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College freshman hoping to survive the day.
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Sunday, September 2, 2007
There's a contest I can get excited about
I didn't know there was an epic wallpaper contest. ...At all. No, not at all. With the news being posted up in rapid-fire sequence, it has become more difficult to actually see what's going on.
I should probably get an RSS feed. Anyways.
The wallpaper contest is a contest I can sink my teeth into. The prizes - both first and second - are amazing. I like how they are essentially general but extremely useful prizes that one would like to obtain very much.
1.) Wacom 8x6 tablet. I already have a tablet of the same size [just different brand]. I can give it to Aiyanna. XD But it's very nice to see the 8x6-ness, which is a good size for those of us with minimal desk space and who are just doing this stuff for fun.
2.) 32 Copic markers. Now, I'm a Prismacolor girl at heart, but I could always use more art markers. *sure as hell doesn't*
3.) Amazon gift card. Sweet..
Screw the manga I don't want. Screw the publication in a manga I don't read. These prizes are awesome.
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
A major storm front rolled in this afternoon. When I left school at around 2:45 with Waffles, it was pouring like crazy. Softened up a bit, then once we turned a corner, it just went nuts.
When I got home, I trudged up my driveway, which was then more like river rapids, a car blanket of Waffles's over my head. The power was out, but I managed to slip in under the garage door before changing my clothes and reading some manga to pass the time.
The power was out from 3pm to 6pm, basically. Once, it came on for a few seconds, then went off, then flickered on and off. A little past five it came on and we watched the news a bit before it went back off. When the power permanently came back on at six, we continued watching the news, learning that this storm front stretches all the way from New Mexico to Michigan...
And you couldn't escape the damage reports, oh no. Chicago's a mess with the fallen trees and such. Which reminded me that bell's in a similar...pickle.
That was terrible, wasn't it?
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Monday, August 20, 2007
One day left
Since this day is pretty much over, I have one day left of summer vacation. Bummer. I'm going to miss my summer.
Junior year...what a feat. I've managed to make it this far without too many mis-haps along the way, which is fairly impressive, given my personality. >>; But enough of that philisopical crap, on with the post!
I think that I have two "new years" celebrations. I mean, the years starts twice for me - one on January 1st, and then one on the third/fourth Wednesday of August. There's the Georgian calendar new year, and then...the school year new year. Maybe the latter doesn't impact as many people as I think, but hey, it impacts me, and for right now, that's really about all that matters. :3
And on the subject of school, I have to get the mindset right for AP English. [Full course name: AP Literature and Composition.] This marks the second summer where I've had a reading assignment to do. Last year, I had the pleasure of reading "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathanial Hawthorne. ...Which I hated. ...A lot. To put it simply, I cracked open the book in August, read the first page, and threw it at the wall, no joke. I ended up reading SparkNotes for it and doing well on the test anyways.
But this year is different, because now I have to work for that AP credit. Given the fact that I have several older friends who took the class, I've been prepped for difficult questions and monsterous tests. I don't want to say that 'now I have to work', buut that is about the only way to put it.
Anyways, summer reading. Well, this summer, the assignment was for "Lord of the Flies". I started reading it Saturday and I'm, ahem, 1/4 of the way through. >.>; While it is not nearly on the terrible par of "Scarlet", it's not that good either. It's not poorly written or anything; the story is just so boring. For one, I'm not sure where the character Simon came from, but he's there in the quad of "important" characters. But besides that, I just...don't get it. You've got pre-teens stranded on an island - I was thinking you could make it a bit more exciting?
Okay, so maybe I shouldn't judge so early in the game, but...I am. >>; I already read the last page, and Golding performed the cardinal sin of fiction books - he had the main character pretty much recite who died and stuff. You don't do that, Golding! ...Are you dead yet?! I don't know! TO WIKIPEDIA!
