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Monday, October 8, 2007
Not hard to forsee that
"The winner of the wallpaper contest will either be a Kingdom Hearts one or a Naruto one."
Predictions FTW.
...o_o For those of you going, "AGJPERKATANAA!!!", please realize I have gotten over it. 8D [This is an edit from five minutes in the futurrrreeee. 8O I think the koala cookies [see below] kicked in...]
In other news, I bought these...koala cookies today. Parade or something? The box is in my room and I'm too lazy to fetch it...But yes; when I saw them on the shelf at Meijer, I giggled and grabbed three of them [79 cents, c'mon].
And they're omnomnomliscious.
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Saturday, October 6, 2007
Wait wait, already?
It's not even past Halloween...hell, it's not even 2008...and it seems Waffles is cooking up cosplay plans for ACen. She wants to go as Larxene, and has asked me to be her "Lady XIV", the mysteriouuuussss new member that hasn't really been seen.
I mean, honestly. This is the best picture to be seen. All we know is that she's TAN. >3<
Ah, cosplay...how I love and loathe you so...
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Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Frankly my dear, I'm rather perplexed by it all
Last night was college night at the community college nearby. Me and my dad went to go check it out and look into schools that have graphic design programs.
There were a handful of places that perked my interest, though in the end, NIU seems to still be my number one choice. Number two is a place in St. Louis called Maryville University.
Though really, since I'm only a junior, I probably shouldn't be worrying about it too much. I'm merely looking into it to have a head start on the scramble.
Blargh. College. Strange to think that I'm going to be going to one in a mere two years. I mean, I don't feel that old. I have that same prospect for when I graduate high school - I won't feel that old, and I won't feel as...err, mature as the previous seniors before me. Must be a psychological thing.
...Huh. The OAF's birthday is in less than two weeks...
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Saturday, September 29, 2007
Three notes
And a one, and a two, and a one two three four -
1.) Go Cubs Go
Go Cubs Go
Hey Chicago whattya say
The Cubs have gone to Playoff Way
2.) Gah
To avoid having people yell at me and to keep this myOtaku at a PG-ish level, I'll direct you to the link that explains my problem.
3.) Contest tiem nao
And to wrap up this post, I'm going to point you in the direction of my contest entry for the wallpapers. Oh, and of course, it's counterpart on theO. :3
I quite like it. Spikey-kun was quite missed, and it's a guarantee that at least 400,000 members can recognize him. ...I hope. >.>
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
*runs around screaming*
My brother's engaged! And his girlfri - fianc�e - is really awesome.
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Thursday, September 20, 2007
Longest week evar
Why is homecoming week so long? Is it because I'm doing a lot of stuff during the five days? I dunno.
On to good news! I passed my driver's test today, so all I have to do is get five more hours of driving in. I'm thinking of skewing some driving times, though. I have to get fifty, right? Well, all my friends have gotten twenty-five and they're good drivers.
I'm irresponsible, I know.
And then the bad news; I came home, ate dinner, and then proceeded to throw up said dinner. Yeah.
Uh, what else...
So let's see, tomorrow is the homecoming game, and then next Friday is the last home football game, meaning the last football game I have to go to against my free will. Excellent.
After I get my license, I can start applying for jobs. Double excellent.
Next Tuesday is a trip to NIU for juniors and seniors to see what a college is like and stuff. Triple excellent.
Podcast [hopefully] tomorrow. Quadruple excellent.
Avatar season 3 premiere tomorrow night. Excellent to the fifth power.
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Monday, September 17, 2007
I should be disowned by now
More fun times that come from the podcast...
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Sunday, September 16, 2007
I love the podcast comment box...
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Friday, September 14, 2007
Thank you very much for all the support. Still no phone or Lyra...er, mp3 player. Checked the office, still not there.
Cell phones cost too damn much. Too many catches and too many ways to get screwed over.
And Mimmi, while I would take you up on the offer, I think my parents would kill me for getting a package from Sweden. >_>; Regardless; specs plz? X3
In other news, I won't exist online much this weekend. Somewhat more details at my DA.
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Murphy's Law
If it can go wrong, it will go wrong.
In other words, I've been long overdue for something bad to happen to me. And while it is not 100% official quite yet, it seems that Murphy hired some cronies to mess with me.
Yeah, some bastard stole two of my three most expensive possessions.
In other words? Bye mp3 player. Bye cell phone. Some twit snatched you from my locker. There goes three hundred dollars, the trust of my parents and my trust of the unfamiliar people around me.
Should've just taken the ring I wear too; then you would've made off with around $1,000.
I'm not in a good mood cycle. It's just a ring of anger, sadness, and frustration, feeding on itself and continuing on. I was able to make it through today and came out fine and laughing, but please, don't anybody say it's going to be all right.
Because I know the world isn't going to end and I know nobody's going to die because of this. But I don't have a lot to call my own, and now two of them are gone because some grubby-handed brat doesn't know right from wrong.
And I tried calling my cell. It's apparently turned off.
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