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Writing and daydreaming
Real Name
Kataryu (guess the English equivalent)
I'm not dead yet...
Anime Fan Since
Umm.... Beast Wars, or maybe before that even...
Favorite Anime
Ooo, Fushigi Yugi, Ceres, Inu-Yasha, Ranma 1/2, Cardcapters Sakura, Magic Knights Rayearth, Trigun, Escaflowne, Evangelion, Fruits Basket, Tsubasa... the list goes on and on
To make up a phrase that will go down in history, and to have my own concert
Playing flute, writing songs, Archery, writing books, reading mangas or drawing late at night, watching Princess Mononoke alone with a cup of green tea and a bowl of ramen
Singing, Writing (I love to do a lot of other things, but I wouldn't say they're talents)
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Thursday, July 8, 2004
More on Mexico
Alright, I'm gonna make a Cardcapters Sakura quiz. Any objections? Good! OK, so back to Mexic: it was good. Was it fun? Well, I don't know if you can really call a mission trip 'fun,' though I did HAVE fun at points. I guess the greatest things I learned on the trip are these: first, about life, you can have nothing and be happier than Bill Gates; about the world outside of America, that there actually IS a world outside of America; about God, that He provieds for even the least of people; about me, that I can take any situation and deal with it in a mature manner. I really can't believe that I did as well as I did down there, and it makes me think that missions may be what I want to do with my life. Of course, I'm still in high school, so that may yet change. That leaves me with one choice: to live the life I have now, to the fullest. Drat, that means I have to stop being lazy. *sigh* Well, enough for today, see ya!
PS. Fact for the day: Mexicans are terrific break-dancers. |
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Monday, July 5, 2004
Yep, I'm back, and tan!! So where do I start? Go out to the store and buy Tsubasa by Clamp. NOW. I mean it. Drop everything you're doing, and go buy it. I don't care if you want to finish reading this post, GO!! ..............................................................................WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE?!?! Go buy it!!.............................................................................................................Did you get it? Good. Isn't it GREAT?!?! Li and Sakura and Chi and Toya and Rayearth all rolled in together? Wait, did you cheat?!!?! Go get it now!!! |
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Friday, June 25, 2004
OK, take that back, I guess I won't be putting up that new Link pic; the submissions thing is dissabled. Drat. Now I have to wait till I get home. *sigh* |
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Adios mi amigos!
OK, I leave this morning at 1:30 for Mexico!! Fun, fun, huh? So my bro's and I just decided to stay up till then. Mom thinks we'll be cranky jerks when we leave, but Matt, Dan, and I will really be too tired to snap at anyone. Oh, I just sent in a new Link pic, so if you guys could check it out while I'm gone, it would really mean a lot to me! Well, I hope you guys all take care, and please don't do anything stupid while I'm gone! ~_^ Ja matta ne! |
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Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Ok so you know eveything about Rurouni Kenshin! lucky you! are you sure u didnt cheat? i know it was kinda hard but you pulled throught congragulations! you diserver a cookie! *hands cookie* you must of dug up some dirt on took me a while to know what i know about the show..but i have a frined cuz of it! like i said congragulation! you get an A++ YEAH! i'm so happu for you! @^_^@ yahoo!
The Ultimate Rurouni Kenshin quiz brought to you by Quizilla
AHHHH, somethings wrong!!! I'm not a Kenshin expert!!! |
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OK, OK, I'm sorry for not updating sooner or making my rounds! It's just been crazy as of late because of this missions trip. Yep, we leave for Mexico Saterday at 2:30 in the morning!! That and I have a stupid resurch report due before I leave. Oh, well, I'll survive somehow; I always do. And I am looking forward to this trip and working with the orphans. Well, ttyl, and please pray for me!
Oh, btw, if you get a chance, could you please answer the previous post? Thanks! |
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Thursday, June 17, 2004
Questions, class, questions?
Yep, so I sent in some new artwork, and they mentioned something about 'senior artists.' Any clue as to what makes someone a 'senior artist?' I'm pretty sure I'm not one, but I would just like to find out what they are. And here's another question for you: which quiz would you like to see go up at otaku; Yu-gi-oh!, Cardcapters, MegaTokyo, Fushigi Yugi, or Ayashi no Ceres? Your imput would be very much appreciated! ^_^ |
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Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Well, today has been good! I just got back from my Grandma's, where I literally spent the whole of last night (from about 6:00-1:30 ^_^') infront of a screen of some sort, and I didn't get in trouble! Grandma has cable (which we don't) so my brother Dan and I took turns playing Morrowind for about an hour each and watching TV with Grandma. Then we all sat down and watched Merlin till 11, when Dan and Grandma went to bed, and I play Morrowind till 12:30. And for the grand finalle: I got to watch Cowboy Be-Bop and Trigun! I know, I know, everyone else can watch Adult Swim whenever they want, so it's no big deal. But it was for me, so I had fun. Oh, and more good news, my blood tests came back normal! They still haven't tested my brain... |
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Monday, June 14, 2004
 Rebel Girl:
Wow, sorry..ain't gonna stare you again! You're violent and have little patience with pathetic beings, but you can also be very protective and caring with the weak. Relax that Don't-even-think-about-it look of yours and stop scaring people away!
What's your anime-girl steriotype?! brought to you by Quizilla
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Sorry I haven't updated in soo long! We kinda got Morrowind, and well, yeah, now I'm a Wood Elf on break time ^_^. Anyway, so today was weird; Matt's at a friend's house for three days, and my Dad's out of town, so just Mom, Dan and I are here. Mom and I had docter's appointments today, and the docter decided she was gonna test my blood it see if I'm amnemic or whatever. Last time she did that, I ended up on two different heart moniters. Not looking forward to this... |
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