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Friday, August 17, 2007
Taking cover
Is Otakulypse 2.0 upon us? Hard to say. On the one hand, signs are appearing that were the same last year. On the other, we haven't gotten any error pages...sorta.
You can't change your icon - you get an error message. Thumbnails aren't appearing and new submissions don't go too smoothly. There's no news cover art, which is rather annoying to see there still being updates...mostly of things we don't care about, but yeah.
Me and the rest of the OAF are taking refuge in the cage where our cage matches took place. We're letting other people in too, because we're awesome like that. :3
I just want my podcast. X3
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Friday, August 10, 2007
Oi SomeGuy, I'll give you 2o dollars if you post up my "Gothic Lolita Ichigo" fan manga as the podcast art.
I've got nothin'.
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Sunday, August 5, 2007
Three days later...
...the epic SomeGuy turns twenty-four.
Hur hur, he's as old as my brother. XD *shot*
Annnyways, this is my present to him, in keeping with the Engrish theme:

Happy Birthday, SomeGuy. =)
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Thursday, August 2, 2007
I'm what? I'm sixteen? Heh, that's hilarious!
Wait wait. You're not kidding?

So I'm sixteen now, which, if you ask me, is really funny. I mean, in the eyes of the adult world (or something), you're given a different view. ...Because you can drive. *brick'd*
Life has been interesting for the past week, let alone the past year. I've faced the good and the bad, the hard and the fun, the joy and the pain. But really, who hasn't?
I've finished my sophomore year, managed to survive AP history and chemistry, formed the Otaku Attack Force, finally met the elusive bellpickle in person along with forming a sisterly bond with Shin and giving Schultzie the impression that I'm easily amused, wrote some more of my novel-project, started working as a bass drummer, took the car out to see if I can drive, realize that pie is a great filler word, make some friends and enemies, both online and off, and just generally...lived.
And woah holy crap I have to edit my introduction thingie. And go change some of my profile stuff elsewhere. Geez.
Junior year starts in a few weeks. In a year's time, I'm going to look back on this post as I head into my senior year. I'll look back to the one I made last year, and then the one I made two years ago (where I complained about band camp and cymbals). It's so amusing to be able to look back at your life the way you typed it up on a certain day in time. It shows how you've changed in your mannerisms and how your views have evolved.
If there's one thing I've learned, it's that I use less emoticons then when I first began journaling here. That, and I seem to have my phase of emoticons as well. >>;
Anyways, enough with this philosophical jargon. Pie all around!
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Monday, July 30, 2007
Of Birthdays and Band Camp
*yaawwwwnn* Happy Birthday Timba~! You're..sixteen now...yay...*snooze*
*birds chirp outside*
*smacked awake*
GAH. Ugh. I hate this. It's band camp time. ...Again. And it runs throgh my birthday. ...Again. Wah.
I'm totally stressed out due to my being on a new instrument this year (bass drum). I also cannot find my mallets, so I pray for them to be at school ('cause I was there for lessons on Tuesday). I've also got some more stress due to a big mess with my best friend.
My philosophy has been to keep my real life and online life separate. Sorta. What it really means is that I don't want to drag my real-life problems to my online-life. Then what ends up happening is that I yammer to my internet friends about problems and crap in my life, and they don't care. I don't come online to wallow in self-pity or anything, I come online to get away from it all, sit back a little, and have some fun.
Anyways, gotta go soon. Pie.
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Monday, July 23, 2007
Fawn Mawnga
Mmmm. I was in my room all Saturday.
It took me eleven hours to read Harry Potter. >_>;
On the recent podcast, Ichigo made a comment about the Death Note character quiz. He also let out that he ended up being Misa.
To which Sangome sayz: "Haha, Ichigo's Misa. Now do gothic-lolita cosplay! I demand it!"
Which led me to creating this.
I await wrath from Ichigo and roffles from Batou and Chigo. >>;
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Friday, July 20, 2007
*dance dance*
Ouran High School Host Club has been licensed by Funimation~!
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