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Writing and daydreaming
Real Name
Kataryu (guess the English equivalent)
I'm not dead yet...
Anime Fan Since
Umm.... Beast Wars, or maybe before that even...
Favorite Anime
Ooo, Fushigi Yugi, Ceres, Inu-Yasha, Ranma 1/2, Cardcapters Sakura, Magic Knights Rayearth, Trigun, Escaflowne, Evangelion, Fruits Basket, Tsubasa... the list goes on and on
To make up a phrase that will go down in history, and to have my own concert
Playing flute, writing songs, Archery, writing books, reading mangas or drawing late at night, watching Princess Mononoke alone with a cup of green tea and a bowl of ramen
Singing, Writing (I love to do a lot of other things, but I wouldn't say they're talents)
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Friday, July 8, 2005
I'm sorry!
I owe you guys a big apology for not updating in about a month or so. I've just been busy (and lazy, but mostly busy) with my preporations for going to Japan, and I really haven't had the time that it takes to update my myO account properly. For those reasons, you probably won't see me update very much in the next few months, or at least till I get to Nihon. I will still be checking my pms, if you want to join the clubs or have to tell me something, and I will still be sending in new wallpapers, as they're really fun and don't take long to do. Once again, I really sorry, but thank you all for understanding.
^_^ Sayonara! |
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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

You are Heath! You fight with a strong sense of honor
and don't want to hurt any innocents. You take pride in what you do. Keep
it up. You may get something good in return. Which
Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken Character Are You? Find out at
Zelda Zutto
& Soul Survivor!
Boy, am I feeling lazy today... |
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Monday, June 13, 2005
Who's in the garden singing?
Manga mood: Furuba
Music: Punky stuff
I GOT MOMIJI!!!!! *^_^* Yep, yep!! I'm in TN, on a trip that's too indepth to describe right now, but the basics are these: I've got wireless here, and we went to the mall where I got Momiji. (He's stuffed, just like my Kyo. So now I have them both!!!) Anyway... Now for some questions! (You're thinking, finally!)
Q1: If you could turn into any of the Chinese zodiac, which would you turn into? hehehehehe
Q2: What do these initials stand for: KPC? (Not serious)
AQ1: The tiger, partially because I am a tiger, and partially because it's one of the two coolest animals from the zodiac. (The other's the dragon.)
AQ2: Kruchy Potato Chips ^_^
Ja ne! |
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Thursday, June 9, 2005
I'm BACK!!!!! ^_^
Manga mood: Alice 19th (I finally started it!!! So good.)
Music: Jpop
I'M BACK, AND STILL ALIVE!! I kinda doughted I would make it after the rope corses... but they were actually fun! We didn't get to go white water rafting, but I got to meet the other people going to Nagoya with me, as well as sixty-something other missionary interns. The strange thing about the other missionaries going to Nagoya is that they're all guys. No other girls o.O. Strange. Oh, and they're all anime fans, too, so there will be much DDRing and Princess Mononoke we decided. Now all I have to do is get them on myO!!
Other good news: I'M ON MY NEW LAPTOP!!!! YAYAYAYAY!! Oh, and I'm using someone else's wireless. heheheh It has a DVD player, too, so I can watch my animes whenever I want to! It makes me soooo happy!! I still have a billion and one things to download onto it, but I'll get it all set up soon enough.
Well, I'll go into the other things I've been doing later, but now to your sites!! ^_^ Ja matta ne! |
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Thursday, June 2, 2005
Manga mood: Not sure; it's too early!
Music: Avril Lavigne (can't spell her last name)
Sorry I haven't been by in over a week, and I won't be by till Monday or Tuesday. A two second summery of what I've been doing: My great-aunt died (the one that was like a mom to my mom), I graduated, I found out I'm about a third of the way done with my fundraising for Japan though I haven't actually started fundraising yet, and I got a laptop for graduation from mom and dad. This morning (at 7am!!!) I leave for a pre-field training stress camp, were there will be white water rafting and a rope course. I hate rope courses. Sooooo, yeah! That's last week and this week. For those of you whom I was gonna make something for, it will be sent to you when I get back; they're already done. ^_^ Sorry I couldn't get to your sites, but I promise I will when I get back! I'll have a whole week off!!!! Sounds soooo nice... Well, I got to get rollin', ja matta ne! |
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Manga Mood: Tsubasa (I finally got the fifth one!)
