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College freshman hoping to survive the day.
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Something like, "uhhhhh..."
Somehow managed to graduate high school and be accepted to college. Odd.
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Always and forever, Azumanga Daioh
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Writing, mad Photoshop skillz, terrorizing people...
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Monday, November 29, 2004
More and more and more 'cause I rock!
Thanks guys for reading the article and giving it a good rating. I can't believe how many poeple liked it and write comments like it's gonna be their anime bible or something. XD But it does get me motivated.
And if you wanna know, that thing was crafted between the hours of 7 and 8 pm Saturday night while I was waiting for Yu Yu Hakusho to come on.
Because I'm lazy (and I still have some lit homework...) I won't blab on that much. BUT I have some additions for Revival.
Just to make it easier, I'll post all the three segments so that people who haven't read it (but perhaps want to?) can easily access them.
Part I
Part II
Part III *New!* ^^
Enjoy! I got to write something about "Messenger"...
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
Happy Turkey Day!
Have you guys stuffed your faces with turkey yet? Or are you about to? (That's me.) Mesa haven't got much to say.
Oh yeah. I got a B- on that science test. T_T;; I hope I do better next time.
Do any of you guys remember Ruouni Kenshin: River of Time? That popular RPG on the OtakuBoards that lasted about five months are turned out absolutely insane? Well, the sequel has once again regained life after two months of hiatus. The sequel being entitled Rurouni Kenshin: Time Flows On is goin' on in the Adventure Arena. I suggest checking it out if you like RK and insanity. ^^
And here's a little giftie from me:

Have a good Turkey Day!
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Sunday, November 21, 2004
Yay! *does the happy dance*
I'm subscribed to Anime Insider! YAY! Thanks mom!
I don't know what to say. T_T School is fine (we had a science test Friday), and I turned in my chibi history comic. Woodrow Wilson turned our looking like an ugggggly crying baby, but otherwise, it was great. My teacher thought it was awesome, and my friends Liz thought it was cute. ^^ She especially liked the German rep, he was so uberly cute.
I'm working on a sort of mini site that I'm calling "Only in My Dreams". It's my harem. ^^; But don't think I'm a mainstreamer! I have crushes on some of the weirdest guys in anime. Okay, I have a few mainstream ones, but I can't help it! If you're at all curious, my list is sixteen bishies (O_O!) and goin' strong.
I painted an old coffee table today. I'm hoping of converting it into a kotatsu (or however its spelled - don't have any reference on me) or something like that. I know my parents would die before I put in the whole heating element thing (-__-), but in the very least, I can put on some fleece blankets to make it warm. Then me and my friends will have a place to sit down and scarf at our get togethers! T_T;;
They showed Jamming With Edward last night on Cowboy Bebop. ^.^ Lorenza made me record it because she couldn't stay up that late...that, and the T.V. in her room only gets channel 7.
That reminds me...I was talking to Wasabi (aka, iwasagoldfish) on AIM Friday night. We were reminissing over our old RPG, Rurouni Kenshin: River of Time, talking about the random moments of the pages we were on. She got mad at something, and was chewing on glass (don't ask), when she franticlly put in, "Oh s*it. I just swallowed some glass."
It was a tiny shard, and I told her that it might desolve in her stomach. But then, I came up with some remedies when she said, "I'm gonna be crapping out glass. -__-" What we're they?
-have a bandaid ready to stop the bleeding butthole
-have a needle and thread ready - just in case she needs stitches
-have a box of Preperation H ready to "soothe" the pain
After the Prep. H thing, I went on this tangent Liz gave me while we were on the Pennsylvania band trip back in June. It went:
"Projects A-G have failed. We must now move on to...Preperation H."
"Why don't they call it Project Ass Cream?"
Wasabi's gonna kill me.
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Monday, November 15, 2004
Dude, like...
You know my picture? The one with the demon singing karaoke? I've found its origins! It's from some site in Japan, and since this is my (not really) older computer, it doesn't have Japanese font installed...gotta do dat...
Anyways, I've found a trove of images of this demon...they're really cute, and made me crack up half the time. There's also a girl who looks just like me - short hair and all. ^^ So yeah, I've got demon me, human me...What else?
XD I've just realized I put "layer" enstead of "lair" in my introduction post. >.< But hey, it works...fits in with mesa's weird personality and all...
