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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 09/12/05:
ok cool
Result Posted on 09/12/05:
the god of darkness
 Hacate: goddes of the dark moon and the underorld. She was thought to be one of the strongest goddess' of ancient times. She is the goddess of magic and she protected people. Everyone thinks you are dark and mean but you are just misunderstood. Get out there nd get to know people and don't be afraid to have fun. Please Rate and Message!
Which Goddess Are You?(Girls only) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/12/05:
i'm a teen for kami's sake!!
Result Posted on 09/12/05:
 Your a goth. Your happy being you and you dont care if guys are attracted to you! Then why are you doing this quiz? ehehehhe
Are guys attracted to you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/12/05:
how how how
 Bloodhound your country & take care of yourself your really lazy but when it comes time to hunt you have the most energy in the world
**Which Breed of Dog r U** brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/12/05:
i am mean gota problem?
Result Posted on 09/12/05:
i'm a demon yey!!!
Result Posted on 09/11/05:
you have to try it guy's it's soooo
Result Posted on 09/11/05:
never hurd of it in my life
Result Posted on 09/11/05:
i am fast when i want to
~*~Result nr 5~*~
Your power is: Super Speed align="left"> Explanation: Your power has made you move faster than any living thing and it gives great advantage in stressful times. The power could however make you want everything to happen at once and you tend to get bored with people easily that way. In good purposes the power could save those who are e.g. falling of a building. In negative purposes however they can do almost anything (steal, kill etc) without being seen. As a person you show the world a cocky side of yourself. You act as if you're the greatest thing God has made and like making rude and sarcastic comment to peers. However you can also be fun to be with and bring an easy atmosphere as well as a tense one. You are tough and don't give up easy and is somewhat self centered. That does not mean you don't care for others. You want to be recognized as a smart/strong/talented person that you strive to be. You have insecurity inside that you don't want to show, but you are independant and want to do things on your own. Negative aspects: People could get easily annoyed at you if you show your cocky sides more than your good side. You also have a I-don't-care attitude that could push people away.
What Power is Compatible With You? [beautiful anime pictures + 12 detailed results] brought to you by Quizilla
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