby and would spaz out and see Images of Inuyasha dance about in her head, and no he didn’t dance like a sugar plum.
Says the girl who is hyper active, “So exciting, the audience will stop and cheer.” Then she giggled insanely and bounced off the walls while smelling VICKS VapoRub. “Mm! Menthol! It smells good!”
And then, the British girl (complete with unibrow) was screaming her head off, screeching on about how the VICKS VapoRub felt like she had ripped her mustache off. Hehe, mustache…mustach0
-e…*giggles* Ergh…
then, once Good Charrolatte is in the stereo, pumping vibes like a pimp, the one called Waffle and the Menthol are on the ground rolling like the girl in Willy wonka who turned into a blueberry. “I’ve got a blueberry for a daughter!” *chew, chew,chew*
Anyway, the waffle one was currently standing a corner at this moment, seeming to be talking to an Invisible person. “So, uh is silver really your hair color, or is it dyed?”
Inu: -Invisible to others…- “DYED! HOW LOW DO YOU TAKE ME FOR, BIOTCH!”
The hyper one, who when by the name of Chibi-chan, slithered over to the Waffle, and began her own conversation with the blurry silver thing that she saw only because of the fumes she had inhaled from the VapoRub. “Hi there…” She giggled…
“Wow, we’re a bunch of insane morons,” the mullet girl said, her head now topped with a Dad cap. She pulled it over her nose, and suddenly the Dad’s voice came out. “Hello…I am VICKS VapoRub father. Thank you for be drug addicts and sniffing him for support.”
Yorkshire Pengy massaged her un-ibrow and looked over at Waffle and Chibi-chan who were making conversations with the paneling. “What in the name of Hitler’s knickers covered in chocolate syrup being licked by a chibi named Harold…*gasps for breath*… are you doing!?!?” Waffle begins licking the wall and starts to vibrate at the earsplitting melody of GC. *EWWWWW!!!!* ; -)
“OH INUYASHA!” Yelled the waffled one, only to receive the glare of her fellow prison mate. The hyper one looked over and said, “I want some! Oh what’s this! A hole on the wall, I must poke…” And so she did, the little freak…-sigh-
Of course, the Waffle joined her –sigh- freak. Chibi-chan wandered around the room, occasionally stopping in the corner to sniff her vaporub, and then continuing on to sing to good charlotte…”It’s a cozy table eh?”
“Mmmm…delicious…” –lots of laughs- AND NOW THE SCOTTSMAN SONG!
-whispers-he doesn’t wear anything under that kilt…I know from experience...It makes life easier…
then the warden entered the dungeon and grabbed poor unexpecting Waffle by her hair. “YOU! Your sentence has been cleared!” And at that, Waffle disappeared, but the other three still had the hope that that particular freak would release them from their swarthy prison.
But before the warden reached the gate, Chibi-chan (still slightly discombobulated from the VapoRub) lunged forward and grabbed Waffles around the ankles. “NOOOOOOO!!! We haven’t finished licking the walls yet! And Mr. Warden, why can’t we go?” The warden looked down at Chibi-chan like a scary potato and gave her a very unpleasant wedgie. “OWWWWWW!!!” Chibi-chan howled.
“Owie owie owie!!!! IT HURTS!!!” Chibi-chan screeched as the warden pulled harder on her lacy thong. “Holy kuso on rye, you wear a THONG?!” Dad’s voice hollered. “YOU BAD BAD GIRL!!!”
See yas later! *goes off to drink more sparkling cranberry juice*
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Friday, December 31, 2004
New Years
Hey guyes. Sorry I haven't said anything in a while. >< It comes with the holidays, I 'spose.
With 2004 nearly over and 2005 coming upon us, I always begin to wonder a lot of things. However, no year before this one has struck up this much thought in the mind of Katana. Because my thoughts were so long, I made them into a seperate page so you don't kill yourself reading it here.
Kat's New Years
*sighs* Maybe it's the mood, or maybe the song playing (Heaven's Not Enough), but a wave of grief is settling over me. I know I should be a cheerful moron like usual, but right now, I'm finding it hard. I saw so many things, but like a dream...Always losing me...In a cloud...Gave it all away, for a memory, and a quiet life...
