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College freshman hoping to survive the day.
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Something like, "uhhhhh..."
Somehow managed to graduate high school and be accepted to college. Odd.
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Always and forever, Azumanga Daioh
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Writing, mad Photoshop skillz, terrorizing people...
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Monday, May 7, 2007
A day late? Meeh
Here we go again:

Jaaa, it's getting close...
Ugh, this week is gonna be...rough? I have no idea. I thought that perhaps today would be my hardest day , since I had to make up a chem test, but it seems as if the rest of the weeks' going to be hell too. P:
I...can't think, like, at all...
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Sunday, April 29, 2007
The Sunday of Kat, issue 5
Has anybody been noticing I've been rambling a lot on Sundays? This is my fifth week in a row. >.O
Well, just to get it out there, we feature Lappy's countdown until ACen as provided by one of Vista's gadgets that owns me soul

Anyways, note time.
- Eureka 7 ended last night. Wah. I think I would need a good epilogue in order to fully wrap up my craving of what-the-hell-happened, but it did it's job.
- I still don't know why, but Adult Swim decided to cut the episode right where the screen came on saying "1 year later". Waffles and I were watching it, and then, and then - yeaaah, it was over. After a Wikipedia reading, we went to YouTube and watched the epilogue. It's better than us sitting there going, "...Are they dead?"
- I'm sick and I hate it. I missed school Friday and that's going to bite me in the ass come Tuesday. I have a huge history project due Tuesday that I'm only 20% finished on. It's obnoxious. Maybe I'll just bug Aiyanna or Haya...
- Note to self, talent show run-through on Wednesday night. Talent show on Saturday night. I forsee the DVR running like mad this week.
- My Ouran patch came in the mail yesterday. Now all I need is the tie...Second note to self, bother Ryu/Aiyanna tomorrow.
- On the Ouran cosplay note, Waffles's dress is almost finished (she just has to make the neck thingie). Her aunt gets major win points for making the dress so well.
- I'm thinking of starting a chain mail chain of doom when it comes to the myOtaku ACen Meet-Up. I think there's a general agreement to meet Saturday afternoon, but it still needs to be ironed out.
- Yotsuba&! will be back in publication this summer. Volume 4 is set to come out in June/July, and volume 5 appears to be setting out around October. You have no idea how happy this makes me.
- I bought D.Gray-man volume 5 yesterday while at Borders. I suppose I'm collecting the series now.
- I also bought the first volume of Inubaka. It's a manga...about dogs. Serious love. And the puppies are so fscking cute. If you're a dog lover, get it. Though be prepared to have a sobfest. (I've read the section three times now and I still lose it.)
- I need actual medicine. And throat lozenges.
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Thursday, April 26, 2007
According to my little countdown gadget on Vista laptop, there is:
Teh flippin' weh. 8D
So the con schedule is up on the front page, and there seem to be quite a few ACeners. Also, 'gome angst-hate. >>;
People going that I know of include myself, Waffuru, bellpickle, Shinkiro, Schultize, MsKeller, techno rocker, FoxRose34, and namekangelivy. (Last three courtesy of the comment box. XD) It appears SomeGuy is going to condemn us unless we have a meet-up. >_>;
My current plan is to go on Saturday and hopefully Sunday. I really want to go for both days - Saturday more for shopping, Sunday more for...uh...I dunno. XD I really hope Haku (see last year's ACen post) is going Sunday...if not, then I'll have to beg and plead with my parents to drive me...UGH.
I will figure out a way. I'm just devious like that. ;D
Speaking of driving, while on the way to the Brookfield Zoo Monday, we passed by the Hyatt. XD I started geeking out and these two freshman girls in the seat ahead of me joined in my geeking and ACenishness. xD
My costume is almost finished. I ordered the patch Monday (I REALLY REALLY hope it comes soon) and am going to gank a tie from one of my friends. Either Ryu or I'll ask Aiyanna if she can get one from her brother or...something. Bleef.
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
Hmm. I thought bellpickle was kidding when she talked about this well over a year ago, but apparently not. >_>
Romeo and Juliet. The ANIME.
