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Writing and daydreaming
Real Name
Kataryu (guess the English equivalent)
I'm not dead yet...
Anime Fan Since
Umm.... Beast Wars, or maybe before that even...
Favorite Anime
Ooo, Fushigi Yugi, Ceres, Inu-Yasha, Ranma 1/2, Cardcapters Sakura, Magic Knights Rayearth, Trigun, Escaflowne, Evangelion, Fruits Basket, Tsubasa... the list goes on and on
To make up a phrase that will go down in history, and to have my own concert
Playing flute, writing songs, Archery, writing books, reading mangas or drawing late at night, watching Princess Mononoke alone with a cup of green tea and a bowl of ramen
Singing, Writing (I love to do a lot of other things, but I wouldn't say they're talents)
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Thursday, October 21, 2004
I'm breathing again...
Well, kind of. Thanks you guys for all of your support! I guess I'm still stunned by the news. lol, I had better tell you all what happened...
While we were in TN, our church had a mission confrence. They told the rest of the church about the awsome mission trip I went on this summer, and some of the missionaries that our church supports came in from over seas.
Now, ever since I was, like, 11, I've been praying for a chance to prove myself beyond the situations that I'm normally in. Basically, and adventure, of some sort. And when we went on the mission trip to Mexico, I finally got my chance. Only, instead of satisfiying my craving, it only made me want to do missions more.
So anyway, back to the confrence; one of the missionaries that came in was Mr. Young, a missionary to Japan. Yep, Japan. And his team is looking for homeschooled highschool gradguates to go to Japan as interns for a year, and my pastor imediately thought of me.
What else can I say? I've never wanted to do something more in my life. Japan for a YEAR! And it's not just the going to Japan part, but the chance to test myself before everyone I know and before God.
And the craziest thing of all: my parents are actually thinking about letting me go. I just, well, I haven't the slightest clue what to say. Or think. Or do. I guess I'm one of the happiest people alive today!! ^_^ |
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
A calling
Have you ever been hit with a piece of information that you know will change your life forever? Something so stunning that you can't even breathe? You can't think, you can't feel, you can't... anything? What if you suddenly saw what was about to happen with your life suddenly flash before your eyes? Would you be thrilled, or terrified? What if the one thing you had prayed for for seven years had suddenly dropped right within your reach? What would hold you back from reaching out to touch it tenderly and marval at the possibilies? What will happen next? Where will I end up? Why me? When will it happen? Who will enable me to go? How will I get the money? I guess one could say that my last post has been answered: I have the one thing that I will finally be, and I can finally be happy... Just breathe, kataryu... just breathe... |
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Monday, October 18, 2004
My new thing I'll start doing because I feel like it: the day's manga mood!! (It may be an anime too.)
Manga mood: Evangelion. Not that I've read it or seen it lately, I just feel like it.
Hey, not much happening. We got back, and to my suprise, my mom didn't break down in tears(thank goodness). We skipped co-op today, and one would think that I would do much better in band tonight because of it, but no, I sucked. And we only have to weeks till the performance. Well, life could be worse. I did get a couple new wallpapers posted, for those of you who are interested. I don't that my quiz was approved, but oh well. I guess I did only spend 3 months working on it. Q1: What is the one thing you wish you were/could be/could do? Q2: What is your favorite kind of weather? Q1: I wish I could be a genious at just one thing, instead of being a jack of all trades. I can do lost of things ok, but nothing really good. And it drives me nuts. Q2: Thunderstorms. I love the lighting, the thunder, the smell, and the washed away feeling that it leaves me with. :) We had a nice storm today. |
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Saturday, October 16, 2004
Here I am, in TN. My aunt has AOL, and I haven't used AOL is soooo long, I can't remember how to use it! >_< Anyway, everyone seems cheerful enough, but I know that as soon as we get on the highway mom will be crying. It's kinda weird, being with all of these relatives that I'm not really related to. My mom was adopted, and her parents were abusive, so I've never met them, which is ok with me. But my great aunt was the closest thing my mom had to a mom, so this is really hard on her. Anyway...
