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College freshman hoping to survive the day.
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Saturday, June 24, 2006
Ouran Host Club, King Tut, and the mysteries of ImageReady
First note, I'll probably never finish the Nashville post. Sorry. >_>
Second note, to bellpickle: How are the first two debate articles coming along? Do SOAPers get to see 'em before they're posted? XD
So yeah.
If you read the comments from my last post, you can see bellpickle screaming about how I have an Ouran High School Host Club avatar. It's of Mitsukuni "Hunny" Haninozuka, my favorite charcter from Ouran. ;_; I can't help it! I seem to have a kawaii boy fetish. >.< (First it was Momiji, then it was's not blonde boys, I can tell you THAT much. >_>)
Anyways, I've seen up through episode 7 of the series on YouTube. This is the first time I've ever seriously watched a fansub series - as in, you know, actually wanting to watch the series. With that said, I went screencap crazy (not really), capturing any scenes that cracked me up.
The following animation was made with five frames from the Renge episode. Hunny's glomp attack just cracked me up:

^^;; I know it sucks. It's hard to capture all the frames on YouTube!
*ahem* Yesterday, I went to the Field Museum in Chicago to see the King Tut exhibit. I finally suceeded in dragging my now-junior friend Erin along after five people said they couldn't come. o_O;;
The coolest thing about the exhibit was that you were only mere inches away from relics 3,000+ years old. There it was, right in front of you, seperated only by a case of plexi-glass...
My favorite item was the golden dagger Tut had on his chest when he was burried. It was shiney, and a knife! Two in one! I wanted it, badly. XD
The only fault with the exhibit was what kept people in through the entire thing. In order to get to Tut, who was, of course, the last exhibit, you had to sift through all his relatives. It was annoying, but it was for the sake of all his relations. ^^;;
What I really hated, though, was the people with the audio tours. >_> They'd just walk right in front of you (when you were, you know, five inches from the case), and after a while, I was supressing thoughts of murderous rage. X3
While waiting in line before the tou, I was talking to Erin about whatever, my back turned to an open hallway. She suddenly said, "He must be important. He's on a Segway."
And because we had been talking about King Tut, I just blurted back, "King Tut's on a Segway?!"
Hence this following animation:

It's incomplete, but it works. There's a few more frames to be added, but you don't really need those to get the full (idiotic) joke.
We explored the rest of the museum after lunch. Me and Erin had a field day in the "Evolving Earth" exhibit, because after every period there was this red corner where a large grey plastic thing would procalim, "MASS EXTINCTION #(1)", etc. The two of us would line up on one side and dramatically put our feet down in unison, saying, "Mmmmmass Extinction!" ^^;; Fun!
[Whilst in the dinosaur room]
Katana: "Hmm...Erin, we haven't encountered a Mass Extinction in a while."
Erin: "Well, there's one coming up. We have to get rid of these guys somehow."
(Minutes later)
Katana: "Wow, this is a big Mass Extinction. The red-lighted tiles go on for like ten feet."
Erin: "Well, we have to make sure we get everyone."
The mysteries of ImageReady!
Just some total randomness.
I was trying to save the animations as .gifs in ImageReady, but it would always want to save them as .jpgs. So I popped them up in Photoshop and went to the "Save for Web" option.
They were set on .jpg.
So I set them to .gif.
And went back to ImageReady.
Sure enough, they were saved as a .gifs mere moments later. >_>
Lesson: Don't be afraid to explore, especially when you think you have a dumbass thought!
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