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Writing and daydreaming
Real Name
Kataryu (guess the English equivalent)
I'm not dead yet...
Anime Fan Since
Umm.... Beast Wars, or maybe before that even...
Favorite Anime
Ooo, Fushigi Yugi, Ceres, Inu-Yasha, Ranma 1/2, Cardcapters Sakura, Magic Knights Rayearth, Trigun, Escaflowne, Evangelion, Fruits Basket, Tsubasa... the list goes on and on
To make up a phrase that will go down in history, and to have my own concert
Playing flute, writing songs, Archery, writing books, reading mangas or drawing late at night, watching Princess Mononoke alone with a cup of green tea and a bowl of ramen
Singing, Writing (I love to do a lot of other things, but I wouldn't say they're talents)
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Thursday, December 30, 2004
I'm really sorry I haven't updated this week, or looked at any of your sites. I probably won't get very far today, either. But you can expect a long, informative post on Saterday (hopefully) when I home again. Where am I you ask? TN, at my great aunt's house. She didn't die that night when my mom was sad (I'm soooo thankful), my mom was just worried about her parents commiting suicide. Don't ask. Her family's messed up.
Anyway, I hope you guys had a happy Christmas and are looking forward to a happy New Year too!
No questions for today, and Japanese lessions will start back up on Monday.
Don't click if you're busy!!
Ja ne!!
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Monday, December 27, 2004

I am Firey! Who are you? Find out HERE! |
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Friday, December 24, 2004
Merry Christmas!!! ^_^
Merry Christmas!! Here's your present! I hope you guys like it! Oh, and I won't be checking many sites (if any) tonight or tomorrow, but Sunday or Monday I'll be updating from Alabama. God bless us, everyone!! ^_^
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Sorry I haven't updated!! Or checked out anyone's sites!! We got snowed in at our house for the past two days, and with my parents here, I wasn't able to get online for any length of time. Your Christmas present is almost done, and will be posted today or tomorrow. ^_^ I decided to take a Christmas break and not do a Japanese lesson; those things take about one to two hours to make, now that we're up to hiragama and katakana, so we probably won't be starting up till Jan again. Well, I g2g and finish this report that's due tomorrow, so I'll talk to you later! Merry Christmas!! ^_^ |
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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Ok, what did I do today? Hmmm.... I made some of my Christmas presents for my friends and fam, I got half of my Brit. Lit. midterm done and sent off to my teacher, I sent in my poem to the Eragon poetry contest, I got Matt's present, I painted my box... Wow, I actually accomplished stuff today!! ^_^ I'm proud of myself. Oh, and I sent in a new wallpaper.
Unfortunately, I don't have enough avitars to do my Christmas present for you guys, so I'm gonna start it, and I'll finish it tomorrow, when more of you consent to my request. ^_^ Don't I sound evil? lol, I'm just kidding. Except I'm not. So if you want to be a part of my large myO Christmas present, I need your avitar! And thanks to all of you who have already consented to my request!
Q1:About how large is your personal CD library?
Q2:OMG, I forgot Japanese lesson on Monday, didn't I????? I AM SOOOOO SORRY!! I will have a lesson for you guys tomorrow!! I'm sorry!!!! Oh, question 2! Do you know anyone who's into this scrapbooking trend?
AQ1: Somewhere between 32 and 50. Most of those are burned. >_<
AQ2: Yes, my mom, aunt, and grandma are obsested. It's sick.
Ja ne!
 Your boy friend is the one and only Inuyasha himself. He's sweet and cute and protective, plus strong and tough. He also is anoing and irritating and jealous and bad temmpered and always saids the wrong things. Well if you could get over that he's a cool b-friend. NOW CAN YOU KEEP HIM.TAKE HIS MINI QUIZ TO SEE IF YOU STAND A CHANCE VS HIS LADYS.O please rate.^-^
what Inuyasha character would be your boyfriend*UPDATED* brought to you by Quizilla
 DRAW!!ooooo,You and kagome are equal,sorry.You're just like her so it would be equal,But do you think you can beat kikyo, take Inuyasha mini quiz 2.Oh I win Inuasha because you two kill each other.^-^rate
INUYASHA's MINI QUIZ!!!!! brought to you by Quizilla
 WINNER~ YOU Beat Kikyo,You must be strong to beat kikyo and you must have beaten kagome on INUYASHA's mini quiz 1,SO please rate and thank you for taking them out for me. Now INUYASHA all Mine!!!!!!!!
