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Monday, December 24, 2007
Moskau moskau, hohohohoho-hey!
Merry Christmas Eve everyone! The '12 days' manga is going along well, and I'm glad to see people enjoying it.
Though honestly, this had me roffling all the way through making the third page.
I'm stuck on the fourth page, gah. I'm going to have to scour for things, but I'd prefer it to be something that's supposed to be a four [IE, no 'four new e-cards', etc.]. 'course, that rule is going to be more difficult to keep as the numbers get higher, but I can at least keep it up right now.
...Yeah, I just realized that my plan for the fifth day ruins that little law there. >_>; Ah well, it goes with the day in spirit. And stuff.
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Saturday, December 22, 2007

And on another note - winter break, start!
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Thursday, December 20, 2007
And like, woah! That proved nothing
AKA, "The Portfolio Review Post".
So after sick days and...children sick days, Katana's AP art portfolio review was on Tuesday. The entire day, she managed to remain calm, but come fourth hour, she was starting to jitter.
Alright, enough of the third person.
Fourth hour comes and I whip out my portfolio to organize it all. I sorted The stuff into four categories: intro, drawing, painting, and independent study. It was rather amusing to go back to stuff I made my freshman year and see what I got right and what I got...horribly not right. XD;
Regardless, I sorted the piles from best to worst, pleasantly surprised at some and horribly mortified at others. But the entire time, I was a bit apprehensive and confused, because the art teacher was supposed to help me sort out my stuff, etc. Well, she didn't. [It went down like thus: "You were supposed to come after school one day to do that." "When?!" "Like, two weeks ago." "You never told me that!"]
So blah blah, school ends, I scooter off to the photography room to set up. I was nervous to say the least, but ended up bouncing around the room instead. >_>; So with it all set up and both art teachers there, the review began.
It was quite possibly one of the most humiliating moments of my academic life.
Such is the way that it turned out. It's hard to really differentiate where one ended and another began. All I know is that, in the same breath, they would both praise and belittle the same thing.
Example A: "I like this background/Your backgrounds suck".
Example B: "I like your marker work/You should get a new medium."
Example C: "Your figure work is excellent/You should really get out of doing figures."
And while I understand it all, and I understand their intentions, I was getting this feeling of being...chided to. They ended up saying "you're on your way", but didn't quite give me a clear-cut answer on whether or not I was qualified for the class.
Which bothers me.
Because everybody else I talked to basically said "yeah, they told me I was in". And upon hearing one teacher say 'we won't know until the end of the year' makes me both queasy and upset. Tell me now - did I qualify or did I not?
Their reasoning was that, if I was to get the recommendation now, I could just give up second semester and not have to work at it, etc. etc. Which, to me, signifies this...lack of trust? I mean, Jesus Christ woman, you've known me for two and a half years. And the one who is my current art teacher? Two years. Honestly.
I'm probably paranoid.
Though they did tell me to draw from my imagination rather than photo refs and such. So that's what I'm doing for my sixth and final project. Started it today, due tomorrow. Aren't I a model student?
Edit! On a totally random note, online registration for ACen is up and running! I think that if you pre-reg before the end of the year, you get the $40 rate...[or $41.50, for your badge in the mail]. Er, as in, that's the price you get to pay no matter what. I hope. :3;
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Sunday, December 16, 2007
I'm alive, don't worry
[That is referring to 'gome and Timba. ...Mainly 'gome, since she tends to exist on the weekends. *brick'd*]
Swamped. That's a good word. Surrounded, cornered, buried, pie. As of late, my computer time has been kind of spasmodic and short, so I haven't been logging on to YIM and such.
Friday, being the good ol' "day back after being sick" day, churned out discoveries and such. So my final for band is just sight reading and some writing? Wait, what was that Erin? If I go to pep band tonight I get out of the sight reading? Struyk didn't tell me that. Ugh, why is my art teacher gone again so I can't even ask her about the portfolio review? What do you mean her kid has a rash? Buck up, child! Wait wait, so I'm the person that's going to be 'saving' our scene in King Lear? You saying I have acting talent?
On a different note, I think I'm going to shift my "12 Days of myO" project back a week. Instead of leading up to Christmas, or even following Christmas, it's going to start on Friday - the fusion of half-school, half-winter break. So it's going to follow my vacations schedule. Horray for laziness!
And continuing on that note, there's been one more addition to the project. See Xemnas in this comic? With the partridge on his head? Since the Katana-version is a parody, each day is going to have some form of the original verse in it.
For instance, on the first day - A Friday morning podcast to go - Chigo is seen eating a pear. For the second day - Two V's a vibrant - there'll be two turtles crawling on top of the V's. ...Ha, I just figured out a pun there. If you can follow my wavelength, then maybe something special'll happen.
And that's that. See ya folks.
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Thursday, December 13, 2007
Silly child, you should be writing your paper!
But instead you're writing a myO post! Shame shame.
Against what I said yesterday, I ended up staying home sick today. I was able to e-mail my teachers, though, and get the homework for next week. Turns out we only have one more class before finals, haha. >_>;;
So...nobody has any ideas for the song? That makes me angst. Sorta. Not really. No. Anyways, if I can get my butt in gear, then I plan on having everything posted by December 24th, and then on the 25th, the plan is to post up a special last page and such. Although in my searches, the 12 Days of Christmas are actually after the holiday, I decided to go "meh" and do it before.
I hope. 8D;
Sigh...fine fine, I'm going to divulge the days I was able to come up thus far. I'm up to five days and am working out some others. And stuff.
Day One
A Friday morning podcast to go
Day Two
Two V's a vibrant
Day Three
Three O.A.F.ers
Day Five
Five SomeGuy comments
Day Six
Six featured fandoms
That's it. Suggestions still welcome, folks. >_>;
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Hey wait, what?!
So my art teacher was sick today. And my portfolio review was postponed, probably to next week. I was rather pissed, seeing as how I had worked myself up for it. -3-
Anyways. Life is plowing ahead and nothing is quite keeping up. I have a sore throat at the moment, and it kinda feels like I'm choking [IE, I swallow and it feels like something's stuck in there], but I can't slack off in school. I must keep going forward and survive another seven days.
Well, I have an epic project planned for Christmas. It's going to be a rendition of, what else, the 12 Days of Christmas, except that it's going to be - wait for it - theO/myO themed. Wooooooooooooooh! *brick'd* The plan is to make it a comic series, with each day bringing an update, etc. etc. Nothing too fancy, really.
Problem is I only have three days with ideas. Any suggestions? [Days taken are one, three, and five. Take a crack at them; three is the only really obvious one.]
And on a final note...
Hm. You're shorter than I imagined.
Stfu SomeGuy. Stfu. >_>
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007
So...would it be called an ice day?
To further annoy my state-sistren 'gome, I have the day off of school today. Something about the ice storms that hit and such and blah. I did feel sorry for bell, though, since as I watched the school closings, it was only the private ones in Chicago that got it. That bites.
I haven't updated in two weeks, which is a rather long period of time given my recent trend and activity. Yes, I'm still around theO, commenting and the like, but I just haven't had the initiative to post here. >>;
My portfolio review is tomorrow. I've only done four figure drawings, one of them being a live study of myself, and none of them being more than a head, neck, and some shoulders. [Maybe I'll throw in the Senka one I did to piss them off. *brick'd*] As for the good news, I am chugging along on my last two projects, and should be on track to getting them completed by the end of the semester. ...Next week. Eep.
I'm feeling that squeeze of school right now. Basically, everything started to implode after Thanksgiving - projects, readings, papers, you name it. Last week was hell, what with the two-night holiday concert. Though I did get to go to the Christkindlmarket in Chicago on Saturday, and I did get waffles, crepes, the most amazing hot cocoa, and awesomely awesome German candy/sweets. I spent a lot of money there. 8D;
Lastly, I have to finish up gifts for my [girl]friends. I decided to make them all jewelry of some kind, but my lack of monies is kind of killing me softly. So as I told two of them Saturday, 'you might be getting an IOU for Christmas'. >>;
Luckily, the one whose birthday is Christmas has a finished gift waiting. Phew. xD
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Monday, November 26, 2007
I've just decided that is pretty much the coolest thing to have somebody say to you, particularly when you as old as I am. Tons of people were telling me this today as I traversed the hallways and went to class. >>;
Since everyone's asking, I shall provide a screencap that shows who/what I am:

