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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
there you go ppl
i visited al af ya site's
happy now
i know i am cuzthere's no
school T-day
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Monday, November 7, 2005
sorry if i can't
visit you're
site's guy's
i am really busy
now and well...you know
the school will kill me
with that much home work...
ARGH hate homework
and school
wish you all peace and quiet!
se ya when i can!!!!
i promis!!
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Sunday, November 6, 2005
~ i wanteEd ! ~ c - 1~ ~Elusion~
(i named chapter 1'ELUSION' tell
me wat daya think i personaly think thet chapter one is done
in the begining poorly i think i should rewrite it for the 3rd time
well now to the storry i writed it
as I like ME like...it was happend to me so don't complane
now to the story..)
i was brought by my jurney to a village i fell asleap under a window i was awaken by a sound of a convarsation i herd thet the man was talking
about a rober in the village
(in other vordes ME!!) i turned around
and i saw an animal is stealling food from the garden people started to come i shot the animal. people we're happy for my
surprise. the same people that
was talking earlyer invited me to stay i was hanging out with jay
we halped some granny suddenly i hear a police car jay was asking me "holmes what is wrong with you
boddy you seam a little shacky"
he answerd him"the police is after me..."jay "woah no there coming this way! i'll hide you holmes if you don't mind hiding
all the time" "i really don't let's just get out of here before the police come's" we went to the basement. police man were everywere they was asking everyone in the village if they
saw that man police man1"he can't hide forever we WILL find him
DEAD OR ALIVE it dose not matter!" a terifide woman's voice was herd "NO!!!! plese!!! NO!!!"
jay"lussy over here!!"she ran over to him and hugd him
she was crying "rick is going to kill me!" he was walking with a knife and a gun jay"we have to be
quiet now or the police will get holmes here" he was standing in the darkest corner armes crosd
lining aganst the wall with a scowl on he's face
rick"lussy..were are you..come out
come out wherever you are..!"
she snugled close to jay
"do someting" she sed
"common holmes let's do it!"
holmes"question here why do i care
about you're little girlfriend?"
jay"no need to be nasty holmes"
holmes"oh well..if it is the way
to return a favore for saving my butt" jay"rick were here!!"
rick ran over at holmes and stabed him in the stumeck rick
ckicked holmes back holmes was bleading. a stream of blood was driping from the corner of he's
mouth holmes tuck out he's gun and
shot rick in the head rick died
jay"holmes are you allright?!?!!"
"i don't know jay do i luck allright?!"woul'd you stop being so sarcastick" sed jay
after a weack or 2 holmes got back to normal jay talked to holmes about what he heard about
jullia (holmes's dead wife
wich holmes found out that she's not
so dead anymore)
holme's was shocked..so shocked
that...he..shot himself...with he's gun...
(wow but it is the short version
hope you like it)
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Monday, October 31, 2005
i just liked the image i don't have a b-day yet

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Sunday, October 30, 2005
i just knew it
 Silent, hurt, misunderstood; the element of darkness resides in you.
Which element resides in you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Your Deadly Sins
Envy: 60%
Sloth: 40%
Wrath: 40%
Greed: 20%
Gluttony: 0%
Lust: 0%
Pride: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 23%
You will die a boring death. While dying, you will be jealous of those who die dramatic deaths. |
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oh god not again
What kind of girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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with the devil himself impresive i know him red guy strong guy cool guy
 You are Wrath!
What it is:The 3rd worst and the most common of the sins. It is unrighteous anger, hatred, revenge and denial.
Punishment in Hell:Dismembered(have your limbs cut off)alive.(well if your in Hell you would be dead anyway)
Demon:Satan(the Devil).
Which Of the 7 Deadly Sins Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, October 28, 2005
hilarius day
sooo i am in school
it's 2-day and it's halloween
yey wee watever any way
there was this guy
that was dressed as a ninja turtel
he was wearin spandex's
thay were really short
you gotta se the picture
tall,wearing green,hearry leg's
lol the @$$ luck's BIG
and really BIG
the front (wink wink) luck's
he luc's like a gay guy
no offence. ^^'
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hilarius day
sooo i am in school
it's 2-day and it's halloween
yey wee watever any way
there was this guy
that was dressed as a ninja turtel
he was wearin spandex's
thay were really short
you gotta se the picture
tall,wearing green,hearry leg's
lol the @$$ luck's BIG
and really BIG
the front (wink wink) luck's
he luc's like a gay guy
no offence. ^^'
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