Oh...I got an A+ on this science packet...Yay, I can do sommin' right. -__-
Which furthermore reminds me...Two weeks ago, I turned in the first three pages of Revival to my English teacher. And here it is - *pulls folded pieces of stapled paper from her desk* - in all it's...paper glory. The comments?
"-great description"
"-fantastic job with dialogue!" (^^)
"-overall very crafty and imaginative story"
"I'm interested in reading more!"
Yays! My teacher that gives me the grade that involves writing likes it! (If you didn't get that, I suggest you read the last two paragraphs over.
Moving on...err...moving...on? I don't know what to do!
We have our newest history project! We get to make comics! YAY!
Okay, what we have to do is explain the four underlining causes of WWI in the top four panels, then on the bottom four we get to choose a topic of our choice. I chose the Treaty of Versailles, and made the entire thing a chibi strip. ^.^; My authority figure of doom in the first panel turned out to look like a bald, French Hayao Mayazaki. XP Geez, I'm weird...but then the German representative turned out so uberly cute. ^^ Then, there's a whining Woodrow Wilson, and the last panel features a Canadian rep at the League of Nations who turned out looking like my guy friend Mark in chibi form. -.- So yeah, it's not bad at all. The top four panels are gonna be me in chibi form, dressing up the part for all the "-isms" (they're militarism, imperialism, nationalism, and allianceism, if you're curious - my history teacher groups them up for more simplicity).
So yeah. Chibis will grace my history classroom's walls for a second time. The first time, we had to create a basic, one panel comic around the time of big business and the whole meat packing industry. Mine features John D. Rockefeller eating a cookie labeled "small business", with an - oddly - Chichiri lookin' guy in the corner going, "Hey man, stop eating my business man." XD CHIBI!
I'll leave, before the insane assylum decides to cart me in...
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Saturday, November 13, 2004
*chewing chicken bones*
Mrf...I'm eating lunch, even though it's 2:58, and I'm eating chicken. There's little bits of meat leftl, so I'm chewing those off, even though I'm also chewing bones and stuff...anyways...
Lunchtime is fun. ^^ Yesterday, Meg-chan was doing her Spanish homework (due the next period), which was saying what the scenes on little squares of paper were in Spanish. She came across one that was of a group playing basketball, but she didn't realize it. She, so asked us.
Meghan: "What's this?" *holds up square*
Me: *leans across table* "'s a sex triangle."
Lorenza: "No, it's a masterbation circle."
XD We went on laughing for about five minutes, catching the attention of the popular table behind us. We usually catch their attention anyways because we laugh so much and talk so loud. (Yes, I eventually ended up telling Meg-chan that is was basketball.)
Katana's Quarterly Report Card!
I nearly forgot about this! Kuso!
Multimedia: A+! ^^
History: A-
Algebra: A+! ^^
Science: B+
Gym: A
English: A
Literature: A-
Band: A
GPA: 3.875! Gold honor roll!
I also won the most difficult award to get for encore classes, which is the Knowledge Seeker. I felt so proud of myself for getting two A+'s...*grins*
And yeah. I don't know what much else to say. (What?) I'm working on a new layout for Numbnuts Unite!, which is called "Version Chibified".
A new layout? Already?
Yep. The current layout is old. I made it way back in August! So, this one's gonna last until December, which is when I'll create a "Happy Holidays" layout.
OH! Before I forget, I added more to Revival! (Yay!) Not a lot, about a page and a half. If you haven't read this before, I suggest you go back to the post called "Revival" to read it and understand what's going on now.
Clickith your mouseith hereith!
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Monday, November 8, 2004
Because I can
Yes, this is a filler post. Yes, it is 11:52pm. No, I am not tired.
Well, I'm not the Feature Member anymore. Ah, didn't think it'd last long anyways. -__-; I'm wondering when the game will come - it's been about a week, but I'm patient...hopefully...*sweatdrop*
My dad finally got the routers working, so I'm up in my room, typing this, with the keyboard on my lap and waving the (laser) mouse over my PJ bottoms. Yes, if you want to maneouver on any surface, get a laser mouse.
I watched the first fifteen minutes of the Super Milk-chan's boring. Very slow paced, and Milk's voice is really slow and plain. She says "dumbass" five times with no real reason. (This is the entire reason why I stayed watch this show...)