~INUYASHA MINI QUIZ 2~ brought to you by Quizilla
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 The guy you want is probaly the popular guy in your school. Which is great to me:) He's so dreamy that you'll want him to notice you so badly your do anything. Like in the cafateria you'ld trip on something infront of him to make your food spill all over you!!! Even if it's a brand new shirt or your favourite skirt!!! Oh well at least he'll notice you:)
Who's Perfect For You??? (Cute Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 you're a gaurdian angel. you fight and protect the people you love and vaule.
what kind of angel are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Fun loving, childish, innocent and pure
You are a sprite of the Air: Fun loving and childish your naive nature only enhances how truly cute you are! You may come off as too childish but only because your not burdened with all the rules and regulations of adulthood. You are carefree most of the time spending your days playing tag or naming all the clouds you see in the sky. You are generally kind to everyone because you have lots of love and happiness to share! Making friends comes easy because they strive for the innocence you possess but be careful, being as nice and kind hearted as you are people will try to manipulate your nature if they have not already. Don't ever let anyone mold you to their standards although I doubt anyone could.
.::=What type of Mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
For more interesting content, check yesterday's post! |
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Monday, December 20, 2004
Manga mood: Not sure: something
depressing. Maybe Escaflowne, maybe not.
Song of the moment: Stranded by Plumb (fits the mood a little bit, too. Or maybe not. Man, I'm indesisive...)
OK, this house is NOT big enough for three adults anymore. I need to breathe. I need freedom. And freash air. And time to myself. My Dad is driving me up a wall!! Grrr....
Anyway, I'm collecting avitars (see post below), and if I haven't gotten yours by the time I'm off the comp tonight, I can't include you. There may be some of you that I just take an inititive for, but you are few and far between, as I really don't want to offend anyone, and I'm better off just giving a warning. ^_^
Q1: Does Christmas shopping stress you out?
Q2: Are you done shopping yet?
Q3: Homemade gifts or bought?
AQ1: Yes. I have mental breakdowns because of Christmas shopping. To much to think about @_@
AQ2: Nope. I still have Mom, Dad, and Matt to buy for, and about 15-20 people's to finish making.
AQ3: Homemade gifts. ^_^ I think they have more meaning. My friend Heidi thinks its cheap to make them, so I do know the other side of it.
Ja matt ne! |
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
Man, I wish this wouldn't keep being the topic of my posts!! X_X My life has been so darn busy, I can't believe that I even mangaged to get on tonight. And I own a lot of you BIG for not getting to all of your sites on Friday... my stupid brother got my mom to kick me off for him, and he didn't even really need to be on!!! Grrrr... OK, yeah, that sound selfish, but whatever. So, I want to make a Christmas present for you guys, but I'll need your help!! ^_^ I need you guys's permition to use your avitars for something. I won't use them if you don't want me to, But please say so in your post. If you do, I really need you to post and put up the avitars you want be to use. I will *hopefully* be collecting them tomorrow evening, so post if you want to be a part!
Q1: What flavor candycanes do you like?
AQ1: Fruit punch!! Yummy... |
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Friday, December 17, 2004
Manga mood: MegaTokyo
Song of the moment: Your a God by Vertical Horizon (I know, another old song. I like living in the 90's.)
I'm sorry for the really lame post yesterday and not getting to your site!! >_< I've been really bad lately... I spent all of yesterday at my co-op at church, and over three hour practicing with my friends Hope and Stephan. And I though lessons with Hope's harp teach was bad!! At least this time I had Coke...
Yeah, so the performance was tonight, and it went really well. A lot better than at the nursing home. Which was good, 'cause the people at the church can actually hear you.
As for wallpapers, in the past few days I've put up a two new Inu-Yasha ones (one's the cherry tree one for inuyasha311 ;), a couple Magic Knights: Rayearth papers, and a MegaTokyo, 'cause I couldn't resist. I haven't gotten a new Furuba one up, but hopefully I will soon.I just need some insparation. ^_^
Q1: I can't remember what I have and haven't asked, so I'm asking you this: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Q2:Hot Chocolate, coffee, or tea?
AQ1: A musician, a novalist ;), or a missonary.
AQ2: Oh, why do I ask such questions of myself?? Coffee. Prefurably a mocha. But I love a three.
PS Oh, I forgot!!! They posted my art report on Clamp!! Didn't even tell me they were actually gonna put it up. Thanks to all of you who read it and liked it. ^_^ For those of you who haven't read it, if you have a moment, please do! Ja ne! |
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
 Congrats! You're the Hero of Time! You have a strong sense of justice and go out of your way to right a wrong. You are very patient and treat everyone with matter how much they annoy you. It's obvious you can hold your own in a fight, but because of your quiet nature, people tend to underestimate you. Take the Which OoT Character are You? Quiz! |
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