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College freshman hoping to survive the day.
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Something like, "uhhhhh..."
Somehow managed to graduate high school and be accepted to college. Odd.
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Always and forever, Azumanga Daioh
Live, laugh, love
Scaring pedestrians, hanging with friends, writing, drawing, etc.
Writing, mad Photoshop skillz, terrorizing people...
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Friday, June 15, 2007
Not dead yet
I got my permit today, and my dad took me out for my first driving lesson about two hours ago.
Well, I'm not dead. >>;
I somehow managed to clock in an hour or so...just 49 more to go. *angry fist shake* Though I'm hoping to clock in more hours during vacation, since we're going to be driving for two days.
I apparently am good with left turns, sort of okay with right turns, and...yeah. I had two freak-out points during the course, but didn't hit anything. And I only (barely) went into the gravel once, when a car was coming at us and their side was sort of cut off by a car parked into the street/lawn.
Next is getting onto the real roadways and getting over 20mph...
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Wednesday, June 13, 2007
The good word
Praise Jesus!
*proceeds to be attacked by the OPB*
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Sunday, June 10, 2007
Designs, chickens, and driving
It's summer break, something I'm enjoying a lot right now. I can stay up and space out and not have to worry about projects or reading. ...Actually, no, I have to read "Lord of the Flies" before school starts up. P:
So there's a new-ish design going on with the news page. Even if it is a simple modification of where the picture goes, it's obnoxious and I hate it.
Why am I so anal about a picture's position? Well, it's not really that. It has to do with focus, you see. We, as people of the English language, have the natural focus of reading from left to right. With an image being on the left, you eye can focus by going to the start of the line, reading it, and going back.
However, with an image on the right, your eye is distracted from the front of the line and is constantly dragged ot the end of the sentence. It's simply not a natural flow to us. Is Adam going for a manga look? I dunno, but it doesn't work that way.
On a different note, Cartoon Network has been airing Chicken Run since Friday night. I've caught it each time it's been aired (Friday, Saturday, Why? I dunno. I mean, it came out in 2000, so it's pretty old. I saw it when I was eight, wooh. X3;
Though there is a problem. There's always the one scene where Rocky comes back flying over the fence and is shouting, "Ginnnnnn-gerrrrrr!" ...And I respond. >>; I can't help it. Dx
And finally, I've started driver's ed. >D And I get my permit this week, oh yeah.
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Monday, June 4, 2007
Katana, version upperclassman
So I had another one of those "Au Revoir" sessions planned, just as I had last year. However, I didn't make the sketch until about an hour ago, then opened Notepad to type out some thoughts. And when nothing came...
Well, here ya go.
Yeah. >___>;;;;
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Sunday, May 27, 2007
Sorry, we were bored...
With Timber having internet restrictions, me and 'gome are now even more Timba-deprived.
What do we do to ease the burden? We throw her name into every videogame we can think of. >_>
Timba: 'Till the End of Time
Tales of the Timba
Kingdom Timba
Timba Fantasy
Pokemon Timba and Leon
Super Timba Sisters
The Legend of Timba: Leon's Cape
Timba Crossing
Katamari Timba
Timba Caliber III
Timba Sun
Trauma Timba: Leon's Opinion
Timba Prime: Hunters
Timba the Hedgehog
Timba Party 6
TiMBA into Dreams
Fist of the North Timba
Timba Hatcher and the Giant Kimono
Timba Wright: Ace Attorny
Timba Emblem
Trace Timba
Timba Knights
Timba Gear Solid
Grand Theft Timba: Leon City
The Timba Scrolls III: Leonwind
Timba Moon: A Leonful Life
...And then we go into throwing her name with anime/manga on our shelves...
Azumanga Timba
Timba in the Shell
Eureka timbA
Trinity Timba
Fullmetal Timba
Timba's Rain
Timba WING
Timba or Die
Timba Lied
Ouran High School Timba Club
Timba Basket
Timba Mew Mew
Angelic Timba
Timba Sanctuary
Timba Piece
Shaman Timba
Yu Yu Timba
Timbaball Z
Crayon Timba-chan
And finally...
