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• 1991-08-02
• Upside down somewhere
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• 2003-07-31
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Sunday, September 24, 2006
This will soon be the longest post since my ACen '06 report...
"...Granted, I insult alot, though it woulda been nice if you read a comment where I was MEANING to be sarcastic. *cough*
"But, wait, Ichigo said he loved me...but what about Katana?
"Oooooh, I smell a duel."
SomeGuy repliez: "It's easy to love Sangome. She's just cool like that. She gets five million bonus points for getting a comment read and for it not being a "look at teh n00b omg lolz" comment reading."
Lady Katana addz: "Ichigo is a player. He loves you, me and so many others, Sangome. A heartbreaker, that one."
Wolf Demon Akuzmi insertz: "Now there's a love-triangle-ish-thing! IchigoXSangome WilderX Katana! This is going to be good... *grabs popcorn and front row seat to watch what happens*"
Katana spamz: "He loves me more, obviously. I came first, I had more comment readings. And I'm just awesome like that.
"...Wooh, I smell another crack anime parody coming up! HERE WE GO!
"Ichigo, a normal guy in his twenties... Sangome, an English teacher... Katana, a freelance writer... Their lives collide one fateful snowy day...
--Many hours of rambling episodes later...--
Who will Ichigo choose? His first love, or the second?
"'cept this time, neither one of us is dead.
"AND, the correctly triangle would be Sangome X Ichigo X Katana. I'm not into the whole "yuri" thing, and neither is Sangome."
Sangome sayz: Katana: He loves me more, obviously. I came first, I had more comment readings. And I'm just awesome like that.
"The proves nothing. How? I have a perfect example...ladies and gents, I bring you the Trisha x Hohenheim x Dante love triangle! As Hohenheim vehemently states in the anime, he loves Trisha, and only Trisha, even though he had that fling with Dante, and had a kid with her! But oooooooh, he loves Trisha more, and had TWO children with her! (Both of which are chased after daily by fangirls). So, who's pwning who now, hm?
"And yeah, Katana's right. Sangome x Ichigo x Katana, for neither of us are into the yuri thing. Or hentai. Or yaoi. *killed by fangirls*
Lady Katana: Actually, Katana, I'm referring to a slip Ichigo made back in my personal comment section on one of my blog posts. So you could actually include me and call this a "love square." XD
"Oh no, it doesn't end there. For you see, I am a fangirl over the afformentioned Hohenheim. Hohenheim had/has feelings for Dante, and of course, there's Trisha. So, now we got ourselves...a love...what's the word for a seven-sided thing? Octagon? No, wait, that's eight...
"Oh, what a TANGLED web we weave. :D"
SergeantTickles reportz: "WAIT! This just came in! Sangome and Katana are competing for the love of our podcasters!!! More on this if I ever feel like it!"
Shanfan blurbz: "Oh, boy this could get ugly...*grabs popcorn*"
bellpickle mutterz: "...So does Ichigo have a harem now? *is somewhat confused by all this*"
SomeGuy pointz: "I think it's only the two of them, so technically it's not harem just yet.
"We're only on the cusp of shounen Inuyashacity; we've still a way to go for full blown out Love Hinaism."
Katana shoutz: "And in counterence of your "Dante and Trisha" theory, I present to you, my OWN theory, based also on Fullmetal Alchemist!
"Of COURSE, Hoenheim and Dante had a fling and produced one baby, but Hoenheim and Trisha had two babies, right? Right.
"Ichigo has only read one of your comments (you Dante you!), but he's read three of mine (I, Trisha, pwn j00!).
"I'm younger than you, too. Major selling point.
"One must realize that we're vying for the attention of a man probably about ten years older than us. What the **** are we thinking? o.O"
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