The first episode is being streamed until May 5th on the GONZO website. My God, I thought it was a joke, but it apparently exists. x_x Why would you take it serious? You wouldn't. X3
And Happy Birthday to 'gome. I'm feeling kinda lazy right now. >>;
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Sunday, April 15, 2007
Random ramblings of a Sunday afternoon
I figured I owed it to myself to watch the Digimon movie, so I'm doing that right now as it's on Toon Disney. I've watched bits and pieces of it, but never quite all the way through.
...Kari in her (pig?) pajamas is adorable. xD
-Shinkiro graduated Friday. Herzlichen Gluckwunsch!
-Yesterday was the brithday party for Waffles. Which means I've got to scan in the WaKD card I made. :3
-One Piece and its new dub. I'm excited. There's only one thing I have to say with the old dub, and that is I didn't really mind Zolo's (Zoro...whatever) voice. Nami's wasn't that bad, except it was too nasaly.
But anyways. Since I had no idea what the original was like, I found those two to have the best voices. And...that was the only saving grace.
-It's April 15th. That days until ACen. I think. XD
-I need to get an Ouran patch and a tie. I've been holding these off because I've been buying things on the internet a lot more in the past month than I usually do...and my mom freaks out whenever I get into these buying sprees. -_-
-Four day week this week. Friday is prom, so we get the day off since so many girls skipped in the past.
-I get to go to the zoo next Monday. xD I'm in art club, and we're tagging along with the Photography I class. There were only about nine of us at the meeting (as opposed to the usual, like, thirty), and because field trips have to be finalized a month in advance, nobody else could come. XD
-And finally, I'm trying to play "Tales of Pirates Online". But I keep running into problems. -_-
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
ACen plans
So we've got bellpickle going to concerts and Shin...well, Shin's just wondering where we're meeting. XD Here we go with Katana's plans and ideas.
- I need to at least see Yasuhiro Nightow. I'll be carrying a Trigun manga with me. >>;
- I also must see Kari Wahlgren. And uh...yeah.
Program-wise, I honestly don't know. I really wish these things were set up further in advance rather than us getting the schedule two days in advance. (bell e-mailed me the schedule last year on the Thursday before the con. x_x)
Or something.
Let's move on to meeting. The easiest place to meet would definitely be the hotel, since things are easier to manage with that. Here is a layout of the hotel lobby floors (PDF file). Based off of that, I would say to meet in The Forum (shaded in grey).
If meeting in the Dealer's Room would be easier (becuase that that has the lines for registration stuff), then it'd be more of a time factor than anything else. And if we were to meet there, it would be nice to say "at the entrance or something".
I plan to spend a lot of time in the DR, because it is fun to buy stuff. This year, though, I hope to be more active in panels and things, and I might be able to come on Sunday as well as Saturday.
As we get closer to the con date, I'll e-mail out my cell phone number to the people I know (and trust) that are going.
Eeeeeeee, excited! 31 days to go~!
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Sunday, April 8, 2007
Bunnies and eggs, oh my!
So it's Easter. I'm currently eating chocolate bunnies and coffee. It's the breakfast of champions, yo.
Yesterday, I finally got to play the Wii. It was at my friend Erin's house. Along with her brother (who proved to be one of the more enjoyable younger siblings to have around), we played Wii Sports and Zelda: Twilight Princess...sort of.
Controllers: The Wiimote was solid in your hand and comfortable to use. The speaker made noises sound rather strange, though, and the nunchuck felt like the cheapest piece of plastic ever.
Miis: This was amusing. Making a Katana Mii was fun, if a little frustrating. XD; This is where I got my experience with the Wiimote, and I proved to be surprisingly proficient with it. The main qualm came with me trying to decide what hair to put on, since I got it cut short for my Haruhi cosplay. >>;
Response: Either spot on or just terrible. There'd be times where the controller was pointing right at the screen, but your cursor wasn't there. Playing golf and tennis brought out the best-worst scenario, where waving your arm made your Mii do a twitch but nothing more. When it did work, it worked well, but that's about it.
(All opinions are given in multiplayer mode, with either two or three players.)
Bowling: Certainly the most fun of the five games. Holding down the B button and releasing at the right time can be a bit frustrating, especially if the Wiimote decides not to respond. But man is it hilarious to see the bowling ball go back into your crowd of Miis. XD Even if you can't bowl in real life, you'll do fine here.