Ta-da. :3 Who was right? *brick'd*
And to answer this question, which makes me giggle:
.......Were half those people blindfolded? o_o
Um, no, not to my knowledge. >>; The only thing I can connect this to is that the drumline was forced to abandon all fashion sense last year, so we wear the horrible jumpsuits. The drum captain last year stated that, in order to pimp our uniforms up a little bit, we were to wear bandannas. We've carried it over to this year. :3
Sigh...Let's see...what else...
Ah yes. This week begins my journey to get into AP Drawing next year. On December 12th, I have a portfolio review between the two art teachers.
I'm a bit nervous about it all, because at the end of class today, I was told to do a bunch of figure drawings for the review. I'm guessing it's to see if I have teh skillz for drawing live subjects [rather than from photos], and how I work under a time limit, etc. Each study is going to vary in length in medium - one minute, five minutes, ten minutes, pencil, charcoal, graphite, pen, etc.
Though I was also trying to think of anything extra I could bring in to demonstrate skill. Both of them know I'm into anime [well, I hope the one I haven't had in two years sorta remembers >>;], but the one I've had for the vast majority of my classes absolutely despises it. It's odd, as she enjoys my chibi comics. >_>;
I half figured I could show them my pseudo anime-realistic styled pieces, but I'm not sure how keen they'll be on them. Honestly, I really, really don't know.
For now, I'll be trying to bulk up on the figure drawings. *sigh* What else could I show...
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Sunday, November 25, 2007
Look ma! I was on TV!
It's a recording of a recording, okay? >_>; The DVR has a USB port on the back of it, but it says "this function currently not supported", etc. Sigh.
Look for the spaztastic bass drummer. That's me. =D
Online Videos by Veoh.com
Edit: Yeah, timechaser reminded me of this - sorry for having you guys wait so long. D: We were deceived with our position in the parade, so we didn't show up until about an hour and twenty minutes into the broadcast. >3<
In other news, Version Vibrant is supposed to come out this week. So I'm going to say, treasure the view we have. And take note of all the nice little artistic touches. 'cause it seems we're going into an age of generic search-engine logos. P:
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Monday, November 19, 2007
Thanksgiving marching
[Copy-pasted from DA. Sorry for repeats!]

Quickly! I'm rushing to get through everything.
The Burlington Central High School Band of Pride [director's title for us] is the second marching band featured in the parade. I'm on bass drum - the smallest, so I'm on an end.
The parade is being broadcast nationally on WGN, starting at 9am Central time. If you have nothing else to do, I'd appreciate it if you watch! =D
More info here! [We end at the Hyatt lawl.]
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