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Luthien Earfalas
Anime Fan Since
grade school
Favorite Anime
Kyou kara maou, Get Backers, Fruits Basket, Naruto, .Hack//Sign, Clamp School Detectives, Wolf's Rain, Serial Experiments Lain, Shaman King, Detective Conan, ...
Conquer the World!
sqeeze my brain... you'll find nothing.
Don' just sit there and waste your precious time.
If you want to do something, do it right away.
It's the right way to live life without regrets.
- Sonic
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Saturday, June 3, 2006
beeng so long since I last posted here... werk werk werk...
anyhow, peeps been asking if I accept art request, well that's ok. I want to draw as much as my heart desires, and also to enhance this ability of mine. I like to draw better if it will make someone happy. So for those who have a request, just pm me, i'll gladly do it.
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Dakkanya Getto Backers!
OMG... After watching some episodes, I got myself obssesed on the animé I used to laugh at. I remember the times when I'd watched the ending episodes. Since I already saw a chapter of this animé in a manga, I told myself that I should like this main blonde character named Ginji and got Irritated whenever I saw the red-haired guy named Ban taking the scenes. But the episode that makes me laugh-my-ass-off is the battle bet. Kazuki and Juubei (Kazuki's Darling, lol) titled Battle for friendship yeah right, though I only have a glimpses on the TV, I found the title corny and funny so I didn't bother to watch.
But After I dared to watch the early episodes, I learn to like Ban Midou instead of Ginji and got excited whenever I saw Kazuki; the man with a girly face. Hehe... it's YAOI! or should I say Shounen-ai. Then decided to keep an eye for the two BanxKazuki, my fave. coupling... Mwuahhahahha!
Thursday, June 17, 2004
For past months, I didn't know that the card game that im playing at my classmate's cellphone is already the 'Dai-hin-min'!; the game I used to play whenever we got a spare time or waiting to death for our next class. Oh yeah, the card game from Fruits Basket anime.
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
School Days...
Classes just started last monday... and finallly, I'll finally get an ALLOWANCE! Alright! Money, money, money... hehe. I didn't go to school for 2 days though... yesterday and today; coz it's so damn booooooring! But I'll surely attend the class next week. Damn boring days... :sigh:
Thursday, June 3, 2004
Oh well...
Good! Now I'm pretty much busy writing something... hehehe. And the good news is that our cable is now including "Animax" on it's channels... yeah right. Now I was able to watch 'Clamp School'; by just seeing the protagonist... the effeminate 'Nokuro' and his bodyuard 'Suoh' they became my fave. coupling! Nyahhahah!
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 You're the smirk,a frown-smile hybrid that's a little bit cocky and usually associated with evil or arrogant,but attractive people.You probably just don't give a damn,but it's everyone else's fault if you don't because you're too awesome to have any real faults.
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