Timba Python and the Holy Leon
Timba Magnus's Day Off
Timba and the Chocolate Factory
Pirates of the Timba: Leon's Chest
*proceeds to be shot*
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I think my brain just exploded upon learning that Katsura Hoshino, the creator of D.Gray-man, is most likely a female...
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Friday, May 25, 2007
I've been so fsckin busy with the end of the school year upon me. I just finished up two paintings due tomorrow (still got paint on my arm...), of which those consumed my entire evening.
Lots of things have...occurred? the week(s) since my ACen post. Nothing dramatic and overall nothing too important. Just things that go on in school and that are being planned for the summer. And just generally, stuff.
The underclass man awards was Tuesday night. I ended up getting three this year (as opposed to, uh, one, from last year). The one I was expecting was the "horray for being on the honor role" one. Since it's my second year, I got a pin. >_>; One I was sort of expecting but not really was getting the German 2 award. That was sweet. And the one nobody expcted me to get was...the P.E. award. XD When the teacher read off my name, I seriously had a good "WTF?!" expression on, and I ended up walking to the front of the stage laughing.
What else...
Ah. Yesterday was the unofficial start of marching season. -_- But this year is different - this year, I got promoted to bass drum. xD I ended up getting the smallest one, and not because I can't support the weight of the larger ones, but because I'm so short. The other girl on the bass line has the second one...taller than me...Waah...
So in my ACen post, I forgot to mention the most clever promotional thing at the con. Funimation was handing out seed packets to promote "Origin ~Spirits of the Past~". I forgot the rather random name of the plant, but it responds to touch and stuff by curling in its leaves.
I dumped the seeds and put them in a pot on a shelf near one of my windows. About Sunday I noticed sprouts, and now I've got about seven or eight.
Anyways, the point is that later, I'm going to take a picture and ask people for names. XD I'll probably wait another week to get bigger sprouts and stuff, but...yeah.
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Sunday, May 13, 2007
ACen: 2007 Edition
Once again, this is pretty freakin' long.
Well, I'm back. And I am dead freakin' tired.
This year's ACen was...something else. There were the goods, the bads, and the randoms. >>; I'm not sure how to construct it this time around, but, well, let's go.
The day started off, once again, with "Treats or Goblins" playing from my speakers. Actually, I woke up when my dog Jack was squirming around, so I actually threw myself back in bed and waited the six minutes for the alarm to go off. I am LAME, I know. XD
Got up, ate, then got dressed and headed out to Waffles's. Hung there for a half hour and shipped out at ten. At first, we were kind of quiet in the car, and then we got into talking about...a lot of random crap. xD We arrived at around 11:00 and...well...
Okay, so, we went inside and there was this huge line. The dealer's room was flipped from where it was last year, as was the pre-reg/reg lines. I asked an L cosplayer if the line was for something, and it was to merely get in if you didn't have your badged mailed to you. That was me.
So after standing there for a half hour, I go and stand for an hour in the pre-reg line. ACen, I f***ing hate you for that.
Noon, I had my badge, and me and Waffles set out to shop. But...I dunno, things didn't seem as lively this year as they were in previous years. I mean, it may have been that we were in the more "warehouse" part as opposed to last year (where the room had windows and stuff), but it just seemed kind of dull. But there were more shops this year than there were last year, at least it seemed like it. My first two purchases were a Hunny plushie and cell phone charm at a total of fifteen dollars.
We walked around some more, mainly investigating the random trinkets that (essentially) looked cool. Later on, I bought the Group 6 necklace from Bleach for twelve dollars. After that, we once again walked around some more before investigating into artist's alley. It was an interesting experience, but...well, it's one of those things where you have to raise your eyebrows and go "People pay for that?" at about half the things. Harsh but true.
Funny thing happened. While going with the left flow in the alley, I unsuspectingly passed by Schultzie. He looked at me and I looked at him, but none of us said anything. X3 He looked like the kind of guy I didn't want to make a dumbass out of myself with. >>;
Me and Waffles bought this really amusing chibi Tamaki bookmark ($3) from some vendor who signed as "[unreadable] Messi =)". It has good printing quality, unlike some things in the alley.
On our second pass through, I bought an Ouran-patch sticker ($2) as Waffles got a Heartless sticker. By this point, I had received a handful of text messages (and missed calls) from both Shinkiro and bellpickle. But since bell didn't exactly have a definite number, I avoided calling her and instead called up Shin.
