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Upside down somewhere
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College freshman hoping to survive the day.
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Something like, "uhhhhh..."
Somehow managed to graduate high school and be accepted to college. Odd.
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Scaring pedestrians, hanging with friends, writing, drawing, etc.
Writing, mad Photoshop skillz, terrorizing people...
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Go West!
Ha. Haha. Hahaha. HA!
Today I will prove to you folks that I am not only good at writing stories and aritcles (=.=;;), but that I'm on my way to becoming a master photographer!
Okay, well, there's this club called 4H, which seems to be pretty well known since it's nationwide (=.=;;), that I'm in. Every year, you get the chance to enter the county fair with a whole bunch of stuff - they have a lot of farm animal crap. >.> But I entered Photography and Visual Arts, which translates to the fact that I'm entering a picture and a drawing.
The drawing I have no problem with...except choosing which one to enter. Both of the ones I'm thinking of are based off the same boy...Mark, who's also my love interest (*blush*). Tehe! XD
Anyways, back on topic. The first one is about a 3/4 body drawing, with a mix between full and 3/4 view. It was made with ebony pencil, so it's all smooth 'n stuff. ^^;;
The second one was made with mechanical pencil and chalk pastel (those things ROCK!). It's half of the body, and is askew on the page. The boy is flying with newly discovered angel wings, and is totally happy and enthused. Brown hair whipping behind, the forest-green T-shirt billowing wildly in the wind. A pendent resembling Flamel's cross hovers on its cord around his neck, it's gold matching the four earrings (one loop, three normal) on his left ear. Bright red eyes are open wide in amazement.
Yeah, it's fun to describe drawings.
Anyways, onto my pride and joy: the photos. ^_^ I took this one outside, in my front lawn. Our cherry tree just blossomed about two weeks ago with sakura flowers. Unfortunately, due to two reallly bad storms, they're all gone. *sobs* But I managed to take the pic. It's a close-up shot of three flowers, and in the background is the rest of the branch. They're blurry because I had the lense focused on the three in front of me.
BUT! It seems 4H rules state that a picture taken with a digital camera isn't elligible for entrance in the normal photo categories, only the Digital Photography one. (I was pissed.) Bur for that you had to use techniques that "go beyond cropping and red-eye reduction".
But instead of mope, I decided to go full blown on the picture. I mean, FEH! I can do it! I am Katana, the Queen of PaintShop Pro! ^_^ (I had that title way back on the OB) So, my pretties...I need to know, for the sake of GOD...what you really think of the modified photo.

I'm being cheap and only givin' ya a thumbnail. Go and look at it, dammit! XD
So..wha-cha think?
Oh yeah, I *finally* changed my picture and muic. The picture is the little fox demon again, and she's riding a huge paper airplane. O_? Yeah, I know. XD But it's kaiwaii.
The song is Liminality from .hack//Liminality. It sounds prettier with three flutes; I'll try and get that version up...
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