Heaven, good-bye.
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Friday, December 24, 2004
And to All a Good Night
Dammit, I'm tired, but it's only 9:28, and I know that I won't be able to go to sleep when I try and go to sleep. I'm hungry.
Looks like people liked my featured guestbook signings. ^^ I jumped up four places too...I was 182, then checked back and found out I was 178. O_O Um, some sudden rise in popularity...?
I don't know what to give you guys for Christmas. I mean, I want to do something, like a graphic in the least, but I don't know what to do...><;; Come on Katty, think, think...
Well, tomorrow's Christmas, and that means presents, which means fun, and which also means waiting two hours for my parents to get ready and open them. >.< Dammit.
*stomach growls* Gah, hungry...
Oh, if you've checked out Nocturne Mix extremely recently, and have gone to either the .hack or Inuyasha sections, you might've noticed the navigation bar is a little different on these pages. Okay, when you're in one of those sections, look at the nav bar. Where the + signs usually are, there's these instead: >> . That's my new feature, which is song descriptions, so that people know what they're requesting.
I'm off to get some grub. See you all tomorrow. ^_~
*bows, snow falls*
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
Kat's Favorite Guestbook Signings
Alright people, this is the first time I've ever done this...mainly because not that many people have left messages in my guestbook before. T_T;; BUT, this year is an exception.
While most signings are things like "cool site, please come visit mine" there are some exceptionsl. So here, I bring you my favorite singings:
darkapocalyps (08/26/03):
I'm first buhehehe!
*plants flag in the guestbook*
Hello person! Dropped by to claim a guestbook and say hi! Bye!
Katana: ^^
Wondershot (9/25/03):
I see all kinds of quotes from it (the Outcast Rebellion) in your sig, and I like your jokes, if a little childish.
Katana: Love ya too, Wondie-chan.
shinra student (10/22/03):
yoloshiku noda!
Katana: Umm...baka desu ka? ^^;
Anrui (10/31/03):
You drew Kuroneko-sama. In plushie form.
I love you.
Katana: ^^ KNS rocks.
Inuluvr1 (12/27/03):
Hey fellow Musketeer!!
Like your site a lot, please sign my guestbook too!
And your sprite is not a failed attempt...I would like to see Inuyasha in a turquoise myself! AQUA DUDE! Ack Dory! Just keep swimming...
Katana: Just keep swimming, swimming swimming...Let's go get Kurumi drunk off eggnog!
kataryu (02/22/04):
Sweet quiz!! It's about time someone put a Golden Sun quiz up! And you did a really good job at it, too. I must say, it's a HUGE achevment to beat the game... Have you played GS2?
Katana: Hehe, thanks. Golden Sun rocks! And yeah, I've played GS2...it's awesome...Piers...*drools*
Lash27 (09/07/04):
Katana: Yo.
Anoel (11/02/04)
Nice site... I'm friending you, so come visit my site! Be warned, I'm a purple freak. Hehe, I like your current pic, especially the caption. Do you sing horriably, like me? See ja!
Katana: I'm proud to say I don't sing horribly. See yes? ^^;;
bluedemonboy (11/03/04):
Yo. Congrats on winning. Nice site too. I'm gonna make you my friend ^.^ Drop by some time and add me if you want. If you do drop by plz sign my gb. You've got style kid. O_O
Katana: O_O? Is that supposed to MEAN something? XD And because you've said that, you've gone into my introduction. You rock.
Celtic Rune (11/08/04):
Double reeds forever! Thanks for stopping by! Your site looks awesome! (Not to mention, you bother to type your entries with grammar and sentences and the whole nine yards ... that's always so nice ...)
Katana: I know. Isn't it nice to know that there are people that still talk like humans these days? ...And one day, double reeds shall rule the world...^^
HitokiriAiko (11/13/04):
Hey, nice site! Say hi to your brain for me while your in your head...
Katana: Hi brain! *wave wave*
l2agnarok (11/16/04):
i love Golden Sun...therefore I like your quiz...it is a good game...and your quiz is accurate...i have no idea how you figure out how each adept behave...i still don't get it anyway...guess i end up in Earth adept...cool!!
Katana: ^^ When you've played GS for months on end, you begin to know these things...