Music: Goo Goo Dolls
I'm so blessed to have friends like you guys!! I'm soooo sorry I haven't been able to check up on your sites. Unfortunately, I probably won't be able to do a check up till Monday. :'( I'm really sorry! But I'll make a really cool present for you, if you'd like! *starts thinking of cool ideas* Um... cool avitars? Don't know... Tell you what, you guys tell me what you want- an avitar, wallpaper, or bannor- and the anime/manga you want me use, and I'll make something for your sites!! ^_^ Well, I g2g, so take care, guys! |
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Friday, May 13, 2005
Ohyio Gosaimasu!
Just saying good morning! ^_^ I'll *try* to stop by later, too. Get a good breakfast!!
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Monday, May 9, 2005
Manga mood: No clue
Music: Ayumi Hayasaki (or whatever-- some awsome Japanese artist.)
Yeah, so I hurt. >_< Let's not get into that... Yesterday I went to my fave amusment park: Paramount's King's Island!!!! ^_^ YAYAYAY!!! Why does that park so totally rock? First, it's only a half an hour from my house. (OK, I'm on the map.) Second, it has the loooongest wooden rollercoster in the WORLD: the Beast. And it's also the longest rollercoster to hold a record. ^_^ It makes me happpy, even though it's so dang bummpy it could kill you. Ugh. So, yeah, HeartofSword and I only got to ride, like, three rides, but I got to play DDR Arcade verision like, a ton, and I got a Tails!!!! ^_^ She got Shadow, and she stole a Knuckles, but Tails makes me much happier. (Well, um, technaclly, I stole the Knuckles, but NO ONE WAS CLAIMING IT, and I ended up giving it to her.) So, yeah, it was a pretty good day, though HeartofSword's brother ran away with his friend, and we spent over an hour and two security guards looking for them. Oh, well- I guess it made it interesting.
Q1: Who's your favorite Sonic character?
Q2: I know this is on your sites, but are you a girl or boy? (Running out of ideas.)
AQ1: Tails, and then Sonic. Knuckles is cool, but I tend to go for the good guys.
AQ2: Girl, as if you couldn't guess.
OK, off topic: what happened to Shinigami?! (I ment to ask this earlier.) It seems her site has been deleted, and I have no clue why, or if she got a new one. Does anyone know? Thanks! Ja ne! |
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Monday, May 2, 2005
Manga mood: La... Tsubasa
Music: Mello tunes (fear from .hack//SIGN at the moment.)
OK, I'm losing it!! ^_^ I have had an average of 5 hours of sleep for the past five nights or so in a row. And it's getting to me. Today, I was so out of it, I at the fortune out of the cookie, without realizing it. I stopped, and looked down at the half a cookie left, and asked myself, "Self, what did you do with the fortune?" And as I chewed the other half of the cookie, something somewhat foul came to my taste buds. I didn't even get to read it! So yeah, now I'm rambling about it too you, laughing about it to myself, and listening to My Immortal at the same time. OK, I'll shut up now.
I didn't even get to tell you about the formal or my senior pictures! Oh, well, I'll save it for tomorrow.
Q1: Have you ever eaten a fortune out of a fortune cookie?
Q2: If you could name a new pokemon, what would it be?
AQ1: Yes. We've already discussed this.
AQ2: Um.... Rockorian or Leaferion. I decided looooong ago, when I was young and obsessed, that there needed to be a leaf and rock Eevee stage. Go figure. Ja! |
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Quick post!
Quick post! (I hope to really update later today.) I just put up a fan art that I've been working on for over a year (due to laziness), so if you get a moment, please check it out! It's called Techno Sakura. Arigato!! |
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