"Where are you?" asked Shin.
"By the Funimation booth," I replied.
"You're with a yellow cream puff," Waffles offered.
"I'm with a yellow cream puff," I said.
And then apparently, Shin said "I see you", but I didn't hear that and was still on my cell. xD She came around the corner, took a step forward, craned her neck to look at my badge, and...well, it was my meeting with Shinkiro. (The spoken part was something like, "Katana?" "Shin?" "Hi~!")
Ada Pallas, aka MsKeller, made an appearance and...shook my hand. XD We followed her to her art booth that she was sharing with someone (Beth was her name, I believe). I bought this keychain there of Gaara with a cup of coffee that said "Coffee no Jutsu". xD C'mon, I had to buy it.
Once Ada mentioned "yaoi", though, Shin and I bolted right out of there...
Shin wanted to look for Ouran merchandise, so we led her to the booths we had seen/purchased things at. Unfortunately for Shin, her love for Mori is unheeded by the retailers - at least the ones at the con. So really, her entire mission was looking for something Mori. (We later ended up finding a bookmark at an artist's booth.)
The elusive bellpickle kept her name as we rounded the shops. Shin and I kept speculating on how she must be at the such-and-such concert, or the autograph panel, or something. Eventually, we reached a table by this snack-food place, where sat Schultzie. I just was silent before mentioning how I saw him in artist's alley and then burst out giggling.
In the midst of conversation, my cell phone in my coat pocket started ringing (vibrating, though, since you couldn't hear a damn thing in the dealer's room). It was bell. There wasn't a mix-up in our plans, but three of the four myO people had pretty much assumed we'd never meet bellpickle and were therefore at the snack-food place in the dealer's room as opposed to this pantry-ish food store at the hotel. XD So we told her we'd get over there, and thusly came my first skywalk of the con. OH MOMENTOUS. >>;
Mind you, this entire time, Waffles has been in shoes with heels on them. When we meet up with Schultz, she took the off to relax her feet. Thus began the lesson every con-goer has to learn at least once - You never wear heels. Ever. (This lesson I learned last year.)
To the skywalk we went and then in the hotel, going to the escalators and heading down. There was a group of girls in front of the pantry-ish food store, and while one of them seemed to be bell, nobody said anything.
And then I, ahem, recognized Remy. XD So outloud I go, "That must be her, that's Remy."
Whoo, response!
Waffles, bell, and I went into the pantry-ish food store and bought something to drink...Once outside, we formed this circle in front of the Hyatt entrance and talked. xD Bell had this grocery bag chock full of weird and oh-so-sugary delicious Japanese treats. I have no idea what she ate, but Waffles and I started popping in chocolate-filled cookies shaped like koala bears.
It was really an amusing and impressive time. We just sat there talking and laughing and watching all the cosplayers go by, take pictures, and just act goofy. We showed pictures of our dogs on our cameras/phones and about any normal family staying at the hotel that weekend. X3 Waffles counted her money and showed me all her ones going, "Any strip clubs nearby?" We eventually got up and went to the room where the opening ceremonies...or something...had been held because Shin left her jacket there. XD
Bell departed the group to get in line for the masquerade and stuff. We bid farewell and headed back to the dealer's room. It was kind of funny, namely because Schultzie was being dragged around by three fangirls that squeed at the randomly cute stuff. XD So whenever we stopped at a booth, he went to the nearest weapons booth and looked at those. At this point I made my final purchase, a Hunny wallet, for ten dollars. (I KNOW, I'M OBSESSED.) I needed a more "girly" wallet anyways, and you can't get (me) more girly than a black wallet with yellow and pink flowers with a pink chibi Hunny head staring at you. As he smiles...with that grin...and his eyes so large...and...
Notice how I didn't buy a lot of things. I have $41 left over, as opposed to eleven from last year. There were things I would've liked to buy, but the things I bought were things I really did want. Also, last year, I made the obligatory purchases of a Naruto headband and a FMA pocketwatch. P:
We made the artist's alley rounds once again, where Shin at least got her Mori bookmark. Then, hunger striked the Katana, so we sat at one of the snack-food place's tables as Shin called up Giordanos for pizza. xD And by the way, the job she interviewed for before going to the airport - she got. Herzlichen Gluckwunsch, Shin~!