I haven't checked to see if my Fruits Basket quiz has made it yet, though my guess is it hasn't. :'( Even worse, I can't sign on fuse, so I can't check my email. Ahhh...
I did manage to get a huge truckload of mangas out of the library before we took off, and so I have been entertaining myself with the new Escaflowne seires(not half as good as the origonal anime), an old Ramna 1/2(which I've already read), and Girl Got Game(that turned out a lot better than I anticapated). I have yet to dive into the first five Boys Over Flowers, so that should keep me busy during the trip home.
Oh, and even though my aunt has cable, my brothers and folks won't let me stay up to watch anime!! It's like wagging a raw steak in front of a starving dog!! Grrrr...
I've rambled on long enough, I guess! Q1: If you were a bird, what kind of bird would you be? Q2: Does it cost extra to use On Demand? Ok, ok, I know that doesn't count, but I'd still like to know! Q1: Peregrin Falcon. I want to be fast!! |
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Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Hi. Not much happening. I'm supposed to be doing homework, but I'm not. My mom will probably be mad when she gets home. Oh, well. I guess I am doing some, but not as much as she wanted me to get done. Anyway, I'm waiting quite angshouisly(read that photetically) for the translations of the latest Fruits Basket to come out. It's driving me nuts!!! I have the scans, but I haven't translated them into English, so the pictures are meaningless. Something about a woman freaking out Akito, and Hatori trying to protect him/her. It's driving me insane! Well, such are the ways of life... |
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Monday, October 11, 2004
Happiness!! I finally got Fruits Basket sent in, and they're gonna put it up!! ^_^ I just have to send in the header and footer stuff. Sorry I haven't been by in, like, two or three days; lifes just... life. Anyway, yeah, I won't be back this coming weekend, 'cause we're visiting my mom's aunt who has cancer. Thankfully, my grandma is with my dad's sister, so she won't be causing the same kind of fiasco she did last time. Q1: Which is your fave season and why? Q2:What kind of car do you want? Q1: Fall, because I tend to get all poetic and daydreamy and weird! ^_^ And the leaves are pretty too!Q2: BMW Z3. Land Sharks are cool, but the Z3s rule. Told you I get all poetic, hehehehe... |
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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
No matter what I don, I con't get my stupid backrounds to show up!!! It's driving me nuts!! AAAhhh!! |
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
SakuraChan- I think what's most important is to do what's right. I guess I try to do that all the time, and I'm doing it to the point that I've started locking people out, mainly because everyone seems so much happier with someone else, and I want others to be happy.
Forlorn Hope- It's not so much that they're snobby, it's that we're all 'strong' personalities, and mine tends to get on their nerves. Yes, they can defenatly be snobbs when they want, but I'm kinda in a position where I can't get away from them. Truth be told, they're a lot better than they used to be. Thanks guys sooo much for being there; it means a lot to me! :) |
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No change
No real change. I guess I don't want to be offencive, but I DO want to be myself. Unfortunatly, that tends to make people uncomfortable around me. Oh, well, maybe I shouldn't care. But I do. I don't want to make poeple unhappy or uncomfortable, I just want to be me. *sigh* Well, I had a great question last night, but I forgot to put it up, and now I can't remember it. Drat. Hey, here's and idea, you guys come up with a question for me, and I'll answer them in the next post. Sound good? ^_^ |
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Monday, October 4, 2004
Broken Promises
Life sucks. I am offically a social loser. I have friends, but all of them either left for collage, live far away, or have a girl/boyfriend. Between that and a bunch of broken promises, my life is pretty crapy right now. Maybe I'm just PMSing, and I'll be over it tomorrow. But I'm sooo tired of being polite and looking out so that others are comfortable. I want to be offencive. What CLAMP Heroine Are You? Who Is Your Inuyasha Mystery Date? |
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