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College freshman hoping to survive the day.
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Writing, mad Photoshop skillz, terrorizing people...
Thursday, December 15, 2005
3,000 Hits! - I can do freakin' CG!

That's right! 3,000 hits to myOtaku! Love ya guys! ^_~
So now...after years of wondering, I've finally started my Photoshop CG adventure. I found an awesome and amusing tutorial on DeviantArt, which generally taught me all I needed to know.
And here we go.
Step 1
It starts off with my poor usual test subject, this kid. The pic, entitled "left behind in empty places", has been my test subject for all of these random experiments. (And I was lazy and had ImageShack resize it.)
Step 2
We color it! The result is this, which I'm quite proud of. XD
But remember, that was just number one. ^_~
Step 3
With one done, I decided to try for a full background scene plus person. I couldn't do this with the Gankutsou techinique, but it was actually quite simple in CG mode.
Oh, it can be viwed here. It's mah .hack character, of which she has no name. >.<;;
Step 4
Add color! Unfortunately, the brushes were too soft, so the background looks too blurry and blendy. But it still roxor, and can be seen here.
Step 5
Hurrah for algebra class! I can draw in it! XD Staring a new note section in my five-subject notebook, I had a page of menola (yellow) paper to draw on. So I drew a slightly younger version of Naruto ninja. Again, I don't know her name quite yet, but she belongs to the Village Hidden In The Mist. So here she is. I dubbed the image "Sturbborness".
Step 6
The CG part of it didn't take that long at all, and went quite quickly. It's basically a fast sketch and fast color, so it's nothing to marvel at. :3
Step 7
Anime News Network, or ANN, is running a Christmas banner contest. What you need to do is design a holiday-themed top banner for their site and submit it to them by 11:59PM...tonight. (-_-;; ) Your graphic would be shown for two weeks, and you would also get the Wolf's Rain limited edition DVD box set - all thirty epsiodes plus the pimpin' soundtrack!
But you needed to have their elf girl mascot. And I knew this. :3 So I asked Lorenza to draw one for me, since she makes very freakishly adorable chibis.
Enter Renza's drawing, here.
Step 8
Once Renza gave it to me, I got home, fired up the computer, and scanned it in. After opening Photoshop, getting myself a soda, and popping up the internet, I began at about 3:15.
And CG'd untl 5:00, which was when dinner came via McDonalds cheap burger day. After that, I came back at about 5:45, painting solidly until 7:30-ish.
Pain. In. The. Ass.
BUT! The result is so freakin' amazing. And, the result can be seen here.
Step 9
Made the image into a Greeting. XD
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