Evil Akasha (12/04/04):
you sound... ummmmm.... errr........ normal, nice place here... I'm leaving know, I have to go back in to the place I live called my head and my room...
Katana: *sweatdrop* Normal? Since when did that happen? ^^;
The favorite comment shall come soon, once my browser stops acting like a numbnut...T_T;;
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
Kat's Winter Break Challenge
*hold up closed fist triumphantly* Muwahaha! I GOTS AN MP3 PLAYER!!! *opens fist to reveal small mp3 player*
Anyways...My goal for winter break is to take every quiz on theOtaku.com, no matter how stupid, no matter how much I hate the series/don't watch the series, no matter how many times I've actually taken the quiz...
So yes. My relatives are coming over tomorrow. T_T Joy...
Final Note Before Katana Goes Out Into the Land of Guru: Mesa be not a flute player! I proudly play oboe. But I'm first chair, and so I sit right next to the flute section. ^_^
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Sunday, December 12, 2004
A member on the OtakuBoards, who apparently is a Satoshi fan, PMed me, asking how I edited the image for my banner.
Okay, before you ask "HUH?", here's a link to the wallpaper where the image came from.
Notice that part of Daisuke's wing is intersecing with Satoshi's. Yes, I did use this part. So how'd I fix it?
The great part about this image was that it was crystal clear. No funky pixels.
1. Deleted the black wing part with the magic wand tool.
2. Using my brain, I figured which colors to use: Chalky blue and white. I used the eyedropped tool to select one of the blues nearby, and filled in the gap.
3. Using the push tool (very hand, it is), I arched and pointed the section of white that got cut off from the black. The section was starting to take shape, but it needed a little more something...
4. Using the eyedropper tool again, I selected a slightly lighter shade of the chalky blue and dabbed it on.
5. Using the push tool again, I blended the two blues together, and lightly smuged in some white stuff.
Complicated? No, not really. It turned out stunning, and I was quite proud of myself. But I won't tell you how to make the images bright and shiny. You'll have to figure that out for youself. ^.~
AHAHAHA!!! Thatith remindsith meith! (TRANSLATION: That reminds me!)
Mr. Vandenbosch is my band director, who's uberly awesome. Me, Lorenza, and Meg-chan played Hikari (Kingdom Hearts) for him, and he was utterly enthused about it. We kept pestering him to play it to the band.
Then, one day in band, he said the magic words:
"A few people in here -"
At that point, Lorenza glanced at me, and I glanced at Meghan.
"-have been nagging and nagging me to play this song."
At that point, Lorenza, me, and Meg-chan started giglling.
"So here." He walked off the podium thingie, pressed the play button, and soon, Hikari filled the room. He faced the flutes and said, "Flutes, I dunno how we're going to do this, but -" Flutes were taking the place of strings.
Mr. V sat down on his chair, then turned to me and asked, "How long is this song?"
"Uh, three minutes. Three and a half."
"Ah. Good."
There came the climax, and cymbals crashed and blared from the speakers, startling my relaxed band director.
And now, I'll shut up, and get all my stuff ready for my lunch table's Secret Santa. XD
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Saturday, December 11, 2004
This is what happens when you're bored
No...I choose the lightbulb for the no reason...
I've just (aka, an hour ago) made the best banner ever. It was super easy, but turned out uberly cool.
I was determined to make a soft, bright, and angel-themed banner for the holidays. The angel ended up being Satoshi Hiwatari from DN Angel. Never seen the series, but the dude is hot! Number seventeen on the bishie list! XD Is it so wrong to like a guy by appearances?
Oh well. Here's the banner

And the avi

I really like them...bright...and shinnnnnnnnnyyyy.
And, uh, uh, uh, UHHHH...
AHA! Yes, that reminds me. Tomorrow is the one year anniversery of the start of Rurouni Kenshin: River of Time! ^.^ I can't believe it's been a year...It seems like only a few months ago we were getting stabbed in the body by the mysterious dagger dude...Well, now we have his mentor going after us in the sequel. T_T I hope to make some to comulate the event...need some images first...
I was checking the updates and saw the Adam thanked me for writing a review I didn't write. XD He has Katana on the brain...
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