myO Still <3's You
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Saturday, August 28, 2004
Alright, we're gonna try an experement. Since no one comes to my site (except for Shinigami and Raynear) without my checking out theirs (and even then they won't always check out my site) and they STILL get like, a billion people to post on their sites, I'm gonna try NOT posting on everyone else's site, and see who shows up. :) For real news: I've had to completely change my stratagy as to how I'm gonna do the picks for my Fruits Basket quiz (I've given up on CCS for right now, due to lack of good pics) so now I'm at least a good week or so behind sceduale. PLEASE NOBODY POST A FRUITS BASKET QUIZ BETWEEN NOW AND THEN!!! Thank you. So a question for the night: if you could be an elf, a vampire, a dragon, a dwarf, a demon (like Inu-Yasha), a fairy, or a merperson, which would you be and what would you look like? I have had a lot of people tell me I look like an elf (a wood elf, I guess), so I don't think that would be too bad. That or a dragon, like Van.
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Friday, August 27, 2004
Hello, again
Yay!! I just got a phone call from one of my best friends, saying she wants to run around for apparently no reason, and she'll be here in like, ten mins to pick me up. Maybe this is just what I need. ^_^
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Hello, again
Yeah, so I went to Borders today to descover that the newest Tsubasa is finally out, AND I'M ON AN ANIME/MANGA BAND!!!!!!! I'm dying... ahhhh... Anyway, my mom is driving me nuts with collage stuff again. She seems to think that I don't care about the real world, that I spend too much time reading fantesies, and I don't care about what will happen to me in five years. That's not true. Its just, I've never been able to answer that question: where do you see yourself in five years? And believe me, it drives me nuts inside. I guess that I always thought I'd be dead by then, or something. But I really don't need mom to remind me that the real world isn't a RPG. And I don't need her to take away the things I enjoy to try to prove that to me, when I already know it. I don't know what I need right now, but I don't need that. Anyway... so what do you guys see yourself doing in five years?? ^_^ What Tales of Symphonia Character Are You?
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Monday, August 23, 2004
You are kyou,
You seem brash and mean on the outside, but if
someone came close enough to you, maybe they
would see the smile and the kindness that hides
beneath your rough exterior. You are always
trying to beat yuki, but always fail. You like
tohru....maybe even more than a friend. You
want to be a part of the sohma family, and
don't understand why yuki doesn't want to be
part of the juunishi. You are jealous of yuki's
abilities, but you never really notice your own
good qualities.
Wat fruits basket character are you? (has pics, but adding more questions)
brought to you by Quizilla
Great. I'm on another anime ban. *sigh* It may be a while before I show up again...
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Sunday, August 22, 2004
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Yeah, so, my parents want me to go visit this collage in Mississippi. What's in Mississippi???? (No offence to those that might live there.) I can't say I'm thrilled. College this, collage that. But it's not like I DON'T want to go to collage. I can't wait to get out of here. But the thing is, I have no clue where I want to go. I want something totally different. Something that will rock the teeny-tiny world I live in, and I don't think I'll get that in some other state. I've traveled quite a bit over the US in my life, and after a while, they all start to look the same. Same old, same old. I want something different.
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