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Upside down somewhere
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College freshman hoping to survive the day.
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Something like, "uhhhhh..."
Somehow managed to graduate high school and be accepted to college. Odd.
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Always and forever, Azumanga Daioh
Live, laugh, love
Scaring pedestrians, hanging with friends, writing, drawing, etc.
Writing, mad Photoshop skillz, terrorizing people...
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Friday, December 5, 2003
I'm trying to be as calm as possible...but I can't. Okay, so here I go.
It's about the banner making contest on the OB. I only got a 72/100. And guess what? All the members who are more popular got better scores! I personally think the judge didn't like mine because it was SD Gundam themed. I thought it was awesome! Not perfect, but
Also, I kinda think it was rigged. The people who won were pretty close friends of the first judge (I won't say who it is). That's good for me, there's three more judges and one of them's my friend. ^^ One of them is kinda a jerk though...
I'm going now. Be back later...
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Saturday, November 15, 2003
Gomen gomen gomen! I'm so sorry for not updating in a long time! I feel bad now...
Anyways, there's not much to report on the Katana front, if anybody so much as cares. ^^'s a drag, it's gettin' boring ('specially in History...), but I'm now taking drawing class! WOO! The art teacher really likes me and my friend Diane. We're the artists of the class (but there's my other friends, Lorenza and Monica. They just have it different quarters than us), and Mrs. Hansen (art teacher) really wishes the class was like us: serious about our artwork. We're doing this project where we took three unrelated objects from a magazine and then photocopied them. Now we have to sketch them out and shade them in. ~_~ Eh...I choose a sword, three bowls of rice, and a doggy! Yay!
In band news, I have the 1st Oboe in "C'est Noel"! Woo-hoo! In your face Justin! We also other songs. XP No wonder their concerts were always so long, they played six freakin' songs!
Report card! I mangaed to just squeeze on the Gold Honor roll, five report cards in a row (meaning last year included). B in Science, A in Literature, A in Spanish, B+ in English, A- in History, A in Math, A- in Gym (stupid football/soccer tests...), and A in Band. Yeah. I'm not a geek, I'm smart. Me = more of a tomboy.
That said in done, I'm off to create more banners. If you want one, ask me! I'll be more than happy to make it if it's not impossible. ^^
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Saturday, September 27, 2003
Yay! People like me!
Well, after finding out that people have actually signed my guestbook (and that Reena is really a boy...I think...-_-), I am proud to say that people actually like me! Yay, woohoo! *waves little flag that says "Yay!"*
Anyways, my life. My life, my life, my life...hmm...well, I hate school. I have two freakin' projects due this Monday (29th) and my SS project is yet to be finished. I have a Spanish project due Friday...gah, my life sucks. Sorta. Not exactly. ^^;
I guess this is just on of my rant posts. Not that there's nothin' wrong with that, right?
Anyways, I am working on this little site with my friends. It's gonna be about the bishonen's we like and other stuff related to the animes.
Okay, well, I'm off. See ya!
-An ever-happy Katana
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Friday, September 12, 2003
Fan art response
Hey, I've just decided that for every pic I put up on the Fan Art section, I'll have an entry here in which you can respond to, telling me whether you like the pic of not.
Please, though, give me a good reason, not like, "You suck". For God's sake, at least you can tell I drew the picture, not traced/stole the image. Hmm...makes me think of this one Hiei pic that I saw on Fan Art and it was so not drawn by that person.
ANYWAYS, comments are appreciated. :D
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Tuesday, August 26, 2003
Just some random stuff and I'll be on my merry way
Fwa...I HATE SCHOOL! ARGH! 7th grade is even more confusing then 6th! Sheesh...and the fact that it's hotter then heck doesn't really help. *sighs* Ah well.
Yay! .hack//SIGN quiz is up! I took it right away and got my favorite character...
What .hack//SIGN Character Are You?
Then, I took the Forest Creature quiz. No matter how many times I take it, I always end up as:
What Forest Creature Are You?
I swear, NEVER fails. Nothin' wrong with that though. ;)
Fwa! One of my favorites! The Magical Girl quiz!
What Magical Girl Are You?
Yes! Sooooooooooooo me!
And now, my infamous results on the DB quizzes. Both of them prove I'm a hothead:
What DragonBall Guy Are You?

What DragonBall Girl Are You?
Yeah. Pan is like my anime double. Not kidding. :D
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Sunday, August 24, 2003
School Starts Tomorrow
Sheesh...this is how it always happens...right after my birthday, the whole summer is gone. (My b-day's August 2nd).
Reaccounting on the summer I had, it was very anime filled.
First, I watched the premires of Kikaider, Cyborg 009, Big O (counting as an Adult Swim premire), FLCL, and Blue Gender. I watched Toonami everyday, I watched Adult Swim as much as it was on, and I never missed the Saturday thing. I also introduced myself to an anime which is now amongst my favorites:
Oh yeah, and the Otaku Boards. *sighs* Ever since I found those, I've been hooked. Seriously, that thing is addictive.
My friends, Lorenza and Monica (EowynElf and Iva on the OB), and I had *trying to remember all the parties where they went crazy* 3 Otaku Bashes, I believe. Or was it four? Either way, we're gonna finish off August with a bang, cause we're having one more Otaku Bash at Lorenza's house. *starts humming Obsession for no reason*
Lorenza also found the "long lost" Number 4 of the Otaku Agency, so we were complete. But it appears we have ourselves a reputation. Monica's friend, Laura, is Number 7, and Lorenza's oldest sister, Katie, is Number 8.
This may sound crazy, but I can't wait for school to start. There's just one bad thing about school....
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Monday, August 11, 2003
Thankie to everybody who wished my dog well...she's getting knee surgery sometime soon, poor dog, on both knees. Hehe, when she had to get x-rayed, the vet knocked her out in order to take them. Then when she woke up, the vet said "her tongue has a mind of it's own when it's 'drunk.'" Meh-hm. I might add my dog is a full grown Maltese and weighs only 5 pounds, 3 ounces. Hehe.
Me so tired...marching band camp wears you out....*yawn*. wish CN would show Inuyasha again, although FLCL and Trigun are holding me up. I hope Toonami continues Yu-Yu Hakusho...I'll probably be chucking batteries at the TV at 5:30, no questions asked.
"I am a---trans-porter, of the waaaaste-laaand.
I am I go-along...
Don't-cross-my paaaath-you'll never...get away-with-it.
I never knooow-where the dusty road will take meeeee..."
-Moonbay, Zoids Chaohetic Century, episode: Jump! Zeke!
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Monday, August 4, 2003
It's just one of those days...acually, my usual days...check out the message boards, look over some stuff, download some music, blah blah blah. Why doesn't anything new happen?
Right now, I have "Heart of Sword" blaring out of my speakers. Pretty good. My poor dog is sick, she's sitting in my lap right now. It's 1:31 pm central time zone, and I'm bored outta my mind.
Nobody's home, it's just me and the dog. I guess I'll go check out the message boards again and just hang out there.
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