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Tuesday, June 1, 2004

   fanfic summaries

Gohan's true powers-i know everybody is mad at the dork Gohan became so this is a consolation story i wrote.
Kayta-Kurama meets a special girl...^_^
I somehow knew-Yukina finally worms something about her brother out of Yusuke.
a day at school-trunks and goten going to school. but not everything goes so smoothly for two young supersaiyans.
Friends saved me-Hiei reflects
Yoko awakes-Kurama lets Yoko have a turn in his world.

Blog from Gpetz.com

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   AwKwArD mOmEnTs
ok everybody has those weird moments we all wish we could escape. i just went to Atlen's page and read about one of her awkward moments with an unfamiliar uncle. ^_~ well my aunt mary ann(e) divorced my uncle al when i was like uh 2 and i've only seen him like 1 in my entire life. (i dont know y they divorced. it was one of those grown up matters) and one day, i was babysitting my little brother and sister while my mom was taking a nap and my dad was at work. and the doorbell rings and who is it? dear old uncle al. he's all "HEY KIDDO! do u remember me?!" i just sort of numbly shook my head. he goes, "IT'S UNCLE AL!!!" i managed a bit of an ,"oh" but that was it. he asked if my mom was there b/c he had a form for her and bla bla bla. it was just REALLY weird. *shudder* and i like to avoid all the adults at family gatherings b/c everybody says stuff like, "oh your gettin so pretty..." (what was i not B4?) yeah but my cousins and i have fun so it's not so bad.
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finally, people on the tagboard r starting to get along. well fight less at least. there was some gender confusion about one of the members and that was really funny b/c wen that person came back and was reading over the posts, she was like, hmmmm, maybe i should make my name more feme. everybody was like 'oh he was really mean to me' and then someone would say, 'isnt safin a girl?' and then she came back and was like *sweatdrop* maybe it's one of those, ya had to be there things, but it was hilarious!!!
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Monday, May 31, 2004

ok i have this overly sensitive internet filter so i cant get on most message boards but i can get onto tagboards. and the only tagboard i ever bother posting on is full of a bunch of hostile ppl who treat me like a jerk and call me a *sniff sniff* newbie. they keep telling me to get lost and leave the veterans alone and that no one likes me and bla bla bla. cant we all just get along!?!?!? i'm SOOOOOOOOOO mad at them.
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Sunday, May 30, 2004

that is so me!!!

this is my way to live

What about yours?

made by rav-chan

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Saturday, May 29, 2004


G~petz - Bgs, Blogs, n more

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Animation from Gpetz.com

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Animation from Gpetz.com

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Animation from Gpetz.com

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I LOVE GOHAN!!!!! (b4 he becomes a nerd)

Animation from Gpetz.com

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