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Writing and daydreaming
Real Name
Kataryu (guess the English equivalent)
I'm not dead yet...
Anime Fan Since
Umm.... Beast Wars, or maybe before that even...
Favorite Anime
Ooo, Fushigi Yugi, Ceres, Inu-Yasha, Ranma 1/2, Cardcapters Sakura, Magic Knights Rayearth, Trigun, Escaflowne, Evangelion, Fruits Basket, Tsubasa... the list goes on and on
To make up a phrase that will go down in history, and to have my own concert
Playing flute, writing songs, Archery, writing books, reading mangas or drawing late at night, watching Princess Mononoke alone with a cup of green tea and a bowl of ramen
Singing, Writing (I love to do a lot of other things, but I wouldn't say they're talents)
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Saturday, August 21, 2004
Ok, so nobody read my story. :'( If you get a free moment, PLEASE READ IT!!! I BEG YOU!! Anyway, I'm pulling my hair out trying to find good Cardcaptor pics for my quiz. So far I have Li, Sakura, Meilin, and Madison (it's the anime version.) You have no clue what a pain in the neck it is to find good anime pics of any of the other characters! Nobody seems to care about Toya, Kero, or Yukito (sorry for reverting back to manga.) If you know a good pic site, I would be thrilled if you could give me a link.
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Friday, August 20, 2004
OK, I haven't been on in , like, a week, and I apologize. But just as I was getting on to go looking a Random Fandom (I had to put it in my faves again) I realized that all of my faves have been restored!!! Don't ask me how, but they were. And so where my pics. It makes me sooooo happy! Anyway, I owe you guys my story, so I'll get down to it. (If you haven't the slightest clue what I'm talking about, try to look through my arcives. Oh, and please excuse my spelling. ^_^)
Scene: A girl in pigtails and glasses is running down a street. She's in her school uniform, and has a bag full of books.
Girl: Aya-chan, wait up!!
(Aya turns around. She has blond hair and is in the same uniform as girl one. She also has a bookbag, but has a headset on.)
Aya: Huh?
Girl (painting): Aya-chan, you didn't call last night! Did you study for the test? Or did you forget again??
Aya (big eyes): We have a test??
Girl (fustrated): YES!! That's why you were supposed to call me, so that we could study together!
Aya: I'm sorry Yoshi-chan, with karate and everything, I totally forgot!
(The girls are walking a again)
Yoshi: Well, you DID get your homework done, didn't you?
Aya: Yeah, I did remember that. I'm so sorry!! Could you help me cram??
Yoshi: ~ Ayagami and I have been best friends for four years now. We met in middle school, when someone decided that it was MY falt that he didn't get a good score on his test.~
~Flashback (Little boy has Yoshi-chibi pined to the ground with her hand behind her back)~
Yoshi-chibi: Owowowow!! Cut that out!! You were the one that fell asleep during the test!!
Kid: You said that you could help me get an A!!
Yoshi-chibi: It doesn't work if you're asleep!! Owwww! Leggo!!
Aya-chibi: You heard her, let her go!
Kid: And what are you gonna do about it girly?
Aya: THIS!!
(Aya grabs the kid's shirt and throws him over her head.)
~End Flashback~
Yoshi:~ So yeah, for the most part, I'm the brains and Aya's the bronze, though don't get me wrong, Aya really does well in school, when she remembers to do her homework.~
(The girls enter the school yard. A couple of teenage boys are standing around, being boys ^_~)
Aya: Oh, great. It's Kazuo. Why me?
Alright, that's it for now! See ya! |
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Friday, August 13, 2004
The Comp
Yep, my comp has been fix, but I'm not sure it was worth the price: ALL of my pics and faves have been deleted, and I'm not sure what else. I've probably lost all of my roms, too. :'( Well, I guess I have to start the long prosses of finding all of that stuff again... |
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Monday, August 9, 2004
Yeah, as HeartofSword said, the feis was a reck, and my Irish Dancing career is over. I never fulfilled my dream of making it out of Advanced Beginner. *sigh* That's right, I'm not hop-2-3ing next year; I'm gonna be a senior, and I have to do 'senior stuff.' Oh, well. Maybe mom will finnaly let me take up karate or something like that. Juno would be cool. |
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Monday, August 2, 2004
SORRRYYYYY!!!! I promise I will get to everyone's site asap, but I was at grandma's last week, and I'm at hard shoe camp all of this week! So as soon as I get a free moment, I'll say hi to all of you. |
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Thursday, July 29, 2004
OK, I'm lazzzy. What happened today? I went to the mall, and had chinese with my mom while we watched 50 First Dates. Great storyline, way to many sex jokes. Those jokes got really old, really fast. Anyway, what's up with all of you? I should come up with one of those questions that everyone answers... hmmm... ok, Q1, if you could date one anime/manga/videogame character, which would it be? Q2, what is you favorite kind of food (like mexican, chinese, indian, ect.). Q1, why did I pick a question I couldn't answer? Stupid girl! Let's see... Van? Maybe? Or still Link? Possibly Kyo? Ahhhh.... Q2: Mexican. After Mexico, I will never be the same. American Mexican just plan sucks. :'( Anyway, I've rambled far too long now. Oh, keep your eyes out for the long awaited first chap of that manga I started like, 5 months ago. Along with some new picks. When I get around to scaning them. And hopefully a CCS quiz. If someone hasn't put one up by time I'm done. Man, why am I so ambitous? And why can't I spell?
 You are Auron. Wo0t.
Which Final Fantasy X Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
..... |
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Tuesday, July 27, 2004
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Monday, July 26, 2004
I'm back!
Yay, I'm back from Florida! So, for the looong story on how we got there.... My Grandma (who lives alone, oh and she's my Dad's mom) called the day before we were supposed to leave and said her neigbors had driven her to the hospital because she though she was having a silent heart attack. So my Dad drives an hour to the hospital she's at, to find out that she's perfectly fine. Because they had given her some kind of special blood thinner, she had to stay in the hospital overnight, so my mom went to stay with her, and she ended up getting no sleep. So mom comes home the next morning, and by supper, Gran had called to say that she had once again asked her poor neighbors to take her to the hospital, and when my Dad got up there, guess what? THERE WAS STILL NOTHING WRONG!!!! So, all in all, we were delayed three days and we only got to spend one night at my Mom's Aunt's house (the one who has cancer) and we only got to have lunch with our friends in Florida whose mother has cancer as well. *sigh* Well, we still had fun.
Oh, here's a Fruits Basket quiz! I'm gonna take it again later, though, 'cause I only came out as Kyo 'cause I'm in a bad mood.
 You're Kyou - the cat.
Which Fruits Basket Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Oh, and there will be some new pics going up soon, and I'm still working on my CCS quiz! |
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Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Hey, you know how I said you never know when you'll run into a computer, well, I did! This vaction will really be loooong post when I get back, and I can't stay on too long, so I'll just say hi to everyone from Jacksonville and I'll give you the rundown later. See ya!
The University of Blogging
Presents to Kataryu
An Honorary Bachelor of Psychotic Ranting
Majoring in Cutting
Blogging Degree From
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Thursday, July 15, 2004
Alright, I'm taking off again; this time it's to Tenessee and Florida! In Tenessee we're visiting my aunt who has cancer, and this may be the last time we see her, so it will be really hard for my mom, since she was really close to my aunt (well, it's really great aunt). After that we're heading down to Florida for some long needed vacation time! So this will, sadly, be my last post for a while (well, may be; you never know when you'll run into a computer). Anyway, hope to see you soon!
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