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Thursday, October 27, 2005
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005
sad day to all
today some girl
from the school
died in the hospital
she was in the car crash
~* R.I.P *~
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Monday, October 24, 2005
 You are a Death Angel. One of the rarest ones of all. Death Angels are usually mixed up with Dark Angels,but they aren't the same kind of angel. Death Angels,belive it or not,are very vain and can get jealous easly. They are also murderous and love seeing people suffering or in emotional pain. Death Angels are either in the mortal world,picking people they want to kill or in Hell with Satan. They would kill somebody just for the fun of it.
What Type of Anime Angel are You? For Girls only. With lovely anime pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
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 Well...let's say you're kinda...uh...AHEAD kissing! You're looking for adventures, the WILD ones!!! You like your kiss to be more than complete...OMG!!! Hope you can find someone who can handle your fire. o.O
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
evil me
1.sorry about the avvy
i was showing some girl
how to change the pic
but isn't he sooooooooooooo
2.i smacked some
guy in the head
cuz he pissed me off
and when i hit him...
this is funny...he
didin't get it
like how moronicly follish
can you be?!
what else....
i eat pizza t-day
ithink that's it...
oh no
3.i finished #9!!!!!!!!!
or did i tell ya all ready
halloween's coming up
and i am pondering
"to wear a costume or not to wear
a costume this is the question"
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Monday, October 17, 2005
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Your Hair Should Be Blue

Wild, brilliant, and out of control.
You're a risk taker with an eye to the future.
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*going crazy about her track
mixture bitween Disturbed-fear+
in math clas
our teach was talking about the "/" (slash)
there's slash from gun's and rouses
the only guitar playa
and slash when you slash the vampire
i was like thinking
"leave the vampire's out of this"
i love vampires since i was like
..................3 years old
i knew everything bout these guys
i wanna see dracula 20000
i don't have a chance to see it
T0T *snife snife* ammmmmmmmmmm...
what else is new.........i'm bord
that's not new...lol
i thought bout one fun fic thet
i red from the site WWW.vegetainsaiyan.com i think
and it was by the ouner of the
site and it was odd really odd
he used freza as the enemy
the seting is like
vegeta=the prince of vampires
kakarot=vegeta's loyal subject
bulma AKA little one=vegeta's mate
vegeta stol her from kakarot
and made her hes oun mate
(a little soap opera huh lol)
chichi=kakarot's new mate
kakarot's old mate got slay'd
by a vampire hunter/slayar
fuar=.......forgot he's not important
yamcha=(here's another soap opera)
~yamcha dumped bulma in the bigining of the fic
kakarot finde's her and turne's her into a vampire
bulma hayt's yamcha vegeta
make's fun of yamcha
kate kicke's him in the nut's J/k
and we find out that yamcha is a
vampire slayer
and that's bout it
another thing
in inglish clas we hed to
write a story bout
anything so i had
pland all in 1 sec how i had to do it
but no she pot us in to groops
i heat groups!!!!!!!!!!
and i was with that annoing girl
and another guy
she made me do the F***ing back
my idea of presenting
is simple don't do anything
like poster,pupet show,suck's show
just i wanted to just pick one
of my story's,translate it,tupe it
show whatever we have to show
and get full credit
she wans' to do 5 peaces
of a non original!!! story
make me do the back ground
and not get a full credit
i heat her
i heat the idea
heat her thinking
heat her heat her heat her
did i mentiond thet i heat her?
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
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