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Member Since
Writing and daydreaming
Real Name
Kataryu (guess the English equivalent)
I'm not dead yet...
Anime Fan Since
Umm.... Beast Wars, or maybe before that even...
Favorite Anime
Ooo, Fushigi Yugi, Ceres, Inu-Yasha, Ranma 1/2, Cardcapters Sakura, Magic Knights Rayearth, Trigun, Escaflowne, Evangelion, Fruits Basket, Tsubasa... the list goes on and on
To make up a phrase that will go down in history, and to have my own concert
Playing flute, writing songs, Archery, writing books, reading mangas or drawing late at night, watching Princess Mononoke alone with a cup of green tea and a bowl of ramen
Singing, Writing (I love to do a lot of other things, but I wouldn't say they're talents)
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Ok, what did I do today? Hmmm.... I made some of my Christmas presents for my friends and fam, I got half of my Brit. Lit. midterm done and sent off to my teacher, I sent in my poem to the Eragon poetry contest, I got Matt's present, I painted my box... Wow, I actually accomplished stuff today!! ^_^ I'm proud of myself. Oh, and I sent in a new wallpaper.
Unfortunately, I don't have enough avitars to do my Christmas present for you guys, so I'm gonna start it, and I'll finish it tomorrow, when more of you consent to my request. ^_^ Don't I sound evil? lol, I'm just kidding. Except I'm not. So if you want to be a part of my large myO Christmas present, I need your avitar! And thanks to all of you who have already consented to my request!
Q1:About how large is your personal CD library?
Q2:OMG, I forgot Japanese lesson on Monday, didn't I????? I AM SOOOOO SORRY!! I will have a lesson for you guys tomorrow!! I'm sorry!!!! Oh, question 2! Do you know anyone who's into this scrapbooking trend?
AQ1: Somewhere between 32 and 50. Most of those are burned. >_<
AQ2: Yes, my mom, aunt, and grandma are obsested. It's sick.
Ja ne!
 Your boy friend is the one and only Inuyasha himself. He's sweet and cute and protective, plus strong and tough. He also is anoing and irritating and jealous and bad temmpered and always saids the wrong things. Well if you could get over that he's a cool b-friend. NOW CAN YOU KEEP HIM.TAKE HIS MINI QUIZ TO SEE IF YOU STAND A CHANCE VS HIS LADYS.O please rate.^-^
what Inuyasha character would be your boyfriend*UPDATED* brought to you by Quizilla
 DRAW!!ooooo,You and kagome are equal,sorry.You're just like her so it would be equal,But do you think you can beat kikyo, take Inuyasha mini quiz 2.Oh I win Inuasha because you two kill each other.^-^rate
INUYASHA's MINI QUIZ!!!!! brought to you by Quizilla
 WINNER~ YOU Beat Kikyo,You must be strong to beat kikyo and you must have beaten kagome on INUYASHA's mini quiz 1,SO please rate and thank you for taking them out for me. Now INUYASHA all Mine!!!!!!!!
~INUYASHA MINI QUIZ 2~ brought to you by Quizilla
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