I signed up for a new RPG on the OtakuBoards called Aparales. Reminds me of Cyborg 009, so if you're a fan, I suggest checking it out. At the moment, it's in the Adventure Inn.
*looks over at her dog, who is lying on Katana's pillow, curled up and trying to fall asleep* The only reason the computer's still on right now is because I'm doing all of this virus scan and defragmenting comp's been un-interneted for so long, there's tons of updates it missed...
Ooo yay, the vents kicked on, maybe they'll silence my typing...
I tweaked some stuff on Numbnuts Unite...and joined the AFADD (Anime Fans Against Drunk Driving) network.
Hey, it's Monday...I better get some sleep...-__-
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Friday, November 5, 2004
Yeah. That's the name of my current work of writing for Young Authors. I think it's really good, and so do my friends...and my English teacher. o_O You can find it here.
It's called Revival, and it's my creack at a fusion of fantasy/sci-fi/humor/adventure and stuff. The basic concept is that, four thousand years from now, the world will be just the same because, two thousand years in the future, an event will occur that becomes known as "The Cleansing". What's weird is that I couldn't leave it at that - so the main characters are myself, a fox demon, and Lorenza (Eowyn) as an elf.
I'll leave it at that.
My other thing is that I have a new website. A real website, using HTML. It's called Numbnuts Unite! ^^ And, it's an Azumanga Daioh site (what else?). It's now on the link for my website, so check it out if you're a fan...or if you wanna see what my obsession is. ^_^;
Lastly, I can't believe haw fast I've shot up in the rankings. Before the contest, I was #218, now I'm 188! o_O I jump about five places per day, and I've gained over five hundred visits. Hehe, being popular is definetly weird...but fun.
*yawns* I want some sleep...but I don't wanna go to sleep...later!
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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
Kat's Music
I am a music freak, and have spent tons of money getting my songs. >.<; So, I figured to share the list with all of you guys. It can be found here. If you think I have a track, go to your browser toolbar, click Edit, then click Find and type in the title, or the anime.
I have the songs I like, and nothing more.
If you want one, e-mail me. ^^ Just remember, these are for sampling purposes ONLY. If you like a track, go out and buy the CD. Support the anime community!
Oh, yeah, I'm sick. That's why I'm here so early...ugh...
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Sunday, October 31, 2004
Hey man, I'm the featured member...woah... I found out my history teacher lives three streets east of me...weird...
Sorry, I didn't nab any pics of me and my buddies as waitresses. But that was the ultimate question of the night: "What are you supposed to be?" "Ohhh..."
So yeah, I'm still in this funk of a daze. Why am I getting a lot of attention? I'm 13 frickin' years old! Go shine the light on James or something!
Hope you guys had a good Halloween...SUGAR!
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Holy kuso, I won the article contest! I'm still shaking from the excitement 'n stuff. I've never won anything like this before. Sorry AzureWolf, since you weren't able to submit. I was half-expecting Azumanga Daioh not to be there. >.<
Anyways, last night at the Halloween dance at the high school, I won two things. ^^ The first one was for group dancing. Me and Meg-chan were partners, but then we switched into our entire group (Ryu-chan (Aaron), Liz, LeLe, Meg-chan, Lorenza, and I), then we switched to me, Meghan, and Lorenza. The two high-school announcers were handing out the last winner of the contest, and they were looking around...
Male High Schooler: "You three!"
Me, Meg-chan, Lorenza: "Huh? What? *looks around*"
MHS: *sweatdrop* "You three with the hats!"
Us 3: "OH!"
Then, I also one for 'crazy dancing'. So did Lorenza. But this was a solo thing. I fell on the floor twice, both times intentional. The first time, I kinda did an Inuysha "OSUWARI!" thing, the second time...I jumped, then landed on my knees and palms. I think I knocked out my nervous system for a couple minutes. o_O
Group Dancing: 6 inch sub from Subway (^.^)
Crazy Dancing: $12 treatement or hair product from Great Clips
*sweatdrop* I have two inches of hair. DO YOU THINK I NEED HAIR PRODUCT?
(I have super short hair...and yes, I'm still a girl. -__-)
"Well, I was in my room last night, when suddenly, there came the smell of a fart that wasn't mine."
-Osaka, Azumanga Daioh
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