This also meant she was buying us dinner. XD
We told the pizza guy to go the Hyatt, so once again we set off and landed back at the pantry-ish food store. Shin bought us drinks too, and while waiting in line, this...oh, how to put it...this guy dressed in chains and (essentially) leather underwear and black angel wings came in. We girls started giggling and once again brought up the one dollar bills...We ended up daring Shin to stick a dollar in his leather-underwear, so once she paid for our drinks, she walked over and did so. Only I witnessed this, even though I hissed at Waffles to watch. XD I burst out in laughter, and Shin came back, laughing, before I declared her winning at everything.
Unknowingly, we passed by the pizza guy, since we had been told an hour and it had only been about thirty minutes. We sat outside to wait for him before Shin called him and was told he was at the hotel. xD; So we got our pizza, plus plastic utensils and plates, and ate.
The outside of the hotel was crazy. We sat underneath this glass awning thing as people from the balcony shouted to people on the ground. This one guy on the ground proclaimed, "You may have one this round but the war is not over yet!" Or something. But God, it was crazy and freakin' hilarious. Once again, we joked about the normal people at the hotel, since we had been in front of some pilot or something while buying our drinks.
After dinner, it was pretty much the end of the con for us. It was past six and we weren't totally sure if the dealer's room was closed or not, so we took the outside way to the convention center. And indeed it was closed, which was kind of sad since there was nothing else to do. We wandered the hotel a bit, and somehow Schultzie split off from us, and we wandered some more. After a while, we sat in the lowest level and just...sat. Then Schultzie popped up again and it was time for me and Waffles to leave.
The two went up the lobby with us and I gave Shin a hug before we left. Waffles and I ended up sitting on these concrete blocks at a corner while we waited to get picked up. She recited a Harry Potter book-on-tape recording she had on her cell phone before getting a call that told us to go the con center. There we sat the fountain for a few minutes before getting picked up and heading home.
Once again, cosplay was visible until we got to the highway. We were both tired and then answered the slew of questions we got before both Waffles and her sister read manga and I messed with my phone. About ten minutes into our drive, I decided to text Shin to tell her we were going home and thanking her for hanging out with us. XD
AnimeCentral 2007 ended for me, and it was something else. Although I am totally going again next year, this year's experience was sort of...I dunno. But meeting with three myOtaku people made up for it all, and I, at least, had a good time doing so.
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Thursday, May 10, 2007
'cause I have nothing better to do...

You have no idea how happy I am to see that...
Well, here's a quick rundown of random stuff:
- No attendance on Sunday. Ugh.
- Though it looks like I'll be staying later than last year. Sweet~!
- Ouran cosplay, officially finished. Sweet freakin' sassy molassy.
- I texted Shinkiro twice today. XD I accidentally sent the first one prematurely. >>;
Edit: Here's the sign I'm going to be wearing on Saturday. XD
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Wednesday, May 9, 2007
I found the source of the ticking!
It's a pipe bomb!

Sweet sassy molassy! *hit by Waffles*
Note time, I'm feeling lazy.
- It looks like I might not be going Sunday. ;_; Though I need to confirm from Haku and not listen to the person that typically doesn't have her facts straight. P:
- Costume shopping is finished. It got finished last Friday when I bought the tie. XD Now I need to get my patch back, which Waffles has...
- My classes Friday are as followed: AP U.S. History (laaaaame), painting (I won't sit still), chemistry (we're watching Flushed Away, long story), and walking (I won't shut up). XD
- School year's almost over. There's apparently 25 days until we get out, about seven classes each remaining. Woosh.
- Band concert next Wednesday. Note to self, dress semi-nicely for band portrait tomorrow.
- My shopping list for ACen is like - well, there isn't exactly an item I want to get, but I have an itinerary. It's essentially the same as last year - don't buy DVDs or mangas, hold off on items that'll chunk away at my cash, etc. I'll probably be coming back with keychains and Ouran crap. XD
- Lookamonkey!
- I can't wait until Saturday. I'm so excited to meet/eat with bell, Shin, and Schultz. Eeee.
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