Baseball: Is really annoying. Being the pitcher is by far the easiest job. Batting is hardly ever fruitful (at least in our case), where most of our hits turning to fowl balls. Also, when the ball hits the ground and a player scoops it up on a bounce, it's considered an out. Makes no sense.
Boxing: STAY AWAY FROM BOXING! This is an AMAZINGLY frustrating game that is just like button mashing fighters.
Golf: Really boring after a few holes. It's way too easy to slice the ball and have it fly off in a random direction. Yet, it is kinda fun in the beginning. It's not a total loss, but more of a time killer.
Tennis: Unlike Erin and her brother, I really liked tennis and found it to be rather faithful to how real tennis works. If the ball is coming to your dominant side, you stay put and swing your arm. When it comes to your latent side, you (I, at least) cross your arm over your torso and swing. The one thing that bothered me were the cheapshots that would bounce at the very edge of your court before flying off and getting points for your opponent. Reminded me of middle school ping pong where everybody would get really pissed off.
We threw in Zelda, but only for fishing, and it was kinda "meh". I can't really say anything, but that's all I can say. >>;
I essentially threw my arm out while playing, and woke up with a killer sore in my right shoulder blade. ><
Happy Easter! XD;
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Friday, April 6, 2007
Wish list
This is a filler post of me going around to random sites and finding things I want but will probably never get. >>;
Eprom Necklace - 'cause it looks cool.
Ducti Watches - Made out of duct tape. 'nuff said. (Though I do wish they made the female watch like the male one.)
MIDI Cuff - I love music. MIDIs are amusing. Yet it is butt-ugly. ><;
Pirogoeth Bracelet - The concept of metal rings mixed with rubber ones to form a bracelet seems cool. No, I have no idea what that was supposed to mean.
Jenova's Witness - You'll still die. But faster.
Group Six Necklace - I'm Number 6, you know? Eh this is cool.
HP Pavilion Slimeline s3000y - *shot repeatedly*
Yeah, sorry folks. >>;
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Sunday, April 1, 2007
Things can change in the course of twenty-four hours...
In the same day that I essentially get called an idiot, I've received some more 'gome angst-hate, gained a fanclub, toyed with bell's heart, revived the "O" face, mysteriously kicked Ichigo in the southern hemisphere, and essentially got everyone to make fun off Ichigo.
If you haven't, then at least check out the wonders of the comments from the recent podcast. I dunno how it happened, but this wondrous clique of people have come together and churned out some of the most hilarious comments since 'Otaku Cage Match' started.
And for some totally unknown reason, CeruleanOtaku decided to start the Katana Fanclub. I HONESTLY DON'T KNOW WHY, but I'm flattered. XD;
I won't let it go to my head, Timber. :\
Also, I'm not in much of a mood for April Fool's Day. This comes from last night on Adult Swim, where instead of showing anime, they played "Pefect Hair Forever". Of course, they show the cartoons, but at 11pm, when I want Bleach, I got that crap instead. I realize that it was Sunday for them, but it was still Saturday for me. :\ Also, it seems that they always cut into the anime blocks, but never the cartoon blocks. ;_;
The best April Fool's thing they did was a few years ago. It was in 2003, and during the anime block, they drew mustaches on everything. XD; What I clearly remember was how, during Witch Hunter Robin, they drew a mustache on the moon.
...And then the next night, they re-aired the episodes sans mustaches, so my favorite episode of Inuyasha was bumped from Thursday to Monday, making it so that I couldn't watch it during my spring break. ;_;
Katana, out!
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Thursday, March 29, 2007
It's time...for CRAFTS!
My Ouran jacket came today, yay. 8D It fits, but I'm a little worried with the shoulders...well, they look like they're padded or something. I'll post up a picture later.
So now, I have just the patch to get. Oh, and get my hair cut. XD; I've been meaning to get it cut anyways, since the ends are getting frayed. The hair dresser didn't cut it last time when I got my hair straightened. Hum.
I was sitting in my bed the other night, drawing, and it suddenly hit me: ACen is not that far away. Along with that, the end of the year is coming. Granted, it's only been a week of fourth quarter, but -
...Dude, there's eight weeks left. o_o
Let's see here...ACen start on May is currently March
43 days! Sa-weet! And I am meeting ONE of you guys, come hell or high water. :\
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